All have been found guilty
Below are real
Actual conviction's
Partial list
* Republican mayor Thomas Adams of Illinois charged with 11 counts of disseminating child pornography and two counts of possession of child pornography.
* Republican campaign worker and self proclaimed reverend Steve Aiken convicted of having sex with two underage girls.
* Republican legislator Edison Misla Aldarondo was sentenced to 10 years in prison for raping his daughter between the ages of 9 and 17.
Republican activist and rising Colorado Republican star Randal David Ankeney, who named his dogs Nixon aned Reagan, pleaded guilty to attempted sexual assault on a child. Later he was rearrested for 5 counts of sexual assault on a child, 3 counts of sexual enticement of a child, and one count of sexual exploitation of a child.
* Republican County Commissioner Merrill Robert Barter pleaded guilty to unlawful sexual contact and assault on a teenage boy.
* Republican congressman and anti-gay activist Robert Bauman was charged with having sex with a 16-year-old boy he picked up at a gay bar.
* Republican activist Parker J. Bena pleaded guilty to possession of child pornography on his home computer and was sentenced to 30 months in federal prison and fined $18,000.
* Republican preacher Hewart Lee Bennett arrested for soliciting sex from 16 year old boys while claiming that he did so to gain their trust and then teach them the love of Jesus.
* Republican Christian Coalition chair Louis Beres investigated for molesting three female family members as teens.
* Clifton Bennett, 18, son of Arizona republican state senator Ken Bennett plead guilty to assaulting 3 boys, aged 11-15 with broomsticks up their rectal areas.
* Republican legislative aide Howard L. Brooks was charged with molesting a 12-year old boy and possession of child pornography.
* Republican golden boy and GOP employee Theodore Bundy executed for murdering over two dozen women.
* Republican politician Andrew Buhr was charged with two counts of first degree sodomy with a 13-year old boy.
* Republican anti-abortion activist John Allen Burt was charged with sexual misconduct involving a 15-year old girl.
* Republican activist John Butler was charged with criminal sexual assault on a teenage girl.
* Republican judge and Nixon Supreme Court nominee Harrold Carswell charged with making a pass at an undercover male cop in a public bathroom.
* Republican Randall Casseday, human resource chair of the Washington Times, arrested for soliciting sex from a 13 year old.
* Republican County Councilman Keola Childs pleaded guilty to molesting a male child.
* Republican election board official Kevin Coan was sentenced to two years probation for soliciting sex over the internet from a 14-year old girl.
* Republican councilman John Collins pleads guilty to sexually molesting a 13 + 14 year old girls.
* Republican advertising consultant Carey Lee Cramer, who appeared in an ad blasting Al gore, convicted of molesting 9 yr old girl stepdaughter
* Republican Congressman Dan Crane had sex with a female minor working as a congressional page.
* Republican Committeeman John Curtain charged with molesting a teenage boy.
* Republican benefactor of conservative Christian groups, Richard A.Dasen Sr., was charged with rape for allegedly paying a 15-year old girl for sex. Dasen, 62, who is married with grown children and several grandchildren, has allegedly told police that over the past decade he paid more than $1 million to have sex with a large number of young women.
* Republican fundraiser Richard A. Delgaudio was found guilty of child porn charges and paying two teenage girls to pose for sexual photos
* Republican legislator Peter Dibble pleaded no contest to having an inappropriate relationship with a 13-yr-old girl.
* Republican activist and Focus on the Family Founder Pat Dobson advocates that fathers should show their penises to their sons while in the shower with them.
* Republican spokesman Brian Doyle arrested for trying to seduce a 14 year old girl over the Internet.
* Republican director of the "Young Republican Federation" Nicholas Elizondo molested his 6-year old daughter and was sentenced to six years in prison.
* Republican congressman Mark Foley resigned from Congress after sending sexually explicit emails to former male pages under the age of 18.
* Republican constable Larry Dale Floyd of Denton arrested on suspicion of soliciting sex from an 8 yr old girl.
* Republican Councilman and former Marine Jack W. Gardner was convicted of molesting a 13-year old girl.
* Republican candidate Richard Gardner admitted to molesting his two daughters.
* Republican Mayor Philip Giordano of Waterbury Connecticut is serving a 37-year sentence in federal prison for sexually abusing 8- and 10-year old girls
* Republican activist Matthew Glavin was caught masturbating in public and fondling an undercover park ranger.
* Republican activist Marty Glickman (a.k.a. "Republican Marty"), convicted in Florida on four counts of unlawful sexual activity with an underage girl and one count of delivering the drug LSD.
* Republican Mayor John Gosek sentenced to jail for soliciting sex from two 15 year old girls.
* Republican activist Mark A. Grethen convicted on six counts of sex crimes involving children.
* Republican businessman Jon Grunseth withdrew his candidacy for Minnesota governor after allegations surfaced that he went swimming in the nude with four underage girls, including his daughter.
* Republican President of NYC Housing Development Russell Harding pleads guilty to possession of child pornography on his computer.
* Republican city councilman Mark Harris, who is described as a "good military man" and "church goer," was convicted of repeatedly having sex with an 11-year-old girl and sentenced to 12 years in prison.
* Republican Senate candidate John Hathaway was accused of having sex with his 12-year old baby sitter and withdrew his candidacy after the allegations were reported in the media.
* Republican anti-abortion activist Howard Scott Heldreth is a convicted child rapist in Florida.
* Republican pastor Mike Hintz, whom George W. Bush commended during the 2004 presidential campaign, surrendered to police after admitting to a sexual affair with a female juvenile.
* Republican activist Neal Horsley admits to having had sex with a mule.
* Republican Party leader Paul Ingram pleaded guilty to six counts of raping his daughters and served 14 years in federal prison.
* Republican anti-gay activist Earl "Butch" Kimmerling was sentenced to 40 years in prison for molesting an 8-year old girl after he attempted to stop a gay couple from adopting her.
* Republican activist Lawrence E. King, Jr. organized child sex parties at the White House during the 1980s.
* Republican judge Ronald Kline was placed under house arrest for child molestation.
* Republican Congressman Donald "Buz" Lukens was found guilty of having sex with a female minor and sentenced to one month in jail
* Republican talk show host Jon Matthews pleaded guilty to exposing his genitals to an 11 year old girl.
* Republican Douglas County election official Pat McPherson arrested for fondling a 17 yr old girl.
* Republican party supporter Timothy McVeigh blew up dozens of innocent children in Oklahoma City.
* Republican anti-abortion activist Nicholas Morency pleaded guilty to possessing child pornography on his computer and offering a bounty to anybody who murders an abortion doctor..
* Republican state rep Brent Parker arrested for soliciting sex from undercover officer posing as male prostitute.
* Republican Committee Chairman Jeffrey Patti was arrested for distributing a video clip of a 5-year-old girl being raped.
* Republican judge Mark Pazuhanich pleaded no contest to fondling a 10-year old girl and was sentenced to 10 years probation.
* Republican boy scout leader and zoning supervisor Dennis L Rader pleaded guilty for performing a sexual act on an 11 year old girl he murdered.
* Republican petition leader Tom Randall pleads guilty to molesting two girls under the age of 14.
* Republican activist and Christian Coalition leader Beverly Russell admitted to an incestuous relationship with his step daughter Susan Smith.
* Republican senator Rick Man on Dog Santorum and his wife forced their three children, all under the age of six, to play with a dead fetus in the crib of their home.
* Republican ex congressman Peter Schmitt of Orange County, California’s Republican daughter Mary Kay Lotorneau convicted of raping a 6th grader and bearing his two children.
* Republican congressman Ed Shrock resigned from Congress after found seeking sex on hotlines for homosexuals.
* Republican parole board officer and former Colorado state representative, Larry Jack Schwarz, was fired after child pornography was found in his possession.
* Republican governor Arnold Schwarzenegger allegedly had sex with a 16 year old girl when he was 28.
* Republican campaign worker Mark Seidensticker is a convicted child molester.
* Republican campaign consultant Tom Shortridge was sentenced to three years probation for taking nude photographs of a 15-year old girl.
* Republican City Councilman Fred C. Smeltzer, Jr. pleaded no contest to raping a 15 year-old girl and served 6-months in prison.
* Republican lobbyist Craig J. Spence organized child sex parties at the White House during the 1980s.
Republican party leader Bobby Stumbo arrested for having sex with a five year old boy.
* Republican County Commissioner David Swartz pleaded guilty to molesting two girls under the age of 11 and was sentenced to 8 years in prison.
* Republican County Chairman Armando Tebano arrested for sexually molesting a 14 yr old girl.
* Republican racist pedophile and United States Senator Strom Thurmond raped a 15-year old black girl which produced a child.
* Republican strategist and Citadel Military College graduate Robin Vanderwall was convicted in Virginia on five counts of soliciting sex from boys and girls over the internet.
* Republican consultant Lawrence Scott Ward arrested at Dulles airport after authorities found child pornography and videotapes of him having sex with children.
* Spokane Republican homophobic mayor Jim West recalled after evidence surfaced that he molested little boys.
* Republican politician Keith Westmoreland was arrested on seven felony counts of lewd and lascivious exhibition to girls under the age of 16 (i.e. exposing himself to children).
* Republican preacher Stephen White, who demanded a return to traditional values, was sentenced to jail after offering $20 to a 14-year-old boy for permission to perform oral sex on him.
* Republican activist and James Dobson protege Steve Wilsey convicted of sexual assault after being charged with molesting an 8 year old boy.
A partial list of democratic pedophiles
Posted on 3/5/2008, 3:42:24 PM by altsehastiin
Democratic State Senator Dan Sutton of Flandreau, South Dakota accused of fondling a male page. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/01/24/AR2007012401966.html
Carl Stanley McGee, 38, prominent gay activist, assistant secretary for policy and planning and top aid to democrat governor Deval Patrick of Massachuttsettes, accused of sexually assaulting a 15 year old boy in a steam room at a Florida resort. http://www.bostonherald.com/news/regional/general/view.bg?articleid=1072114
Bernard Vincent Ward, former chief legislative aide to Senator Barbara Boxer, self proclaimed "Lion of the Left" on bay area radio, admitted transgressions too numerous to mention. http://prosites-prs.homestead.com/ward_new.pdf
Davidson County Democratic Party Chairman Rodney Mullins resigned Thursday morning amid child pornography allegations, according to press secretary Jean Carter Wilson of the Davidson County Democratic Party. http://nashvillefiles.com/blog/archives/000808.html
Former Democrat Boston city councilor David Scondras is facing charges for attempting to lure a teenage boy over the Internet. Investigators said Scondras had several sexually explicit email exchanges with someone he thought was a 15-year-old boy. http://wbztv.com/topstories/Former.Boston.City.2.582093.html
Charles Rust-Tierney, 51, is a former president of the Virginia chapter of the ACLU from 2002 to 2005. On February 23, 2007, Rust-Tierney was arrested and charged with possession of child pornography. He pleaded guilty to one count of receipt of child pornography on June 1, 2007.[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Rust-Tierney
Andrew Douglas Reed, 53, a North Carolina Democrat activist plead guilty to a page-long list of counts of 2nd-degree sexual exploitation of a minor. Court records in the Asheville, N.C., case said he admitted that he would "record, develop and duplicate material containing a visual representation of a minor engaging in sexual activity." http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=53070 Scott W. Ballo, a long-time spokesman for various Democratic political campaigns and a former communications director for the Oregon Economic and Community Development Department, was arraigned today in Marion County Circuit Court on two charges of encouraging child sex abuse (both misdemeanors) and one charge of official misconduct (also a misdemeanor), according to the court clerk's office. The charges relate to pornography allegedly found on Ballo's work computer when he was employed by the economic and community development department, according to a person familiar with the case. http://www.wweek.com/wwire/?p=9905
Mel Reynolds, House of Representatives (D-Il) convicted on 12 counts of sexual assault, obstruction of justice and solicitation of child pornography resulting from a sexual relationship with a 16-year-old campaign volunteer.
Gary Studds Studds was a central figure in the 1983 Congressional page sex scandal, when he and Representative Dan Crane were censured by the House of Representatives for separate sexual relationships with minors — in Studds' case, a 1973 sexual relationship with a 17-year-old male congressional page.
This article comes from
Tom Flocco.com
Indicted GOP lobbyist Abramoff operated sex, spy ring at Watergate, Ritz-Carlton, Sheraton hotels
Prostitutes financed by Jack Abramoff and linked to AIPAC and former Israeli prime minister serviced House, Senate members, media hosts, top military, other feds
MSNBC host Joe Scarborough allegedly cooperating with probe regarding Abramoff indictments—considering whether to report sex-ring scandal on “Scarborough Country”
by Tom Flocco
Washington—May 5, 2006—TomFlocco.com—A long-time top-level government agency official joined a national security expert in confirming grand jury testimony last month, revealing that male and female heterosexual, homosexual, lesbian, bisexual and child prostitutes provided sexual services to numerous congressmen, senators, national media hosts and other federal officials who were compromised and made susceptible to blackmail at three Washington hotels.
“The whole Republican Party was for sale—the House, Senate and the White House,” said a well-respected federal agency official with impeccable credentials who declined to be named but who is familiar with testimony and sources close to the grand jury probing Jack Abramoff.
Patrick Fitzgerald
Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald’s grand jury heard several agents testify in April that the “Watergate, Ritz-Carlton and Sheraton Hotels in Washington, DC were used to compromise legislators and news-people with prostitution services, the financing of which is directly linked to the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Marc Rich and Abramoff,” said national security expert Thomas Heneghan.
There are no corporate media reports as to whether White House officials participated in the hotel sex ring activities with House and Senate members; however, Heneghan said U.S. Senate Leader and 2008 presidential candidate William Frist (R-TN) was alleged to be a frequent visitor to the hotels according to U.S. intelligence agents.
Frist is reportedly a close friend of alleged Bush 43 male consort and former Knoxville, Tennessee mayor Victor Ashe according to federal agents.
Jack Abramoff
The corruption and crimes surrounding the indicted Republican lobbyist were widespread and far-reaching enough to cause Fitzgerald to impanel a separate grand jury, often referred to by intelligence officials as the “Franklin grand jury,” which is hearing testimony and examining Abramoff linked evidence tied to the Iraq War, September 11 and related issues.
Pentagon analyst Larry Franklin was arrested for leaking classified U.S. government information to AIPAC officials Steve Rosen and Keith Weissman who reportedly leaked information to Israel concerning a controversial proposal by Department of Defense hardliners to destabilize Iran.
The federal source wishing to remain anonymous said that additional government officials are currently testifying this month before the Franklin grand jury about Abramoff, the GOP-linked prostitution ring and its ties to AIPAC.
“Photographs of politicians in compromising positions have reportedly already been used as blackmail to silence politicians who would speak the truth about the 2000 election fraud in Florida, 9-11, Iraq/yellowcake/WMD and how Jack Abramoff and Netanyahu were the pimps for the operation,” said Heneghan.
President Bush has emphatically denied that he personally knows Abramoff, despite CIA documents indicating the indicted lobbyist visited the White House 200 times during the first ten months of the Bush presidency—often enough for a personal visit on every business day of each month, according to wide news reports.
Despite the daily White House visits, Bush said “I’ve never sat down with him and had a discussion with the guy,” adding, “I’m also mindful that we live in a world in which those pictures will be used for pure political purposes,” attempting to justify his unwillingness at first to release photos with Abramoff.
Fitzgerald is reportedly convinced that the Bush administration wanted Valerie Plame-Wilson’s identity as a CIA official leaked because her intelligence team had identified Israeli Mossad operatives inside Iran who were to receive weapons of mass destruction (WMD) to be delivered through Turkey and planted in Iraq to further the president’s case for war, said the intelligence expert.
“The financing for these whorehouses is linked directly to AIPAC, Benjamin Netanyahu, Marc Rich and Jack Abramoff; and the money trail ties back to American International Group (AIG), Hank Greenberg and Doug Alexander—former British Minister of E-Commerce,” said Heneghan.
In an ominous prediction, Heneghan said, “It won’t be long before the un-compromised U.S. military may have to declare a State of Emergency and re-implementation of the Constitution under a special provision of the Naval Code, which would lead to the arrest and removal of the criminal government residing at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.”
According to Heneghan, the Abramoff congressional sex ring is tied to the SunCruz Casino scandal, secret accounts at Riggs Bank and Crozier Bank, the 9-11 “hijacker” Venice, Florida flight schools, and former U.S. ambassador to Italy Mel Sembler and Doug Alexander—both of whom have been linked to the reported Florida 2000 election fraud—all of which is tied to a financial trail that connects narcotics trafficking to Al Qaeda and the congressional sex ring.
MSNBC host and former congressman Joe Scarborough, subject of a recent TomFlocco.com story, “is now cooperating with federal investigators in the Abramoff matter which has led the probe to the doorsteps of the AIPAC whorehouses now operating in Washington, DC,” said Heneghan.
The intelligence expert told us “Scarborough told federal investigators that he now believes his female staff member was murdered in his congressional office to silence her regarding knowledge of Alexander, Sembler, Katherine Harris, Jeb Bush and the Florida election 2000 coup d’ etat.”
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Russian-Israeli mafia In America, and the Houston Mossad, Carnaby assassination, who's tracking it? MORE
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Abramoff, DC prostitution DeLay, Abramoff, casinos, AIG, Greenberg Traurig, financing 911, elections MORE
Fired US Attorneys, Palfrey DiBiagio fired for investigating Gov. Ehrlich staff use of Palfrey 'escorts'. MORE
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911, Abramoff, Atta Palfrey knew about Abramoff, Atta, Florida, 911 MORE
911 Investigate Palfrey, Cheney MORE
Abramoff, Rove Cover-up, money laundering, casinos, GOP, Palfrey, 911
• Abramoff Journal blog "Detailing the Shenanigans of the Republican Party": "Emails Reveal Deeper Links Between Mehlman and Abramoff ... Stayman axed after intervention by Mehlman / Abramoff. Mehlman's role Choctaw Indians. and White House endorsement of Republican gubernatorial ticket in the U.S. Territory of Guam.
• 911Truth Bohringer, Atta
• Buy Wayne Madsen's book Overthrow a Fascist Regime on $15 a Day.
• Bradblog Ralston and
• Bradblog Foley, Palfrey more
• BrassCheckTV
• Buelahman
• Catbird, The Eagle Unhooded 9/11 cover-up
• CREW, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, search Ledeen
• Flocco, links Abramoff to AIPAC, Senate, Larry Franklin, Rosen Weissman, ... hookers at Watergate, Ritz-Carlton, Sheraton, used to compromise clients,
• God Like Productions
• Infowars
• Legal Schnauzer ".... The corrupt judges are all Republicans, and the attorney who filed a fraudulent lawsuit against me has strong family ties to the Alabama Republican Party, with indirect connections to national figures such as Karl Rove."
• LiveLeak
• Nation Take your pick: the Iraq war, Hurricane Katrina, the U.S. attorney scandal, the Valerie Plame leak, inaction on global warming, injecting politics into federal agencies to a new degree, suppressing government science, the stem cell veto, tax cuts for the wealthy, politicizing the war on terror.
• Oil Empire Jeff Gannon ... "The notorious FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, who viciously used bigotry to smear public (and private) figures, was secretly in a de facto gay marriage with Clyde Tolson, his deputy at the FBI. Roy Cohn, the vicious red baiting assistant to Senator Joe McCarthy, was exposed late in his life as another closeted gay fascist (he died of AIDS)."
• Opednews Abramoff and the D. C. Madam, Robert Coughlin, guilty plea, conflict of interest, ... lobbyists Kevin Ring, Padgett Wilson, reward for scoring $16 million jail, Mississippi Band of the Choctaw, tickets, hookers, ... but double standard in prosecutions, GOP untouched, protected,
• Carnaby was tasked by superiors to meet with Palfrey in her Florida home. John Burke Society
• Propaganda Matrix
• RightWeb
• SourceWatch, Karl Rove
• SourceWatch Jeff Gannon, James Dale Guckert, ...search Valerie Plame Wilson, shock and awe, Tom Daschle,
• Think Progress Jun 08 Gannon blogs, NPC, more below,
• Waxman, Henry A. Rep. Los Angeles, 30 District, Committee on Government Reform, Minority Office, Tip Lines on Iraq Contracting and Intelligence,
• Waxman, Henry A. Rep. Los Angeles, 30 District, Committee on Government Reform, Minority Office,
• WayneMadsenReport State by State GOP Scandal Scorecard
• search terms: Bill Maher, Hotline, Rove, Wilmington, skeleton, prior relationship. •
o Summary ... about: Rove, Abramoff, Palfrey, money laundering, Atta visits to Florida casinos, foreknowledge of 911.
o Abramoff emails prove close relationship between Rove and Abramoff, Ralston, Florida... Tom DeLay and see Wayne Madsen Report
o Abramoff, Senior Director of Government Affairs, Greenberg Traurig, Bush lawyers, 911 financing, Brown Brothers Harriman, Afghanistan, heroin.
o Palfrey girls / Roland Carnaby had foreknowledge of 911attacks, Abramoff hijackers meetings in Florida. WMR
o RightCoast Carnaby possessed detailed information about former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay's relationship with convicted GOP lobbyist Jack Abramoff, information that connected DeLay and other top Republicans to pay-offs from organizations and individuals linked to the Russian-Israeli Mafia and Israeli intelligence. and WMR
o See NFU research Kurt Weldon, Atta, 911
o Rove refuses to testify at Judiciary / Conyers hearing about firing of US Attorneys.
o WayneMadsenReport file
o The Bush Administration is actively blocking Congress' investigation into the outing of once-covert CIA agent Valerie Plame,
o 911
o See WMR for latest on Carnaby's work on Israeli issues. ...Carnaby's role in identifying Israeli intelligence financing that made him public enemy number one for the Israelis.
o Palfrey suicided
• For the Record, Hopsicker, Atta Bohringer,
• Law.com Ney, Griles, Doolittle convictions from Coughlin cooperation
• MadCowProductions Wolfgang Bohringer,the German pilot who was one of Mohamed Atta’s closest associates in Florida as well as the subject of an FBI terror alert in the South Pacific, was apprehended two weeks ago and taken into custody, but then was almost immediately released after he told authorities responsible for his capture that he works for the CIA.
• Naval Intelligence, Pentagon, moved into renovated sections just prior to 911 attack, were responsible for analyzing war games
• Ozarks Angel Blunt, Abramoff, Hastert, casino, Dept of the Interior, chronology
• Powerline Blog
• TailRank Foley Fallout
• Washington Post "How a Lobbyist Stacked the Deck, Abramoff Used DeLay Aide, Attacks On Allies to Defeat Anti-Gambling Bill"
• Washington Post "Washington lobbyist Jack Abramoff agreed on Tues., Jan. 3 to plead guilty to fraud, public corruption and tax evasion for his role in the purchase of a fleet of Florida gambling boats from a businessman who was later killed in a gangland-style hit. Other efforts he took to funnel money to support causes of interest to his clients are also being probed. Washington Post reporters Susan Schmidt and James V. Grimaldi have written several stories about the Abramoff Affair • video
• Ron Paul names neo-cons video
• -----------------------------------------
• AIG American International Group, Maurice 'Hank' Greenberg, civil charges, improperly boost financials, received Wells Notice, SEC, funding 911, WTC, Robert Morvillo, attorney, U. S. District Judge Christopher Droney, boost reserves,
• American Enterprise Institute (AEI) search Michael Ledeen articles, condition red, memorial day, 4th of July, Iran attack, domestic security "incident."
• BBS News Where TRUE conservative "family values" do not include hidden bigotry or blatant social and environmental ignorance.... Assassination: A Game For All.
• Bush, Governor, Florida
• Cannonfire
• Cheney lies: "the insurgency is in its last throes" comment not to mention "Mohammed Atta met with the Iraqis in Prague" and "we'll be greeted as liberators" line.
• CBS News, Abramoff, Atta, McCain, Weldon
• Connrad Burns
• Crozier Bank, Riggs Bank, held accounts for the 911 hijackers ... see also Mel Sembler, former Ambassador to Italy, and Doug Alexander,
• Free Republic, 2000 names connected to Clinton
• GOP Today Tom Delay, Americans for a Republican majority, addresses Knesset, Israel
• Greenberg Traurig, Jeb Bush client. Hired son of Anthony Scalia, after election 2000
• IHT, Bohringer Atta, and file Kiribati, flight school, Abramoff, Wolfgang Bohringer, 2002
• JihadWatch
• MSNBC Spitzer, AIG, 911, shorts, shorting stocks
• New York Times, Abramoff, Atta, Cheney, Watergate, Nixon, Vietnam, Haldeman. Judith Miller, Chalabi ... same ol' same ol. file
• SunCruz
• Blunt, FBI investigation
• Washington Post
• WP Northern Mariana Islands lose exemption from U. S. immigration and labor laws, ... fraud, tax evasion, conspiracy, bribery, no more 'Made in the USA', Tom DeLay remains under investigation.
• Weekly Standard ""Pedophilia Chic" Reconsidered The taboo against sex with children continues to erode. by Mary Eberstadt"
• notes: The CMSM has picked this South Pacific sighting of Wolfgang Bohringer up, his German and Florida connections to Atta are finally being openly discussed
• Rove's role in political prosecution of Siegelman.
WayneMadsenReport June 3-4, 2010 -- Blackmail: Et tu Joe? .... Vice President Joe Biden has come to the defense of Israel claming the Zionist state had the right to board the Gaza-bound peace flotilla ships while in international waters. Biden said on the "Charlie Rise Show," "I think Israel has an absolute right to deal with its security interest." ... Biden's ardent support for Israel at a time when almost every nation on the planet has condemned the barbaric Israeli actions in murdering peace activists, some at point blank range, may not be so odd when considering that like President Obama and his chief of staff Rahm Emanuel, Biden may have his own sexual blackmail problems. ... On August 23, 2008, WMR reported: "Now that Biden is Obama's Veep pick, there is another nagging issue for Biden. After it was learned that Jeff Gannon, also known as James Guckert and originally from, it should be noted, Wilmington, Delaware, was not only attending White House press conferences but also ran a gay escort service, Biden went on Bill Maher's "Real Time" and said, "The bottom line is it that why is it that every major network in the country is investigating a security breach . . . and no one had any idea who this guy was? Forgetting everything else, assume he went in there and he was a saint, how could that be? The Judiciary Committee of Senate should be investigating. The House Judiciary Committee should be investigating it and if it were the other party in charge, it would be investigated." ... Biden's angst over Gannon/Guckert was odd, especially on national TV. There was a curious item in "The Hotline" from May 3, 2005, regarding an interview Gannon gave to Vanity Fair. "Gannon 'appears to have met Karl Rove only once'; for all 'his purported inside ties, he broke almost no stories.' He 'scarcely' knew Ari Fleischer, and 'apart from sending Scott McClellan a card when he got married, had little personal contact with him.' Nor did 'he have some sort of extra-curricular relationship' with Sen. Joe Biden (D-DE), 'though he'd suggested as much on his Web site.'" ... Gannon has mentioned to this editor that he has known Biden for a number of years going back to Gannon's days in Wilmington. Are there additional skeletons in Biden's closet?" Gannon said that then-Senator Biden often went out of his way to say hello to him when he saw him in the Senate. There was a clear indication that Gannon had a prior relationship with Biden in Wilmington.
• For the Record "Wolfgang Bohringer, a German pilot, identified by Atta’s one-time girlfriend Amanda Keller as one of Mohamed Atta’s closest associates in Florida during the run-up to the 9.11 attack, and one of the handful of people the terrorist ringleader called “my brother,” recently resurfaced on a tiny island in the South Pacific, in the Republic of Kiribati."
• The Madame Debra Palfrey also operated a branch of her "high priced escort service" out of Miami and Sarasota Florida (not to get into too much here, but if you are interested, look into the Abramoff /SunCruz / Atta connection and Atta's girlfriend Amanda Keller at the time) but back to Spitzer - he was investigating the illegal trading going on with AIG and the insurance profits made on the shorted 9/11 stocks. The escort service was involved in money laundering and probably the blackmailing of those who dared to "learn too much"
• Free Market News "It is reported that Jack Abramoff operated a 'sex ring' out of several DC hotels, providing male and female prostitutes, some underage, to leading politicians. Overtly a part of his lobbying activity, reports are that these politicians were later subject to blackmail with photos/videos of their trysts, and that THIS may have been the real secret of Abramoff's success. Now add to this blackmail system the links between Abramoff and the Bush War Machine via Abramoff's secretary in Karl Rove's Office, and Abramoff's links to 9-11, via Mohamed Atta as regular guest on Abramoff's casino ship, and Abramoff start to emerge as the center player in a plot to trick the US into war in the Mideast and to prevent Congress from doing anything about it."
• It was at Shuckum's, on Sept. 8, 2001 that Mohamed Atta and Marwan Al-Shehhi did some pre-mass murder tippling," reported TIME. "Atta drank vodka and orange juice, while Al-Shehhi preferred rum and cokes, five drinks apiece." .. FBI Agents had shown up at Shuckum's just 12 hours after the attack, reported all three major networks. The agents showed employees—especially manager Tony Amos and bartender Patricia Idrissi—photos of two men. ... "We were able to recognize both gentlemen," Amos told reporters. He identified a man in a photo bearing the name Mohamed underneath, who, along with two other men, had each consumed at least several drinks.
• Think Progress "Gannon blogs at the National Press Club’s website.Filed Under: Media By Amanda on Jun 17th, 2008 at 3:51 pm Jeff Gannon blogs at the National Press Club’s website.» Poblano at DailyKos notes that disgraced “reporter” Jeff Gannon is blogging at the National Press Club (NPC). Gannon gained notoriety as the former male escort who, for two years, gained a White House press pass using a pseudonym. There appear to be seven active blogs on the NPC’s site, including Gannon’s. Steve O’Hearn, chairman of the NPC’s new media committee — of which Gannon is also a member — told ThinkProgress that the “current policy” is that any NPC member can have a blog on the organization’s site, although it’s so far mostly members of the committee. Gannon’s most recent post goes after CodePink and its “ties to terrorists and repressive regimes around the world.”
• WMR The U.S. government's bail out of insurance giant American International Group (AIG) comes as no surprise to intelligence community insiders. In fact, AIG has been at the center of a number of CIA operations for decades. The federal government's $85 billion "bridge" loan to AIG essentially makes the United States government an 80 percent stakeholder in AIG, a move that will prevent external players from peering into AIG's myriad intelligence operations on behalf of the CIA, according to an insider who has followed AIG's overseas operations for a number of years. ... The CIA's analysts who concentrate on Asia have also enjoyed routine access to a huge AIG database maintained in San Francisco. AIG's new building in Hong Kong was intended to be a major outpost for CIA agents assigned the China "beat." However, Chinese intelligence succeeded in thoroughly wiring the building with surveillance systems and AIG's China operations were blown. Chinese intelligence could not believe how sloppy Greenberg and the CIA were in handling the Hong Kong operation." more search terms: Henry Kissinger, Elliot Spitzer, Maurice 'Hank' Greenberg, Cornelius Vander Starr, Kenneth Starr uncle, C. C. Starr & Company, Clinton, Greenberg CIA head?, AIG goes back to OSS days, National Intelligence Council, Asia beginings of AIG, close to Beijing, NOC, AIG Hong Kong is CIA outpost, bugged by Chinese, ... Coral Re of Barbados, Starr Foundation
Index of Abramoff / Ledeen / Iraq War connections pages index
Page 1
Page 2, 3
Page 4,5, 6
Page 7
Page 8
• Ledeen Fascism
• Chalabi, Iraqi National Congress, Ledeen
• Rove's Brain & Ahmad Chalabi
• Ledeen, Niger forgeries
• Fascism roots of Bush Administration
• Schmitt, Strauss, Heidegger, Nietzsche
• Senate Iraqi National Congress Reportsummary p.3 • Chalabi, Iraqi National Congress, Ledeen House report, text version • House Government Reform Report, and theAbramoff Emails
Page 8 index
• Ledeen, Abramoff, Chalabi, Israel
• Ghorbanifar, Iran-Contra
• Gannon, Jeff
• Laurence & Ricky Silberman and Michael & Barbara Ledeen, IWF, WMD
• Casinos, money laundering, GOP
• Greenberg Traurig
• Abramoff, Ledeen, Silberman connections
• Abramoff, Foley, Kolbe, Shimkus, Stephens, Hastert
• Ted Haggard and the Bush Whitehouse
Abramoff / Bush / pedophile / sex scandals ... NFU page index
go to research
Abramoff / corruption Washington D.C. Dept of Interior, emails, corruption this page
The Franklin Scandal, Omaha, Lawrence King, BoysTown, sexual abuse, White House 1989 MORE
Secret prisons, sexual torture Extraordinary Rendition, Bush, sexual torture, prisoner abuse MORE
CIA, Iran-Contra, Franklin $38 million missing, Franklin Credit Union, CIA, Iran-Contra MORE
Ronald Roskens, USAID Chancellor, U of Nebraska, fired, homosexual orgies, MORE
Texas, Rove, youth prisons Rove, Gonzales, Sutton, implicated in failure to prosecute sodomy MORE
8 U.S. Attorneys fired Carole Lam fired, Abramoff, Cunningham, Foggo, Wilkes, Hookergate MORE
DiBiagio, Palfrey, Luna Gov. Ehrlich, DiBiagio fired, Luna murdered, Palfrey investigation, Hookergate MORE
Caging lists, USAttorneys fired link: Rove assistant: Timothy Griffin, 2004 voter suppression, Goodling MORE
Sen. Mark Foley Senate Page program email sex scandal / hypocrisy this page below
Ted Haggard Gay male prostitute, cover-up, White House conference calls this page below
Jeff Gannon White House visits, gay porn sites, Gosch? this page below
Roy Blunt, Dennis Hastert Casinos, Abramoff, Dept of the Interior, FBI Investigation this page below
Brian Doyle, DHS, Arrested on charges of use of a computer to seduce a child MORE
Tony Blair Pedophile investigations, D-Notices, cover-up MORE
Barney Frank Franklin Scandal cover-up, Steve Gobie, Boston, Cardinal Law, Creighton U. MORE
Pope Benedict, Ratzinger Catholic priest sexual abuse cover-up MORE
Alphabetic Subject Index, Franklingate
Sen. Larry Craig Long list of anti-gay, anti same-sex marriage votes, homophobia MORE
Michael Aquino Presidio, sexual abuse investigation, day care centers, Reagan ties. MORE
KoreaGate Sun Myung Moon, Congress, bribery MORE
Sarkozy statement: "I'm inclined personally to think that you are born paedophile .." MORE
Fascism and pedophilia ... disturbing similarities ..German Christian Church and the Nazi Party .. MORE
Covenant House Father Bruce Ritter, pedophilia, Iran Contra, Bush family connections MORE
John Mark Karr Thailand, child sex rings, Bush connections MORE
John Lehman "Coos Bay" cover-up 1982, 9/11 Commission, Franklin cover-up MORE
Deborah Jeane Palfrey D.C. Madam... threat to identify high-profile clients, Ullman, Cheney MORE
Venezuela War on drugs? elections funding, pedophile networks MORE
Gen. William Boykin Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib, sexual torture of prisoners, Cambone MORE
Sagiv, Israeli diplomat Israeli, Yosef Sagiv, Consulate in Atlanta, charged, exploitation of children MORE
Victor Ashe Gay relationship with George W. Bush MORE
Ed McAteer Knowledge of Bush / Ashe Las Vegas sexual encounter MORE
Mormons Unreported sexual abuse, lawsuits abound MORE
Washington Times, Casseday Huffington Post , Soliciting internet sex with what he believed was 13 yr old. 2006
GOP Dirty Tricks GOP Dirty Tricks, 50 years, hundreds of entries MORE
= go to NFU pages
YouTube and MP3 file Blackmail?Cheney, Gannon
more on Gannon
Jeff Gannon, Guckert and MORE at Gannon, blackmail page
• Americablog.org John Aravosis, Gannon's anti-gay writing,
• Agitprops and 21 Republicans block
• Antiwar, Jeff Gannon
• BlueStateBlogs, Judiciary Committee to vote on Gannon Resolution,
• Link Franklin Scandal Omaha and White House Call Boy Ring 1989, Is there a common thread between the sexual abuse scandal at Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo, the Franklin Cover-up Scandal - Omaha (1989), Catholic and Protestant clergy sexual abuse, GOP leadership cover-up of the Foley affair, ... Jeff Gannon White House sleepovers, Clinton sexual adventures, Deborah Jeane Palfrey
• BushStole04 White House press secretary Scott McClellan told ePluribus Media that his office had never requested a 30-day security clearance for James D. Guckert, aka "Jeff Gannon," directly contradicting a statement made earlier that day by the U.S. Secret Service
• CommonGroundCommonSense "New Leads in Johnny Gosch Case, Gannon Guckert. "
• DailyKos
• DailyKos, Bobby Eberle, search terms: Lockheed Martin, aerospace engineer, Young Republicans, Texas Lyceum Association,
• Democrats.com blog
• ePluribusMedia, Gannon, Eberle, Oliver North,
• Feinstein mentioned these investigations at the Kyle Sampson hearing: Roy Blunt, Foggo, Wilkes, Givens, McKay, Bogden,
• FranklinFiles "Federal agents linked recently resigned Representative Mark Foley (R-16-FL) to Abramoff and Gannon who allegedly acted as “facilitators for the poker parties and an elaborate prostitution ring of pedophiles and extortion-friendly homosexuals-in-the-closet serving elements of the Republican leadership,” he said."
• LeftCoaster Treasongate and Jeff Gannon, interview with Amb. Joseph Wilson, search terms: INR memo, Wall Street Journal, and see MensNewsDaily text of interview
• LiberalAvenger, Scott McClellan, gay, connection to Jeff Gannon, Guckert.
• MediaMatters Gannon, Guckert
• Media Matters, "TalonNews.com and GOPUSA.com are registered to the same address in Pearland, Texas, which appears to be Eberle's personal residence..?
• mydd Rick Dunham, NPC,
• Planetsean blog, Gannon, Bobby Eberle, Bruce Eberle ???
• RawStory "Secret Service records raise new questions about discredited conservative reporter ...documents, obtained by Rep. Louise Slaughter (D-NY) and Rep. John Conyers (D-MI) through a Freedom of Information Act request, reveal Guckert had remarkable access to the White House ...
• Salon
• Slaughter, Louise, Rep... VoteLouise more
• Sourcewatch Gannon ... More below
• StewWeb Gannon, Abramoff, Rove sex operations
• Straight “Yes, they figured out how to use decency in an indecent way, which is why you hear all this crap about ‘fairness’ in news coverage today. Look at that absurd situation with ‘Jeff Gannon’, where the White House brought in a male prostitute to pass as a reporter so they could plant softball questions for Bush.
• WayneMadsenReport in Online Journal website "The recent scandal involving gay male escort and right-wing faux journalist Jeff Gannon (a.k.a. James Dale Guckert and possibly a few other aliases) is not welcome news for the purported sadomasochistic hedonists in the White House administrations of both George W. and George H. W. Bush ... seeGannongate
• Wonkette search Gannon, There are clothing boutiques in Washington? F--uck. Why can’t they just give Jeff Gannon his own show about blowing literally EVERYONE in the white house, like er’ry day. That would be some watchable television.
• Notes: Gannon interviewed Joe Wilson after Valerie Plame's identity revealed by Novak, asked Wilson about "an internal government memo prepared by U.S. intelligence personnel [detailing] a meeting in early 2002 where your wife, a member of the agency for clandestine service working on Iraqi weapons issues, suggested that you could be sent to investigate the reports."
• Washington Blade Gannon 08
• •
o Summary
o = go to NFU pages
o Radar Online"Did Scott McClellan Give Jeff Gannon Special Access?
o McClellan omitted any reference to Gannon in his recent book. ?
o Jeff Gannon.com, real name: James Dale Guckert
o Editor & Publisher Gannon is now a member of the National Press Club His sponsor is Richard Dunham of the Houston Chronicle, formerly of BusinessWeek and someone else he doesn't remember.
o =go to NFU page
o Gannon Blackmail? page
o Unprecedented access to White House press briefings, very little press experience, and connections to gay military porn websites. MORE
o New York Times Democrats Want Investigation
o CBS News
o Salon Gannon 05
o Washington Blade Gannon 05
o Over two dozen visits to the White House when there were no scheduled briefings. SECRET SERVICE ACCESS RECORDS below. and a 'very affectionate' George W. Bush.
o Salon Rep. John Conyers, FOIA request for Secret Service White House Access Control Records, 2005
o A 'reporter' for Talon News, owned and operated by Bobby Eberle, GOP USA
o See Franklingate and research on how this all fits with GOP pattern of sexual deviance
o Richard Dunham is no relation to Obama's mother Ann Dunham of Kansas who met Barack Obama, Sr. at the University of Hawaii and married on February 2, 1961
o The Great Media War pic, text
• Ancapistan typepad ... definitive post on JD's porn webmaster career by blogslut,.. Jeff Gannon was an adult porn webmaster, search terms: bulldog, Malecorps.com is not an escort service, affiliated program, Gannon photos,
• Answers Jeff "Gannon, Crist, Foley, Haggard... who knew the GOP was having a coming out party? We could have been supportive of their decisions to give oral sex to male prostitutes but they went and outlawed it.... MORE BELOW
• Rove, Gannon, White House, what are the connections? Who authorized Gannon's presence in the news briefings.
• APFN Gannon is Gosch
• Berto-meister George Orwell's classic novel about censorship, dehumanization, sexual repression, civil liberties violations, totalitarianism, nationalistic ideology, and Big Brother, is here for your viewing pleasure and meditation.
• Blog City, sexual repression and the capitalist ideology ... Ed Strong
• CBS News
• ComingSoon.net, Gibney, Gannon, documentary, Hunter Thompson
• DCCC Democratic Congressional Committee, Gannongate vote, "who at the White House paved the way for Mr. Guckert to have repeated and staged access to the President?"
• Des Moines former, editor James Gannon
• The Hill Slaughter and Conyers
• MensNewsDaily, Gannon interview with Ambassador Joseph Wilson
• Milkhouse blog, Gannon is Gosch
• TBR News, Gannon sleepovers at the White House ... using a Secret Service day pass, visited the White House 196 times in two years, and spent the night 12 times! That’s right, spent the night 12 times.copy
• Websites, Americablog more
• Wikipedia Jeff Gannon "James Dale Guckert (born 1958) worked under the pseudonym Jeff Gannon as a White House reporter between 2003 and 2005, representing Talon News. After Guckert came under public scrutiny, in particular for his lack of a significant journalistic background and involvement with various homosexual escort service websites using the professional name Bulldog, he resigned from Talon News on February 8, 2005."
• "Heneghan’s federal agent network also revealed that sources close to the New York Times indicate that GOP congressional leaders including (former) Speaker of the House J. Dennis Hastert (R-14-IL), (former) House Majority Leader John A. Boehner (R-8-OH), (former) House Majority Whip Roy Blunt (R-7-MO) and (former) Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-TN) all helped obstruct justice to cover up the sets of emails incriminating Congressman Foley over a lengthy period of time—and that the Foley email issue was “taken care of.” source:FranklinFiles
• Perkel, Marc Gannon, Gosch, Rove
• Wilmington News-Journal, Guckert income tax.
• Editor and Publisher, search Gannon, pseudonym, White House, Scott McClellan, Gannon, Guckert.
• • Carlton Ritz, Abramoff, Sheraton,
• Houston Chronicle, cover-up of Roland Carnaby, CIA Southeastern Regional Chief, assassinated by Houston Police....MORE
• Eberle,
• CBS News Rove / Gannon connection
• CannonFire, Gannon / Sun Myung Moon connection and Rick Ross Unification Church
• CBS News "Lights Out for Talon News Eberle Communications
• Exposejessejackson.com
• JeffGannon.com Jeff Bulldog escort ad JeffGannon.com "Obama’s flying monkeys are targeting the National Press Club (of which I am a member) because a man named Larry Sincla_ir reserved a meeting room to hold a press conference on Wednesday, June 18" no update of website since July 14, 2008,
• Gibbs, Joe
• GOPUSA 'bringing the conservative message to America'
• HotMilitaryStud.com killed, murdered, suicided, suicide, gone, missing, oft, hit, buried on the grounds of the White House?
• Mark Grossman, Israel, Urban Moving Systems, 9/11 teams infiltrated by Mossad, all fingered by Plame, thats why she was outed.
• Gannon, Guckert, spent many nights in the White House, White House visits when no news briefings, many with no record of entry or exit go to YouTube Insider Magazine, Wayne Madsen Gannongate
• Jeff Gannon.com "A Voice of the New Media".. search White House visits.
• GayPatriot, The Internet Home for the Gay Conservative.
• GOPUSA and Talon News, Pearland, Texas.
• MilitaryEscorts.com
• North American Enterprises, Oliver North, Franklin Community Credit Union, Omaha,
• New York Times file
• RenewAmerica, Allen Keyes, The re-whitewashing of pedophile Alfred Kinsey
• Talon News
• Notes: Victor Ashe, William Frist, Barney Frank, Robert Dryer, Bush, Jack Abramoff poker parties,
• Washington Post "Online Nude Photos Are Latest Chapter In Jeff Gannon Saga ... The Jeff Gannon story is still bouncing around the Internet, and now there are pictures. search: Deep Throat, James Dale Guckert, Wolf Blitzer, Kerry, Paul Leddy, gay escort site, Bedrock Corporation -Delaware, Gannon covered White House beginning March 2003, military, muscular, masculine, discrete, ...
• Worthy Creators, gay rehabilitation center,
• Youth for Tomorrow Bruce Eberle, Oliver North, Brit Hume, board
• Washington Post, Gannon quits White House
• notes: fascist in Hitler's Germany , Franco's Spain , and "The Colonels'" Greece , now Bush associated with a predilection for sex with children and young military recruits
• Weekly Standard ""Pedophilia Chic" Reconsidered The taboo against sex with children continues to erode. by Mary Eberstadt"
Secret Service White House Access Records for James Guckert / Jeff Gannon RawStory andfile
Salon Rep. John Conyers, FOIA request for Secret Service White House Access Control Records, 2005
and go to more on access logs, date / time info
Gosch / Paul Bishop / Sam Soda ??? DemocraticUnderground forum
• CBS News "Tired and timid are two adjectives never applied to Rove. The architect of the Bush victories in 2000 and 2004 came through the ranks of college Republicans with the late Lee Atwater, and their admitted and alleged dirty tricks are the legends many young political operatives dream of pulling off. So when Jeff Gannon, White House "reporter" for Talon "News," was unmasked last week, the leap to a possible Rove connection was unavoidable. Gannon says that he met Rove only once, at a White House Christmas party, and Gannon is kind of small potatoes for Rove at this point in his career. But Rove's dominance of White House and Republican politics, Gannon's aggressively partisan work and the ease with which he got day passes for the White House press room the past two years make it hard to believe that he wasn't at least implicitly sanctioned by the "boy genius." Rove, who rarely gave on-the-record interviews to the MSM (mainstream media), had time to talk to GOPUSA, which owns Talon. GOPUSA and Talon are both owned by Bobby Eberle, a Texas Republican and business associate of conservative direct-mail guru Bruce Eberle who says that Bobby is from the "Texas branch of the Eberle clan." Bobby Eberle told The New York Times that he created Talon to build a news service with a conservative slant and "if someone were to see 'GOPUSA,' there's an instant built-in bias there." No kidding.
• The Law Party "Cable television news reports have recently linked an alleged male prostitute to the present White House since George W. Bush permitted James Guckert to use an unprecedented Secret Service-approved alias (Jeff Gannon) while having access to the White House for two years as a pool reporter serving the younger Bush--before which Gannon had advertised himself on internet pornography sites as a male "escort" charging $200 an hour. [Gannon is the subject of independent news reports which have referred to him as the former kidnapped Des Moines, Iowa paperboy Johnny Gosch--forced into child sex-slavery.] John DeCamp told this writer "I believe Johnny Gosch and Jeff Gannon are one and the same person--but I am not in a position to know positively." ""George W. Bush has not explained how Guckert/Gannon --who had advertised himself as a male escort--could apparently operate in the White House as a reporter for two years using a Secret Service-approved alias and regularly be called upon by George W. Bush and press secretary Scott McClellan during nationally televised presidential press conferences."
• RawStory "Guckert made more than two dozen excursions to the White House when there were no scheduled briefings. On many of these days, the Press Office held press gaggles aboard Air Force One—which raises questions about what Guckert was doing at the White House. On other days, the president held photo opportunities. On at least fourteen occasions, Secret Service records show either the entry or exit time missing. Generally, the existing entry or exit times correlate with press conferences; on most of these days, the records show that Guckert checked in but was never processed out. In March, 2003, Guckert left the White House twice on days he had never checked in with the Secret Service. Over the next 22 months, Guckert failed to check out with the Service on fourteen days. On several of these visits, Guckert either entered or exited by a different entry/exit point than his usual one. On one of these days, no briefing was held; on another, he checked in twice but failed to check out."
• Sourcewatch ""Jeff Gannon" is the pseudonym used by James Dale Guckert , unmasked in February 2005 by John Aravosis's AMERICAblog.org Blogspot and Media Matters for America, a liberal watchdog group based in Washington, DC, to be a fake White House "correspondent" working for the pseudo news organization Talon News, which is closely tied to GOPUSA, a right-wing site owned by a Texas-based Republican activist. Gannon had access to the White House and was admitted to the White House press briefing room on day press passes for almost two years. He was recognized for editorializing before asking "softball" questions of the White House press staff and, even on occasion, of President George W. Bush, to break up lines of aggressive questioning by legitimate reporters, thereby assisting the staff in controlling press conferences and .... had a career as a $200-an-hour escort [2]. A particularly indiscreet aspect was that he used the same pseudonym for both his "escort" work and his "journalist" work! posed nude in photos discovered on numerous gay web sites, including MaleCorps.com, WorkingBoys.net and MeetLocalMen.com [3][4] owns several male gay porn websites, including military-themed escort domain names [5] had access to the Valerie Plame CIA memo. raises questions about posing a security risk as he somehow bypassed both Secret Service and FBI screening to access the White House press room raises questions as to how he gained access to the White House press room when legitimate journalists cannot. is suspected of being a "plant" for Republican operative Karl Rove"
• CommonGroundCommonSense "During the early morning of September 5, 1982, Johnny Gosch was kidnapped from a West Des Moines neighborhood while delivering newspapers. It was silent, quick and professional ... Rothstein began to believe a man who passed himself off as a White House reporter and known male prostitute Jeff Gannon could be Johnny Gosch. And while Gannon's true identity still can't be confirmed, Rothstein says the more clues he uncovers, the possibility Gannon may be Gosch increases, "When you look into the whole abduction of Johnny, what happened, the cover-up that took place, the way the kidnapping was done, this was a professional job and it fits the profile that I have seen over the years as a professional investigator."
• WayneMadsenReport / Online Journal "Except for the outbreak of news stories concerning the Franklin Credit Union-Lawrence King-Craig Spence child prostitution scandal in 1989 that involved midnight tours of the White House for underage male sex slaves from Nebraska and reached high into the upper echelons of the elder Bush administration, little has been heard about the sex crimes of top Republicans. That is, until it was revealed that "Jeff Gannon" was intricately tied to GOP operatives ranging from George W. Bush political "Svengali" Karl Rove, to White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan, and Texas GOP provocateur Bobby Eberle. In typical Bush scandal fashion, Eberle's "Talon News Service" has disappeared as fast as Jeff Gannon from the James Brady Briefing Room and Doug Wead's secret tapes of Bush from the public ear—tapes that, at the very least, indicated Bush's prior use of marijuana, cocaine, and LSD."
• Gannon's White House press briefing question: "Senate Democratic leaders have painted a very bleak picture of the US economy," Gannon said. "[Minority Leader] Harry Reid was talking about soup lines, and Hillary Clinton was talking about the economy being on the verge of collapse. Yet, in the same breath, they say that Social Security is rock solid and there's no crisis there. How are you going to work -- you said you're going to reach out to these people -- how are you going to work with people who seem to have divorced themselves from reality?"
• From TuffyLee, Democratic Underground forum: "Perhaps someone should look closer in to the Eberle role in all of this. We all know that 36 year-old Bobby Eberle, who lives in Houston, just happened to be in Washington on Sept. 11 and witnessed the Pentagon attack. There are conflicting reports as to the relationship between Bobby Eberle and Bruce Eberle, some say they are brothers, some say they are not related. They obviously have a business connection through GOPUSA. Bruce Eberle happens to sit on a Board of Trustees for "Youth for Tomorrow" www.youthfortomorrow.org "Since 1986 YFT has offered new hope and new opportunities to young men who have been abandoned, abused, or otherwise alienated from home or community. YFT is a residential home, accredited school, and counseling center serving at-risk teenage young men between the ages of 11-18. Some are substance abusers, some are juvenile offenders, others are homeless by choice or circumstance" Reminded me of Boys Town in the Franklin scandal. Oliver North and Brit Hume are also on the Board of YTF." DemocraticUnderground
• CNN, 2/10/05 WOLF BLITZER: Because one of the things, as you know, that were said is that you had some sexually explicit Web sites that you were working on. I don't understand what that is, but maybe you could explain that. JEFF GANNON: Well, several years ago, before I came to Washington, I had registered various domain names for a private client. I was doing Web site development. Those sites were never hosted. There's -- nothing ever went up on them. (a lie, see below) And the client went on to do something else. - CNN, 2/10/05 and see Americablog more search terms: website, active, USMCPT, US Marine Corp Part Time, Personal Trainer, Body Guard, Escort, Gannon is naked, created by Paul Leddy, has invoices, from Los Angeles, check Whois, militarystud.com, owner: Bedrock Corporation, Flintstones, Kennett Pike, Centreville, Wilmington Delaware, Gannon's personal website, male escorts, 2001, 2003, ... Ammunition, shaved clipped chest, .... Safe Sane Strenuous Satisfying workouts, wrestling, hourly, overnight, aggressive, verbal, dominant top, no marks, impressions, silver watch, peeing, bulldog.htm, stud files, adult gallery, discrete, WorkingBoys.net, Meetlocalmen.com, Jeff/Bulldog, gay male hookers writing articles for a gay bashing conservative right-wing audience.
• National Press Club speakers table: Jerry Zremzky, Washington Bureau Chief, Buffalo News; Chris Berry, Newstalk 630, Pres. & GM WMAL; Laura Robertson, International Producer for CBN News; April Ryan, WH correspondent, American Urban Radio Network; Pete Williams, NBC News Justice Correspondent; Kathryn Sceebo, WC, Milwaukee Journal-Sentinal; Clarence Page, Syndicated Columnist, Chicago Tribune; Elizabeth 'Liz' Cheney, Lynn Cheney, Dick Cheney; Melissa Charvanel, NPC Speakers Committee, & Vice Chair, and CBN News; Rick Dunham; Betsy Fischer, Executive Producer, Meet the Press; Kelly Wright, Fox News Correspondent, host of Fox & Friends Weekend; Margaret Sullivan, director, Center for International Media Assistance
Gannon, Guckert, spent many nights in the White House, White House visits when no news briefings, many with no record of entry or exit. go to YouTube How is this connected to the Franklin Scandal?
Go to Hookergate page: Link Palfrey, CIA, Foggo, Wilkes, Cunningham?
Ledeen, Abramoff, Chalabi, Ghorbanifar, Israel
• Abramoff Journal blog "Detailing the Shenanigans of the Republican Party": "Emails Reveal Deeper Links Between Mehlman and Abramoff ... Stayman axed after intervention by Mehlman / Abramoff. Mehlman's role Choctaw Indians. and White House endorsement of Republican gubernatorial ticket in the U.S. Territory of Guam.
• Antiwar, The Gonzocons Live On "They have transcended the mere Trotskyism of Shachtman; past the enlightened and self-knowing Trotskycon phase of Stephen Schwartz;
• Antiwar Iran Contra revisited, search terms, Robert Gates, Bush family crony, former director , DCI Director Central Intelligence, Reagan's evasion of ban on assistance to Nicaraguan Contras, the Boland Amendment, unconstitutional, severely criticized but not indicted, Walsh Report, lying to a grand jury, Oliver North, CIA involvement in flights to resupply the Contras,
• Booman Tribune "How the War in Iraq Was Prepared" LaRepublica article and translation
• Catbird Seat, Greenberg Traurig connection to Bush neocon cabal
• CongressPedia, Abramoff
• This Century Sucks search terms: SunCruz Casinos, Atta, hijackers, 9/11,
• Citizens for Ethics search: Abramoff, William Jefferson, Pfeffer (bribery), Conrad Burns, Will Brooke, SunCruz, casinos, Brooke at Greenberg Traurig, Northern Mariana Islands, Ledeen and the Italian magazine Panorama whose reporter first got the forged Niger papers,
• Consortium News, Iran Contra, Haig, Ledeen
• Consortium News, "Original October Surprise (part 2), search terms, Carter, Reagon, 1980 stolen election, rise of the GOP, Ghorbanifar, Ledeen, Israel, Mossad, missiles, Iran Contra. by Robert Parry
• Daily KOS Abramoff, what's next and how can we bring down the GOP.
• John Bellamy Foster Monthly Review, interview, Naked Imperialism
• Huffington Post, Rove Chronology
• RightWeb
• SourceWatch, Karl Rove
• Village Voice, Rove Chronology
• Insider Magazine, Wayne Madsen article, Expose the Christian Mafia
• ITSzone, Ledeen interview
• JewishWhistleblower, blog
• Lawful Path Ownership of the Federal Reserve
• MediaTransparency Weyrich Ledeen
• Monthly Review, John Bellamy Foster interview, Naked Imperialism
• MotherJones Abramoff, Chalabi, Ledeen, Three Days in Rome
• NewsMeat, Jack Abramoff, political campaign contributions:
• News With Views Federal Reserve to begin hiding information pertaining to the U.S. dollar money supply
• Roger Ailes, blog
• SourceWatch, Karl Rove
• SourceWatch, War in Iran "Many informed scholars and statesmen see a potential disaster from a war with Iran. That war would unite the Islamic nations in opposition to the United States and quite possibly seriously curtail oil imports. Almost a quarter of the world's oil supply passes through the Strait of Hormuz, which Iran might blockade. Hugo Chavez has vowed to shut off all oil exports from Venezuela to the US if Bush launches a war against Iran. Together, these contingencies would devastate the US economy, so much so as to force the US out of the Middle East. And the Iranians know this full well," Ernest Partridge wrote OpedNews September 26, 2006, in OpEdNews
• Think Progress "Lying About Ledeen: National Review Falsely Claims NeoCon ‘Has Opposed Military Action Against Iran’ The right-wing blogosphere is up in arms over a Rolling Stone article about prominent neo-conservative Michael Ledeen"
• Unknown News "the upcoming war in Iraq" email, Abramoff knew of war a year in advance.
• Waxman, Henry A. Rep. Los Angeles, 30 District, Committee on Government Reform, Minority Office, Tip Lines on Iraq Contracting and Intelligence,
• What Really Happened Israeli Spying Archives
• WMR Ledeen veracity questioned by CIA Office of Legislative Counsel, Journal document, Oct 16, 1978, Democratic Rep. Edward Boland, Massachusetts, chairman, House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) had doubts about the veracity of neocon journalist Michael Ledeen, Boland Amendments, Iran-Contra,
• ZFacts, Michael Ledeen
• Zfacts, Jack Abramoff, search terms: fraud, bribery, Preston Gates & Ellis, lobbying, restaurants, leased four arena and stadium skyboxes, generous patron to orthodox Jewish community, golf trips to Scotland, Saipan, deceived Indian tribes, underworld, team of Republicans, two decade friend: Rep. Dana Rohrabacher. He and Grover Norquist were fellow Young Turks of the Reagan revolution, College Republicans, joined Ralph Reed.who introduced Pam Alexander married Abramoff. Citizens for America formed by Lewis E. Lehrman, and Abramoff was in contact with Oliver North to fund Iran Contras. See also Jonas Savimbi - Angolan rebel leader, anti communist guerrillas, formed a 'convention'. Abramoff worked on behalf of South African apartheid International Freedom Foundation, • go to Abramoff Emails, page 7
• Allianz, Germany
• Blotter, blog Ledeen, David Kay, Ghorbanifar notes: Kay got call from Scooter Libby, says VP Cheney wants to know if Kay has looked at a location (Lebanon) for WMD, and wants to send someone to Switzerland to meet with Ghorbanifar, Ghorbanifar depicted as 'talented fabricator'. Kay discovered Michael Ledeen involved,
• Cytations Zionist Mob Helped the Mossad Create the Illusion of Arab Hijackers
• Flocco, Tom Heneghan, "Agents Say Foley Scandal Tip of Iceberg ...Abramoff operated the sex/ spy ring at the Watergate, Ritz-Carlton and Sheraton hotels in Washington D.C. ... sex in return for legislative influence over taxpayer dollars ... Karl Rove is linked ...financing of which is directly linked to AIPAC, former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Marc Rich and Abramoff ... congressional pages subject to sexual contacts by congressmen or other officials linked to the Abramoff poker party hotel sex ring (AIG financing) which has already ensnared convicted former GOP Congressmen Randy "Duke" Cunningham who is currently serving a federal prison sentence. other search terms: Jeff Gannon (visits to private living quarters of the White House), Tony Blair, Robert Novak, Dennis Hastert, John Boehner, Roy Blunt, Bill Frist, issue "taken care of" ... pedophilia, Plame outed because her intelligence team had identified Israeli Mossad operatives inside Iran who were to receive WMD to be delivered through Turkey and planted in Iraq ...did Scott Palmer reveal Kirk Fordham's concerns about Foley to Hastert? ... RNC Chairman Tom Reynolds accepted $100,000 from Foley at the same time Republican leaders were deciding how to handle Foley's underage
• Liberty Committee, Congressman Ron Paul, "Neo-conned"
• Rove's Brain, Michael Ledeen,
• Time
• Time The Abramoff Emails
• Time
• Venusproject nuclear false flag operation against America
• Abramoff Notes cont. Norquist helped Abramoff reinvent himself as Republican lobbyist, K Street, Newt Gingrich muse, his father president of the Diners Club credit Card Company, wanted to operate casino in Northern Marianas. Key alliance with Tom DeLay, and then National Republican Senatorial Committee,
• Walsh Report, National Archives
• Waxman, Henry A. Rep. letter to Mehlman, asks about Abramoff U2 tickets, whether Mehlman accepted them and failed to report them on his 2001 financial disclosure form.
• Wikipedia Democratic Leadership Council, DLC, search Ralph Reed.
• Wikipedia, Jack Abramoff
• Wikipedia, Jack Abramoff, scandals
• Wikipedia,Todd Boulanger, Cassidy & Associates
• Wikipedia, Greenberg Traurig
• Wikipedia, Iran Contra
• Wikipedia, Michael Ledeen
• Wikipedia Grover Norquist
• Wikipedia Ralph Reed
• Bruce Reed is the President of the Democratic Leadership Council
• Wikipedia Neoconservatism
• Wikipedia Ghorbanifar
• Wikipedia Robert Gates
• Wikipedia Oliver North
• Wikipedia John Poindexter
• Wikipedia Michael Ledeen
• Notes:part of the proceeds of the illegal weapons sales to Iran were also used to finace the CIA sponsored Islamic brigades (Al Qaeda) involved in the Soviet-Afghan war. • more on Foley, pedarasty, below
• American Alliance of Jews and Christians, Daniel Lapin, and see Pacific Jewish Center, and Toward Tradition, and Commonwealth Loan Company, Cascadia Business Institute, born in Johannesburg, South Africa, Talmudic tradition
• AIG connections to Greenberg Traurig, and Marsh McLennan, ACE, Kroll,
• AIG and Afghanistan oil and pipelines,
• Ghorbanifar
• Alexander Strategy Group
• Americans for Tax Reform Grover Norquist,
• American Conservative Union Action Alert
• AEI American Enterprise Institute Ledeen, Chalabi, Abramoff
• Bear Stearns,
• Blackstone Group, Henry Kissinger on board of directors.
• Brown Brothers Harriman
• Bush quote "You know, I, frankly, don't even remember having my picture taken with the guy. I don't know him."
• Coalition for Democracy in Iran, Michael Ledeen board member, founded by Morris Amitay, a former lobbyist for AIPAC, American Israeli Public Affairs Committee,
• College Republican National Committee, search Jack Abramoff as national chairman,
• Council on Foreign Relation, CFG
• Debka File, Bush
• Deep South Jewish Voice
• Defense Science Board Iran policy
• Delay, Tom U.S. House of Representatives. Christian Zionist
• Diplomatic Club of Israel to promote the bond between the State of Israel and the foreign diplomats and their families. Rothschild, Recanati, Red Cross.
• Eagle Forum
• Facts of Israel Tom Delay
• Federal Reserve shareholders: Rothschild Bank of London, Warburg Bank of Hamburg, Rothschild Bank of Berlin, Lehman Brothers of New York, Lazard Brothers of Paris, Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York, Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy, Goldman, Sachs of New York, Warburg Bank of Amsterdam, Chase Manhattan Bank of New York
• The Fellowship
• Fleischer, Ari, Ledeen
• Free Republic, 2000 names connected to Clinton
• Gates replaces Rumsfeld, see Latin America page for Gates' links to Iran Contra scandal and MORE BELOW
• GOP Today Tom Delay, Americans for a Republican majority, addresses Knesset, Israel
• Greenberg Traurig, Jeb Bush client. Hired son of Anthony Scalia, after election 2000
• Hillary-Watch
• Institute for Advanced Strategic & Political Studiesand Hebrew site
• International Freedom Foundation, search Jack Abramoff, anti-communist think tank, 1986-1993,
• Israel National News
• Israpundit search
• Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies at Tel Aviv Univ.
• Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs Israeli's barrier fence, 'anti-terrorist'.
• Jewish World Review the Honorable Tom Delay, copy of speech to Knesset.
• Kahane, Meir, Kach, expel all Arabs from Israel and Palestinian territories.
• Lapin, Daniel, Rabbi, friend of Michael Ledeen: Wikipedia Ledeen was foe of Jimmy Carter, due to his detente with the Soviet Union, diplomatic relations with China, Mid East peace, Pollard was most destructive mole, not Soviets, China, and Mega
• The Likud
• Mahdavi, Fereidoun
• Majority Leader, Formerly headed by Tom DeLay, House of Representatives, US
• National Review Online, search Michael Ledeen articles
• MiddleEast Info discussion
• National Center for Public Policy Research, Abramoff was a director,
• National Intelligence Council
• National Review, Gates article by Michael Ledeen.
• National Review, The Discovery of Iran, search Robert Gates, article by Ledeen
• Solutions North America,, Charles P. Sexton,
• Office of Total Information Awareness
• NewsMax
• Ney, Bob - 2003 trip to England courtesy of an FN Aviation (director: Nigel Winfield), also research David DiStephano, trade legislation,
• Preston Gates & Ellis
• Republican Jewish Coalition, Fred Zeidman, Ken Mehlman,
• RenewAmerica, Allen Keyes, The re-whitewashing of pedophile Alfred Kinsey
• Silberman Robb Commission report, Whitehouse, Commission on Intelligence Capabilities of the United States Regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction, search links between Ricky Silberman and Barbara Ledeen.
• Silverstein, 911 profiteer
• State Dept Counter Terrorism Office, Counterterrorism Office, codewords
• Terrorism Q&A
• Terrorism Research Center security analysis, terrorist profiles, links,
• TIP Terrorist Interdiction Program State Dept
• Toward Tradition, search Jack Abramoff,
• Union Leader, Robert Novak
• U.S. Committee to Free Lebanon, Michael Ledeen on board of directors.
• U.S. Family Network, run by Tom DeLay's former chief of staff Ed Buckham, under scrutiny in Abramoff investigation.
• War on Terrorism American Enterprise Institute
• Weekly Standard
• Weekly Standard ""Pedophilia Chic" Reconsidered The taboo against sex with children continues to erode. by Mary Eberstadt"
• Weyrich, Paul
• WorldNetDaily pork barrel politics
• WorldVision
• WTC original insurers: AIG, Marsh, ACE
• WMR "June 14, 2007 -- Connection between SS Poet and firm tied to covert arms shipments to Iran. WMR has discovered a possible link between the CIA front firm, Egyptian American Transport and Services Corporation (EATSCO), formed in 1978 to facilitate secret CIA arms shipments to various countries in the Middle East, and the covert and treasonous shipment of U.S. arms to Iran in October 1980 on board the doomed SS Poet. The secret deal involved rogue CIA agents working with vice presidential candidate George H. W. Bush and Reagan campaign manager William Casey to keep U.S. hostages prisoner in Iran. EATSCO's cover mission was to support the implementation of the 1978 Camp David accords. The Iran weapons smuggling plan was cooked up by Bush, Casey, and CIA officials Donald Gregg and Robert Gates as a way to ensure President Jimmy Carter's electoral defeat. We reported on EATSCO last November: "On Nov. 17/18/19, 2006, WMR reported on the presence of an aircraft linked to Viktor Bout's international weapons smuggling network at Mogadishu airport. WMR reported that the "Boeing-707, registered in Ghana with registry number 9G-GAL, marked with “SACHA” on the fuselage, used the call sign 9QCTA. The plane landed in Mogadishu at 0700 GMT on November 13, 2006. The plane reportedly made previous stops with arms and ammunition at Mogadishu." S.S. Poet
• Roger Ailes, (on Lapin / Abramoff): "Rabbi Daniel Lapin's nonprofit, founded with Abramoff and film critic/radio talker Michael Medved, promotes faith-based conservative politics in tandem with the religious right. Through Abramoff's considerable GOP connections, Lapin has brokered alliances with congressional and Bush administration officials as well. They include tax-reform guru Grover Norquist and consultant Ralph Reed, both of whom have been subpoenaed to appear before Sen. John McCain's Senate Indian Affairs committee, which is looking into the extraordinary lobbying fees Abramoff charged tribes and casinos, work performed mostly after leaving Preston Gates. A radio host on KTTH-AM (770), Lapin is co-chair of the American Alliance of Jews and Christians, whose board includes Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson. Lapin is involved in other religious/political alliances that worked to get George W. Bush elected and re-elected. Last year, Newsweek reported, "When fundraising began for Bush's re-election effort, Rabbi Daniel Lapin . . . urged friends and colleagues to steer campaign checks to Bush via Abramoff." President Bush recently reappointed Lapin to the U.S. Commission for the Preservation of America's Heritage Abroad, which helps preserve cemeteries, monuments, and historic buildings in Eastern and Central Europe. Donors to his charity, according to IRS tax filings, comprise the cream of the religious right, such as Lenore Broughton, the Carthage Foundation, and the Scaife Family Foundation. They have helped Lapin raise, on average, about $500,000 a year, based on filings from 1997 through 2003 -- money he uses to "educate the public through conventions, seminars, public speaking, and class studies on Judeo Christian values," he told the IRS.
• WMR more search terms: Sun Shipbuilding and Drydocks, Gerald Ford, CIA Carter, William Colby, SS Glomar Explorer, sunken Soviet Golf-II diesel submarine, Project Jennifer, K-129, Brent Scrowcroft, SSN5 ICBM, John Warner, Chester, Pennsylvania, Reagan, Casey, Robert Gates.
• Global Research "While Ledeen and the CIA try to claim that Gladio is a "legend," fabricated by the Soviets in an attempt to blame the US for their actions, the revelation of historical evidence is indicting America and the agency for introducing political terrorism to Western electoral politics. Gladio is an ongoing operation by our government to savagely kill and wound thousands of our own allies, in order to blackmail them into supporting America's fascist plans for the world. "Political action" took on a whole new meaning at the hands of the CIA and its hidden allies. ... Terrrorism, as political action, became the driving force in American foreign policy, and any nation that sought our aid, or to become allied with us, had to accept this reality and the necessity to keep blaming others for our own commissioned attacks. The historical record of "terrorist" bombings throughout the world is, for the most part, a record of our actions, done under the cover of layers of "plausible deniability," created by the compartmentalization of terrorist strike forces into different secret levels. ... If the mercenary Gladio paramilitary forces could not provide a sufficient level of violence to satisfy the Company's needs, then the agency could rely on its own paramilitary units, or on special troops from Defense Intelligence under the 30-31B provision. If the work required an extra layer of "plausible deniability" then there were always criminal organizations for hire and the super-secret network of "rogue operators" like Ed Wilson, who were officially alleged to be "former CIA." In the book, Charlie Wilson's War, former agent Wilson told President Anastasio Somoza of Nicaragua that he could raise an army of 1000 "ex" agents to defeat anti-government rebels, for the right price."
• & ephebophilia
The Franklin Scandal 1989, Lawrence E. King Jr, and the Bush administration MORE
NewsFollowUp: Iran Contra, Iraq Connections page index
• Ledeen, Fascism
• 'War on Terrorism'
• War
• Israel
• Corporate Fraud
• Bush Watch
• Nicaragua
GOP Hypocrisy Central, anti-gay crusades, Foley Cover-up: ......Foley, Haggard, Crist, Kolbe, Shimkus, Stephens, Hastert, Gannon, Cheney, Bush & Pagegate, Foleygate
• Alternet "In the latest sign of rank hypocrisy among social conservatives, the president of the 30-million member National Association of Evangelicals has resigned amidst accusations that he had a relationship with a male prostitute. Ted Haggard, who is married with five children, is a frequent adviser to the White House, and a staunch advocate of banning marriage rights for gays and lesbians.
• Citizens for Ethics
• GLAD Gay Lesbian Advocates and Defenders
• Human Rights Campaign lgbt equal rights. laws, legislation watch.
• International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission\
• Lambda Legal
• LiberalAvenger, Scott McClellan, gay, connection to Jeff Gannon, Guckert.
• Moving Ideas Gay and Lesbian issues, links
• National Gay and Lesbian Task Force help strengthen gay and lesbian movement.
• Sourcewatch Jeff Gannon MORE BELOW
• WayneMadsenReport search terms: Northern Marianas, Jack Abramoff, child sex ring to U.S. Congressmen, forced child prostitution, unregulated clothing manufacturers, slave labor, China, Philippines, children of laboreres used as child prostitutes for visiting U.S. "dignitaries.
• Wayne Madsen Report: "Crist and his "Sweet Sixteen" friend. WMR's colleague, intrepid Florida investigative journalist John Caylor of www.insider-magazine.com, has uncovered evidence that GOP gubernatorial candidate Charlie Crist maintained a gay relationship with a 16-year old male ten years ago"
• Foleygate notes: • 365Gay, Scott McClellan, gay, Austin, bars, White House, Bolten.
• Clyde Lewis Fear, "On the morning of June 29, 1989, the elder Bush’s administration was rocked by a scandal when the headlines of the Washington Times splashed "Homosexual Prostitution Probe Ensnares Official of Bush, Reagan, Call Boys Took Midnight Tour of White House." The New York Times also had the story on its front page. ..." search: Gannon
• Flocco, Tom Heneghan, "Agents Say Foley Scandal Tip of Iceberg ...Abramoff operated the sex/ spy ring at the Watergate, Ritz-Carlton and Sheraton hotels in Washington D.C. ... sex in return for legislative influence over taxpayer dollars ..MORE BELOW
• Insider Magazine search Crist, underage gay relationship
• NewStatesman "Republican scandal of the week, from Las Vegas Sun, police subpoenaed phone records of governor-elect Jim Gibbons, search terms: accused of sexual assault, parking garage, demanding sex.
• VirtueOnline The Voice of Global Orthodox Anglicanism, Red Flags of a Pedophile ... Pedophiles befriend vulnerable young people so they can be in a position later to lure them sexually. ... gays are responsible for 32 percent of sexual offenses against children according to many studies such as one in the Fall 1984 "Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy." ...Foley served as Co-Chair of the Congressional Missing and Exploited Children's Caucus which fought for the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act signed last year. As Foley told reporters, "We track library books better than we do sex offenders."
• Wikipedia, Shawn Vassel
• Wikipedia Pedarasty, Pagegate
• Clairemont College Stephen Cambone, Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo, sexual torture of prisoners, PNAC, Wolfowitz,
• Crist, Charlie, MORE BELOW on alleged underage gay relationship
• Infowars, Gannon is Gosch
• National Association of Evangelicals search Mike Jones, Ted Haggard, sex, meth, gay marriage bashing.
• New Life Church search Mike Jones, Ted Haggard, sex, meth, gay marriage bashing.
• Proposition 22 Legal Defense and Education FundSenator Pete Knight, president
• RenewAmerica, Allen Keyes, The re-whitewashing of pedophile Alfred Kinsey
• SodomyLaws.org/
• South Tulsa Baptist Church. Rev Lonnie Latham, arrested on lewd charge.
• New-Press, Charlie Crist conservative profile
• Pagegate, Notes: Foley sent explicit emails to Congressional pages for five years, covered up by Hastert, Boehner, many conflicting stories from all involved. House Clerk Jeff Trandahl said Hastert had been informed of all issues, Trandahl regularly briefed Hastert aide Ted Van Der Meid, Trandahl oversaw Page program,
• JOKE: When Ted Haggard said he only got a massage from Mike Jones that is much the same as Clinton saying he didn't 'inhale' or 'have sex with that woman', all this being very hard to swallow.
• Washington Post "Online Nude Photos Are Latest Chapter In Jeff Gannon Saga ...
• Weekly Standard ""Pedophilia Chic" Reconsidered The taboo against sex with children continues to erode. by Mary Eberstadt"
Ted Haggard and the Bush Whitehouse
• Carpetbagger Report
• Crooks and Liars "Ted Haggard and President Bush! Correction: After listening several times to the audio, it appears that Falwell said he did meet Haggard
• Progressive U blog
• SourceWatch Ted Haggard ... "James C. Dobson, founder and chairman of Focus on the Family, said in a November 2, 2006, news release: "It is unconscionable that the legitimate news media would report a rumor like this based on nothing but one man's accusation. Ted Haggard is a friend of mine and it appears someone is trying to damage his reputation as a way of influencing the outcome of Tuesday's midterm election — especially the vote on Colorado's marriage-protection amendment— which Ted strongly supports."
• Indymedia, Haggard
• Scripps News Haggard advised Bush on judicial appointments, Christian agenda, weekly teleconference with the White House, briefed on administrations agenda, and frequent visits to the White House, Tony Fratto, two framed photos of himself and President Bush,
• Spiritone little boys, Bush
• Wikipedia, Ted Haggard
• above: ad from National Association of Evangelicals, shows focus on 'military religious freedom', politics / war / and the church. go to NFU War pages
• more search terms: Haggard's relationship with a gay male prostitute, banning gay marriage rights, White House advisor, sexual predators, National Republican Congressional Committee spearheaded a series of TV ads attacking a Democratic challenger for being soft on child molesters. Defense of Marriage Act. William Bennett addicted to gambling, Rush Limbaugh addicted to drugs, Ralph Reed relationship with Jack Abramoff. Catholic Church's cover-up of child molesting priests, reaction formation helps make sense of hypocritical moralizing. • ChristianityToday "A number of people offer their takes on Bush and his faith, including authors Freiling and Aikman, noted above; James Robison, a religious broadcaster and a close Bush friend; Ted Haggard, president of the National Association of Evangelicals; and Don Hodel, who served in the Reagan Administration and is now President/CEO of Focus on the Family."
• Focus on the Family, James Dobson
• TedHaggard.com
• National Association of Evangelicals
• New Life Church search Mike Jones, Ted Haggard, sex, meth, gay marriage bashing.
• Bush Whitehouse and gay marriage
• RenewAmerica, Allen Keyes, The re-whitewashing of pedophile Alfred Kinsey
• ...enlarge
• United States Air Force Academy is across the street from the New Life Church, stop Pentagon regulations that might prevent military chaplains from evangelizing, protect Muslims, abolish torture, strike down Texas sodomy laws, end racism, paid prostitute for sex and drugs.
• Yahoo/AP "Evangelical leader says he bought meth ...The Rev. Ted Haggard admitted Friday he bought methamphetamine and received a massage from a male prostitute.
• Wall Street Journal
• Weekly Standard ""Pedophilia Chic" Reconsidered The taboo against sex with children continues to erode. by Mary Eberstadt"
• Rocky Mountain News Ted Haggard, "A Colorado Springs-based giant of the conservative Christian movement, with direct access to President Bush, stepped down Thursday as leader of the National Association of Evangelicals in the wake of allegations by a former male escort that the two had a three-year sexual relationship. The Rev. Ted Haggard also took leave as senior pastor of the 14,000-member New Life Church he founded in his living room in 1985. ... Jones, a bodybuilder and personal trainer, went public with a general claim of a sexual affair with a prominent pastor on Peter Boyles' morning talk show on KHOW radio Wednesday, but neither he nor Haggard was identified. KUSA's 9News first reported Haggard's and Jones' names Wednesday night. Haggard, 50, initially denied the allegations, telling 9News Wednesday night that "I've never had a gay relationship with anybody, and I'm steady with my wife. I'm faithful to my wife." But KKTV in Colorado Springs reported that New Life Associate Senior Pastor Ross Parsley told a meeting of church elders Thursday night that Haggard had met with the church's overseers earlier in the day and "had admitted to some indiscretions. ...
Mark Foley, and the congressional cover-up
• BushBlowJob
• ThinkProgress, Foley cover-up timeline beginning in 2000.
• SourceWatch, Congresspedia Mark Foley "Foley’s congressional district (FL-16) included part of Palm Beach County, a site of much debate during the 2000 U.S. presidential election. Critics of the election results argued that many in the county mistakenly voted for Reform Party candidate Pat Buchanan when they intended to vote for Vice-President Al Gore, the Democratic candidate. Reform • AmericaBlog "GOP House page board chair may have helped cover-up Foley scandal .. "Foley, Shimkus
• Wikipedia Mark Foley "Mark Adam Foley (born September 8, 1954) is an American politician who served as a Republican member of the United States House of Representatives from 1995 until 2006, representing the 16th District of Florida. Foley resigned from Congress on September 29, 2006, as allegations surfaced that he had sent suggestive emails and sexually explicit instant messages[1] to children who had formerly served as Congressional pages.[2][3]
• Metavid, Foley, speech, internet child predation • ChristianityToday
• Focus on the Family, James Dobson
• Fox News: GOP excuses for Foley behavior: "The congressional sponsor of the page, Rep. Rodney Alexander, R-La., said he was asked by the youth's parents not to pursue the matter, so he dropped it. Thomas Reynolds, Carl Forti, —
• Weekly Standard ""Pedophilia Chic" Reconsidered The taboo against sex with children continues to erode. by Mary Eberstadt"
• BushBlowJob There is also much focus on the relationship between House Speaker Dennis Hastert and his chief of staff, 56-year old Scott Palmer. Hastert and Palmer, Hastert's longtime unmarried adviser, live together in a DC townhouse along with Hastert's Deputy Chief of Staff, Mike Stokke, while Hastert's wife Jean lives in Yorkville, Illinois and stays at a hotel when she visits Washington... ...WMR's State Department sources have also reported that the visits of Hastert and other congressional leaders and staff members to certain Southeast Asian nations and the Northern Marianas should come under the scrutiny of the House Ethics Committee, now officially investigating "Pagegate." The Northern Marianas became infamous in the scandals involving Tom DeLay and Jack Abramoff because of the presence in the US slave labor territory of Asian children being used as prostitutes. Conveniently, Foley co-chaired the House Caucus on Missing and Exploited Children, which would have had authority to investigate charges of child prostitution in the Northern Marianas....
RawStory: "History Revisited
In 1983, Congressional oversight committees learned that the Reagan administration and the CIA were engaged in unapproved clandestine activity in Nicaragua, supporting an extreme right wing group called the Contras, who were working against the democratically-elected socialist Sandinista government. In response, Congress passed the Boland Amendment, that blocked direct government funding for the Contras, as a measure by which to rein in the extra-legal activities of the Reagan White House. In order to continue funding the Contras, the White House began running arms to Iran, an avowed enemy of the United States then just as now, and funneled the profits to the Contras under the management of National Security Council aide, Lt. Col. Oliver L. North. Special prosecutor Lawrence Walsh described the markup strategy in his final report:
Lt. Col. Oliver L. North of the NSC staff had inflated the price to the Iranians for HAWK missile spare parts that were to be delivered at the Tehran meeting by a multiple of 3.7. Manucher Ghorbanifar, who brokered the parts sale, added a 41% markup to North's price of $15 million. With another increase added by Ghorbanifar during the Tehran meeting, the Iranians were charged a total of $24.5 million for HAWK spare parts priced by the Defense Department at $3.6 million. Operating as a "carrier pigeon" of messages between North and Ghorbanifar was Michael Ledeen. Vaughn Forrest, who recently accompanied Congressman Hoekstra to Paris, was then an aide to former Florida Congresman Bill McCollum and allegedly involved with North's activities on the Contra end. Forrest is even alleged to have toured Contra camps in Costa Rica.
Wayne Madsen Report: Crist and his "Sweet Sixteen" friend. WMR's colleague, intrepid Florida investigative journalist John Caylor of www.insider-magazine.com, has uncovered evidence that GOP gubernatorial candidate Charlie Crist maintained a gay relationship with a 16-year old male ten years ago. Crist, born on July 24, 1956, is 50 years old. His young one-time partner, born in 1979, is now 26. Crist, who, as Florida Attorney General, was able to hide his personal details under Patriot Act-inspired shield laws designed to "protect" law enforcement officers, allegedly lived with his young partner in a condominium at 1 Beach Drive, St. Petersburg Beach, Florida.
Flocco, Tom Heneghan, "Agents Say Foley Scandal Tip of Iceberg ...Abramoff operated the sex/ spy ring at the Watergate, Ritz-Carlton and Sheraton hotels in Washington D.C. ... sex in return for legislative influence over taxpayer dollars ... Karl Rove is linked ...financing of which is directly linked to AIPAC, former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Marc Rich and Abramoff ... congressional pages subject to sexual contacts by congressmen or other officials linked to the Abramoff poker party hotel sex ring (AIG financing) which has already ensnared convicted former GOP Congressmen Randy "Duke" Cunningham who is currently serving a federal prison sentence. other search terms: Jeff Gannon (visits to private living quarters of the White House), Tony Blair, Robert Novak, Dennis Hastert, John Boehner, Roy Blunt, Bill Frist, issue "taken care of" ... pedophilia, Plame outed because her intelligence team had identified Israeli Mossad operatives inside Iran who were to receive WMD to be delivered through Turkey and planted in Iraq ...did Scott Palmer reveal Kirk Fordham's concerns about Foley to Hastert? ... RNC Chairman Tom Reynolds accepted $100,000 from Foley at the same time Republican leaders were deciding how to handle Foley's underage"
* * *
Common Dreams Co-Chair of Bush Panel Part of Far Right Network
"President George W. Bush's choice to co-chair his commission to investigate intelligence failures prior to the Iraq War is a long-time, right wing political activist closely tied to the neo-conservative network that led the pro-war propaganda campaign ... In 1980, when he served as part of former Republican president Ronald Reagan's senior campaign staff, he played a key role in setting up secret contacts between the Reagan-Bush campaign and the Islamic government in Tehran, in what became known as the ''October Surprise'' controversy. (Former president George HW Bush, the current president's father, was Reagan's vice-president for two terms, 1981-89). Rewarded with his appeals court judgeship several years later, Silberman helped advise right-wing activists during the 1990s on strategies for pursuing allegations of sexual misconduct by then-Democratic president Bill Clinton, according to various accounts. Besides Silberman and Robb, a conservative Democrat who also has strong ties to neo-conservatives through the Democratic Leadership Council, Bush chose five other commission members and indicated that two more have yet to be named. The five include Arizona Republican Senator John McCain; former White House counsel for Clinton and former president Jimmy Carter, Lloyd Cutler; Yale University President Richard Levin; former deputy Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) director, Admiral William Studeman and retired appeals court judge Pat Wald.
But it is his role in the 1980 election that is perhaps most intriguing about Silberman's appointment. He is alleged to have set up and participated in a mysterious meeting in Washington on Oct. 2, 1980 -- one month before the election -- with Reagan's top foreign policy adviser, then-Marine Lieutenant Colonel Robert McFarlane (Reagan's national security adviser during the Iran-Contra scandal), and at least one Iranian arms dealer. It was the culmination of a series of secret meetings -- never reported to the U.S. government -- between Reagan campaign officials and Iranians who purported to represent the government of the Ayatollah Khomeini. The precise purpose of those meetings has never been resolved, but one school of thought, propounded most effectively in the early 1980s by Carter's top National Security Council adviser on Iran, was that the Republican campaign was trying to ensure that Tehran would not make a deal with Carter to release U.S. Embassy hostages who were being held in Iran until after the November elections. In return, Iran would be covertly supplied with U.S.-made weapons via Israeli middlemen, according to the theory. Reagan officials, including Silberman, have vehemently denied this version of events. Nonetheless, it appears that Silberman was a key conduit to Iran during the early 1980s. " Abramoff / Silberman email copy
• Palfrey search terms: Senior Bush officials linked to PMA escort service, Tobias, Ullman, Roughead, Scientific Applications, Morris, toe-sucker, Vitter, diaper, exrement fetish, Wendy, Spitzer, Hookergate, whoregate, Cheney, US Judge Gladys Kessler, phone records, restraining order lifted, Dan Moldea, Bruce Lindsey, Bill Clinton, Sprint, Montgomery Sibley, Preston Burton, Honey-pot defense, Brandy Britton, Tony Burrus, Baltimore, Carol Lam investigation, fired, US Attorney, of Foggo, Duke Cunningham, Wilkes, Jerry Lewis, Carlton-Ritz, Sheraton, Watergate, Anapolis Naval Academy, Rebecca Dickinson, Buffett, ... Richard Bruce Cheney, Bruce Childs, Chiles, Ballantine, Chain Bridge Road, Giuliani, McCain, Eli Lilly, NASA, Bank Secrecy Act, Shirlington Limousine, poker parties, Westin Grand, KBR, Oliver North, World Bank, rocket docket, and Larry Flynt reward for information, Henry Hyde, Gingrich, Hooker, blackmail like Profumo Keeler affair, Ivanov, J. Edgar Hoover, Tolson, gay, KeFauver, Fred Thompson, William Cowden, beltway, Scottish golf trip, Miz Julia, pimping, financing linked to Netanyahu, Marc Rich, AIG, Greenberg, Doug Alexander. and Leola McConnell. ... and intersection of SAIC, USAID, Akin Gump, US Navy, McLean, Virginia, ... ABC 20/20, Brian Ross, Disney, story spiked, FCC, white box of important papers, nylon rope, shed, little black book, WESH-TV, Florida, ... prosecutor Richard Butler, Judge James Robertson, DiBiagio, homicide, Nathan's interview,
common franklingate terms: Ak Sar Ben, Albert foods Alberto Gonzalez Alisha Owen, Amato, Andersen, Harold, Michael Aquino, Army of the Night, Dennis Baack, Max Baer, Max Baird, holz zeilinger, bi-sexual, bobby Eberle, Bonacci, Boystown bradford brian burzynski BSCT byrnne randall call-boy carlton-ritz casseday catholic cia citron, peter clatty commercial federal savings conagra coos bay Lehman copple Cornwall Craig Spence Creager credit union Crist David Ambrose, David Hinton Decamp Dick Roth discovery channel Duke Cunningham Dwight Harris Ed Wwens Eisenstatt Ernie Chambers Fbi Foggo Fort Bragg Foster care review board Frank Figueroa franklin advisory board gannon guckert gannongate gerry falwell gopusa hambright hitler youth hotmilitarystud iran-contra james dobson james duffy james gannon james kelly john queen john stevens barry johnny sutton jubilation day care julie walters kay griggs kimbrough king, lawrence labedz libby apprentice lonnie latham lustfull utterances lynch male prostitution mark grossman mcconnell methamphetamine midnight tour mike jones murray state bank nambla nebraska nelson, rusty northern natural gas northwest bell offutt ogen, utah omaha omaha national bank orr case pagegate pedophigate poindexter presidio probe ensnares protestant ratzinger reagan, ronald rendition rick perry R-lynn robert kirchner robert spire rove, karl samuel vanpelt sarkozy paedophilia satanism schoedinger scott mcclellan secret service shawn vassel sodomy southern baptist convention stephen cambone stitt strategic air command talon news tarpley temple of set texas youth commission the colonel the fellowship thomas reynolds thompson, hunter tom delay tongsun park tripp schweer union pacific railroad urbom wadman, robert washington times weber state university west texas state school westin crown center hotel william boykin williams energy world herald world vision yorkshire television yosef sagiv franklin cover-up mcateer libby book apprentice homoeroticism, bestiality and incestuous themes, with an unspeakably gross passage where a ten-year-old girl is abused. Caged, and forced to have sex with bears, to become a prostitute, search terms: a scene of incest between two uncles and their niece; fukk a freshly killed deer, prepubescent girl's painted 'mound', lack of vaginal odor ronald roskens kent state 1970 cfr usaid chancellor uno board of regents caradori homosexual orgies ed mccateer leola Mcconnell roundtable falwell bisexual lustfull utterances tennessee knoxville victor ashe kitty kelly las vegas mayor tang yale bulldog lips sodomite nevada governor .........................gopusa gay porn sites mcclellan austin gay bars bypassed secret service security controls background check fleischer press credential mcclendon inr bureau of intelligence and research state department wilson plame endeavor media group llc houston theconservativeguy.com exposejessejackson militaryescorts bedrock corporation wilmington delaware j. daniels dividezero.net gkg.net college station bush presidential library lawrence king elizabeth doles liaison to the white house rove fundamentalist Christian politics operation rescue bible reading by guckert reverend rob schenk american center for law and justice pat robertson justice roy moore pentacostal national community church giddings school Washington Ashcroft congregant Gannon Schenk friends park bench plan righttalk.com leadership institute's broadcast school of journalism arlington virginia morton blackwell head of college republicans south dakota politics thune on gannon's radio webcasts daschle free speech foundation probush.com james abourezk mike marino west point pennsylvania traitors list carter sarandon mortensen gore stern kerry kennedy MLKing mckinney moore dixie chicks aei gannon article march 2004 anti-gay rights ....Deborah Jeane Palfrey, Pamela Martin & Associates, legal escort service, Tobias, Brandy Britton, 07-046-GK, Catherine Connelly, racketeering, Ulman, Dick Morris, adult fantasy, Miz Julia, prostitution, pimping, Montgomery Blair Sibley, ABC, Disney, Akin Gump Strauss Hauer Feld LLP, Eli Lilly, Quale, NASA, Kessler, Shirlington limousine, poker parties, Watergate, Westin Grand, hookergate whoregate, D. C. madam, Duke-stir, Langley, .... Letterman about Cheney ""I can't believe a good-looking guy like that would ever have to pay for sex, you know what I'm saying?" .... Thomas DiBiagio, Jonathan Luna, Ed Norris, Governor Ehrlich, Watergate, Westin Grand, James Comey, Ashcroft, ABC producers Rhonda Schwartz, Justin Rood, defense contractors, AIPAC, World Bank, IMF, Halliburton, smokinggun, Wells Fargo Bank, Troy Burrus, John Stendrinni, Wilkes / Michael indictment. .... Barney Frank, Steve Gobie, Thomas Foley, Edwin Cassem, Massachusetts General Hospital, Paul Shanley, Creighton University, Dobson, homophobia, Val Peter, archdiocese, Boston, house ethics committee, Warren Buffett, Cardinal law Senator Larry Craig, Idaho, plainclothes officer, lewd behavior, airport men's room, tapped foot, anti same-sex marriage votes, homophobia, anti-gay rights, Romney campaign, Offutt, Barney Frank
follow up, the act of following up. 2. an action or thing that serves to increase the effectiveness of a previous one, as a second or subsequent letter, phone call, or visit. 3. Also called follow. Journalism. a. a news story providing additional information on a story or article previously published. b. Also called sidebar, supplementary story. a minor news story used to supplement a related story of major importance. Compare feature story (def. 1), human-interest story, shirttail. –adjective 4. designed or serving to follow up, esp. to increase the effectiveness of a previous action: a follow-up interview; a follow-up offer. 5. of or pertaining to action that follows an initial treatment, course of study, etc.: follow-up care for mental patients; a follow-up survey. fol·low –verb (used with object) 1. to come after in sequence, order of time, etc.: The speech follows the dinner. 2. to go or come after; move behind in the same direction: Drive ahead, and I'll follow you. 3. to accept as a guide or leader; accept the authority of or give allegiance to: Many Germans followed Hitler. 4. to conform to, comply with, or act in accordance with; obey: to follow orders; to follow advice. 5. to imitate or copy; use as an exemplar: They follow the latest fads. 6. to move forward along (a road, path, etc.): Follow this road for a mile. 7. to come after as a result or consequence; result from: Reprisals often follow victory. 8. to go after or along with (a person) as companion. 9. to go in pursuit of: to follow an enemy. 10. to try for or attain to: to follow an ideal. 11. to engage in or be concerned with as a pursuit: He followed the sea as his true calling. 12. to watch the movements, progress, or course of: to follow a bird in flight. 13. to watch the development of or keep up with: to follow the news. 14. to keep up with and understand (an argument, story, etc.): Do you follow me? –verb (used without object) 15. to come next after something else in sequence, order of time, etc. 16. to happen or occur after something else; come next as an event: After the defeat great disorder followed. 17. to attend or serve. 18. to go or come after a person or thing in motion. 19. to result as an effect; occur as a consequence: It follows then that he must be innocent. –noun 20. the act of following. 21. Billiards, Pool. follow shot (def. 2). 22. follow-up (def. 3). —Verb phrases23. follow out, to carry to a conclusion; execute: They followed out their orders to the letter. 24. follow through, a. to carry out fully, as a stroke of a club in golf, a racket in tennis, etc. b. to continue an effort, plan, proposal, policy, etc., to its completion. 25. follow up, a. to pursue closely and tenaciously. b. to increase the effectiveness of by further action or repetition. c. to pursue to a solution or conclusion. —Idiom26. follow suit. suit (def. 13). fol·low·a·ble, adjective —Synonyms 3. obey. 4. heed, observe. 8. accompany, attend. 9. pursue, chase; trail, track, trace. 19. arise, proceed. Follow, ensue, result, succeed imply coming after something else, in a natural sequence. Follow is the general word: We must wait to see what follows. A detailed account follows. Ensue implies a logical sequence, what might be expected normally to come after a given act, cause, etc.: When the power lines were cut, a paralysis of transportation ensued. Result emphasizes the connection between a cause or event and its effect, consequence, or outcome: The accident resulted in injuries to those involved. Succeed implies coming after in time, particularly coming into a title, office, etc.: Formerly the oldest son succeeded to his father's title. —Antonyms 1. precede. 2, 3. lead. 4. disregard. 9. flee. news follow up
NewsFollowup.com search
pictorial index
Franklin Scandal Omaha 1989
Sandy Hook Shooting Fully Exposed viral video over 10 million views and CNN hoax video
Sandy Hook / Dark Knight below
Joe Paterno (deceased), Penn State, knew of Sandusky prostitution scheme, gay boys pimped to football program leaders. The Penn State scandal already involves the current Republican Governor of Pennsylvania, Tom Corbett, and his two predecessors, Democrat Ed Rendell and Republican Tom Ridge. more below
go to CBS / NBC 1989 news coverage of the Omaha / Washington DC call boy / prostitution scandal, see New York Times and CBS MP3below and Text of Washington Times article
callboys 80's, Israel, blackmail
=go to other NFU page
Jimmy Savile, BBC Pedophilia Scandal
WMR: Sandy Hook connections to pedophile scandals, BBC ... more & Timeline
click to play
Obama, gay, blackmail, Man's Country, Chicago go to NFU pages
=go to other NFU page
Is there a common thread between the sexual abuse scandal at Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo, the Franklin Cover-up Scandal - Omaha (1989), Catholic and Protestant clergy sexual abuse, GOP leadership cover-up of the Foley affair, ... Jeff Gannon White House sleepovers, Clinton sexual adventures, Deborah Jeane Palfrey... and ??? more below?
this page page 2
page 3
page 4
• Franklingate, Bush connections to Franklin Scandal, Omaha
• Catholic Priest Sexual Abuse
• Camp Caribou, sack
• Washington Times 1989 White House Call Boy story text
• Franklin lease, Washington, Embassy Row, 1989
• Gannongate
• Jeff Gannon, Johnny Gosch? National Press Club member orGannon White House visits
News Research:
Catholic Priests, Sexual Abuse top
• Bishop Accountability, Abuse, tracker, Catholic priests
• American Chronicle Victoria Hardy Is Ritual Child Abuse Just a Hoax?
• Ananova, search
• Buzzle intelligent life on the web
• Catholic Citizens
• Child abuse involved 1200 priests, 4000 children
• ClericalSexualAbuse.com Rogge
• EducateYourself
• Inquiry.ca Cornwall sex abuse scandal cover-up
• Multiline, clergy child molesters
• Religious Tolerance Clergy sexual abuse, Boys Town and 1993-2002
• StopBaptistPredators Kenneth Payne, sodomizing a seventeen year old.
• This is London Ratzinger pedophile priest cover-up policy documents MORE below
• Boycott ABC, Boycott NBC, Boycott CBS, Boycott Fox
• Village Voice, Cardinal Bernard Law, Catholic priest sexual abuse cover-up
• Robert Wadman, Omaha Chief of Police during Franklin Scandal, unsuccessfully sued John DeCamp (July 08). ... Entwined with Bush 41 White House call boy scandal. and see Alex Constantine /Wadman court proceedings. orEducateYourself
• Boy Scout Sexual Abuse
• About.com Pope Benedict led cover-up of pedophile priests
• Abuse Penitent end priest penitent for child abusers
• Bishop Accountability counselor Michael Wolf, Rev. James Kelly, sexual abuse
• Beau Biden, Pedophile Scandal more below
• Catholic News
• CBS News "Former Boys Town pupil James Duffy alleged in a lawsuit last month that the Rev. James Kelly and a counselor, the late Michael Wolf, repeatedly molested him in the late 1970s."
• The Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences
• ClericalSexualAbuse.com Rogge
• ClassActionAmerica
• Hidden Mysteries "Another Sadistic Pedophile GOP Religious Right Wingnut ..Rev. Thomas J. Smith defrocked, sexually assaulting and whipping boys, 1973-2004, Cardinal Anthony Bevilacqua accused in cover-up.
• Leadership Council On Child Abuse & Interpersonal Violence
• Leadership Council The Leadership Council's Examination of the Rind Meta-analysis The Leadership Council completed its review of a controversial study that purported to show that children are rarely harmed by sex abuse by adults.Our analysis found that the study by Rind et al. was seriously flawed.
• MSNBC Protestant Sexual Abuse figures file
• USA Today
• and see new photos at JohnnyGosch Camp Caribou sack & more
New clue, Johnny Gosch, Maciel, Camp Caribou,
• video
• Ron Paul names neo-cons video
• 700 Club, The
• American Center for Law and Justice
• Austria, incest capital of the world, search terms: Natascha Kampusch, Josef Fritzl, from the town of Amstetten, has confessed to imprisoning his daughter in a cellar for 24 years and fathering her seven children,
• Babtist Press Newsfeed
• more
• Catholic archdiocese of Omaha Paul Bonacci, filed a law suit against Larry King of the Franklin Credit Union in Omaha, also named the Catholic Arch diocese of Omaha as a co-defendant.
• Catholicity Mary Foundation
o NewsFollowUppers
o ABC News
o FoxNews
o NBC News
o Omaha World Herald
o Washington Times
• CBC Cornwall sexual abuse cover-up
• Christian News Today
• Christian Coalition
• Christian Monitor latest Christian headlines
• Common 1%
• Concerned Women of America
• Family Research Council
• GlaxoSmithKline vaccine manufacturer,
• Vatican, cover-up central
• subject map
Depressing Odd Boring Angry Interesting Inspiring RELATED CONTENT Etan Patz Investigators Dig For New Clues in Boy's Disappearance 33 Years Ago (ABC … Federal investigators and New York City police are preparing today to dig beneath the streets near a Manhattan apartment building where 6-year-old Etan Patz disappeared 33 years ago. The search for Patz has been one of the largest, longest lasting and most heart wrenching hunts for a missing child in the country's recent history. Investigators are also reexamining the decades old assumption that Patz was abducted by convicted pedophile Jose Ramos. Ramos, now in prison for an unrelated case, was never charged with Patz's abduction. At least two other potential suspects have been examined, sources told ABC News. Patz vanished on May 25, 1979 in the SoHo neighborhood of Manhattan while walking alone to a school bus stop. Patz became the first missing child whose face appeared on the side of a milk carton.
Camp Caribou, Ontario? Catholic? enlarge
• New information from (the left graphic compiled from photo on JohnnyGosch.com "I (Noreen Gosch) received this photo recently, it is like so many others, as Johnny appears bound and gagged once again. However, this photo has something very significant in the background. It is a laundry bag from a "camp". The photo was taken in the early 1980's not long after my son was kidnapped. This photo appeared on a Russian Pedophile Website around Thanksgiving 2007 and sent to me a short time later. Someone has had it in their possession/collection for a very long time. ... If there are viewers of my website who are familiar with this camp, please email me at: JGoschFoundation@aol.com. I would appreciate any information you may have to share. I have obtained many photos of my son, as well as other boys which were taken in this same room. Apparently this location was used for some activities with children." and search terms: Ontario, Canada, Catholic, camp and see MORE on Camp Caribou, Catholic sexual abuse, Marcial Maciel
• go to Johnny Gosch research enlarge more source source: WayneMadsenReport more
• MORE on Camp Caribou, Catholic sexual abuse, Marcial Maciel. Legionaries of Christ and YouTube
• from cbdave01 to Robert Wadman: A Message to Robert Wadman- ex omaha chief of Police about Murdered Kids and Child abductions by cbdave01 | June 25, 2008 at 11:33 am | 345 views | add comment To: rwadman1@weber.edu Cc: JGoschFoundation@aol.com Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2008 7:12:56 AM Subject: Hey Robbie- its your old friend from Omaha again I was very disappointed not to hear anything from you after sending you an email- so I thought I would try again. You see my friend- I have tried to get my parents to take me to court about all of this over and over and over- to no avail- so when I was told that you were eager to take people to court- I figured we could help each other out. I am willing to bet that I can help to make this happen- so lets just say that both of us have had a prayer answered. I just wanted to let you know that the videos are definitely NOT the only thing I am guilty of doing. The communications I have had with the media, politicians, and victim advocacy groups have almost been daily- and now that I am involved with this in such a degree, it has pretty much taken over my life. You see- this time- I know that you dont have the alan and marsha baer foundation money to think about this time- since he is dead he is out of the picture- and so now maybe we can get some real discourse about all of this. I mean- did you really think it was fair to send one of my dearest friends Mark Anderson and the man you all dubbed "The Pied Piper of Porn" to jail for decades while not even giving so much as a real handslap to Alan and his six counts of having sex with minors. I of course have sent eveyone to look at this- and to ask the question WHY? Also- I have also sent everyone on a mission. You see- if they start looking at all that childporn that is being collected in Europe, we all know that they are not only going to see the eatery Stars- (that was down in the old market at the time)- but in many of those child porn and snuff films- they will see the Hollywood bar. You know- the one the city of Omaha immediately tore down when all of these allegations came out. I bet you werent betting on anyone remembering any of this- because Ted Gunderson and all of his friends didnt know anything about all of this. Funny. Last of all- and probably most important- I have told people that the bodies of those children are buried in legit graves in Forestlawn Cememtary off of 48th street in North Omaha. I know you guys thought you were so clever with that- but let me ask you this- now that people know about it and are now looking into it- EXACTLY HOW are you going to go retrieve what you left? IF you dont- you realize you are leaving it open for someone else to go look. And i assure you- in the end- everyone is going to want to see. This is the deal Robbie- you all better deal with this before you draw your last breath- because if you dont- you are going to end up right along with your savior and friend Alan Baer. A man- who- by the way- wont be saving anyone's ass this time. Get your fancy clothes ready- because one way or another- we are going to end up in court. Noreen Goshe is the LEAST OF YOUR WORRIES NOW MY FRIEND. By the way- speaking of Noreen- you attack her one more time- and I return the favor. You do have media where you live dont you? So far- everyone has been really really interested in this- so I bet the people in your home town would find it equally so. Better call your lawyer now. You want to deal with someone- threaten someone- intimidate someone= here I am Robbie. xxx xxx xxxx is my number- feel free to call. Just realize I will record the call and share it with everyone when we are done. Things arent going to go well for all of you with all of this FRIEND. I look forward to hearing from you. David shurter Also Noreen Goshe- you remember- the mother who has been in hell trying to get anwers for her abducted son for 25 yrs now- the one you have been trying to intimidate and harrass over all of this- has nothing to do with this. I am ccing her this email so she can see what I am doing. after i send this- I will be sending this out to everyone else- but I didnt feel you needed to know who they are. Better that be your surprise. source: NowPublic more
The Franklin Scandal -1989
Abramoff corruption scandals
Gannon, Foley, Haggard
Blunt / Hastert investigation
Brian Doyle, DHS, Texas youth prison system
text of story
'Franklin Scandal' story from June 29, 1989 and YouTube video: 'Conspiracy of Silence' and NBC Tom Brokaw News story
and YouTube ... and YouTube, CIA, EducateYourself
Robert Wadman loses libel case against John DeCamp more below
...instances of child sexual and physical abuse linked to the Franklin Community Credit Union (Omaha, Nebraska) scandal.... boys and girls, some from foster homes were transported around the country by airplane to provide sexual favors.... tracked to the White House.
Bush / Gonzales / pedophile, sex scandals ... NFU page index
go to research
Abramoff / corruption Washington D.C. Dept of Interior, emails, corruption, casinos, Florida, drugs MORE
The Franklin Scandal, Below
Omaha, Lawrence King, BoysTown, sexual abuse, White House 1989 this page
Texas, Rove, youth prisons Rove, Gonzales, Sutton, implicated in failure to prosecute sodomy MORE
Gary Webb, Iran-Contra in Franklin Scandal, child prostitutes as drug couriers, funding Iran-Contra MORE
Secret prisons, sexual torture Extraordinary Rendition, Bush, sexual torture, prisoner abuse, MORE
8 U.S. Attorneys fired Carole Lam fired, Abramoff, Cunningham, Foggo, Wilkes, Hookergate MORE
DiBiagio, Palfrey, Luna Gov. Ehrlich, DiBiagio fired, Luna murdered, Palfrey investigation, Hookergate MORE
Caging lists, USAttorneys fired link: Rove assistant: Timothy Griffin, 2004 voter suppression, Goodling MORE
CIA, Iran-Contra, Franklin $38 million missing, Franklin Credit Union, CIA, Iran-Contra, Clinton, Bush MORE
Mark Foley Senate Page program, email sex scandal / hypocrisy MORE
Ronald Roskens, USAID, Chancellor, U of Nebraska, fired, homosexual orgies, MORE
Ted Haggard Gay male prostitute, cover-up, White House conference calls MORE
Jeff Gannon White House visits, gay porn sites, Gosch, Guckert MORE
Blunt, Boehner, Hastert Foley cover-up, Abramoff, Dept of the Interior, FBI Investigation MORE
Brian Doyle, DHS, Arrested, use of a computer to seduce a child, Dept Homeland Sec. MORE
Tony Blair Pedophile investigations, D-Notices, cover-up MORE
Barney Frank Franklin Scandal cover-up, Steve Gobie, Boston, Cardinal Law, Creighton U. MORE
Sen. Larry Craig Long list of anti-gay, anti same-sex marriage votes, homophobia MORE
Michael Aquino Presidio, sexual abuse investigation, day care centers, Reagan ties. MORE
Pope Benedict, Ratzinger Catholic priest sexual abuse cover-up MORE
Alphabetic Subject Index, Franklingate
KoreaGate Sun Myung Moon, Congress, bribery MORE
Sarkozy statement: "I'm inclined personally to think that you are born paedophile .." MORE
Fascism and pedophilia ... disturbing similarities ..German Christian Church and the Nazi Party .. MORE
Covenant House Father Bruce Ritter, pedophilia, Iran Contra, Bush family connections MORE
John Mark Karr Thailand, child sex rings, Bush connections MORE
John Lehman "Coos Bay" pedophilia cover-up 1982, 9/11 Commission, Franklin cover-up MORE
Deborah Jeane Palfrey D.C. Madam... threat to identify high-profile clients, Ullman, Cheney MORE
Venezuela War on drugs? elections funding, pedophile networks MORE
Gen. William Boykin Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib, sexual torture of prisoners, Stephen Cambone MORE
Sagiv, Israeli diplomat Israeli, Yosef Sagiv, Consulate in Atlanta, charged, exploitation of children MORE
Victor Ashe Bush's bi-sexual? Yale roommate, Ambassador to Poland MORE
Ed McAteer Knowledge of Bush / Ashe Las Vegas sexual encounter MORE
Southern Baptist Convention Failure to deal with clergy sexual abuse info
Mormons Unreported sexual abuse, lawsuits abound MORE
GOP Pedophile list
Washington Times, Casseday Huffington Post , Soliciting internet sex with what he believed was 13 yr old. 2006
GOP Dirty Tricks GOP Dirty Tricks, 50 years, hundreds of entries MORE
Franklin Scandal, Omaha to the White House top
• 4aCloserLook
• 911CommissionReport Hunter Thompson, Rusty Nelson, "Nelson was allegedly employed by a former Republican Party activist to take pictures of current or retired U.S. House-Senate members and other prominent government officials engaging in sexual criminality by receiving or committing sodomy and other sex acts on children during the Reagan-Bush 41 administrations."
• more on DeCamp's book: Franklin Cover-up Scandal below
• Akira the Don, Jan Muldoon, said Robert Waldman unjustly fired her husband from the Omaha Police dept. .. "I believe, and always will, that it had something to do with Wadman's involvement in the Franklin cover up ordeal and my husband's knowledge of it (as did many other officers"...
• American Chronicle Victoria Hardy Is Ritual Child Abuse Just a Hoax?
• America's Most Wanted, missing persons, Johnny Gosch ... "In the two years Roy Stephens investigated Bonacci, he went from skeptic to supporter, and some of Bonacci's story and the evidence Roy Stephens uncovered is compelling: "Emilio" is the ringleader of the organization who orders the abductions and sells the children to pedophiles."
• American Buddha Online Library, get "The Franklin Cover-up .. Child Abuse, Satanism and Murder in Nebraska"
• Anairhoads Franklin Scandal "The "Washington Post", "New York Times", "Village Voice" and "National Law Journal" covered the full range of accusations after the story broke in November of 1988. King's money machinations were also linked to the Iran-Contra affair, and some say that King provided the CIA with information garnered from his alleged activities as a "pimp" for the high and mighty."
• Antiwar: Bob Kerry, Vietnam, war criminal, drop out of politics, Thanh Phong, Gregory L. Vistica's piece on Kerry, 1969 massacre, Kerry's Raiders, old man, take out, village.
• ArmchairSubversive Republican Pedophilia, LONG LIST copy Foley, Casseday, Beres, Floyd, Pazuhanich, Stumbo, Randall, Tebano, Collins, Seidensticker, Giordano, Adams, Gozek, Swartz, Aldarondo, Curtain, Heldreth, Rader, Morency, Shortridge, Thurmond, Morrency, Hintz, Dibble, Cramer, King, Spence, Lukens, Delgaudio, Grethen, Ankeney, Crane, Russel, Kline, Bauman, Patti, Glickman, Brooks, Hathaway, White, Matthews, Kimmerling, Ingram, Coan, Buhr, Westmoreland, Burt, Childs, Butler, Gardner, Barter, Smeltzer Jr., Bena, Schwarz, Vanderwall, Harris, Grunseth, Aiken, Elizondo, Dasan Sr., Rumsfeld
• arrested 1971, legal financial, grand larceny,
• BlatantTruth Former Nebraska state senator John W. DeCamp investigated the White House “call boy scandal” with the intention of disproving it.... and ....Margie Schoedinger: innocent victim of George W. Bush.
• BlueLineRadio, Robert Wadman, ... Robert Wadman was Wilmington's Police Chief back in the early 90's. He was fired in July of 1994 with no public explanation by City Manager Mary Gornto ... Alisha Owen, testified in court that when she was 14 Wadman raped her and fathered a child with her. Owen was later convicted of perjury and was sentenced to 9 - 27 years. ... My lawsuit intersected a fierce political battle between Chief Wadman, upon whom WECT had relied for its information, and his own police department, particularly with an officer named Sgt. Robert Clatty. Sgt. Clatty is the Wilmington Police Department’s expert on Satanic ritual abuse of children Wadman credentials
• On July 11, 1990, Gary Caradori was killed along with his 6-year old son in the crash of his small plane, after a mid-air explosion, the cause of which was never discovered. He had told friends repeatedly in the weeks before his death that he was afraid his plane would be sabotaged.GeorgeWalkerBush, death list
• Bowman, Steve, book: Bush linked to child prostitute drug couriers were also victims of Omaha child abusers, all connected to funding of Iran Contra, Oliver North
• Chambers, Ernie, According to the December 15, 1989 New York Times, Chambers came forward with reports of "boys and girls, some of them from foster homes, who had been transported around the country by airplane to provide sexual favors." Wikipedia
• Coldice video "I came down with Larry King ... but it was set up by Craig Spence".... White House midnight tours.
• CommonGroundCommonSense "New Leads in Johnny Gosch Case, Gannon Guckert.
• 1% Babylon Tapscott, Mark Claims to fame: Director of The Heritage Foundation’s Center for Media and Public Policy; ex-communications director for Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Mormon, UT); assistant director of U.S. Office of Personnel Management under Ronald Reagan; Washington Examiner editorial page editor; former assistant managing editor of Rev. Sun Myung Moon’s Washington Times; hard-hard-hardcore Republican; alleged john Moral apex: Implicated in the Franklin Credit Union Child-Sex Ring Scandal.
• Cooperative Research, Bush movements, 9/11, Offutt Air Force Base, Franklin Scandal,
• DeCamp, John Namebase "William Colby was secretly hired by the legislature's committee to look into the investigator's (Caradori) death. Colby warned DeCamp to stay away, or he could end up dead as well, because "sometimes there are forces and events too big, too powerful." Nevertheless, DeCamp wrote this book, which documents untold corruption in the American heartland. ISBN 0-9632158-0-9" andNambase and copy
• CounterPunch, Craig J. Spence, late night White House tours with male prostitutes, found dead in Boston hotel room. Paul Robert Balach, political personnel liaisson for Labor Secretary Elizabeth Dole, aid to Rep. Robert Bauman, resigned. Charles K. Dutcher, Reagan, paid for homosexual prostitute services with his own credit card.
• DemocraticUnderground forum
• FireFlyFans, "Alisha’s parents are raising Alisha’s daughter, Amanda Jayne, who according to Alisha was sired by Omaha Chief of Police, Robert Wadman"
• FrancesFarmerRevenge
• Franklinfiles, call boys and the White House
• Franklinfiles Pedophocracy
• Flocco "According to U.S. intelligence sources, President Bush obstructed justice last December when he had senior advisor Karl Rove and White House Counsel Harriet Miers instruct Attorney General Alberto Gonzales to fire eight U.S. attorneys who were among several others conducting ongoing public corruption and secret national security grand jury investigations connected to an espionage–linked prostitution / pedophile sex ring operating at the Washington Ritz-Carlton and other DC hotels,
• Griggs, Kay "Kay, a self-declared Christian, became privy to the real workings of the United States military, leadership training, drug-running and weapons sales, and the secret worldwide camps that train professional assassins."
• Kay Griggs, MySpace
• TedGunderson.com Gunderson report at 7th Fire
• GodLikeProductions Gosch
• Guardian "Row over Sarkozy's paedophilia comment refuses to go away ... Mr Sarkozy defended his view, outlined in a philosophy magazine, that individuals might be genetically predisposed to molest children. "What part is innate and what part is acquired? At least let's debate it, let's not close the door to all debate," he said. He added: "I'm inclined personally to think that you are born paedophile and it's a problem that we don't know how to treat this pathology." MORE
• Huffington Post, blog, Republican pedophile list, search Lawrence E. King ... Republican director of the "Young Republican Federation" Nicholas Elizondo molested his 6-year old daughter and was sentenced to six years in prison.", No connection to WIOD, Miami Beach, Florida.
• Indymedia, Los Angeles "During 16 years in office, former state Senator John DeCamp was cited, even by his enemies at the World Herald, as one of the most effective legislators in Nebraska history. A highly decorated Vietnam War veteran, in 1975 he initiated Operation Baby Lift, which evacuated 2,800 orphaned Vietnamese children.
• Notes: Jewish-American from Brooklyn, 44, nine, mother on relief,
• Indymedia, Oklahoma, Thomas Aquino,
• Indymedia "Major new bipartisan scandal linking Dennis Hastert and Rahm Immanuel to Jack Abramoff, ABC Mickey Mouse and the Odigo Israeli Cellphone contract which allows the Israeli Mossad to spy on the entire U.S. Congress including collecting sexual blackmail on the in-the-closet, extortion-friendly members.."
• Information Liberation, Putin pedophile, , terms: Andropov Institute, KGB, FSB director, destroyed compromising materials, underage sex with boys, Yuri Skuratov secretly video-taped, Variant Drakona
• Infowars "nor did Judge Urbom explain why investigations have never commenced regarding which members of congress had sex with children."
• Insider Magazine, Wayne Madsen article, Expose the Christian Mafia
• Phil Jayhan Carole Lam ... "Judiciary Committee Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) confirmed Lam’s Foggo and Abramoff probe on ABC News Sunday, while she also implicated Congressman Jerry Lewis (R-41-CA); but Feinstein also told ABC that Lam “sent a notice to the Justice Department saying that there would be two search warrants” in a criminal investigation of defense contractor Brent Wilkes and Kyle “Dusty” Foggo ... "
• JohnnyGosch "Russell Nelson, central figure in the Franklin Credit Union scandal (1989 to present), has evidence, including photographs, that implicates prominent law enforcement and political figures, including two past U.S. presidents, in crimes of child abuse, pornography, kidnapping (e.g., missing-child Johnny Gosch), drug smuggling, money laundering, illegal campaign financing, and illegal activities by the FBI and CIA. There appear to be ties to Iran-Contra."
• Konformist, West Point Child Development Center, child abuse, Presidio, Aquino,
• TheLawParty Spence, New York Times, White House midnight tours, Lawrence King
• LetsRoll911
• Radio Hall of Fame,
• LetsRollForums Bonacci vs King legal doc, of settlement
• above: Carole Lam, one of eight U.S. Attornies fired, getting too close to ...?
• NewsMakingNews, Ritz-Carlton, Spence
• NewNationalTheater "NOW: Washington Times, August 25 2004, p. A5, Military's sodomy ruling backs airman's conviction, by Cheryl Wetstein. Air Force Sgt. Eric P. Marcum convicted in 2000 for dereliction of duty and sexual misconduct, including sodomy, with men under his supervision at Offutt Air Force Base in Omaha, Nebraska"
• Alexander, Julie, Sharon Lepore,
• NoGW, Bush pedophilia, Blair
• Notes, search terms: copy of article and print screen Lobbyist Linked to Sex Case Is Found Dead ... AP Published: November 12, 1989 LEAD: Craig Spence, a lobbyist linked to a homosexual escort service under Federal investigation, was found dead in a hotel room here, the police said today. Craig Spence, a lobbyist linked to a homosexual escort service under Federal investigation, was found dead in a hotel room here, the police said today. Mr. Spence, 49 years old, was found in the Ritz-Carlton Hotel on Friday after firefighters used a saw to cut open his door, ... The Washington Times reported in August that Mr. Spence disclosed he had AIDS and had threatened to commit suicide. Mr. Spence was identified by the paper as a customer of a homosexual escort service being investigated by the Secret Service, the District of Columbia police and the United States Attorney's office for suspected credit card fraud. ... He has also been linked to a White House guard who has said he accepted an expensive watch from Mr. Spence and allowed him and friends to take late-night White House tours. Mr. Spence was a former correspondent for ABC News. see Stirring White House Honey Pot
• NewsWithViews Sept 2007, Lynn Stuter .. "Freedom without virtue is not freedom but license topursue whatever passions prevail in the intemperate mind ... we have staked the future of all our political institutions upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves ... Larry Craig ... to feign ignorance after pleading guilty doesn't ring true ... and there was the call boy incidents linked to the Reagan White House and the GW Bush White House, and the DC Madam, Vitter, Clinton, Foley, and Omaha, Nebraska, Lawrence "Larry" King, Jr, a rising star in the Republican national conventions, connections to the GHW Bush White House, ... a partner in a call boy scandal, Minor boys and girls, ..raped, molested, sodomized, ... presidential limousine, perpetrators never brought to justice,
• New Yorker, review of Apprentice, Collins,
• okimc, Aquino, search terms: Anton LaVey, Softies on Satan, Handbook for Chaplains, Temple of Set military approved, Lucifer, Lt. Col. John Alexander, mindwar, pedophile, ritualistic sexual abuse,
• PrisonPlanet, Nixon tapes, Bohemian Grove,
• RawStory, Guckert / Gannon access to the White House
• Rense quotes WayneMadsenReport ... Jeb Bush, Florida, Foley, Franklin...
• RightWeb, Citizens for America, "Citizens for America (CFA) was founded in 1983 at a White House meeting between Lewis Lehrman and Jack Hume to promote the Reagan agenda. (4,16) Tracee Howell of CFA said that CFA's purpose was to sell to the public the president's Reagan] "pet projects" such as the Strategic Defense Initiative and the contra war in Nicaragua."
• Sanderhicks "is a story a little too real for the gutless big media not accustomed to standing up to Federal intimidation. It involves satanic cults, black ops, and sexual abuse of children in order to shock them into mental trauma and a slavish-state of submission.
• SIANews "We already know about Charles K. Dutcher, former associate director of presidential personnel, Reagan administration; and of Paul R. Balach, then-Labor Secretary Elizabeth Dole's political personnel liaison to the White House. They confessed. We know also about former Republican Congressman Robert Bauman (Maryland, 2 terms), who sought not to run for reelection after being caught bending the rheostat in bathhouses with The Boys; not so coincidentally, Mr. Charles Dutcher had been an aide to Congressman Bauman" file
• StealthLesbian "Nebraska Dept. of Social Services, Mrs. Walter’s report (3-25-86) revealed: " 14 year-old] Nelly said at these trip parties hosted by Larry King, she sat naked ‘looking pretty and innocent’ and guests could engage in any sexual activity they wanted, but penetration was not allowed...Nelly said she first met V. P. George Bush at the Republican Convention where King sang the national anthem ... "
• StealthLesbian Franklingate
• Superficiel "he linked pedophilia and genes. A pedophile would thus be determined at his birth. This theory is directly in connection with 19th century discourses of "born-criminals" that would lead to eugenists theories, later justifying concepts such as the "purity of race", notably in national-socialism"MORE
• TaylorMarsh
• Tarpley, Unauthorized Autobiography of George Bush. search Julie Walters, Boys Town, homosexual, porn...etc. and internetpirate
• Tarpley, Chapter 21, Bush "Apparently she Lisa] was contacted on December 19 1988] and voluntarily came to the FBI offices on December 30, 1988. She was interviewed by Brady, Tucker and Phillips Tarpley video
• The7thfire, Zionism, Zionists support of torture, Abu Ghraib "The most vitriolic systematic denigration of Arabs and Muslims in the Middle East is found in the writings an speeches of influential US-based Zionist ideologues, like the Pipes (father and son), the Kristols (senior and junior), the Kagans, Cohens, Goldhagens, ..."
• TPMuckraker Carole Lam ... "The epic Duke Cunningham scandal gets weirder: Carole Lam, the San Diego U.S. Attorney who prosecuted the corrupt former lawmaker, is being quietly pushed out by the Bush administration. Lam's office has recently been troubling the CIA and Capitol Hill by pushing for documents related to the Cunningham investigation."
• Voxfux Franklin Scandal archives, Bush, children, sex ring,
• WayneMadsenReport in Online Journal website "The recent scandal involving gay male escort and right-wing faux journalist Jeff Gannon (a.k.a. James Dale Guckert and possibly a few other aliases) is not welcome news for the purported sadomasochistic hedonists in the White House administrations of both George W. and George H. W. Bush ... see Gannongate
• WayneMadsenReport "....Rove has been implicated by child welfare advocates in Texas in the failure of the Justice Department to prosecute the Texas child abuse and pedophilia cases."
• Whale, Temple of Set, Aquino,
• WhatReallyHappened Abramoff, corruption galore
• WhatReallyHappened, Clinton Body Count
• notes: Sen. Don Nickles, International Religious Freedom Act S-1868, sanctions , ADL urged passage, cosponsored by Lieberman, foreign policy, Ambassador-at-Large for Religious Liberty, special advisor in White House, Commission on International Religious Liberty, World Vision President Robert Seiple, Institute for Global Engagement,
• On July 11, 1990, Gary Caradori was killed along with his 6-year old son in the crash of his small plane, after a mid-air explosion, the cause of which was never discovered. He had told friends repeatedly in the weeks before his death that he was afraid his plane would be sabotaged.GeorgeWalkerBush, death list
• Craig Spence, Notes: a number of Reagan White House officials -- including Charles Dutcher, presidential personnel manager of the White House staff; Paul Balach, Sec. of Labor Elizabeth Dole's political liaison to the White House; Todd Blodgett, the presidential press aide who prepared the daily news briefing; Craig Spence, a high-ranking aide in the Office of the International Trade Advisor; Stanley Tapscott, an official in the director's office at the Office of Personnel Management; and Reginald deGueldre, a member of the Uniformed Division of the Special Service -- were found to have hired a number of gay male escorts (including boys as young as 13) from Professional Services, Inc. (well-known D.C. gay escort business). Private midnight tours of the White House were given to a number of the boys, after which homosexual orgies were alleged to have occurred in offices in the New Executive Office Building across the street. Spence later told associates and family members he had many more secrets to reveal. But he committed suicide in a Boston hotel room in 1990 after being indicted on weapons, drug and child rape charges." source: NakedCameI blog and search Chevy Chase Elementary School
• RumorMill News notes "Not likely. Instead President Bush has greeted Father Val Peter at the White House to promote his 'faith-based initiative', the idea embodied by the sex pervert, Father Ritter. Val Peter, as head of Boystown and head of its Board of Directors facilitated Larry King's access to its finances and his children. He did this with the help of Wall street billionaire, Warren Buffett, whose Berkshire Hathaway is based in Omaha. ... Buffett was also good friends with Larry King- hosting a party to celebrate his 10th wedding anniversary. Another good friend of Buffett recently appeared on the cover of Fortune magazine. ... 911/FRANKLIN COVERUP ... You should read this July 2002 issue and try to grasp how the political forces promoting a pedophile agenda are the very same who launched the high tech company of L-3 Communications which built the computer communications system for GLOBAL HAWK, the remote control technology that more and more people believe was responsible for directing the 911 attack. ... The man on the Fortune cover, Walter Scott, Jr., was, until recently, a longtime member of the Creighton University Board of Directors. Did he know Dr. Cassem or his family?"
• King & Chung Nightly, Banfield & Ford: Courtside,
• Founding figures of Omaha, Erastus Benson, John A. Creighton, Gilbert Hitchcock, Frederick Krug brewing, Park, George B. Lake, Megeath, Millard, Omaha Stockyards - Paxton, Rosewater, Poppleton, Redick, Anna Wilson, brothel, Omaha: Douglas County, Missouri River, Council Bluffs, Gate City, Omaha Claim Club, Scriptown (rich) Sheelytown (poor), Jobbers Canyon warehouses, Near North Side, Ernie Chambers, the maverick of Omaha, Little Bohemia, NAACP, Urban Leagud,
• Bob Kerry statement, in 2007, presidential campaign ... "It's probably not something that appeals to him, but I like the fact that his name is Barack H. Obama, and that his father was a Muslim and that his paternal grandmother is a Muslim," said Kerry, a former governor and the current president of the New School in New York City. "There's a billion people on the planet that are Muslims, and I think that experience is a big deal." ... dirty trick
• notes: Dorsey Dysart, M. D., Springfield, Missouri Cause of Discipline: Violation of the terms and conditions of the Settlement Agreement entered into with the Board effective January 2, 1998. The Board found cause to discipline license based upon licensee's failure to adhere to the terms of his probation agreement with the Board in that he consumed alcohol, allowed his license to lapse, failed to inform the Board of his address and telephone number, failed to submit to biological fluid testing and failure to provide status reports from his treating chemical dependency professional. Board Action: License is Revoked. Effective Date: 6-12-01
• notes: A Federal magistrate said today that Lawrence E. King Jr., a prominent businessman who was once active nationally in the Republican Party, is mentally incompetent to stand trial on charges of conspiracy and fraud in connection with the collapse of a credit union for the poor. ... Dorsey Dysart, M. D., Springfield The magistrate based his decision on a report prepared by Dr. Dorsey Dysart, chief psychiatrist at the Federal Medical Center in Springfield, Mo., who has diagnosed Mr. King as suffering from ''probable delusional paranoid disorder - grandiose type.'' A patient with such a disorder believes he has great powers to do things other people cannot. ... Magistrate Kopf said Mr. King thought he was competent to stand trial, but quoted Dr. Dysart as saying, ''The intellectual system of grandiosity leads to disorganization of thought processes, which gravely impairs the ability of Mr. King to withstand a lengthy trial.'' ... The magistrate said he would recommend to Federal District Judge William G. Cambridge that Mr. King be committed to a hospital for psychiatric treatment, and would ask for a report within four months on whether the defendant could face trial in the foreseeable future. ... Lawyers for both Mr. King and the prosecution said they did not expect to appeal the finding. Ron Lahners, the United States Attorney, said the prosecution agreed that Mr. King was not competent to stand trial and added, ''It's in the best interest of the defendant to get back into treatment.'' NYTimes
Notes: Iraq pedophile rings, sex trafficking run by Saudi Arabian wealthy men, 'boy havens', Bush administration reluctant to act (oil), evidence compiled by Syrian Ministry of Information, Russian-Ukranian-Israeli mafia heavily engaged in child prosecution in South East Asia and Middle East,
• Summary
• see Alex Constantine / Wadman court proceedings
• The collapse of Franklin Community Credit Union and subsequent investigation opened up the horrors of child sexual abuse in Omaha, Nebraska, 1988. All linked to Offutt Air Force Base, Catholic Boys Town, and many city officials and prominent businessmen of Omaha, including Harold Andersen of the World Harold and Robert Wadman, the Chief of Police at the time. Also investigate King's financing of Reagans' Contras ...EducateYourself ... All still effectively covered up to this day.
• WMR July 2008, Wadman, unsuccessful in stopping publication of DeCamp's 'Franklin Coverup', libel case thrown out.
• Scribd synopsis on Franklin case, Rusty Nelson, links to White House.
• WMR "Franklin Coverup" author wins court battle, Wadman loses libel suit against John DeCamp.
• Oct 08, election campaign dredges up McCain / Singlaub Iran Contra connection. Council on World Freedom. file McCain on the Board of Directors. Iran Contra funding is directly linked to Franklin Scandal Omaha, Larry King more
• MySpace, on Steve Rogers, Boystown file
• AConstantineBlacklist
• Johnny Gosch has become the poster child for the event, and there is much speculation that Jeff Gannon is Johnny Gosch. Gannon logged into the White House nearly two dozen times when no press briefings were scheduled. Gannon is curiously now a member of the National Press Club . see MP3
• Boys and girls, some from foster homes were transported around the country by airplane to provide sexual favors.... tracked to the White House.
• go to CBS / NBC 1989 news coverage of the Omaha / Washington DC call boy / prostitution scandal,
• Many child victims were prosecuted, ...in a successful effort to cover-up the incident that was called an elaborate hoax, ... see Wikipedia whitewash.
• About a dozen people have mysteriously died in the cover-up.
• The story is still alive and recognition of its importance is growing. The recent bailout (Sept 08) of the US financial system, led by Congressman Barney Frank may help dig up the old scandal.
• Recently Wayne Madsen has written about evidence that the State Department was involved in the transport of those children, search terms: Craig Spence, Wyoming Ave., diplomatic pouch, Madam Pete, Southeast Asia, midnight tours,YouTube
• more search terms: Hummel Park, unmarked graves,
• Robert Wadman, lost libel suit to John DeCamp, July 29, 2008, Wadman, accused statutory rapist, search terms: Ogden, Utah, courtroom, Wadman also suing Adam Parfrey for libel in Psychic Dictatorship in the USA book, small claims court, district or superior court, defamed, lost employment as an overseas advisor in international policing, loss of income, appeal, Wadman, swear under oath, he does not know Larry King, see Frank Brown interviews TV-7, Omaha suitcase seized in drug investigation, King acknowledges friendship with Wadman , is Wadman the father or Alisha Owen's child, Omaha party, Alfie Allen, and see anti-SLAPP laws, against filing harassment suits to silence journalists, see Alex Constintine
• Want to Know, MKULTRA Carol Rutz andRiceFile Kosovo, Clinton, Mena, Koresh, North, Franklin
• Reginal DeGueldre?
• APFN, Flocco, discussion
• UPI, 1989 Embassy Row, Franklin lease file more
• Alex Constantine Duncan Blake Suicides
• "I have told people that the bodies of those children are buried in legit graves in Forestlawn Cememtary off of 48th street in North Omaha." more
• AllExperts Johnny Gosch
• AllExperts Lawrence King
• AllExperts Franklin Cover-up Scandal
• AllExperts Ernie Chambers
• Answers: Franklin Scandal
• Answers: Michael Aquino
• NYT Robbins, New York Times 500k file
• ( (Cbs Inc) NewsFollowUp.com visitor
• Notes, Prison system, Texas, Rove: Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, Texas Youth Commission West Texas State School, youth detention facility, Albert Moskowitz, chief, Criminal Secton, Civil Rights Division, letter to TYC about declining to prosecute Ray Brookins and John Hernandez, sexual molestation of ten underage males incarcerated at WTSS,
• A chilling exposé of corporate corruption and government cover-ups, this account of a nationwide child-trafficking and pedophilia ring in the United States tells a sordid tale of corruption in high places. The scandal originally surfaced during an investigation into Omaha, Nebraska's failed Franklin Federal Credit Union and took the author beyond the Midwest and ultimately to Washington, DC. Implicating businessmen, senators, major media corporations, the CIA, and even the venerable Boys Town organization, this extensively researched report includes firsthand interviews with key witnesses and explores a controversy that has received scant media attention.
• Alt F4 ... October 1991, Noreen Gosch met Paul Bonacci, she said he described to her things about Johnny that she had never released to the press ...stutter, yoga, Mexican restaurant, red nail polish, Bueno Vista, Colorado, Jimmy.
• APFN American Patriot Friends Network
• APFN King vs Bonacci civil case, U.S. District Court Judge Warren Urbom, senators and congressmen who stayed for the pedophile sex, Bonacci specifically named Congressmen Barney Frank, Bonacci awarded $1 million for child abuse, 1999, Offutt Air Force Base, Franklin arrested two days before Bush Sr. elected 1988,
• marge1.luke.af.mil (56 Communications Squadron /scbb NewsFollowUp.com visitor
• Research: Joshua Dickens, Duke Cunningham, David Dreier, Howard L. Brooks, Elizondo, Judge Ronald C. Kline, Larry D. Floyd, Larry Jack Schwarz, Ronald David Ankenney, Gov. John Rowland, Philip Giordano, Harvey Pitt, Oliver North, Richard Gardner, Nicholas Morency, John J. Collins, Russel Harding, John Fund, Keola Childs, Brian Blundell, Hastert, Blunt, Foley, Haggard, Dan Crane, Earl Kimmerling, Merrill Robert Barter, Mark Grethen, Richard Delguadio, W. David Hager, Mathew Glavin, John Paulk, Howard Scott Heldreth, Jon Grunseth, Richard A Dasen Sr. utahimc
• National Aeronautics And Space Administration)Alabama, Huntsville nfu visitor
• BeyondWeird new Bush, FBI, Webb
• Buffet, Warren file source: Geocities
• BushBlowJob.com American Foundation for Courtesy and Grooming,
• CannonFire, Gannon / Sun Myung Moon connection and Rick Ross Unification Church
• & ephebophilia
• This work is aimed at staring at the 'devil' square in the face. Maybe martyrdom.
• subject map
• Chemtrail, blog threads
• Child auctions, drugs, cocaine, Hal Daub - mayor of Omaha during scandal, sexual abuse allegations in the early 70's, victim: Trent Stewart, Mitch McConnell, Fort Bragg, Cumberland County, collection attorney, Standard Chemical of Omaha
• Church of Satan search fascism, pedophilia,
• Citizens for America, namebase
• Conspiracy Archive
• Corrente blog Franklin Scandal, Gannongate, Foley, Haggard.
• Craigs List search John Lehman, The CLUB of REPUBLICANISM is PAEDOPHILIA,
• Ctrl search Wadman
• Dallas Morning News
• Daub, Hal, mayor of Omaha during Franklin Scandal Cover-up.
• Demoines Register, copy of article
• Educate Yourself Rusty Nelson, Kelly Ford Report
• Encyclopedia.com / conspiracy theories, Franklin, DeCamp, Nebraska Leadership Conference.
• Etanali "Quando decisi di pubblicare queste notizie, ho pensato che una breve introduzione, che invitasse a leggerle con spirito critico, nonché col solito beneficio d'inventario, fosse d'obbligo. Ma poi leggendo e rileggendo tutte quelle nefandezze,
• Evins Regional Juvenile Center, South Texas, Gov. Rick Perry,
• Fathers.ca political elite sex rings
• ForwardAmerica, Bush connections to Franklingate,Steve Bowman Inside Washington, Eunice (Lisa) Washington, Bush, H.W. links
• FindArticles, Robert Wadman
• Findlaw, Hon. Theodore Carlson, State of Nebraska, Court of Appeals, Lincoln, Appointed 1983 by Kerry, Creighton University Law School, State Bar, Bank of America, Miller Moldenhauer, Vandenack, Morrow, Tesar, Reef, Rogers, Assistant City Prosecutor, Attorney, Governor Exon, implicated by children in sexual abuse.
• Flocco, Tom search Bob Dole, Elizabeth Dole, Delmart 'Mike' Vreeland, Franklin County, Colorado, Paul R. Balach, and text copy
• Frances Farmers Revenge
• Franklin Case.org
• Gaiaguys, Franklin Cover-up, John Decamp, Omaha, Nebraska
• GayOmaha gay lesbian directory, gay-friendly places, bars, clubs, hotels, suanas, Club Joy, Connections, DC's Saloon, Gilligan's Pub, Omaha Mining Co. , The Max.
• GQ, Gentlemen's Quarterly, celebrities born in Omaha: Jaime King, Jorge Garcia, Bryan Greenberg, Yolonda Ross, Gabrielle Union, Alexander Payne, Paula Zahn, David Forbes, Swoosie Kurtz, Nick Nolte, Paul Williams, Terry Kiser, Joan Micklin Silver,, Inga Swenson, David Doyle, Marlon Brando, Montgomery Clift, Lee Gold, Jocelyn Brando, Dorothy McGuire,
• GeorgeWalkerBush death list: Sid Adger, General James Rose, Lt Colonel William Harris Jr., Lt. Colonel Jerry Killian, James Downing Aalund, J. Clifford Baxter, Charles Dana Rice, James Daniel Watkins, Commerce Secretary Ron Brown, Jake Horton, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Hale Boggs, George de Mohrenschildt, Mrs. E. Howard Hunt, Gary Caradori, Orlando Letelier, Ronni Moffit, Jack Delaney and Ted White, Steve Kangas, Danny Casolaro, Mark Lombardi, James Hatfield, William S. Farish, James Forrestal, Karla Faye Tucker, David Wayne Spence, Gary Graham,
• Notes: Joan Rivers Show, the ugliest, roses, ventriloquist, dummy was prettier, King, difficult personality, The Palm on 50th, belligerent behavior, peppermill.
• Girls and Boys Town about
• GnosticLiberationFront Franklin Scandal
• Informant News Gary Webb, Iran-Contra, Spence and King, drug trafficking, kids transporting drugs,
• Inside Edition, TV show, search Gosch.
• Interpol
• Italy, Indymedia Southfork
• JehovahWitnessRevealed Jehovah Witness Revealed, BBC WatchTower pedophile cover-up.
• Jesus is Savior, Washington D.C. Child Sex Ring Cover-up, Implicating the Bush White House, Omaha, Nebraska
• JohnnyGosch.com Noreen Gosch tried to enlist editor James Gannon of the Des Moines Register ...
• Kay Griggs
• Kay Griggs, MySpace
• Kennedy assassination, Richard Gerstein, Dade County, statute of limitations, no contest,
• KWWL "23 years later investigators are investigating new developments in Johnny’s case ... Investigator - James Rothstein, press corp, White House, Gosch visited his mother in 1997, ... Is Jeff Gannon really Johnny Gosch?
• Larry King, not the same person as the Larry King
• Leadership Council On Child Abuse & Interpersonal Violence
• Leadership Council The Leadership Council's Examination of the Rind Meta-analysis The Leadership Council completed its review of a controversial study that purported to show that children are rarely harmed by sex abuse by adults. Our analysis found that the study by Rind et al. was seriously flawed. In fact, we found the paper was a stacked deck of poor population and study selection, misreported data and misrepresented findings that led to faulty conclusions. Some of these problems are outlined below.
• lost interest in school, college, UPS delivery, dream of a job in radio,
• Los Angeles Times, Texas Youth Commission, sodomy, search terms: entire governing board resigns, sexual abuse claims covered up, state detention centers, convicted sex offender working as guard, top officials molested youths, allowed to resign quietly, prosecutors did not charge anyone, officials tampered with results, concealed evidence of violence and sex abuse, system notorious for riots, staff turnover rate of 50% a year, widespread sexual abuse, 6000 allegations, sodomy, oral sex, Gov. Rick Perry initially opposed board members resignation, said no evidence, Senate demanded resignations, legislature part of problem, Sgt Brian Burzynski exposed wrongdoing, whistleblower, but no one charged with sexual abuse. Dwight Harris resigned, Ed Owens acting executive director, Kimbrough, whitewash,
• LoneStarProject decline to prosecute documents,
• Louis Wolfson, selling unregistered stock, 1968, John Mitchell, US Attorney General, overturn conviction, Jim Garrison, intermediary, investigating
• LukeFord Nelson, Gunderson, Franklin conspiracy
• Eugene T. Mahoney State Park, Lawrence King, vice squad, sexual abuse accusations? Omaha, 1989.
• Merklinger interview with Rusty Nelson YouTube, Oregon, hidden pictures, parents home,
• Milkhouse blog
• Millis, John "Knowledge of the Iran-Contra Affair may also be the true cause of the essentially unpublicized June 3, 2000 alleged "suicide" of John Millis, Staff Director of House Intelligence Committee. In 1996, Millis had investigated and uncovered the Clinton administrations’ role in helping Iran transfer arms to Bosnian Muslims. The suspicious nature of the recent death of Millis and the lack of media coverage is described in more detail below. Gunderson
• Mindprod, political assassinations, asbestos connection
• Mindprod "About Bush senior pedophillic rapes"
• Mindprod search terms:
• ModernHistoryProject "Franklin Scandal"
• Mutual Radio Network
• MySpace, file Franklingate - How Close I Was...on Steve Rogers, Boys Town, Caradori agency called SilverHawk, private investigations, Peter Citron, like a Siskel & Ebert, gay pedophile, Rogers was part Asian, expensive sports cars, suicide, shotgun to the head, ... The French Cafe, Old Market Shopping District, Peony Park, Aksarben, Mistake on a Lake,
• Nashua Advocate, Gannon
• Nebraska Forestry Service, Eugene Mahoney, former Omaha vice squad officer, head of NFS,
• Nebraska Leadership Conference
• Nebraska Health and Human Services
• North American Freedom Foundation "Advocating for U.S. and Canadian victims and survivors of mind control, torture, slavery, and related terror through education and remembrance."
• Omaha Race Riot of 1919, Sporting District, Ada Everleigh, brothel,
• OutInDC safe sex guide in Washington D. C. mutual masturbation safest, then condoms, casual sex related to depression,
• Palm Beach Post, Foley emails to Jeb Bush, search terms:
• & ephebophilia
• .
• subject map
• Pedophigate, Pedophilligate, Pedogate, Bushgate, PedoBushgate,
• Phoenix Source Distributors Franklin, headline pics
• Planetsean blog ...surname with the infamous White House prostitute ...
• Podcast Directory, Hunter Thompson, Johnny Gosch, Jeff Gannon.
• PoliceCrime interviews with child prostitute Lisa, Bush, White House
• PoliceCrime forum: saw George Bush at one of King's parties." /
• PoliticalFriendster, Behavioral Science Consultation Teams, BSCT, Biscuits
• The Portals Memoirs, Judy Chase Amber Alert
• PrisonPotpourri search: Robert Wadman
• RigorousInstitution "Nelly first brought up (GHW) Bush in 1986, when she told Julie Walters about the sex parties she was flown to in Washington and Chicago. She saw Bush at two of these parties, she said, one in each city." search Craig Spence
• RigorousInstitution and Stirring White House Honey Pot
• disc jockey, name to ethnic, newscasts and sportscast, King's Wholesale Liquor,
• RumormillNews, Michael Aquino, Presidio, court record: more
• Sanderhicks
• San Jose Mercury News, article: Reagan, Aquino, Presidio and copy
• Sex and My City Wilmington North Carolina
• SIANews "White House ''call-boy'' scandal Revisited: Wither Paul Rodriguez, Ace Reporter? ..."
• Signs on San Diego, Foggo, Wilkes
• Spence, Craig namebase
• Stanford Prison Experiment Impious
• Texas Coalition Advocating Justice for Juveniles
• Texas Observer
• Texas Rangers,
• TheLawParty, Franklin Scandal, Bush, Reagan
• TN420, state by state GOP corruption scorecard
• Tripp, Patrick, Washington county prosecutor who claimed Nelly Webb and her sister Kimberly were lying about the abuse Franklinfiles and Gary Randall, attorney for Jarrett and Barbara Webb, the alleged abusive foster / adoptive parents of Nelly and Kimberly.
• TYL, Scaife, enemies
• YouTube, Conspiracy of Silence, John DeCamp exposes: Lawrence E. King, Larry King. Omaha Nebraska, Baer
• Lawrence E. King Jr., Conspiracy of Silence, Omaha Nebraska, pedophilia, sex parties, Boystown, leads to highest levels in Washington D.C.FranklinCase.org chronology, YouTube video, more search terms: Republican, Franklin Credit Union, Thomas Harvey accountant, Paul Bonacci, Harold W. Andersen, Peter Citron, Peony Park, satanic ritual abuse, Robert Wadmand Chief of Police Omaha, Alisha Owen indicted for perjury, John DeCamp investigator exposes cover-up and book 'The Franklin Cover-Up, FBI part of cover-up, Nebraska Leadership Conference, Bush Sr. Whitehouse tours,
• Watchblog Gary Studds, Mel Reynolds, Barney Frank, Democrat pedophilia.
• Websleuths, Amanda Jayne, Wadman
• Wikipedia Michael Aquino
• Wikipedia Brian Doyle, Bush, Deputy Press Secretary, Washington news desk -Time Magazine, use of computer to seduce a child, 23 charges, undercover detective, AOL chat room, sexually explicit conversation, sending hardcore porn clips, Polk County sheriff Grady Judd, sentenced to five years, Department of Homeland Security Public Affairs Office, registered Democrat, FBI, DOJ, online predators
• Wikipedia Lawrence E. King "The article, by Washington Times journalists Paul M. Rodriguez and George Archibald, alleged that key officials of the Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush administrations were connected to an elaborate Washington, D.C male prostitution ring, and reported that two of these prostitutes even entered the White House late at night. The allegations included, among other things, "abduction and use of minors for sexual perversion." allexperts
• Wikipedia Ernie Chambers "Ernie Chambers is a long-time member of the North Omaha community, a historic civil rights leader in Omaha's African American community, and widely-regarded as Nebraska's most prominent and outspoken African American leader."
• Wikipedia, sodomy, sexual acts except for coital sex between males females not closely related by blood, masturbation, paraphilia, human-animal, bestiality, zoophilia, search terms: sodom, buggery, deviant sexual inter course, biblical, sin, Lut, Lot,
• Wikipedia Koreagate
• Yahoo, DEA, 'new cartel', U. S. Drug Enforcement Administration, "that aids drug traffickers', spokesman Brian Penn, US Embassy, narcotraffickers,
• Zoominfo Dick Roth, Omaha, Secret Service, Public Safety
• Zoominfo, Samuel Van Pelt
• and MORE
• enlarge above Spence, Craig namebase
• Zoominfo Craig Spence, allexperts
• notes: Lawrence E. King Jr., Conspiracy of Silence, Omaha Nebraska, pedophilia, sex parties, Boystown, leads to highest levels in Washington D.C.FranklinCase.org chronology, YouTube video, more search terms: Republican, Franklin Credit Union, Thomas Harvey accountant, Paul Bonacci, Harold W. Andersen, Peter Citron, Peony Park, satanic ritual abuse, Robert Wadmand Chief of Police Omaha, Alisha Owen indicted for perjury, John DeCamp investigator exposes cover-up and book 'The Franklin Cover-Up, FBI part of cover-up, Nebraska Leadership Conference, Bush Sr. Whitehouse tours,
• see more GOP sex scandal
• Zoominfo Harold W. Anderson "Questionable associations and relationships abound in the conglomerate that owns Election Systems & Software. One person with shares in the World Companies Inc. is Harold W. Andersen, who is on the board of directors for The Williams Companies — yes, that Williams Energy, recently exposed by CBS for creating a sham energy crisis in California. CBS cites tapes, now sealed by the government, that prove Williams Energy turned off the juice, faking an energy shortage" other search terms: "Election Systems & Software" "McCarthy Group" "Michael R. McCarthy" "Charles T. Hagel" "World Marketing Inc." "World Investments Inc."
• Akins, Alene, Mickey Sutphin,
• falcon2.region4.ang.af.mil (Air National Guard), Virginia, Arlington .. NFU visitor.
• Notes: SeekGod Donald Gregg "The Council for National Policy: Selected Member Biographies Senator Don Nickles David A. Noebel Grover Norquist Dr. Gary North Lt. Col. Oliver North George D. O'Neill, Jr. J. Stanley Oakes Jr. Phillip Olsen William J. Olson Ted Pantaleo J.A. "Jay" Parker Thomas G. Parker Colleen G. Parro G.N. Parrot Carmen Pate Dr. Paige Patterson Maj. General George S. Patton III .... CIA assassinations manager Felix I.] Rodriguez followed his CIA boss Ted Shackley to Southeast Asia in 1970. Shackley and Donald Gregg put Rodriguez into the huge assassination and dope business which Shackley and his colleagues ran during the Indochina war; this bunch became the heart of the "Enterprise'' that went into action 15 to 20 years later in Iran- Contra. Shackley funded opium-growing Meo tribesmen in murder, and used the dope proceeds in turn to fund his hit squads. He formed the Military Assistance Group-Special Operations Group (MAG-SOG) political murder unit; Gen. John K. Singlaub was a commander of MAG-SOG; Oliver North and Richard Secord were officers of the unit. By 1971, the Shackley group had killed about 100,000 civilians in Southeast Asia as part of the CIA's Operation Phoenix • Gannon, Guckert, spent many nights in the White House, White House visits when no news briefings, many with no record of entry or exit. go to YouTube How is this connected to the Franklin Scandal? Is Gannon Johnny Gosch? ... is an often reported question.
• Abu Ghraib, sexual torture of prisoners, deliberate, systematic policy, MORE
• AELE Robert Wadman Namebase
• Albert Food Brokerage, Michael Albert, Franklin Advisory Board,
• Amoto, Angela M.U.D, Franklin Advisory Board,
• nhbrm231249.med.navy.mil (Dod Network Information Center, NewsFollowUp.com visitor
• Dr. Ronald Roskens, University of Omaha, and Kent State, Franklin Scandal, and USAID .... how is this connected to White House, Congress, Clergy .... sex scandals?
• Ronald Roskens is now on the Board of Directors of Conagra more and CCD Bees
• notes Northington evidence disposal file
• Named in Franklin scandal, Andersen, Harold, editor World Herald, Namebase, Zoominfo on board of directors of Williams Energy, sham energy crisis in California SEC
• Ak Sar Ben, Omaha business elite org.
• igpalmyra.esu6.org (State Of Nebraska / Office Of The Cio) New York -- NFU visitor
• American Health Care Association, Hal Daub, CEO and President,
• 1% Republicans, Bush has killed the Republican brand name
• Aquino, Michael written articles, xeper search terms: military intelligence, army, 'the colonel' Bonacci, Nelson, North, Offutt, SAC, paperboy, Presidio Child Development Center, 1986, three-year-old anally raped, Chronicle, Pamela Hudson, LCSW, abuse, satanist, Valerie Sinason, Journal of Orthopsychiatry, Gary Hambright died of AIDS, daycare staff, charges dismissed, Army of the Night, molestation, Temple of Set, Newsweek, 1987, "The Second Beast of Revelation", mother high priestess, SFPD, Mendocino and Somoma counties, Jubilation Day Care Center, Fort Bragg, Orr case, cannablism, Charlotte Thrailkill, Daryl Ball, ...
• Aquino Xeper If Bush blames the Democrats for the Iraq War failure they will lose the 2008 election
• Baack, Dennis Legislative Franklin committee,
• bad checks, Louisiana Downs, Esquire Magazine, Namath, Jets
• Baird-Holz John Zeilinger, Franklin Advisory Board
• Behavioral Science Consultation Teams BSCT, Biscuits, Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo, source: PoliticalFriendster.
• John Stevens Berry, legislative Franklin Committeenamebase
• Blackwell Sanders Peper Martin LLP, Hal Daub joined firm in 2005, Daub received B. S. from Washington U. 1963, and see U of Nebraska, Lincoln. Army infantry, unsuccessful bid for Senate seat 1988, lost to James Exon,
• Bradford, Coenen & Ashford, Dana Bradford, Franklin Advisory Board
• Brigham Young University, Robert Wadman Robert Wadman (1997) - Assistant Professor Criminal Justice. B.S., M.B.A., Brigham Young University, 1970, 1975. Weber
• Bush, Whitehouse search Margie Schoedinger,
• nfu visitor: host-141-116-10-13.ptr.hqda.pentagon.mil Manassas
• Bush, Haggard, research, ... wonder if their wrinkly bits had a chance to dry before this photo was taken?
• Byrne & Randall, Carolyn Rothery, Franklin Advisory Board, Shreveport, World Football League, KWKH,
• nfu visitor: cnuwgw02.tcsc.southern.mil (United States Southern Command) Ft. Belvoir
• Capital Hill Blue "Democrats controlled the House in 1983. In 1982, Speaker of the House Tip O'Neill had received numerous complaints about Studds' behavior along with requests that the Ethics Committee investigate Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA) whose boyfriend ran a gay prostitution ring out of the Congressman's Capitol Hill townhouse. O'Neill refused to act. A few years later, DC Vice cops arrested Frank's boyfriend and charged him with prostitution."
• Hon. Theodore Carlson, State of Nebraska, Court of Appeals, Lincoln, Appointed 1983 by Kerry
• Chicago Tribune no stories about Franklin Scandal on site.
• Citron, Peter Arrested in 1965, child abuse, charges dropped, gossip columnist - Omaha World Herald during the 80's, sentenced 3-8 years 1990 - pleaded no contest to sexual assault, died June 2003. WH article covering his death
• Clyde Lewis Fear, "On the morning of June 29, 1989, the elder Bush’s administration was rocked by a scandal when the headlines of the Washington Times splashed "Homosexual Prostitution Probe Ensnares Official of Bush, Reagan, Call Boys Took Midnight Tour of White House." The New York Times also had the story on its front page. ..." search: Hunter Thompson
• "the Colonel"
• Colonia Dignidad and Wikipedia
• Covenant House deviant child sex rings
• CNN, Brian Doyle, DHS, arrested.
• CNN, Hastert, Foley, Blunt ... Hastert warned 3 years prior, Kirk Fordham whistleblower, Scott Palmer told about inappropriate contact, Ron Bonjean, Rep. Tom Reynolds, National Republican Congressional Committee, explicit messages, Republican Study Committee, 1% Action Values Team.
• Command and General Staff College, search Temple of Set, Aquino, Presidio, sodomy, oral copulation.
• ConAgra, Harper, board: Fitzgerald, Lauritzen, Rismiller, Scott, Kiewit, Skutt, Walsh, Yanney.
• Crane, Dan Republican Congressman Dan Crane had sex with a female minor working as a congressional page. list
• Commercial Federal Savings and Loan, Franklin Advisory Board,
• Copple family
• Robert Creager, legislative Franklin committee counsel
• Daub, Hal, on Franklin Community Credit Union Advisory Board
• Des Moines Register James Gannon editor, search Johnny Gosch, Jeff Gannon. Talon News, and Bobby Eberle, eye witness to Flight 77 Pentagon attack
• Enron Corporation ... roots in Omaha, search terms: Enron Creditors Recovery Corp, NYSE, ENE, Houston, Texas, bankruptcy, 2001, leading electricity, natural gas, pulp and paper, communications company, accounting fraud, Andersen Consulting, Accenture, Skilling, Ken Lay, Kennyboy, wrinkly bits, leveraged balance sheet, Northern Natural Gas, Internorth, Enteron.
• Des Moines Register Sep 2007 story
• ExGayWatch, Omaha
• Favorite First Lady was Nancy Reagan
• Fellowship Foundation, or International Foundation, terms: prominent members of Congress, National Prayer Breakfast, Douglas Coe, The Family, founded in Seattle, 1935, fear of socialist government, anti-communist, anti-labor union, once named the Christian Leadership, decided to lower public profile, 70's, relationship with Brazilian dictator Marshal Artur da Costa e Silva, Suharto, Carlos Eugenios Vides Casanova, Gustavo Alvarez Martinez, other names include: National Committee for Christian Leadership, National Leadership Council, Fellowship House, National Fellowship Council. Hillary Rodham Clinton
• George Washington University School of Media and Public Affairs, scholarships, disadvantaged backgrounds, Miss Pennsylvania,
• Gannon, Guckert, hundreds of White House visits when no briefings, many with no record of entry or exit go to YouTube Maher
• Gannon, Guckert, spent many nights in the White House, ... visits when no news briefings, many with no record of entry or exit YouTube How does this relate to Congress, Clergy, military sex scandals? Insider Magazine, Wayne Madsen Gannongate
• GodHatesFags.com Westboro Baptist Church
• Jeff Gannon.com "A Voice of the New Media".. search White House visits. MORE
• Dept of Homeland Security, Justin Berry is child victim. .... Bush's Deputy Press Secretary for the Department of Homeland Security ... coached someone he thought was a 14 year old girl to hide their illicit communications
• above, Brian Doyle, MIAMI - The deputy press secretary for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security was arrested Tuesday for using the Internet to seduce what he thought was a teenage girl, MORE
• Eisenstatt, Leo
• American writer, journalist and broadcaster,
• Erickson and Sederstrom, Don Stenberg
• The Fellowship
• First National Bank of Omaha, longest running talk show, legal and financial troubles, heart attack,
• Did Dick Cheney call Deborah Jeane Palfrey, escort service?
• FreeRepublic, 1% forum "King drops appeal of $1 million judgment The Associated Press State & Local Wire January 13, 2000, Thursday, BC cycle.."
• FreeRepublic: "The disturbing possibility that individuals involved in such sex rings were protected at the highest levels of the U.S. government was raised by another little story I recently discovered from West Virginia. In 1997, a strange appointment was made by State Medical Examiner Irwin Sopher. Sopher appointed Diane Shafer as the Medical Examiner for Mingo County, despite being aware of her having been previously convicted of bribery. Shafer's suspicious past also included her apparently being married to a former Mingo coroner, Henry Vinson pled guilty to charges of credit card fraud and conspiring to violate the RICO statute in connection to the operation of a prostitution ring in Washington D.C. One of Vinson's partners was Robert Chambers, a funeral director, who pled guilty to credit card fraud and money laundering in the operation of the ring." Peabody Award, CableACE,
• GayPatriot, The Internet Home for the Gay 1%.
• Germany, war crimes prosecution, Stephen Cambone, sexual torture, Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo
• Mark Foley MORE
• GOPUSA, Talon News, Pearland Texas, Bobby Eberle, Jeff Gannnon.
• GospelGrace, Kay Griggs "Colonel's Wife Names Names In Military Homosexual Pedophile Underground ...Fags have a 3 point agenda: 1) decriminalize sodomy, 2) add fags to the protected classes as victims like blacks, and 3) criminalize Gospel preaching against fags.
• Hyde, Henry Republican Congressman Henry Hyde denounced President Clinton's extramarital affair, but was later found to be an adulterer himself. list
• Fort Calhoun Schools, Mr. Finch, child abuse accusations.
• Infowars, Gannon is Gosch disinfo campaign, distraction
• JeffGannon.com Valerie Plame outing, former Ambassador Joseph Wilson,
• Johnson, Kent,
• JournalStar
• Lyn Wallin Ziegenbein of Kiewit Foundation , King
• Robert Kirchner, Commonwealth / Franklin parallels. fed contract to analyze Franklin Credit Union, hire Johnson
• Liberty Post, Rusty Nelson, White House photos, sex ring.
• Lyn Wallin Ziegenbein of Kiewit Foundation, King
• Labedz, Bernice, Sen. Legislative Franklin committee,
• Legislature's Franklin Committee
• John Lehman, Franklin Scandal, cover-up, 1989
• Libby, Scooter ... connection to the Valerie Plame affair. .... Libby's sexually explicit writings. In 1996, Libby book: Apprentice, The book's filled with homoeroticism, bestiality and incestuous themes, with an unspeakably gross passage where a ten-year-old girl is abused. Caged, and forced to have sex with bears, to become a prostitute, search terms: a scene of incest between two uncles and their niece; fukk a freshly killed deer, prepubescent girl's painted 'mound', lack of vaginal odor, family values political party, abstinence education, restricted reproductive rights, opposition to same-sex marriage, source:nerve.com
• Lincoln Journal, Kathy Rutledge, editor Loretta Smith, DeCamp discredit them. see Wikipedia
• Trent Lott, Lot, Lut
• Los Angeles Press Club, Shawn Southwick
• Lowe, Jerry, Lincoln police officer, analyze Commonwealth, no training,
• Lynch, Dan Legislative Franklin committee,
• Mahoney, Eugene, Namebase
• Massachusetts Mutual Insurance Company, Joseph Barker III, Franklin Advisory Board,
• Omaha McCain, retired police officer Dave Friend ran for mayor of Omaha as a Republican. The GOP in Omaha held a fundraiser for the mayoral election during that election and raised a half million dollars in one night. Then the Omaha Republicans gave it all to the Democratic incumbent mayor Mike Fahey. Hal Daub was Friend's mentor for the election. Daub also was ousted from Omaha.
• Morgan, P.J. drugs
• Murray State Bank, Dale Wolforth, Franklin Advisory Board,
• National Center for Assisted Living, Hal Daub served as CEO and President, eagle scout.
• National Security Agency, controlled by Stephen Cambone,
• National Security Agency, Stephen Cambone
• National Imagery and Mapping Agency, controlled by Stephen Cambone
• National Reconnaisance Organization, controlled by Stephen Cambone,
• National Vanguard "a homosexual ring had been operating out of Governor Reagan’s office’ for six months with his full knowledge.. MORE BELOW
• Nebraska Citizen Don Stenberg
• Nebraska History search Andersen, Baer
• Nebraska State Foster Care Review Board
• New York Times, West Point Child Development Center, child abuse,
• New York Times King trial delayed, incompetent to stand trial, treatment, Magistrate Richard Kopf, paranoid disorder, report prepared by Dr. Dorsey Dysart, chief psychiatrist at the Federal Medical Center in Springfield, Mo., who has diagnosed Mr. King as suffering from ''probable delusional paranoid disorder - grandiose type.'' A patient with such a disorder believes he has great powers to do things other people cannot. article andLibertyPost
• Northwest Bell, Leslie McAuley, Franklin Advisory Board,
• Northern Natural Gas, James Healy, Franklin Advisory Board
• Offutt Air Force Base, Strategic Air Command,
• Rendition, CIA, secret prisons, sexual torture
• Omaha National Bank, Donald Miller, FAB
• Omaha Police Department
• Omaha World Herald search of Lawrence E. King Jr. -- no matches.
• Orpheum Tower
• Van Pelt, Samuel Grand Jury guided by prosecutor Samuel Van Pelt. namebase
• Presidio search Michael Aquino, satanic cult leader, Ronald Reagan, Maureen Reagan.
• Pumpernik's Restaurant, interviews, waitress, Bobby Darin, first celebrity, local stardom, then Miami Undercover,
• Putin, pedophile
• John Queen, Commonwealth / Franklin parallels. fed contract to analyze Franklin Credit Union, hire Johnson
• R-Lynn, Inc Franklin Advisory Board, Samual Marvin,
• Hon. Gary Randall, State of Nebraska, 4th District, Douglas County Hall of Justice, 17th and Farnam Streets, Omaha, NE 68183. research: Casey Randall, "Larry's maid" Larry King, Julie Walters, youth care worker who interviewed Nelly and Kimberly, Boystown employee. Karen Ormiston, Legislative Franklin committee investigator. Deward Finch, Superintendent of Schools, friend of Tripp. Kent Miller, Fort Calhoun High School principal, friend of Tripp, 1986, Walter report alleges Webbs pimped out their adopted and foster children to Larry King for his parties.
• Roskens: Another ramrod in the CIA's male prostitution network was Ronald Roskens, former chancellor of the University of Nebraska. Lawrence King had been one of his closest "advisers." Roskens was fired from the position in 1989 when his involvement in homosexual orgies was reported to the university's board of regents and verified by them. A year later, President George Bush called Roskens to Washington to head the Agency of International Development (AID), commonly utilized as a cover in CIA operations overseas. AID also disburses $7 billion in nonmilitary foreign aid, and thus wields enormous geopolitical power.
• Rotary Club of Beverly Hills,
• Senator Larry Craig,
• Sign Post, Weber State University,
• Rev. Thomas J. Smith
• Social Security Advisory Board, member, Hal Daub, mayor of Omaha during Franklin Scandal,
• Southfork Ranch
• Spence, Republican lobbyist Craig J. Spence organized child sex parties at the White House during the 1980s. list
• Attorney General Robert Spire research
• Standard Chemical of Omaha, Hal Daub, mayor 1995-2001, Rep. 2nd congressional district, joined Blackwell Sanders Peper Martin LLP in 2005,
• Stenberg, Don, website
• Strom Thurmond, Republican racist pedophile and United States Senator Strom Thurmond had sex with a 15-year old black girl which produced a child. list
• Queer fraternities, Nebraska, LGBT, Lambda 10 Project, National Clearinghouse for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual Greek Issues, Delta Lambda Phi, a national fraternity for gay bisexual and progressive men.
• Tapscott, Mark Claims to fame: Director of The Heritage Foundation’s Center for Media and Public Policy; ex-communications director for Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Mormon, UT); assistant director of U.S. Office of Personnel Management under Ronald Reagan; Washington Examiner editorial page editor; former assistant managing editor of Rev. Sun Myung Moon’s Washington Times; hard-hard-hardcore Republican; alleged john Moral apex: Implicated in the Franklin Credit Union Child-Sex Ring Scandal. source: 1% Babylon
• U.S. Attorney Johnny, Sutton, failure to prosecute sexual abuse, TYC MORE
• Temple of Set, official site xeper
• Texas Youth Commission, sodomy, juvenile corrections, open government reports, facility information, press releases, demographics, recidivism, statistics, hotline, report alleged wrongdoing. resocialization, victim services, treatment,
• Tripp Schweer & Wilson, Omaha, Nebraska
• Twin Towers,
• Union Pacific Railroad, Franklin Advisory Board, Arnold Nesbitt
• University of Nebraska, David Hinton, College of Public Affairs, Franklin Advisory Board
• University of Nebraska, David Ambrose,
• U. S. District Court, Franklin Community Credit Union, evidence disposal / destruction
• Van Pelt, Samuel, County District Judge, convened a grand jury, accusations 'deemed carefully crafted hoax'.
• Warner Jerome, Legislative Franklin committee,
• Washington Times search Franklin Scandal, Paul Rodriguez and editor-in-chief Wes Pruden
• Washington Times Randall Casseday, arrested,
• Kent Whinnery, legislative Franklin committee counsel link
• Wadman, Robert
• Walters, John, U.S. director of National Drug Control Policy,
• Weber State University Albanian National Police, State Department, Department of Justice, Poland, Haiti, Nigeria. Criminal Justice professor. promote democracy
• Westin Crown Center Hotel, King flew teenagers, 1985, allegations
• Western and Pacific Association of Criminal Justice Educators search Robert Wadman.
• World Herald, Omaha
• World Herald Zorinsky files, text
• WorldNetDaily "Attorney General Gonzales among officials who allegedly ignored abuse of minor boys ...
• WorldVision
• Frada Miller
• WPLG, WPST-TV, channel 10, moderated debates,
• Yale Alumni Magazine search Skull & Bones, Publicly masturb ated in a coffin in view of the other members of the fraternity. 3. Swore allegiance to Satan while touching a human skull. 4. Bowed before a man dressed as Satan. 5. Permitted a man to press a human femur (thigh bone) into his an us. ... MORE
• Zionism, Zionist, torture Abu Ghraib,
• "Heard on the Hill" column in "Roll Call" (the daily newspaper that covers only Congress) and the "Under the Dome" column in "The Hill"
• notes: EducateYourself "From what I know from my own corner of the world, there is excellent reason to investigate Bush for possible involvement in the dope business. Think back to what I reported in Chapter 13, "The Washington Connection," about how George Bush and Larry King were linked in multiple ways, including eyewitness reports placing Bush at King's sex parties. Think about the constant rumors that King was financing the Contras, who have now been proved to have been running dope by the ton. ... The first investigative reporter to ever look at Franklin, the World Herald's James Flanery, told associates that King was "running guns and money into Nicaragua," and that the CIA was heavily involved. (Flanery was soon taken off the story and shipped out of state for a year.) ... Records exist to show that Larry King was a top contributor to a Contra "support committee," the Citizens for America (CFA). King's own public relations firm was also used by the Contras." full story
• Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons (G/TIP) underfunded by Bush, John Miller resigned, replaced by born-again Christian Mark Lagon, wants evangelical and Catholic Church in on fighting trafficking (fox guarding the hen house)
• Famous Omaha people: Fred Astaire, Max Baer, John Beasley, Mildred Brown, Bob Boozer, James Connor, Eric Crouch, Tom Dennison, General George Crook, Henry Fonda, Peter Fonda, Gerald R. Ford, Bob Gibson, Harry Haywood, Brigadier General Frank Purdy Lahm, Charlie Munger, Buddy Miles, Nick Nolte, Tillie Olsen, J. Joseph Ricketts, Andy Roddick, Gale Sayers, Walter Scott Jr., Thomas Tibbles, 311, Wallace Thurman, Roger Williams, Malcolm X,
• Corporations, Omaha: Gallup, infoUSA,
• Gay history, Omaha:
• Beau Biden notes WMR's sources in Delaware report that there is a pedophile scandal unfolding in the state that could have national implications. A 63-page report issued yesterday by Linda Ammons, the dean of Widener University's Law School appointed by Democratic Governor Jack Markell to an independent panel to investigate why the state and other entities failed to take proper action against Lewes pediatrician Earl Bradley for committing more than 103 sexual assaults on his young patients in Delaware since 1998 and failing to recognize similar charges resulting in a formal investigation in Philadelphia in 1994. The issuance of the report was followed by the minor stroke of 41-year old Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden, the son of Vice President Biden. Beau Biden's office of Attorney General was cited in the Ammons report for failing to take quick action against Bradley who has since been indicted on 471 criminal counts. Bradley has pleaded not guilty to all the charges. more search terms: White House made annoucement, similar to Paul Wellstone, Beebe Medical Center, warrant refusal, incriminate others, young girls sexually abused, Milford investigation, AG Stacey Cohee, Georgetown, Sussex, Iraq, Gebelein, Sinclair, National Press Club, Roger Blevins III, stealing campaign, gay pornographic website, One House with 5 guys and fifteen cameras, sugar daddy,
Robert A. Hawkins, Von Maur, shootings, evidence discrepancies, .... why were the FBI and DHS in the mall before the shootings?
Mall entry time is after shot of Hawkins in the mall? Police said he was in and out of the mall before the shootings. • GodLikeProductions questions: MSNBC
• images: CNN Ask USAToday YouTube Bush, Bellevue, mother Maribel "Molly" Rodriguez,
• In a segment from ABC World News, Charles Gibson reveals that President Bush "coincidentally had been in Omaha just hours before the shooting began." We are also made aware that an agent with the Department of Homeland Security visited the exact same mall "shortly before" the massacre took place. He was reportedly there to speak with officials about the mall's security. YouTube PrisonPlanet forum
• search terms: state ward, spent $265,000 on his care, Westroads Mall, Gov. Heineman, Hawkins also stayed at Piney Ridge, Cooper Village (Omaha), Lutheran Family Services, and Addiction and Behavioral Health Services Inc. ... threatened to kill his grandmother, anti-depressant drugs, foster care, charged with possession with intent to deliver, live with father in La Vista, August 2006 state care ends, Papillion-LaVista High School dropped out, unmotivated, troubled, non-violent, AK-47, two thirty-round magazines, Washington County drug charges dropped. also SKS weapon mentioned ? Hawkins 5-foot-7 and 128 lbs.
• more: "appeared to have shot himself in the back of the head" statement, restricted number, Debora Maruca Kovak, stepfather in Thailand during the shooting, Police chief Thomas Warren, he fired 30 rounds, 7.62 mm ammunition, semiautomatic, assault weapon, ban expired in 2004, Mark Dotson and Rodriguez were married, divorced, missing rifle, Dotson owned the rifle,
• Points to consider:
• YouTube video: 'Conspiracy of Silence', on Franklin Scandal, originally to air on the Discovery Channel May 3, 1994, but was cancelled at the last minute ...
• 'Conspiracy of Silence' was listed in the 1994 April 30th-May 6th edition of TV-Guide.
• Yorkshire Television and the Discovery Channel were reimbursed for their production costs. go to video: YouTube
• The child abuse victims passed lie detector tests.
• click to open 450 page pdf file 'The Franklin Cover-up, Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska, by John W. DeCamp
• Links to Iran-Contra
• The Franklin Scandal is largely unknown in America, but recent scandals could help revive it.
• Carole Lam, ... the firing of 8 U.S. Attorney's by Bush, Rove, Miers....has shed important light on recent and past corruption scandals.
• "Carol Lam, who helped win the 2005 political corruption conviction of then-U.S. Republican Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham of California, was among seven prosecutors fired on December 7. ABC News and Signs on San Diego and Signs on San Diego, articles. and CIA - Foggo investigation ABCNews .... Foggo oversaw Cunningham contracts. and see The Hill ... Porter Goss Foggo promotion. andCREW Sen. Diane Feinstein confirms Lam's Foggo / Abramoff investigation. and ThinkProgress Sen. Patrick Leahy - Rove Miers subpoenas.
• , Franklin Scandal victims: Boner, Bonacci, Owen
• and click to enlarge full story
• Is the New York Times article reminiscent of New York Times / Judith Miller's lies about WMD in the run-up to the Iraq War.
• Wikipedia: "Paul A. Bonacci won a default judgment judgment of $800,000 compensatory damages and $200,000 in punitive damages in a civil action against Lawrence King in which the petition alleged kidnapping, mind control, satanic ritual abuse, and sexual abuse, and alleged various personal injuries, both physical and psychological. The Judge did not rule on these allegations, but merely ruled on the motion for default judgment." ... the plaintiff's allegations were required to be taken as fact based on the testimony, since no contrary evidence was introduced. On that basis, the judge awarded monetary damages. The case was not appealed. enlarge
• Craig Spence, Former ABC News correspondent and Republican lobbyist, death by suicide.
• Franklin arrested two days before Bush Sr. elected in 1988. Credible evidence of CIA, FBI participation in cover-up.
• Nebraska state police reports and the Nebraska Foster Care Review Board ... and 50 page report by Omaha's Boys Town welfare case officer Mrs. Julie Walters, detail massive child sex, homosexual and pornography operation run by Larry King, with close ties to theWhite House.
• subject map
• WayneMadsenReport "Presidential adviser Karl Rove has been implicated by child welfare advocates in Texas in the failure of the Justice Department to prosecute the Texas child abuse and pedophilia cases. Indictments in the case prepared by the US Attorney for West Texas were reportedly spiked on the orders of the White House and Justice Department." Congress and the FBI should take a close look at Alberto Gonzales, Albert Moskowitz, Johnny Sutton, Bill Baumann, and Karl Rove.
• WorldNetDaily "Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and U.S. Attorney Johnny Sutton, both already under siege for other matters, are now being accused of failing to prosecute officers of the Texas Youth Commission after a Texas Ranger investigation documented that guards and administrators were sexually abusing the institution's teenage boy inmates. Among the charges in the Texas Ranger report were that administrators would rouse boys from their sleep for the purpose of conducting all-night sex parties. Ray Brookins, one of the officials named in the report, was a Texas prison guard before being hired at the youth commission school. As a prison guard, Brookins had a history of disciplinary and petty criminal records dating back 21 years. He retained his job despite charges of using pornography on the job, including viewing nude photos of men and women on state computers. The Texas Youth Commission controversy traces back to a criminal investigation conducted in 2005 by Texas Ranger Brian Burzynski. The investigation revealed key employees at the West Texas State School in Pyote, Texas, were systematically abusing youth inmates in their custody." B. D. Colen, cardiovascular disease, Court TV, Cardiac Foundation
• Flocco "According to U.S. intelligence sources, President Bush obstructed justice last December when he had senior advisor Karl Rove and White House Counsel Harriet Miers instruct Attorney General Alberto Gonzales to fire eight U.S. attorneys who were among several others conducting ongoing public corruption and secret national security grand jury investigations connected to an espionage–linked prostitution / pedophile sex ring operating at the Washington Ritz-Carlton and other DC hotels, whose clients included U.S. senators and congressmen, elite Washington news reporters and high government officials—some of whom were named by an intelligence insider. Central to the scandal is fired U.S. attorney Carole Lam of California who was reportedly conducting testimony before grand juries linking indicted former Bush CIA Executive Director Kyle “Dusty” Foggo and convicted Republican lobbyist Jack Abramoff to the sex ring, Israeli espionage, GOP Under Secretary of Defense for policy Douglas J. Feith, a forged British intelligence dossier used by Mr. Bush to deceive Americans into supporting war against Iraq and an attempt to plant weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in Iraq before the war via an intelligence pipeline through Dubai and Turkey. During her House testimony before Democrat Chairman Henry Waxman’s House Oversight and Government Reform Committee last Friday, “national security” concerns were given as the reason for prohibiting covert CIA operative Valerie Plame-Wilson from revealing that her CIA energy front company Brewster-Jennings had prevented the planting of WMD in Iraq by the White House-linked intelligence pipeline, resulting in the forged British dossier being used for building an artificial case for war against Iraq."
• This is London "The document recommended that rather than reporting sexual abuse to the relevant legal authorities, bishops should encourage the victim, witnesses and perpetrator not to talk about it. And, to keep victims quiet, it threatened that if they repeat the allegations they would be excommunicated. ... Five years ago he sent out an updated version of the notorious 1962 Vatican document Crimen Sollicitationis - Latin for The Crime of Solicitation - which laid down the Vatican's strict instructions on covering up sexual scandal. It was regarded as so secret that it came with instructions that bishops had to keep it locked in a safe at all times. Cardinal Ratzinger reinforced the strict cover-up policy by introducing a new principle: that the Vatican must have what it calls Exclusive Competence. In other words, he commanded that all child abuse allegations should be dealt with direct by Rome. Patrick Wall, a former Vatican-approved enforcer of the Crimen Sollicitationis in America, tells the programme: "I found out I wasn't working for a holy institution, but an institution that was wholly concentrated on protecting itself."
• Clyde Lewis One witness Alisha Jahn Owen testified before a grand jury that she was sexually abused as a juvenile by a Nebraska district court judge, by the chief of police of the city of Omaha, by the manager of the Franklin Community Federal Credit Union, and others. Alisha Owen also witnessed, she said, the abuse of other children by figures in Nebraska’s political and financial establishment whom she named, among them the publisher of the state’s largest newspaper, the Omaha World–Herald. She testified that she was in a group of Nebraska children who functioned for years as illegal drug couriers, traveling nationwide for some of Nebraska’s wealthiest, most powerful and prominent businessmen. Two grand juries, one local and one federal, had a mandate to consider these and other charges of child abuse connected with the Franklin Credit Union. They indicted the victim–witnesses for perjury instead! Alisha Owen was pronounced guilty by a jury in Douglas County, Nebraska, on eight counts of felony perjury. On August 8, 1991, she was sentenced to serve nine to twenty–seven years in prison.
• National Vanguard "a column by Drew Pearson appeared in the New York Post, reporting that “‘a homosexual ring had been operating out of Governor Reagan’s office’ for six months with his full knowledge and that the governor did not act until pressured by aides into firing the men. The columnist alleged that Art Van Court Reagan’s bodyguard, later a federal marshal, who conducted the investigation into the affair] had a tape recording ‘of a homosexual] sex orgy which had taken place at a cabin near Lake Tahoe, leased by two members of Reagan’s staff.’” Reagan “denied everything and called the columnist a liar.” At a press conference he “slammed his fist on the lectern and yelled at reporters,” refusing to identify the two men. “The Reagans immediately adopted a censorious public stance toward homosexuality. He condemned it as ‘an abomination in the eyes of the Lord,’ and she denounced it as a ‘sickness’ and an ‘abnormality’ Yet privately, they continued to patronize their astrologer, Carroll Righter, a homosexual, and to socialize with a homosexual male couple who were frequently invited to the Jewish] Bloomingdales’ dinner parties. Nancy maintained close relationships with Gentile author] Truman Capote, Jewish attorney and former aide to Senator Joseph McCarthy] Roy Cohn, and Jew] Jerry Zipkin, who once lived with English novelist] Somerset Maugham; she depended on homosexual men like her hairdresser and interior decorator to define her style and execute her taste.” (Kelley, 165-167)" coast to coast, Nebel death,
• Indymedia, Oklahoma, Thomas Aquino, "... Satanic subversion of the U.S. Military by Jeffrey Steinberg Softies on Satan --- "When the San Francisco Chronicle contacted Army officials at the Presidio to find out if Aquino's security clearances had been lifted as the result of the pedophile investigations, the reporters were referred to the Pentagon, where Army spokesman Maj. Greg Rixon told them, "The question is whether he is trustworthy or can do the job. There is nothing that would indicate in this case that there is any problem we should be concerned about." "Indeed, the Pentagon had already given its de facto blessings to Aquino's long-standing public association with the Church of Satan and his own successor "church," the Temple of Set. As early as April 1978, the U.S. Army had circulated A Handbook for Chaplains "to facilitate the provision of religious activities." Both the Church of Satan and the Temple of Set were listed among the "other" religions to be tolerated inside the U.S. military. A section of the handbook dealing with Satanism stated, "Often confused with witchcraft, Satanism is the worship of Satan (also known as Baphomet or Lucifer). Classical Satanism, often involving 'black masses,' human sacrifices, and other sacrilegious or illegal acts, is now rare. Modern Satanism is based on both the knowledge of ritual magick and the 'anti-establishment' mood of the 1960s. It is related to classical Satanism more in image than substance, and generally focuses on 'rational self-interest with ritualistic trappings.' " Herb Jepko, WGMA, Hollywood, Edward Little
• a young girl, Eulice (Lisa) Washington, was the center of an investigation by Andrea L. Carener, of the Nebraska Department of Social Services. The investigation was instigated because Lisa and her sister Tracey continually ran away from their foster parents, Jarrett and Barbara Webb. Initially reluctant to disclose information for fear of being further punished, the two girls eventually recounted a remarkable story, later backed up by OTHER children who had been fostered out to the Webb's sic].
• Search term notes from Franklin Coverup pdf: notes: 1985, ....... child abuse, ebook by Happytribe, Columbine -antidepressant drub cover-up, Troy Boner - FBI - Ted Gunderson. ( Ronald Reagan, George Bush Sr, William Colby, Ronald Roskins - AID, all related Larry King affair). Nebraska legislature investigative committee, single-engine plane crash that killed Gary Caradori and his son. Wealthiest businessmen of Omaha Nebraska. Alisha Owen guilty of perjury, Douglas County, she told grand jury she was sexually abused as a juvenile by the chief of police and Larry King, and witnessed others being abused by the publisher of the Omaha World-Herald, said she was forced to courier drugs. Paul Bonacci also charged with perjury. Lawrence E. King, Jr., was an officer in the National Black Republican Council, he sang the national anthem at the 1984 and 1988 GOP national conventions. Nearly $40 million missing from Franklin Community Credit Union, revelations that Franklin's officers and prominent Republican Nebraskans had flown children from city to city to be abused. Most unaware of case, locals told its closed, Larry King served jail sentence for misappropriation of funds, after guilty plea, officials said no evidence of drug peddling, child abuse, satanic activity, all just a carefully crafted hoax. Legislative investigation started 1988 ended 1991, main investigator: the late Gary Caradori. Committee chairman Senator Loran Schmit, case leads to drug-trafficking, money laundering, pornography, kidnapping and sale of children. Caradori wrote to Nebraska Secretary of State Alan Beerman about threats. Phone taps. Caradori and his son died in plane crash July 11 in Lee County, Illinois. Early the next day FBI subpoened all his records. Days Inn Lakefront Motel ... no records of his stay. June 21, 1991 case shut down, Bonacci charges dropped. First alarm: 1985: Washington County, DSS, case: Sean, Sally, Steve McArthur in foster care with Jarrett and Barbara Webb, Fort Calhoun, child abuse complaint, Webb worked for Omaha Public Power District and was board member of FCFCU, Barbara is Larry King's cousin. As many as nine children in the home, sexual abuse. Attorney Gary Randal, brother Casey Randal was in orbit of Franklin Credit. State suspended Webb's foster care license 1986, Prosecutor Patrick Tripp did not file sexual abuse charges against Webb, called them liars. Julie Walters a youth care worker noted Webb attitude. Polygraph tests showed Webb children telling truth. Pat Tripp 'good friends' with Deward Finch and Kent Miller named by Nelly and Kimberly. Also in Walter's report: Nelly and Kimberly found porn tapes under Webb's bed showing teenage sexual activity, said King supplied tapes. Parties, boys from Boystown in summer of 84, sexual activity. More Julie Walters' report turned over to law enforcement agencies 1986, and DSS logs available. Margo Georgiu and daughter Brenda Parker file complaint against Rusty Nelson 'possible child pornography', Larry King, 'the boss', opulent apartment, nude photographs, Nelson homosexual, King influential in Republican Party. Loretta Smith, hospitalized at Richard Young Hospital, photographed nude, devil worship, Nelly and Kimberly Webb, nude modeling of children, North Omaha Girls Club, killed if refused to participate, drugged, Webb girls reported to police but nothing done. Fort Calhoun Schools, Mr. Finch did nothing about child porn reports, Loretta Isabel Smith mentioned Larry King. Gary West, King's Wirt Street house, parties. Loretta Smith's hospital reports: witnessed child homicides, cult activities, Ray, got high, parties, ten men in their mid thirties, Loretta only nine years old, would be killed it they told of activities, drugged, decapitation, id Larry King, Mr. Finch, Ace, King Horse, Jerry Lucifer, Mike, Loretta called police, said she was raped, cannablism, Foster Care Review Board said Smith testimony highly credible, significant details, Webb, Georgiu corroboration. Dennis Carlson NFCRB, officers kept Wadman away from investigation, fearing he was protecting King's activities, Investigator Carmean and Investigator Hoch lost all interest in the case, transferred out, pulled out. Wadman tried to get Carmean declard crazy, Omaha Public Safety Directo Pitmon Fox (cousin of Larry King) said Carmean needed mental health evaluation, Officer Bill Skoleski died of heart attack also kept file on Larry King. Radio station KKAR said child abuse attention prurient, inappropriate, Wadman said all investigations were 'dead end'. Wadman said he barely knew King, suitcase release. Legislative Franklin committee counsel include: John Stevens Berry, Robert Creager, and Wadman's attorney Kent Whinnery, investigation goes nowhere. Cover-up. NFCRB received child abuse reports and frustrated that nothing was done, Director Carol Sitt, 1988 spoke with Nebraska's Republican governor Kay Orr, she said 'do whatever is necessary' to secure investigation, wrote to Attorney General Robert Spire, had detailed abuse by victims, received call from Kirsten Hallberg, added Uta Halee Girls Village report on Larry King, turned files over to Spire, nothing happened for months, Stitt and Dennis Carlson demanded meeting with Howland, Nov 22, 1988, nothing, contacted governor again, Thomas Vlahoulis put on case, part time, nothing done. Sitt went to Douglas County. Val Peter, Boys Town, FBI intimidation of Loretta Smith, Senator Loran Schmit asked Carol Sitt what effect the gross mishandling of her case might have on Loretta Smith, all cover-up. 1983, Copple family, Commonwealth Savings ante up assets to redeem depositor losses, Bob Kerry governor, and State Security Savings, Bill Wright, used powers of state government to loot State Security's depositors, cesspool headed by Kerry. Commonwealth case parallels Franklin case, cast of characters overlap, John Queen, Robert Kirchner, get fed contract to analyze Franklin Credit Union, Kopf legal counsel Commonwealth legislative committee, while Larry King out of town, Alisha Owen indicted, Kopf appointed federal judge. Nov 4, 1988, FBI, National Fed Credit Union, shut down Franklin Credit, $40 mil missing, secret set of books, Sen. Ernie Chambers, and Sen. Loran Schmit main investigators, Schmit knew of King behaviors, King at Republican national conventions, Sen. Haberman said King was rising star, Maureen Reagan, parties, Schmit wanted probe of Franklin, legitimate investigation started, Chambers announced investigation into child abuse, sexual abuse, Stitt, Carlson, Williams presented evidence. Senator Remmers, King common thread, Boystown, Stitt described coverup, received Walters report. Wadman and Spire offer weak protest, Legislative Committee hired Jerry Lowe, Kirk Naylor, Special Counsel, detailed King's Nicaragua / CIA / White House connections, Wadman implicated. investigation caution. Caradori finds victims who would talk, videotaped, contained detailed allegations of sexual abuse, drug usage, pornography and other crimes by prominent Omaha citizens, including Larry King, Rusty Nelson, Deward Finch, but tapes became target of speculation, denunciation, rumor, doubt. Alisha Owen cooperated, said involved, mentioned Alan Baer, Harold Andersen, Robert Waldman, she described flights to other states, testified on video tape, about 1983 Twin Towers events, Mark Powers, Alfie Allen, 14 yr old boys, Troy Boner, oral sex, fellatio, Gene Mahoney, Peter Citron, Kansas City, Pasadena, Los Angeles, private flights, Dixon and Dixon, Jackie Compton, Bob Kerry, Tom McKinney. Caradori filed backup report, Troy Boner witness. Schmit had tapes released, Dec 1989, Associated Press reported statements to be credible, but no move to prosecutions. DeCamp public memo included prominent perpetrators. DeCamp recommends Schmit go to FBI, regional head Nick O'Hara, who said Wadman was his closest personal friend, all unknown to DeCamp, O'Hara acted like investigating them. Art Bell, Jim Bohannon, Caradori's tapes publicly surfaced, Omaha World Herald wrote articles to discredit witnesses, safety of witnesses a concern, Sen. Jerry Chizek chairman of Legislature's Judiciary Committee inquisitive, tight with Douglas County Sheriff Dick Roth, secret meeting, Judge Corrigan, DeCamp, auto body repair shop, focus on witness protection, Roth believed validity of tapes, said O'Hara - Wadman - FBI close, meeting resulted in no action. World Herald, pressure to repudiate. Loretta Smith contacted DeCamp who said he believed her, Kathy Rutledge of the Lincoln Journal called DeCamp, threatening, John Goc, threatening DeCamp disbarment, ... then bar investigation of DeCamp, Open Phone America, World Herald Bob Dorr questions DeCamp about Franklin secret information, answered Dorr's questions in DeCamp memo, bar investigation terminated, Lincoln Journal corrected false first false story, DeCamp filed slander and defamation lawsuit against Journal, still in courts. Harold Andersen editor World Harold, most powerful and rich public personalities are central figures in Franklin investigation, truth is a defense in lawsuits, DeCamp memo causes firestorm statewide, Kansas City Star article. Agreement for Citron to sue DeCamp, then Citron charged with sex crimes with male minors, the victims poured out info, Citron pleaded guilty, World Herald still condemning DeCamp memo, suppressed Franklin and Commonwealth, State Security stories, 'The Portland Laugher, The Todd Cruz Caller, World Herald accused Sen. Schmit for Legislative Franklin Committee leaks. Robert Fenner of NCUA gave DeCamp details of Franklin secret accounts, DeCamp: "I believe he wanted-through me-to throw cold water on the questions that were heating up in Omaha, about the role of Franklin monies in the Iran-Contra money laundering schemes". DeCamp shared this with Schmit. Paul Bonacci: 1990 Caradori discovered fourth victim witness, Bonacci, corrobated earlier tapes, victim of King, Baer, Citron, had some knowledge of Wadman, Harld Andersen, Judge Carlson, hundreds of 'trips' 15-20 to Washington D.C., other cities, OPD Mike Hoch might prosecute Bonacci. Baer 'milk run' $20 for oral sex, threats on Bonacci's life, said probably Wadman who got Alisha Owen pregnant, Alan Baer 'scavenger hunts', bizarre sexual satanic disturbing stuff, Hunter Thompson. Cover-up phase, Gary Caradori death, Douglas County grand jury convened July 1990, DeCamp memo, World Herald story "Grand Jury Says Abuse Stories 'Carefully Crafted Hoax'. Grand Jury cleared Franklin of child abuse. Never subpoenaed King, indicted Baer, Citron already had been indicted, indicted Owen and Bonacci, said Owen abused but not by the people and in the way she said. Troy Boner and Danny King recanted, Nelly Webb gave more details on trips, Loretta Smith, said no evidence of connection to King, Andersen threats, rumormongers, hoax terms, Grand Jury says it's all hoax. DeCamp, Schmit, Chambers, Casey came under attack from Grand Jury. Karen Ormiston passed lie-detector tests about validity of Caradori tapes. Caradori's evidence, Fuel records of planes that Owen, receipts, ignored by grand jury, tapes still exist. KETV Channel 7 poll said 10-1 viewer dissatisfaction in grand jury report. Citron was World Herald society columnist, WH defended grand jury. Grand Jury guided by prosecutor Samuel Van Pelt, and foreman Michael Flannigan. Nebraska, worst laws on grand jury system. Nebraska Attorney General said these poor laws should exempt grand juries from responsibility of their errors. amazing. evidence of jury rigged, Lincoln Journal letter about Van Pelt cover-up of state police SWAT team death of farmer and political activist Arthur Kirk, World Herald defended Van Pelt. Bonacci, Owen, and 'Jane Doe' charged that Van Pelt intimidated them into recanting their testimony, grand jury setup, told them how and what to say...Cosentino letter to Chambers, selective accusatorial questions, not looking for evidence, polish the text, King not called because he would 'plead the fifth'. Public outcry forced Douglas County prosecutor Ronald Staskiewicz appointed County Assistant Attorney Robert Sigler (Smiley) , continued the cover-up, two witnesses actually placed him in the Franklin case. Scandal Scooper, The Water is Warmer 500 affiliates, Bonacci named Sigler as 'trip' participant. KAM air, Kansas City, Sioux City, Iowa, Joe Caniglia, Alan Baer, Robert Sigler. Sigler was Charlie Rogers' (former Larry King lover) attorney, Rogers died of suicide, grand jury dismissed all this. Bonacci a big problem because he didn't recant. the grand jury had to call him a liar, but said he diagnosed with having mulitple personalities, but how can he be convicted of perjury? Dr. Berverly Mead hired, said he can't lie, just changes stories, and could tell truth depending on which personality he's in. Mead said Bonacci telling truth about sexual abuse at Southfork Ranch. Westwood One, 40,000 interviews, and in Rosenthal questioins he was being truthful about abuse by Andersen, King, Baer and others. Concerned Citizens for Responsible Government, investigated Kerry, Commonwealth Savings, State Security collapse, Ak Sar Ben, ConAgra CEO Mike Harper defended, Union Pacific Railroad chairman Michael Walsh, CEO Walter Scott of Peter Kiewit and Sons. Eugene Mahoney king of Ak Sar Ben 1991, investigated by Caradori. Washington connection, picture of King and Maureen Reagan, Southfork Ranch, July 5 1989 Washington Times Craig Spence, found dead in Boston hotel room 1989. NAMBLA North American Man Boy Love Association, "sex before eight is too late" slogan, Bonacci testified being transported by NAMBLA, John Gosch Sr. hold poster of kidnapped son. Jill Cutshall, Norfold Nebraska kidnapped, Bonacci provided leads, Italian weekly Avvenimenti printed expose on Franklin Scandal, authors visited Nebraska 1991, Rev. James Bevel (MLK friend) led child abuse picket line 1991. Omaha business community: Sen. Schmit warned investigation committee of rough road, Chambers represented black district of north Omaha, King not alone. power structure, Bill Fitzgerald, Commercial Savings and Loan, Ken Power of US West, Lyn Wallin Ziegenbein of Kiewit Foundation, Harold Andersen all defended Larry King, despite warnings of Julie Walters Boystown social worker. French Cafe, Sheila Calder (witness), partly owned by King, named a center of sexual abuse. Ak Sar Ben (freemasonic social org centered on race track and fairgrounds in Omaha) closed ranks around Alan Baer, big Omaha company boards, same people, Mike Harper, ConAgra was king, 1990, pagan rituals. ConAgra, Harper, board: Fitzgerald, Lauritzen, Rismiller, Scott, Kiewit, Skutt, Walsh, Yanney. poured millions into Franklin Credit Union, deposits contributions, supported King, advice, Consumer Services Organization, Barbara Moore employed by Sue Scott, Mutual of Omaha placed funds in Franklin. Franklin small board: King, Webb, Hart Jr. named child abusers, Advisory Board: Andersen, Daub, Dodge II, Wallin, Kutak, Rock, Huie law firm, Thomas, Jamrog, Nesbitt, Hinton, Lamberty, Marvin, McAuley, Miller, Rothery, Wolforth, Zeilinger, Albert, Amato, Ambrose, Barker III, Bradford, Erickson, Healy. Washington connection: Chamber, Schmit, investigation would lead to highest levels of Republican party, Omaha biz community distances itself from King. King rising Republican star, but, heart attack, quintuple-bypass surgery, Don and Mike Show, Feb 7 1990 King whisked away to fed psychiatric facility, to not embarrass Bush administration, or ask him for help. Webb sister sexually exploited in Texas, Southfork, Bonacci at Southfork to provide sexual favors, DeCamp witnessed, backroom, Brazilian legation to the OAS, King contact Craig Spence, call boy ring, Spence night time tours of White House, Donald Gregg, CIA blackmail ops, Dream Boys, Man to Man, Bodies by God. Spence suicide said linked to Iran-Contra, World Herald said some Franklin money went to Contras. James Allen Flannery, WH, Stitt: CIA, FBI, homosexual financing, not Contras, S&L CIA financing of covert ops, Congress found out in investigation of failed S&L's, Houston Post, Pete Brewton, Amazon books 'The Mafia, CIA and George Bush', Silverado Savings & Loan, Neil Bush sat on board, allege dealt with Larry King, Oliver North, Tom Harvey, Mary Jane Harvey, Jamaica, Switzerland, Spain, Citizens for America, King bring North to Nebraska, CFA, David Carmen, Hugel, smoking was one of his trademarks, Council for Minority Americans, CIA, King sought ambassadorial appointment, Jamaica, Iran-Contra activities, North, multiple secret bank accounts, Credit Suisse, National Endowment for Democracy, Violeta Chamorro, You're Have a Heart Attack, Nicaragua elections, George Bush at King's party, 'people have been dying', World Herald discredits story, Nelly Patterson Webb, 1986, told Julie Walters, Washington, Chicago, Brent, Brandt Thomas - Boystown resident who moved in with LK, Bush, Chicago party, Brandt, Sorenon told Vlahoulis that both Kimberly and Nelly brought up the name of George Bush and indicated that they had both met him. Ronald Roskens, Roskins, AID, fired as chancellor of UofN (sexual activities), King member of 'chancellor's advisory committee', Bush letter of praise, Harold Andersen, Hill & Knowlton and Harold Andersen, Robert Keith Gray, CEO, Reagan campaign, expert CIA homosexual blackmail ops. 221
• BushBlowJob "WASHINGTON -- Photographer Russell E. "Rusty" Nelson was recently arrested two days after journalist Hunter Thompson reportedly committed suicide four weeks ago on February 10, according to two phone interviews with attorney John DeCamp last week. Nelson was allegedly employed by a former Republican Party activist to take pictures of current or retired U.S. House-Senate members and other prominent government officials engaging in sexual criminality by receiving or committing sodomy and other sex acts on children during the Reagan-Bush 41 administrations. Hunter Thompson’s death and the news blackout of Rusty Nelson’s simultaneous arrest raise questions that someone may be attempting to limit Nelson’s freedom or threaten him, since according to testimony, both men had allegedly witnessed homosexual prostitution and pedophile criminal acts in a suppressed but far-reaching child sex-ring probe closely linked to Senate and House members--but also former President George H. W. Bush.
• Catholic priest previously convicted of child molestation has pleaded guilty to sexually abusing two teenage brothers in the 1990s. Louis Rogge, 76, of Joliet pleaded guilty Thursday to two counts of aggravated criminal sexual abuse.
• Yahoo Police smashed a global Internet pedophile ring, rescuing 31 children and rounding up more than 700 suspects worldwide ... Some 200 suspects are based in Britain, the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Center said. The ring was traced to an Internet chat room called "Kids the Light of Our Lives" that featured images of children being subjected to horrific sexual abuse. The investigation involves agencies from 35 countries and lasted 10 months. The host of the Web site, Timothy David Martyn Cox, 27, of Buxhall, who used the online identity "Son of God," admitted to nine counts of possessing and distributing indecent images, authorities said
• Nebraska sodomy laws: Protection... from the sexual depravity of moral perverts is as essential as the protection of human life from the homicidal tendency of assassins. Common Law of England, sodomy a capital offense, life imprisonment, but... fellatio not a crime against nature, and did not violate sodomy law. Carnal copulation prohibited, but law didn't cover cunninlingus, needed 'fixing'.
WayneMadsenReport The Penn State football pedophilia scandal will not stop at the Penn State campus in State College
The Penn State football pedophilia scandal will not stop at the Penn State campus in State College bit will have ramifications throughout Pennsylvania. The Penn State scandal already involves the current Republican Governor of Pennsylvania, Tom Corbett, and his two predecessors, Democrat Ed Rendell and Republican Tom Ridge.
Corbett is guilty of the same ethical and possibly criminal violations that plague ousted Penn State football coach Joe Paterno. Like Paterno, who was more concerned about his near-godly status as Penn State's football coach for over 40 years than in the plight of molested children, Corbett, as Pennsylvania Attorney General since 2004, sat on issuing indictments in the Penn State and The Second Mile foundation pedophile case until after he was elected governor in 2010.
Corbett had a chance to act quickly when the case of child molestation involving Paterno's former assistant coach Jerry Sandusky came to his attention in 2009. Although Corbett convened a grand jury to examine evidence in the pedophilia scandal, speed of action to prevent continuing molestation by Sandusky and perhaps others was not Corbett's major priority, but becoming governor was. Corbett postponed action against Sandusky and perhaps others until after his election and the scandal had another two years to metastasize into a scandal of epic proportions.
Corbett as governor is also a member of the board of trustees of Penn State. Corbett has a major conflict of interest owing to his previous status as Attorney General, current governor, and trustee of Penn State. Corbett should recuse himself as a Penn State trustee and, perhaps, this rumored GOP vice presidential candidate in next year's election should consider resigning as governor. Corbett's involvement as trustee and past Attorney General is also complicated by the fact that two past Penn State officials, Vice President Gary Schultz and former Athletic Director Tim Curley, have been indicted on charges of failing to report child abuse and perjury before the grand jury. Schultz retired in 2009 but returned to his old position temporarily in September, while Corbett, knowing full well of the problems with Schultz, was serving as a university trustee. Curley's and Schultz's attorney fees are being paid by Penn State, with Corbett as a trustee of the university -- another ethical conflict on the part of Corbett.
Corbett, as Attorney General, could have certainly seen through the conflict taking place after the 2007 election for Centre County magistrate Leslie Dutchcot and the outset of the grand jury probe of Sandusky. A registered Republican, like Sandusky and Paterno, Dutchcot ran in the May 2007 Democratic and Republican primaries, winning the Democratic primary and coming in third in the GOP race. She won the general election but the fact that she was on both ballots and was a donor to Sandusky's Second Mile charity and volunteered her services to the organization raises all sorts of red flags, but not to Attorney General Corbett, who may have been more interested in propelling the career of a Republican who won the Democratic primary than in seeing justice done.
Dutchcot, rather than recuse herself from the arraignment of Sandusky on 21 felony counts of sexually abusing eight boys over a 15-year period, granted the accused serial pedophile $100,000 unsecured bail, in other words without any cash, and allowed him to return to a home that adjoins Lamont Elementary School in State College. Dutchcot's involvement with rescuing Yorkshire terriers does not appear to extend to rescuing abused children, especially from the likes of her associate Sandusky.
Second Mile, in business since 1977, is also accused by some sports columnists of pimping out young boys for sex to deep-pocketed donors to the charity. Pittsburgh sports talk radio host Mark Madden said "I hear a rumor that there will be a shocking development from the Second Miles Foundation … That Jerry Sandusky and Second Mile were pimping out young boys to rich donors." Two prominent columnists were reported by Madden to be working on the story.
On April 15, 2005, Centre County district attorney Ray Gricar, turned up missing when his car was found locked and abandoned near the Susquehanna River in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania. Gricar, who had been Centre County's district attorney for 20 years, declined to prosecute Sandusky in 1998, when the first charges surfaced about sexual misconduct with minors. In July 2005, Gricar's lap top computer was founs by fishermen in the Susquehanna, minus the hard drive. Two months later, the hard drive was found near the river bank but too badly damaged to retrieve information. In 1996, Gricar's brother, Roy, was reported missing in Dayton, Ohio after his abandoned car was discovered. He had recently been fired from his job at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. A few days later Roy Gricar's body turned up in the Great Miami River. No traces of his brother Ray have ever been found.
In 1998, when Sandusky was first investigated for inappropriate behavior with a boy, the Pennsylvania State Police reportedly warned the boy's mother not to speak to the press. The governor of Pennsylvania at the time was Tom Ridge, who was also a Penn State ex-officio trustee. Ridge was also a trustee when Penn State, in 1995, hired Graham Spanier, the Chancellor of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, as Penn State President. Spanier, a specialist on family sociology who hails from Cape Town, South Africa, remains a tenured Penn State professor. Spanier wrote an article on mate swapping and sexual "swinging" for the Archives of Sexual Behavior. Ironically, Ridge, the governor when Spanier was hired at Penn State, is now rumored to be in consideration for Penn State's next president.
Political conflicts-of-interest in Pennsylvania that involve child abuse are not confined to Republicans in State College or Harrisburg.
In September 2009, Luzerne County Pleas Court judges Mark Ciavarella, Jr. and Michael Conahan were indicted on federal charges in the "Kids for Cash" scandal. The judges were later convicted of accepting millions of dollars in cash kickbacks from two private, for-profit, juvenile facilities run by PA Child Care and Western PA Child Care for sentencing juvenile offenders to harsh sentences in order to ensure maximum use of the facilities. Youthful offenders who committed minor violations were handed out severe sentences. Hundreds of victims' sentences were later overturned but there were rumors of violence and sexual abuse committed on the youth at the private detention centers.
Luzerne County Democratic district attorney Jackie Musto Carroll said she took no action against Ciavarella because he raised no red flags in his sentencing practices. Musto Carroll's Republican opponent in the last election, Stephanie Salavantis, took issue with the incumbent's defense that she was unaware of Ciavarella's kickback scheme. Salavantis defeated Musto Carroll, whose uncle, former Pennsylvania state senator and U.S. Representative Ray Musto, was indicted in 2010 on federal charges of accepting kickbacks from an unnamed company.
WMR has previously reported on a number of sex scandals involving Pennsylvania politicians: "October 18, 2006 --Pennsylvania GOP Congressman is Phil English of the 3rd Congressional District was arrested in Erie in the late 1980s for soliciting sex from an underage African-American male. At the time, English was the Erie City Controller. The arrest was quickly covered up by Erie city officials, including the mayor. WMR has received information that there was a very credible witness to the arrest, a public school official in the Pennsylvania 3rd Congressional District. A member of the Pennsylvania State Legislature has corroborating information on the arrest. English served as Chief of Staff for then-State Senator (and now GOP Congresswoman) Melissa Hart." April 10, 2008 -- "Former Republican Cumberland County, Pennsylvania Commissioner Bruce Barclay was charged in court documents of secretly filming sexual encounters with male prostitutes at his Monroe Township home, his Mechanicsburg business, and his West Palm Beach, Florida home. The Carlisle Sentinel reported that Barclay had secret cameras installed in the bathroom, bedrooms, an "indoor recreational area," radios, motion detectors, and intercom systems. Barclay was found to have recorded between 100 and 500 sexual encounters in his two homes and business. Barclay engaged the services of a Harrisburg Internet-based gay escort service called "harrisburgfratboys.com." A 19-year old male identified in a police complaint by the initials 'W.M.' said he was flown twice by Barclay to West Palm Beach. Police are also investigating a March 30 rape charge brought against Barclay." April 10, 2008 -- "WMR has learned that Harrisburg is the center of an investigation of the use of male and female prostitutes, including underage teens, by a number of leading state officials. The probe extends through the State Police to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court and into the executive departments of Governor Ed Rendell, including Rendell's own office. The investigation by Maryland US Attorney Tom DiBiagio of prostitution rings in the Baltimore Police Department and the administration of Maryland Governor Bob Ehrlich also had links to Pennsylvania, according to information received by WMR. Baltimore Police Commissioner and later- Maryland State Police Superintendent Ed Norris was convicted of using police funds to procure prostitutes from the Pamela Martin agency of Deborah Jeane Palfrey. Palfrey went on trial on April 7 in US District Court in Washington, DC. Palfrey's defense is expected to call Louisiana Republican Senator David Vitter as a witness after he admitted he was a client of the escort service. Palfrey maintains, with a high degree of credibility, that the high-profile and Republican nature of her service' clients led to her being selectively prosecuted by the Justice Department." April 1, 2009 -- "The attacks by the so-called 'justice' system against independent journalists are continuing at breakneck speed. Pennsylvania investigative journalist Bill Keisling being hauled to court in York, Pennsylvania in violation of state and federal shield laws, as well as First Amendment rights. Keisling has doggedly pursued top-level corruption and sex scandals in the Ed Rendell administration in Harrisburg and within the state's court system. He also investigated the murder of Assistant U.S. Attorney for Maryland Jonathan Luna, whose Baltimore office was pursuing the customers of Deborah Jeane Palfrey's escort service, customers who were reportedly high up in the administration of Maryland GOP Governor Bob Ehrlich. Ironically, Rendell is now being considered to be the next president of Temple University in Philadelphia, proving that, for Ridge and Rendell, inattention and conflicts-of-interest pay off in the end.
The fallout from Penn State has universities and colleges across the nation checking their records for indications of child abuse and other sex scandals. The Citadel is now embroiled in a scandal involving child sexual abuse by a summer camp counselor. Past gay-oriented sex parties at Duke and the University of North Carolina involving then Duke basketball and football player Reggie Love reportedly cost him his job as President Obama's "body man." De facto White House chief of staff Pete Rouse, upon hearing of potential problems regarding Love at Duke and UNC and on the heels of the scandal at Penn State, forced Love to leave the White House staff immediately, even over the objections of Obama.
WMR: "Ricky" Santorum and the gay Penn State College Republicans
• Second Mile pimped out gay boys.
• Lanny Davis trying to shield Santorum.
• Phil English arrested in 80's for soliciting sex.
• Penn College Republicans was gay recruitment site.
• Traynham is George Allen's 'Reggie Love'...
• Go to Obama gay....
January 9-10, 2011 -- 1977 was the year GOP presidential candidate Rick Santorum was a freshman at Penn State and the year that Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky, now charged with multiple counts of molesting underage males, began his Second Mile Foundation charity, which stands accused by some press accounts of pimping out young boys to wealthy donors.
Penn State has hired Santorum's colleague in The Israel Project, Lanny Davis, as its counsel to represent the university during the on-going scandal. However, it also appears likely that Davis wants to help limit the exposure of his pal Santorum to any fallout from what is fast being exposed as a long and on-going culture of pedophilia and male homosexuality at Penn State, going back to 1977 and the activities of some of the up-and-coming members of the College Republicans on campus.
On October 18, 2006, WMR ran the following concerning Santorum's close friend, former Pennsylvania congressman Phil English, a University of Pennsylvania student, with whom Santorum formed the Penn State chapter of the Pennsylvania College Republicans in 1977. The chairman of the National College Republicans at the time was Karl Rove, who, in 1973, defeated Terry Dolan, who was gay and who died of AIDS in 1986:
"WMR can also report that the closeted Pennsylvania GOP Congressman is Phil English of the 3rd Congressional District. We have received information that English was arrested in Erie in the late 1980s for soliciting sex from an underage African-American male. At the time, English was the Erie City Controller. The arrest was quickly covered up by Erie city officials, including the mayor. However, WMR has received information that there was a very credible witness to the arrest, a public school official in the Pennsylvania 3rd Congressional District. A member of the Pennsylvania State Legislature has corroborating information on the arrest. English served as Chief of Staff for then-State Senator (and now GOP Congresswoman) Melissa Hart. On June 29,WMR reported, 'English is said to have narrowly avoided a major scandal involving a prostitute in Erie that was covered up by the late Erie Mayor Lou Tullio and an additional incident in Harrisburg. Both incidents occurred before English was elected to the House. English replaced former Pennsylvania Governor and Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge in the House of Representatives.'"
English was defeated for re-election to his House seat in 2008.
On October 20, 2006, during WMR's coverage of the House page sex scandal, we reported the following:
"WMR has learned that the GOP for a number of years has used pipelines like the House and Senate page systems, political indoctrination organizations like the College Republicans, juvenile 'diversion programs,' and religious-connected political groups to groom young men for the predatory sexual appetites of older male GOP members of Congress. The Pennsylvania College Republicans, founded by current Rep. Phil English with the support of current Sen. Rick Santorum, appears to be one such recruitment' center."
Sandusky's Second Mile Foundation was one such "diversion program" for troubled male youth who had run-ins with the law.
Because U.S. senators have greater budgets and staffs, they often hire more than the ample number of staff members who are later recruited to work in the offices of House members. However, in some cases, gay senators have used their larger budgets to hire gay staffers who are then "pimped" out to House members, including Mark Foley, who resigned amid the House sex scandal involving underage male pages. On November 2, 2006, WMR reported on the Senate-to-House pimping practice:
"With less than a week before the election and amid Virginia Senator George Allen's commitment to an amendment to the Virginia Bill of Rights banning state recognition of civil unions or domestic partnerships for hetero- and homosexual couples, comes additional chatter about the large number of open and closeted male homosexuals working in top positions in Allen's Senate office. Allen is described by Capitol Hill insiders as having a relationship with one of his gay Senate staffers that is 'closer' than his relationship with his wife Susan.
Allen's closeted homosexuality has long been the subject of interest ever since his time as Governor of Virginia. Allen, according to informed sources in Richmond, was a frequent visitor to private clubs in the state capital that catered to gay clients. The rumors about Allen dogged him from Richmond to Washington, especially after it became well known that Allen's DC hiring practices favored young gay men. Allen was also one of three U.S. Senators who received contributions from Rep. Mark Foley, who resigned after soliciting sex from underage male pages. The other two are Rick Santorum and Jim Talent."
Allen is currently running for his old Senate seat in Virginia. Then-Senator Santorum's director of communications was Robert Traynham, an openly gay African-American who, possibly seeing himself as the next White House "Reggie Love," continues to support his wildly homophobic ex-boss in his presidential bid.
common franklingate terms: Ak Sar Ben, Albert foods Alberto Gonzalez Alisha Owen, Amato, Andersen, Harold, Michael Aquino, Army of the Night, Dennis Baack, Max Baer, Max Baird, holz zeilinger, bi-sexual, bobby Eberle, Bonacci, Boystown bradford brian burzynski BSCT byrnne randall call-boy carlton-ritz casseday catholic cia citron, peter clatty commercial federal savings conagra coos bay lehman copple cornwall craig spence creager credit union crist david ambrose david hinton decamp dick roth discovery channel duke cunningham dwight harris ed owens eisenstatt ernie chambers fbi foggo foley fort bragg foster care review board frank figueroa franklin advisory board gannon guckert gannongate gerry falwell gopusa hambright hitler youth hotmilitarystud iran-contra james dobson james duffy james gannon james kelly john queen john stevens barry johnny sutton jubilation day care julie walters kay griggs kimbrough king, lawrence labedz libby apprentice lonnie latham lustfull utterances lynch male prostitution mark grossman mcconnell methamphetamine midnight tour mike jones murray state bank nambla nebraska nelson, rusty northern natural gas northwest bell offutt ogen, utah omaha omaha national bank orr case pagegate pedophigate poindexter presidio probe ensnares protestant ratzinger reagan, ronald rendition rick perry R-lynn robert kirchner robert spire rove, karl samuel vanpelt sarkozy paedophilia satanism schoedinger scott mcclellan secret service shawn vassel sodomy southern baptist convention stephen cambone stitt strategic air command talon news tarpley temple of set texas youth commission the colonel the fellowship thomas reynolds thompson, hunter tom delay tongsun park tripp schweer union pacific railroad urbom wadman, robert washington times weber state university west texas state school westin crown center hotel william boykin williams energy world herald world vision yorkshire television yosef sagiv franklin cover-up mcateer libby book apprentice homoeroticism, bestiality and incestuous themes, with an unspeakably gross passage where a ten-year-old girl is abused. Caged, and forced to have sex with bears, to become a prostitute, search terms: a scene of incest between two uncles and their niece; fukk a freshly killed deer, prepubescent girl's painted 'mound', lack of vaginal odor ronald roskens kent state 1970 cfr usaid chancellor uno board of regents caradori homosexual orgies ed mccateer leola mcconnell roundtable falwell bisexual lustfull utterances tennessee knoxville victor ashe kitty kelly las vegas mayor tang yale bulldog lips sodomite nevada governor .........................gopusa gay porn sites mcclellan austin gay bars bypassed secret service security controls background check fleischer press credential mcclendon inr bureau of intelligence and research state department wilson plame endeavor media group llc houston the1%guy.com exposejessejackson militaryescorts bedrock corporation wilmington delaware j. daniels dividezero.net gkg.net college station bush presidential library lawrence king elizabeth doles liaison to the white house rove fundamentalist Christian politics operation rescue bible reading by guckert reverend rob schenk american center for law and justice pat robertson justice roy moore pentacostal national community church giddings school Washington Ashcroft congregant Gannon Schenk friends park bench plan righttalk.com leadership institute's broadcast school of journalism arlington virginia morton blackwell head of college republicans south dakota politics thune on gannon's radio webcasts daschle free speech foundation probush.com james abourezk mike marino west point pennsylvania traitors list carter sarandon mortensen gore stern kerry kennedy MLKing mckinney moore dixie chicks aei gannon article march 2004 anti-gay rights ....Deborah Jeane Palfrey, Pamela Martin & Associates, legal escort service, Tobias, Brandy Britton, 07-046-GK, Catherine Connelly, racketeering, Ulman, Dick Morris, adult fantasy, Miz Julia, prostitution, pimping, Montgomery Blair Sibley, ABC, Disney, Akin Gump Strauss Hauer Feld LLP, Eli Lilly, Quale, NASA, Kessler, Shirlington limousine, poker parties, Watergate, Westin Grand, hookergate whoregate, D. C. madam, Duke-stir, Langley, .... Letterman about Cheney ""I can't believe a good-looking guy like that would ever have to pay for sex, you know what I'm saying?" .... Thomas DiBiagio, Jonathan Luna, Ed Norris, Governor Ehrlich, Watergate, Westin Grand, James Comey, Ashcroft, ABC producers Rhonda Schwartz, Justin Rood, defense contractors, AIPAC, World Bank, IMF, Halliburton, smokinggun, Wells Fargo Bank, Troy Burrus, John Stendrinni, Wilkes / Michael indictment. .... Barney Frank, Steve Gobie, Thomas Foley, Edwin Cassem, Massachusetts General Hospital, Paul Shanley, Creighton University, Dobson, homophobia, Val Peter, archdiocese, Boston, house ethics committee, Warren Buffett, Cardinal law Senator Larry Craig, Idaho, plainclothes officer, lewd behavior, airport men's room, tapped foot, anti same-sex marriage votes, homophobia, anti-gay rights, Romney campaign, Offutt, Barney Frank
Boy Scouts, Sexual Abuse top
• RawStory US scout leaders covered up generations of sexual abuse inflicted on its young members, victims’ lawyers said Thursday, as thousands of pages of so-called “perversion files” were published online.
• • Scouting.org The Boy Scouts of America provides a program for young people that builds character, trains them in the responsibilities of participating citizenship, and develops personal fitness
• • Chicago Tribune A popular Colorado Boy Scout leader named Floyd Slusher allegedly had a strategy when it came to molesting boys: He first plied his victims with alcohol, then abused them and threatened to kill anyone who talked.
• Wikipedia Souts abused by Scout leaders,
• Wikipedia Scouts Canada has modernized its screening practices for adult members. Applicants must complete a Police Record Check with Vulnerable Sector Check (which would turn up pardoned sex offenses). As well, local volunteers interview applicants and check the multiple references they must provide. Scouts Canada volunteers are prohibited from being with a youth member alone; two fully screened volunteers are required to be present at all times. In the event that volunteers are suspected of misconduct, policy requires that they are immediately suspended and the relevant authorities are notified with all information shared. 10] US: Joe Gibson, Lee Pontius, Martin Turner, David McDonald Rankin, Howard W. Curtis, James Hiatt, Brad Stowell, Gary Wade Brown, Charles Donald Corley, Richard Turley, James Molyneaux, 1,151 Scouts reported being abused by their leaders over a 19-year period mostly prior to the implementation of the Youth Protection Plan: they published a detailed list of 416 cases from 1971–1990 where a US Scout leader was arrested or banned from Scouting for sexual abuse of Scouts, methods: campouts, Sexually related games, misuse of authority initiation rites, trips alone, sleepovers. Damage awards kept secret, BSA.... Timur Dykes,
• the Advocate Weblog Rupert Murdoch owned publication News of the World junked an exclusive scoop on exposing sci-fi writer Arthur C. Clarke as a pedophile because of fear of reprisals or disapproval from Murdoch. see Phil Hall, Graham Johnson and more on Andrew Knight ... was visitor of Camp Mandalay, Governor of the Ditchley Foundations (website) since 1981. Editor of The Economist and expanded its offices to Brussels. Director of Rothschild Investment Trust since 1997. Important functions at News Corp. and BskyB. Director of Reuters. Governor of the Atlantic Institute for International Affairs. Governing council of the Royal Institute of International Affairs. Member of the Steering Committee of Bilderberg.
Timeline Sandy Hook
... and connections to BBC / Jimmy Savile, Aurora shootings, CNBC Krim murders ... Pedophiles, Banksters, the British throne ....Rothschilds, more
Subject Index
o Batman Massacre, multiple shooters
o Bohemian Grove
o Carver, Dr. Wayne ME
o Century Theater, Holmes
o Christian and Missionary Alliance
o Clarke, Authur C, pedophile
o Cox, Sally school nurse
o Crowley, Aleister
o Dryer, Logan clairvoyant?
o Facebook RIP Soto
o FEMA L-366 training
o Feinstein, Diane Nov gun control o Fenton, Dr. Lynn
o Ft. Hood multiple shooters
o Global Pedophile ring
o Goth, prepper bashing
o Hammond, Natalie
o Hartford Courant Dec 14, maps?
o Hollywood, pedophile problem
o Holmes, Lt Col Robert
o Holmes, Youth
o Human Sacrifice
o Jewish Ritual Murder
o Krim murders, LIBOR
o Lanza, Adam molested
o Loughner, Giffords
o MK Ultra
o Nightmare Before Christmas Burton
o Oates, Dan Colorado Police Chief
o Oddities
o Parker, Robbie no tears
o Pozner, Noah mom, no tears
o Purim
o Radio traffic Dec 14
o Ritual Murder
o Salk, DARPA ... Holmes
o Sandy Hook Lingirie Party Massacre
o Savile, Jimmy pedo
o Savile, WMR
o Second Shooter
o Shimatsu, Yoichi
o St. Rose of Lima, child abuse
o Timeline
o Training, Active Shooter
o Victim list
o Virginia Tech
o Witness, shots fired after police arrived
o WMR: Adam Lanza may have been molested. See St. Rose of Lima priest John Castaldo
o WMR: British Broadcasting Corporation Director-General Mark Thompson ... involved with cover-up of Jimmy Savile pedophile scandal.
o WMR: With Thompson, who has been mired in a controversy about his own cover-up of a major pedophile scandal in Britain, at The New York Times, the paper will have to take major steps to convince its readership that it is not putting the reins on its Connecticut suburban reporters and New York-based investigative staff and limiting the reporting on the pedophile connections to the Sandy Hook massacre.
o MindWar and the tragedy in Newtown By John Phillips
o American Free Press Sandusky, Spanier ... Cuntfest
o MK ULTRA, 173 page Senate Hearing, Committee on Intelligence, 1977. Searchable text. more
• video Sandy Hook Timeline Aangirfan, BeforeItsNews
• Sorcha Faal and Wellaware1 are disinformation sites and have been disregarded.
• WRAL BBC / Savile Timeline
• 1870 RigorousInstitution Andrew Carnegie, our little Hegelian Social Darwinist (literally), once born in a poor family of handloom weavers, had a very different background than most of his later associates. Around 1870 he already was a wealthy self-made man, but only after some crucial help from the London banker Junius S. Morgan (father J.P. Morgan; worked for George Peabody, who supposedly was a Rothschild agent; after Carnegie's joint venture in the steel industry went awry due to financial problems of his partners, Peabody finally sold his bonds to "London investors") in 1874, he rose to became the most powerful industrialist of the US, next to J.P. Morgan. His primary associates, who inspired and guided him in the founding of the different Carnegie Institutions, were Daniel Coit Gilman (incorporated Skull & Bones into the Russell Trust 50 years earlier), Nicholas Murray Butler (head of Columbia University; major totalitarian Hegelian US educator; President of the Pilgrims Society; Bohemian Grove; associate of J.P. Morgan and Robert Cecil - 1st Viscount of Chelwood; co-founder League of Nations), and Elihu Root (Pilgrims Society; official founder CFR; close friend of Butler).
Background Information
Link Hollywood, Warner Brothers (Dark Night), Jewish Zionists, Rothschilds, Pedophilia amongst the 1%, history of murder and sacrifice of children by the 1 % (Franklin Scandal Omaha), Sandy Hook, Aurora Colorado....
Patriot Act, TSA body scans and groping, Zionist control of media and entertainment, banking. Fascism, Fear Mongering, Orwellian Control.
• 1900 John Phillips One of the first goals of the Reagan Administration was to introduce nation wide drug education called the Dare program. Dare to resist drugs. Police officers were brought into the schools to educate young people about the dangers of illegal drugs, and students were taught to stay away from and keep in “Isolation” any individuals associated with “Drug Culture”. As one would suspect as this program evolved, isolated groups of individuals did evolve in many of our schools, this eventually became known as the “Goth Movement.” The trench coat mafias as they came to be known have been involved in countless school shootings. While the Goth movement took on a life of its own as more and more individuals felt isolated from their classmates and society at large, its philosophical origins can be traced to the Thule Society in Germany that taught that self-indulgence was the key to enlightenment, and that the Devil or the King of Darkness was the path to salvation. This philosophy slowly made its way to the Untied States in the early 1900 through the writing of Aleister Crowley who stated “That religion they call Christianity; the devil they honor they call God. I accept these definitions, as a poet must do, if he is to be at all intelligible to his age, and it is their God and their religion that I hate and will destroy” (Crowley, The World’s Tragedy, p. xxx). Crowley who worked for MI-5 the British Intelligence Agency, and claimed to have been a consultant for Adolph Hitler who was obsessed with “Thule Philosophy” that theorized that “White Men” were the lost tribe of Israel, and destined to rule the world.
• Ritual murder, Luciferian, Rothschild Zionist, occult
• 1900 RigorousInstitution ... Of course, even in the early days there existed a wider network of private clubs where society's elite met with each other. The freemasonic lodges had been around for two centuries, just as its Celtic counterpart, the Druid groves. The annual Bohemian Grove event had become an exclusive elite gathering after news of the Cremation of Care reached the papers in Washington and New York at the turn of the 20th century. There was the Cosmos Club in Washington, and in London you had (and have) the White's Club, the Roxburghe Club, the Other Club (since 1911) and the Grillion's Club. At the student level you had clubs like Skull & Bones (Yale), Scroll & Key (Yale), the Porcellian Club (Harvard), Cap & Gown (Princeton), the Ivy Club (Princeton), The Apostles (Cambridge), and the Rhodes scholars (Oxford). There were many more regional clubs where members of the old aristocratic families and the newly rich interacted with each other (and as a result, outside of the clubs). This network acted as the permanent government of the time; officials only reached the White House if they had enough friends within these circles ... NFU Obama Rothschild
• 1948 BatmanConspiracy James Holmes’ grandfather, Lt. Col Robert Holmes, would graduate as a Turkish language student from a military linguistics school in Monterey California. Lt. Col Robert Holmes (not to be confused by James Holmes’ father who is also named Robert Holmes), spent his entire career in the U.S. Army which very likely included at least a few intelligence-related assignments. ... US military officers who learn to speak Turkish often serve in government intelligence roles like the Defense Intelligence Agency or the CIA. This suggests that the Holmes family could have inside connections with the intelligence community ...
• 1966 May 4, BatmanConspiracy In the 1966 televised episode of Batman, episode number 33 titled “Fine Finny Fiends,” Bruce Wayne’s great grandfather is revealed to have founded the secret society of Skull and Bones. Skull and Bones is an academic society with a long and dubious history of secrets. Many rich, powerful and influential men have been members of Skull and Bones society and gone on to be president of the United States. James Holmes himself was a member of Golden Key society, a similar society with secrets like that of Skull and Bones. It should also be noted that the highest degree in the largest secret society of all, Freemasonry is the 33rd, degree. The Batman episode revealing that Bruce Wayne’s grandfather founded the secret society Skull and Bones is episode 33. This is surely no coincidence.
• 1979 FranklinScandal The Story of Powerbrokers, Child Abuse and Betrayal. is the story of a nationwide pedophile ring that pandered children to a cabal of the rich and powerful. The ring’s pimps were a pair of political powerbrokers who had access to the highest levels of our government. Nebraska legislators nearly exposed the ring in 1990, but its unveiling had the potential to produce seismic political aftershocks. The legislators' efforts resulted in rash of mysterious deaths and the overpowering corruption of federal and local law enforcement, including the FBI, Secret Service, and Justice Department, effecting an immaculate cover-up of the trafficking network.
• 1979 Wikipedia News Corporation News Corp was created in 1979 by Rupert Murdoch as a holding company for News Limited. ... Lord Rothschild is deputy chairman of BSkyB Andrew S.B. Knight – is Chairman, J. Rothschild Capital Management Limited News Corp. – and see the Advocate Weblog Rupert Murdoch owned publication News of the World junked an exclusive scoop on exposing sci-fi writer Arthur C. Clarke as a pedophile because of fear of reprisals or disapproval from Murdoch. see Phil Hall, Graham Johnson and more on Andrew Knight ... was visitor of Camp Mandalay, Governor of the Ditchley Foundations (website) since 1981. Editor of The Economist and expanded its offices to Brussels. Director of Rothschild Investment Trust since 1997. Important functions at News Corp. and BskyB. Director of Reuters. Governor of the Atlantic Institute for International Affairs. Governing council of the Royal Institute of International Affairs. Member of the Steering Committee of Bilderberg.
• 1980s Aangirfan Jim Solomons ... His church in Newtown is part of the C and MA church, Christian and Missionary Alliance church.Christian and Missionary Alliance The C and MA has had a problem with child abuse in one of its boarding schools, which may be part of CIA brainwashing. "In the 1980s, alumni of Mamou Alliance Academy in Guinea West Africa began to write letters to C&MA headquarters informing leadership of systemic child abuse that occurred at the school. Phone calls and letter writing of this nature to the C and MA continued for ten years. 22] "In 1995, 30 alumni from Mamou reported systemic abuse including psychological abuse, excessive beating, sadistic dental practices, sexual molestation, and rape. 22]" Prominent members of C and MA include people suspected of working for the CIA and its friends: Todd Beamer, United Airlines Flight 93 passenger Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada Jhan Moskowitz, 1948 – 2012, One of the Founders of Jews for Jesus Severino R. Bagtasos III, - killed inside the church where he was a pastor 25] A David Berg booklet. GADDAFI, CIA CHILD ABUSE AND RIVER PHOENIX David Berg who founded the Children of God, now known as The Family International Howard O Jones, Billy Graham's first African-American evangelist. Billy Graham, evangelist, preached his first sermons as a licensed assistant/youth pastor at the Tampa Gospel Tabernacle of the Christian and Missionary Alliance in 1933-1937. "Many clergy became direct collaborators with the CIA. One member of the Christian and Missionary Alliance (C&MA) was proud of this collaboration. William Carlsen, a missionary in northeastern Thailand, considered it 'a privilege to share information with responsible agencies of the government...' Carlsen gave an eight-hour briefing to the CIA ... when he returned home for a furlough. Most C&MA missionaries did likewise, according to a CIA source. Most of the information gleaned was about people, their actions, opinions, and grievances." On The CIA And Christian Missionaries Jim Solomon.
• 1981 BatmanConspiracy According to his LinkedIn Profile online, James Holmes father, Robert Holmes got his Ph.D. in statistics in 1981 from the University of California at Berkeley. He is a brilliant statistician who worked for a company by the name of HNC who later partnered with the Fair Isaacs Company (or FICO), the company responsible for setting the creditworthiness of all Americans via their “FICO score”. NOTE: HNC found their market niche as a company in a product line they created to detect credit card fraud using the human brain (neuroscience technology) as a model for detecting fraud habits. There is growing reason to believe that Robert Holmes had recently uncovered a financial fraud involving trillions of dollars and that he may have been scheduled to testify before Congress and name names in that fraud. While some conspiracy theorists believe this to be a false lead, my ongoing research has found strong supporting evidence for this possibility. Despite all this, Robert Holmes will later be dismissed passively on national television as just a software engineer. LIBOR and Examiner testify
• 1990 Wikipedia Purim (Hebrew: פּוּרִים (help·info) Pûrîm "lots", from the word pur, related to Akkadian pūru) is a Jewish holiday that commemorates the deliverance of the Jewish people in the ancient Persian Empire from destruction in the wake of a plot by Haman, a story recorded in the Biblical Book of Esther (Megillat Esther). According to the Book of Esther, in the Hebrew Bible, Haman, royal vizier to King Ahasuerus (presumed to beXerxes I of Persia), planned to kill all the Jews in the empire, but his plans were foiled by Mordecai and his adopted daughter Queen Esther. The day of deliverance became a day of feasting and rejoicing. Purim is celebrated by giving mutual gifts of food and drink (mishloach manot), giving charity to the poor (mattanot la-evyonim), a celebratory meal (se'udat Purim), and public recitation of the Scroll of Esther (keriat ha-megillah), additions to the prayers and the grace after meals (al hannisim). Other customs include drinking wine, wearing of masks and costumes, and public celebration. Purim is celebrated annually according to the Hebrew calendar on the 14th day of the Hebrew month of Adar(Adar II in leap years), the day following the victory of the Jews over their enemies. In cities that were protected by a surrounding wall at the time of Joshua, Purim is instead celebrated on the 15th of the month on what is known as Shushan Purim. Today, only Jerusalem celebrates Purim on the 15th. Adolf Hitler banned and forbade the observance of Purim. In a speech made on November 10, 1938, (the day after Kristallnacht), Julius Streicher surmised that just as "the Jew butchered 75,000 Persians" in one night, the same fate would have befallen the German people had the Jews succeeded in inciting a war against Germany; the "Jews would have instituted a new Purim festival in Germany."
• 1990 BatmanConspiracy Aurora, Colorado Chief of Police, Dan Oates, starts his career as a New York City Police officer. NOTE: Evidence will reveal a strong possibility that Dan Oates leaked information regarding the shooting to his longtime friend, Ray Kelly, the current sitting Police Commissioner of New York, City whose son also happens to work for Fox News. Fox News will be at the heart of a scandal involving information they received from an anonymous “law enforcement insider”. . August, 2011 Prior to coming to Aurora, Colorado, Dan Oates was an officer of the New York City Police department for over 21 years. He would be in New York city just a month before the September 11, 2011 terrorist attacks and at the time of his departure he was serving as the head of the New York City police department’s intelligence department. Many conspiracy theorists believe that the New York City police were involved somehow in the 911 conspiracy and coverup.
• 1992 comment Cerberus Capital Management, L.P. owns Bushmaster. It is an American private equity firm based in New York City, and run by Jewish financier Steve Feinberg, who co-founded Cerberus in 1992. Cerberus is named for the mythological three-headed dog that guarded the gates of Hades (Hell). Feinberg has stated to his employees that he later regretted naming the company after the mythological dog.
• 1993 DisneyStore Nightmare Before Christmas Wikipedia, and Tim Burton Wikipedia work(s) The Nightmare Before Christmas, Beetlejuice, Batman, Batman Returns, Edward Scissorhands, Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street, Alice in Wonderland, 9, Corpse Bride,Frankenweenie and Wikipedia TouchStone Some well-known Touchstone Pictures releases include Pretty Woman, Dead Poets Society, Sister Act, The Insider, Ernest Goes to Camp, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Con Air, Rushmore, The Royal Tenenbaums and Good Morning Vietnam. Its highest-grossing film release is Armageddon. Through Touchstone, Disney's first R-rated film, Down and Out in Beverly Hills, came in January 1986 and was a large box-office success. Ruthless People followed in June 1986 and was also very successful. Both of these pictures starred Bette Midler, who had signed a six-picture deal with Disney and became a major film star again with these hits as well as Beaches and Outrageous Fortune. One of the key producers behind Touchstone films of recent times has been producer Jerry Bruckheimer, who has had a production deal with Disney since the early 1990s. His Touchstone titles include The Ref, Con Air, Armageddon, Enemy of the State, Gone in 60 Seconds, Coyote Ugly, Pearl Harbor, Bad Company, Veronica Guerin, King Arthur and Déjà Vu. In addition, Bruckheimer has also produced several other films released under the Walt Disney Pictures and Hollywood Pictures labels.
• 1995 Voltaire After the 1995 Murrah Federal Building bombing central elements that would help the citizenry make sense of the event, such as unexploded ordnance found in the structure and Timothy McVeigh’s accomplice, were stricken from the official narrative. Along these lines at the probable behest of government authorities a second gunman accompanying Jared Lee Loughner in 2011 was quickly tossed down the memory hole by news outlets covering the incident. Similar reportorial lapses took place at the Aurora Colorado massacre last July where eyewitnesses attested to spotting James Holmes’ collaborators (or handlers) inside the theater.
• 1999 CNN 12:57 PM ET Corey Feldman: Biggest problem in Hollywood is pedophilia According to former child star Corey Feldman, child molestation is rampant in the entertainment industry, as he told Nightline in an interview. "The No. 1 problem in Hollywood was and is and always will be pedophilia," he said Wednesday. According to Feldman, the “casting couch” exists for children, too. Feldman asserts that directors and other adults in the industry take advantage of young aspiring actors on a regular basis. “It's all done under the radar... But it's the big secret,” the 40-year-old said. Feldman also claimed that former co-star Corey Haim's death last year was the end result of sexual abuse by an unnamed "Hollywood mogul." Feldman said that his friend’s substance addiction was "a symptom” of the molestation he experienced. The actor previously revealed to GQ that he was raped by his assistant as a child. "It's something that will be addressed in my inner soul for the rest of my life, and it's something that truly affects me,” he told the magazine.
2000 VeteransToday The 2000 film ‘The Sandy Hook Lingerie Party Massacre’ (Amazon) (Imdb) has the killer strike in the aftermath of a hurricane.’ By Nick Kollerstrom (with Jim Fetzer) “No-one has been able to get into the Sandy Hook elementary school to verify if there are any bullet-marks, bloodstains etc, then on January 2nd, the children were transferred to another school some miles away: we assume the old Sandy Hook Elementary School will remain sealed off, and will be demolished. Perhaps a shootout DID NOT ACTUALLY HAPPEN THERE, it was just an illusion.”–Nicholas Kollerstrom Nicholas Kollerstrom is an historian of science who has taken great risks and suffered real harms by his willingness to conduct scientific research on the Holocaust. He has also done brilliant work on 9/11. The points that he makes here are rather chilling, including that the Batman film ‘Dark Knight Rises’ alluded to Sandy Hook region of Gotham City, as a portion of the city of Gotham during a setup of one of the bad guy’s dirty deeds in that movie. Earlier promotions of the film the year before did not (Alex Jones discovered) have that Sandy Hook reference. The 2000 film ‘The Sandy Hook Lingerie Party Massacre’ has the killer strike in the aftermath of a hurricane.’ And the ritual sacrifice of 22 children is portrayed in ‘The Hunger Games’ by Suzanne Collins: she lives in Newtown, CT. As he observes, “Perhaps a shootout DID NOT ACTUALLY HAPPEN THERE, it was just an illusion.” SuzanneCollinsBooks “Whereas Katniss kills with finesse, Collins writes with raw power...The Hunger Games and Catching Fire expose children to exactly the kind of violence we usually shield them from. But that just goes to show how much adults forget about what it's like to be a child. Kids are physical creatures, and they're not stupid. They know all about violence and power and raw emotions. What's really scary is when adults pretend that such things don't exist." --Time Magazine
• 2000 DailyKos At the time of Savile’s funeral, the UK Press from the leftwing Guardian to the rightwing Telegraph had eulogised Savile as “a lovely man”, “a national institution”, an “adornment to British public life”, “a friend of royalty and prime ministers” and that “he acted as an unofficial advisor to Prince Charles for several years”. Indeed it was reported that Prince Charles had “lead the tributes to this TV legend”. then ... the media’s story had to change as a flood of allegations accused Savile of being a serial pedophile. BBC Presenter Jeremy Vine has described former BBC Presenter Sir Jimmy Savile as “one of the most serious predatory paedophiles in criminal history”. the Daily Mirror wrote - “for four decades Savile reportedly molested and raped children as young as nine” because no one stopped him. His high level contacts had made him untouchable.
• 2000 People Justin Timberlake
• 2001 9/11Truth.ch "One can get the same effect with dancing and drum-beating; that's what is called a 'primitive' religion. Use drugs, nowadays, and you're a hippie. Do it with sex, and you're a witch, or one of the Knights Templar. Mass participation in an animal sacrifice has the same effect. Human sacrifice has been used in many religions, including the Aztec cult everybody has heard about, as well as in Satanism. Modern psychologists say that the force released is Freud's libidinal energy. Mystics call it prajna or the Astral Light. Whatever it is, human sacrifice seems to release more of it than sex or drugs or dancing or drumbeating or any less violent method and mass human sacrifice unleashes a ton of it..." *Father James Augustine Muldoon from the novel The Illuminatus trilogy by Wilson Robert Anton and Shea Robert, * the original source that inspired the 1995 Illuminati card game
• 2003 Metamedia Jewish Ritual Murder ... is the murder of a non-Jew by Jews in celebration of the Jewish religious festivals of Purim andPassover. The ritual's purpose is to drain the blood of a non-Jewish person (preferrably a young Christian boy) in order to make three cornered Purim pastries or matzo. Both Purim and Passover celebrates the deaths of "oppressors" of the Jews and their children. Accusations/reports of Jewish ritual murders have occurred in all ages, including modern times (a famous instance happened in 1989 during the Oprah Winfrey Show ). While some of these may have been false charges, a strong case in favor of the reality of Jewish ritual murder was presented e.g. by Arnold Leese in 1938 in his book My Irrelevant Defence.
• 2004 BatmanConspiracy before James Holmes joined the Salk Institute, the research lab would be partnered with the government program known as the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA. DARPA, in conjunction with Columbia University, University of California at San Francisco, University of Wisconsin at Madison, Wake Forest University and the Mars Company (the manufacturers of Milky Way and Snickers bars) would be working on a project to prevent fatigue in combat troops. It is therefore plausible that James Holmes himself was somehow involved in some of these projects that were researching how to make better, faster, smarter soldiers.
• 2004 Top Wealthiest in America: Lawrence Ellison Michael Bloomberg Sergey Brin Larry Page Michael Dell Steven Ballmer George Soros Donald Bren Carl Icahn Ronald Perelman George Kaiser Sheldon Adelson James Simons Steven Cohen Eli Broad Len Blavatnik David Geffen Ira Rennert Charles Ergen Stephen Schwarzman Samuel Newhouse Micky Arison Ralph Lauren Lester Crown Richard LeFrak Donald Newhouse Daniel Ziff Dirk Ziff Robert Ziff Henry Kravis Paul Milstein Samuel Zell Leonard N. Stanley Druckenmiller Bruce Kovner George Roberts Riley Bechtel Stephen Bechtel Jr. Leonard Lauder Theodore Lerner Steven Spielberg Warren Stephens David Tepper Stephen Ross Daniel Och Haim Saban Joan Tisch Edgar Bronfman Ronald Lauder Mitchell Rales Steven Rales David Rubenstein Mark Cuban Malcolm Glazer Steve Wynn Tom Gores Bruce Wasserstein Nicolas Berggruen Leon Black William Gross Michael Milken Sumner Redstone Leslie Wexner Mark Zuckerberg Stewart Rahr Alan Casden Thomas Pritzker Jerry Speyer Israel Englander Penny Pritzker Sheldon Solow Robert Friedland Henry Samueli Thomas Friedkin Alec Gores Irwin Jacobs Anthony Pritzker Jay, Robert Pritzker John Morgridge Isaac Perlmutter Wilma Tisch Neil Bluhm Robert Kraft Stephen Mandel Daniel Pritzker James Pritzker Jean Pritzker John Pritzker Karen Pritzker Linda Pritzker Marc Rich Lynn Schusterman John Sperling Mortimer Zuckerman George Lindemann Bernard Marcus
• 2006 BatmanConspiracy James Holmes would graduate from Westview High School in San Diego in 2006. In 2006, at the age of eighteen, James Holmes would serve as a research intern at the Salk Institute at the University of California at San Diego in La Jolla. He would work in the Computational Neurobiology Lab under the direction of Professor and Laboratory Head, Dr. Terrence Sejnowski. At a summer science camp that year, James would give a presentation about some of the things he has been working on lately. During his presentation to the science camp, James Holmes talks about his work in the field of “Temporal Illusion”. Temporal illusion, as it turns out, deals with the mind’s ability to recall events and perceive time. Researchers in the field of temporal illusion use psychoactive drugs on patients to alter their sense of time and judgment. Different drugs can cause humans to overestimate time intervals or underestimate time intervals depending on the drugs administered to them. Other techniques used by researchers in this field of study are hypnosis and altered emotional states to affect a person’s perception of time. In the Fall of 2006, James Holmes would enroll at the University of California, Riverside.
• 2007 Apr BeforeItsNews Virginia Tech Massacre – April 16th 2007 ‘Lone gunman’ Seung-Hui Cho is said to have shot dead thirty-three people (five faculty members and 27 students before shooting himself in the head) in a massacre on the campus of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, Virginia. Cho was a South Korean citizen with U.S. permanent resident status and an undergraduate at the institute. The massacre was the bloodiest school shooting in the country’s history. All of the victims were shot at least three times each; of the 30 killed, 28 were shot in the head. The official record of the event affirms that Cho acted alone, yet, on the day, police reported that they were “hunting for a possible second shooter”. The testimonies of US military personnel, police officers and people who actually witnessed these shootings describing second (or more) gunmen or suspects being involved cannot simply be dismissed without being acknowledged and taken fully into account.
• 2007 MSNBC LONDON — British police, aided by U.S. authorities, have smashed a global Internet pedophile ring that broadcast live-streamed videos of children being abused, investigating more than 700 suspects worldwide and rescuing 31 children in a 10-month probe, officials said Monday. Some 200 suspects are based in Britain, said the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Center, a government agency. Of the 31 children, some only a few months old, more than 15 were in Britain, the center said. British authorities would not give a breakdown of where the other suspects or children came from, but said more than half the suspects in Britain were already being prosecuted. The ring was traced to an Internet chat room called “Kids the Light of Our Lives” that featured images of children being subjected to horrific sexual abuse, including the streaming live videos. Authorities said they used surveillance tactics normally used against terrorism suspects and drug traffickers to infiltrate the pedophile ring at its highest level. Officials said the United States, Canada and Australia were Britain’s main partners in the investigation, which involved agencies from 35 countries. The international investigation dated back to August 2006 until the ringleader’s sentencing Monday.
• 2008 BatmanConspiracy 2008-2010 During 2008-2010, Dr. Lynn Fenton, who would later become James Holmes’ alleged therapist at the University of Colorado, was a former employee of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. NOTE: This is just another circumstantial link between James Holmes and various military organizations. Dr. Lynn Fenton would also be reprimanded at a later point in her career for abusing drugs and illegally prescribing hard narcotics to herself, family, on co-workers.
• 2009 Nov BeforeItsNews Fort Hood Shooting – November 5th 2009 A ‘lone gunman’ is said to have shot dead 13 soldiers and wounded 31 more (including support staff) at Fort Hood US Army base in Texas. The perpetrator was identified as US Army Major and psychologist, Nidal Malik Hasan, a Muslim of Palestinian descent. To this day there has been no explanation for the initial reports describing up to three shooters in two separate locations on the world’s largest military base. Listen as US Army Sgt. Posten stresses to the media that he is only willing to divulge that which he knows for sure: Another senior officer described to CNN the arrest of a second Fort Hood shooting suspect at a golf course 2.5 miles from the base: CNN Second shooter apprehended
• 2010 AbundantHope Bugs Bunny As A Queer, Cross Dressing, Transsexual... If Tyler Perry Grew Up Watching This, Then He Was Programmed As A Child The Warner Brothers are examples of child molesters; pedophiles pushing pedophilia.
• 2011 Oct. WRAL 29 Longtime BBC children's television host Jimmy Savile dies at the age of 84. The eccentric, platinum haired entertainer had received a knighthood and numerous other honors. and Zerzestsen Zersetzen Torture - A Blueprint of Democracy in Crisis It’s just like the STASI treated dissidents in former East Germany, except that this Human Rights Abuse is happening here today. Power elite sare illegally using the secret security / intelligence agencies to persecute whistleblowers and others for private interests. They use a process that is sometimes called “Zersetzen Torture” since it was developed by the former communist East German secret police “the STASI” to persecute dissidents. Since our politicians believe that the intelligence agencies can destroy their careers, they are too scared to intervene. 2012 Oct. WRAL "Newsnight" editor Peter Rippon writes a blog post saying the Savile program was shelved for editorial reasons, denies it was part of any BBC cover-up. Oct. 3: A documentary by the BBC's main commercial rival, ITV, exposes the dark side of Savile's life. The show prompts a probe by police, which later leads to a formal criminal investigation. Oct. 12: BBC director general George Entwistle announces the broadcaster will launch an official review of its culture and practices at the time of Savile's offenses and investigate why the "Newsnight" program was shelved. Oct. 22: A BBC "Panorama" show airs, with reporters quizzing senior management about why they canned the bombshell program on Savile. BBC says Peter Rippon, "Newsnight" editor, will step aside pending an investigation into his decision to scrap the Savile story. The broadcaster also issues a correction to Rippon's previous blog post, calling it "inaccurate."
• 2011 Dec WRAL The BBC pulls a "Newsnight" program that would have linked Savile to the repeated sexual abuse of children. Instead, the BBC shows tribute programs.
• 2011 Aangirfan "Dutroux in Belgium, the 'Finders' in Florida and Washington DC, the McMartin pre-school scandal in New York, military child care centres in the Presidio and West Point, the Country Walk Babysitting Service in Florida, etc, etc, ad nauseam...
• 2011 AntiMatrix The History of Jewish Human Sacrifice ... "Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer ... - and we are his chosen people. Lucifer is very much alive." -- Harold Wallace Rosenthal, a top Administrative Aide to one of this nation's ranking senators, Jacob Javits R-NY, in a tape recorded interview by Walter White, Jr., which was conducted in 1976. From the book "The Hidden Tyranny". Harold Rosenthal was supposedly murdered for giving this interview in 1976 during which he boasted about how a group of Jews are manipulating the stupid and gullible Goyim.
• 2011 Voltaire After the 1995 Murrah Federal Building bombing central elements that would help the citizenry make sense of the event, such as unexploded ordnance found in the structure and Timothy McVeigh’s accomplice, were stricken from the official narrative. Along these lines at the probable behest of government authorities a second gunman accompanying Jared Lee Loughner in 2011 was quickly tossed down the memory hole by news outlets covering the incident. Similar reportorial lapses took place at the Aurora Colorado massacre last July where eyewitnesses attested to spotting James Holmes’ collaborators (or handlers) inside the theater.
• 2011 Dec WMR The pedophile angle (BBC, Jimmy Savile) to the Newtown massacre will be studiously avoided by the corporate media. The primary reason is that The New York Times, the flagship for so many pack journalists, especially those in the television news business who fail to conduct their own in-depth investigations and piggyback off a few major papers and magazines, has a problem in its new corporate president, former British Broadcasting Corporation Director-General Mark Thompson. In December 2011, Thompson, who had served as director of the BBC for eight years, claimed he knew nothing about the decision by the BBC to kill a "Newsnight" segment exposing the pedophile activities of longtime BBC celebrity TV host Jimmy Savile. The pedophile ring extended to other BBC celebrities, as well as into government and royal circles. Thompson claimed he knew nothing about the decision to spike the investigation of Savile and in September 2012 threatened to sue The Sunday Times for planning to report that Thompson was involved in the decision to kill the "Newsnight" segment. With Thompson, who has been mired in a controversy about his own cover-up of a major pedophile scandal in Britain, at The New York Times, the paper will have to take major steps to convince its readership that it is not putting the reins on its Connecticut suburban reporters and New York-based investigative staff and limiting the reporting on the pedophile connections to the Sandy Hook massacre.
• 2012 June BatmanConspiracy Only a month before the shootings in Aurora, Colorado, multiple criminal settlements are made in court regarding a huge financial scandal related to the setting of LIBOR rates. LIBOR is the rate that banks lend each other money on a daily basis and significantly affects the world’s global economy. The settlement this month revealed that significant fraud and collusion has been going on by many other member banks connected to the interest rate scandal. The financial ramifications of the scandal are expected to reach into the trillions of dollars.
• 2012 July 20 Wikipedia a mass shooting occurred inside of a Century movie theater in Aurora, Colorado, during a midnight screening of the film The Dark Knight Rises. A gunman, dressed in tactical clothing, set off tear gas grenades and shot into the audience with multiple firearms, killing 12 people and injuring 58 others. The sole suspect is James Eagan Holmes, who was arrested outside the cinema minutes later.
• 2012 July 21 Guardian Wealth doesn't trickle down – it just floods offshore, research reveals ... A far-reaching new study suggests a staggering $21tn in assets has been lost to global tax havens. If taxed, that could have been enough to put parts of Africa back on its feet – and even solve the euro crisis ... The world's super-rich have taken advantage of lax tax rules to siphon off at least $21 trillion, and possibly as much as $32tn, from their home countries and hide it abroad – a sum larger than the entire American economy. James Henry, a former chief economist at consultancy McKinsey and an expert on tax havens, has conducted groundbreaking new research for the Tax Justice Network campaign group – sifting through data from the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and private sector analysts to construct an alarming picture that shows capital flooding out of countries across the world and disappearing into the cracks in the financial system.
• Colorado and Sandy Hook massacres linked .... and also Spire Law $43 Trillion lawsuit below
• 2012 July DeadlineLive (This article and similar articles linking Newtown and the LIBOR scandal may be erroneous)Colorado Massacre Linked To Historic Bank (LIBOR) Fraud? YES! ... Robert Holmes is currently the senior lead scientist with the American credit score company FICO….and will testify soon, to Senate, on LIBOR scandal. Dr. Robert Holmes (father) algorithms were said used to discover this massive fraud scheme. search terms: HNC Software, Fair Isaac, Falcon Fraud Manager Credit card, expose Wall Street, PROMIS, INSLAW, Danny Cassalero murdered, bombs at London Olympics, Barclays / Romney lobbyist / fundraiser Patrick Durkin, The Dark Knight Rises, Bane gets his hands on Software that is used to expose the fraud in Wall Street and literally guts the rich (99%, 1%)? ICG and see
• 2012 July American Free Press
• 2012 Investors 500 Murders In Chicago Show Gun Bans Don’t Work
• 2012 July WMR WMR previously reported on the connections between accused Aurora movie theater shooter James Holmes and U.S. government-funded neuroscience research programs at the Anschutz Medical Campus at the University of Colorado and at the Salk Institute in La Jolla, California, in addition to his father's research work on neural networks for the Defense Advance Research Projects Agency (DARPA). It has now emerged that James Holmes's psychiatrist, Dr. Lynne Fenton, worked as a psychiatrist for the U.S. Air Force. ... Holmes's defense attorneys are trying to obtain the notebook, which legal experts claim is privileged information between Fenton and Holmes, who was under her care during the time leading up to the shooting spree ... Fenton officially practiced Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation in Denver but she has specialized in the study of schizophrenia. Fenton has served as the Director of Student Mental Health Services at the Anschutz campus since 2008. ... see Air Force Colonel Philip Shue and WMR James Holmes Conspiracy video
• 2012 July 30 Examiner Aurora deaths: shooting victim list article ... 12 dead: Jonathon Blunk age 26, Alexander "AJ" Boik age 18, Jessie Childress age 29, Gordon Cowden age 51, Jessica Ghawi age 24, John Larimer age 27, Matt McQuinn age 27, Micayla Medek age 23, Veronica Moser-Sullivan age 6, Alex Sullivan age 27, Alexander Teves age 24, Rebecca Wingo age 32, and Examiner FBI
Batman Massacre, Aurora -- Multiple shooters, Mind Control
o Business Insider Police Audio Raises The Possibility There Were Multiple Shooters In The 'Dark Knight' Massacre
o ConsciousLifeNews Police Radio Transmissions Suggest There Were Multiple Shooters In The ‘Dark Knight’ Aurora Massacre ... (Business Insider) At a July 20 press conference Aurora police Chief Dan Oates said investigators were confident that James Holmes acted alone in the largest mass shooting in U.S. history by casualties and that authorities were “not looking for any other suspects.” But doubters are citing official evidence to question that Holmes was the only shooter, or a shooter at all. The argument of the skeptics can be split into three categories: the discovery of Holmes, the real-time testimony on police radio transmissions and the extra evidence at the scene. The trail of blood leading toward (as opposed to away from) the emergency exit of Theater 9 is currently unexplained. The extra evidence outside the theater There has not yet been an official explanation of the DenverPost orange duffel bag, gas can and ballistic gear found at a different part of the parking lot than the DenverPost ballistic gear found near Holmes' car. And although authorities say they ABC15 found a 100-round, drum-style ammo clip in the rifle used by Holmes, skeptics note that the rifle found outside of the Theater 9 emergency exit appears toDenverPost have a normal clip. Another puzzling piece of evidence if Holmes was the only shooter is the second gas mask found at the far end of the parking lot, hundreds of feet from Theater 9's emergency exit and Holmes' car. (Holmes was found wearing a different gas mask.) On July 20 Oates said police "immediately arrested the suspect at the back of the theater" 90 seconds after the first 911 call was made, which would make it difficult for Holmes to account for all of the items. more below
• 2012 Aug 7 BusinessInsider Mu Police Audio Raises The Possibility There Were Multiple Shooters In The 'Dark Knight' Massacre Read ...Sounds like it was a coordinated attack."
• 2012 Aug BeforeItsNews Sikh Temple Shooting – 7 people were murdered two weeks after the Aurora theater shooting, on 5th August 2012, when a ‘lone gunman’ opened fire during worship at a Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin. Again we would like to know how eyewitness reports of a “YouTube very well coordinated” attack conducted by “ YouTube four white males dressed in all-dark clothing can be reconciled with the official account of a solitary ‘white supremacist’ and “JakartaGlobe former US Army psychological operations specialist” being shot dead by police who responded to the 911 call.
• 2012 Nov MarketWatch Lucia & Leo Krim and Nanny Major Banks, Governmental Officials and Their Comrade Capitalists Targets of Spire Law Group, LLP's Racketeering and Money Laundering Lawsuit Seeking Return of $43 Trillion to the United States Treasury ... NEW YORK, Oct. 25, 2012 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Spire Law Group, LLP's national home owners' lawsuit, pending in the venue where the "Banksters" control their $43 trillion racketeering scheme (New York) - known as the largest money laundering and racketeering lawsuit in United States History and identifying $43 trillion ($43,000,000,000,000.00) of laundered money by the "Banksters" and their U.S. racketeering partners and joint venturers - now pinpoints the identities of the key racketeering partners of the "Banksters" located in the highest offices of government and acting for their own self-interests. In connection with the federal lawsuit now impending in the United States District Court in Brooklyn, New York (Case No. 12-cv-04269-JBW-RML) - involving, among other things, a request that the District Court enjoin all mortgage foreclosures by the Banksters nationwide, unless and until the entire $43 trillion is repaid to a court-appointed receiver more and IntelHub CNBC Exec’s Children Murdered, 1 Day After CNBC Reports $43 Trillion Bankster Lawsuit ... and Intelhub and DissidentVoice Who Killed Lucia and Leo Krim? by Moti Nissani / October 2012 and Examiner Money laundering lawsuit against Fed could be tied to Obama staff shakeup ... On Nov. 8, Craig B. Hulet, a well known and highly respected analyst on government policy, terrorism, and international relations, spoke on Coast to Coast AM regarding the growing scandal involving a lawsuit against the Federal Reserve, major banks, and many members of the Bush and Obama administrations. During his one hour interview, Hulet offered the assessment that many members of the Obama cabinet, including Hillary Clinton, Timothy Geithner, and Eric Holder, were resigning their offices due to their potential roles in the TARP money laundering lawsuit. Yet, the whole story on this massive lawsuit is much more complex than what is being reported on the surface. Just hours after the Wall Street Journal issued a press release on the suit, the children of a CNBC producer were found murdered in his home, along with a nanny who reportedly tried to commit suicide. This horrific event took place just hours before or after, CNBC posted the Wall Street Journal story on their website, and interestingly, the story was quickly removed three hours later. However, even the evidence of a murder suicide by the nanny is highly questionable, as the knife wounds inflicted on her were of extreme force, enough to break her neck, and not coinciding with those of a self-inflicted slashing.
• 2012 Nov 7 4thMedia Following Obama’s reelection Senator Diane Feinstein is believed to be meeting with relevant federal agencies to lay groundwork for reenacting assault weapons ban. “Senator Diane Feinstein Moves to Ban All Assault Rifles, High Capacity Magazines, and Pistol Grips,” Market Daily News, November 7, 2012.
• 2012 Dec 14 Wikipedia ..., a gunman killed twenty children and six adult staff members at Sandy Hook Elementary School in the Sandy Hook village of Newtown, Connecticut, before committing suicide. The gunman, identified by authorities as 20-year-old Adam Lanza, had previously killed his mother, Nancy Lanza, at their nearby Newtown home. He then drove to the school and shot the students and employees before killing himself. The total death toll was 28, including the perpetrator. Two adults were treated for injuries. It was the second-deadliest school shooting in United States history, after the 2007 Virginia Tech massacre. 4thMedia Timeline It was also the second-deadliest mass murder at an American elementary school, after the Bath School bombings of 1927.
• 2012 Dec 14 10:14AM 4thMedia Timeline Hartford Courant publishes online Google map of Sandy Hook Elementary School. “Map of Sandy Hook Elementary School,” Hartford Courant, December 14, 2012. 10:47AM Connecticut State Police report assisting Newtown police in a shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. “The Hartford Courant <-hyperlink is to a different story] reports there are multiple injures sic] and unconfirmed reports that one of the shooters is dead while the other is still at large. The school superintendent’s office says the district has locked down schools to ensure the safety of students and staff. Crimeside Staff, “Connecticut School Shooting: Police Investigating Reports of a Shooting at Elementary School,” CBS News, December 14, 2012.
• 2012 Dec 14 CNN “Children and Adults Gunned Down in School Massacre,”CNN, December 14, 2012.
• 2012 Dec 14 CBS A Newtown Volunteer Ambulance Corps dispatcher says a Sandy Hook Elementary School teacher was taken to hospital after being shot in the foot. “There are reports of multiple injuries,” CBS notes. The Newton Bee reports a student with apparently serious wounds was carried out of the facility by a police officer. The school superintendent’s office says all schools in the district remain in lockdown. Crimesider Staff, “Connecticut School Shooting Update: One Gunman Dead, One Teacher Injured at Elementary School,” CBS News, December 14, 2012.
• 2012 Dec 14 7:13PM F 4thMedia Timeline Fox News presents “newly released police dispatch audio” of exchange between 911 dispatcher and Newtown Police and Connecticut State Police encountering two shooting suspects on school grounds. “I have reports that the teacher saw two shadows running past the building, past the gym which would be rear inaudible].” “Yeah, we got him. He’s coming at me, down inaudible].” “911 Call Dispatch Audio Reveals Police Response to Sandy Hook School Shooting,” Fox News, December 14, 2012, YouTube
• 2012 Dec 14 Newtown newspapers: Newtown Patch, Newtown Bee, NewsTimes and national
• 2012 Dec 14 4thMedia Raw The Associated Press interviews an unidentified Sandy Hook Elementary student who describes seeing a shooting suspect prone on the ground in the school’s parking lot. Unidentified student: “And then the police like were knocking on the door, and they’re like, ‘We’re evacuating people! We’re evacuating people!’ So we ran out. There’s police about at every door. They’re leading us, ‘Down this way. Down this way. Quick! Quick! Come on!’ Then we ran down to the firehouse. There’s a man pinned down to the ground with handcuffs on. And we thought that was the victim sic]. We really didn’t get a good glance at him because there was a car blocking it. Plus we were running really quick.” “Raw: Student Describes Scene at School Shooting,” Associated Press, December 14, 2012.
• 2012 Dec 15 ABC News, “Tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School,” Good Morning America, December 15, 2012.
• 2012 Dec 15 DenverChannel Sandy Hook School shooting victims identified; gunshot wounds caused all deaths ...
• 2012 Dec 15 8:40AM Sandy Hook resident Gene Rosen comes forth with story that he encountered six first grade children from Sandy Hook Elementary in his front lawn while feeding his cats. “I thought they were practicing for a play or Cub Scouts, and I went and approached them and it became clear that they were so distressed,” Rosen told CBS News. “And I took them into my house, and they were crying and talking, and I got them into my house, and they were crying and talking sic], and I got them some stuffed animals.” “Neighbor Found Terrified Children on Front Lawn after School Massacre,” CBS New York, December 15, 2012.
Sandy Hook Victim List Newtown Police Accident Report website
Charlotte Bacon, 6
Daniel Barden, 7
Rachel Davino, 29
Olivia Engel, 6
Josephine Gay, 7
Ana Marquez-Greene, 6
Dylan Hockley, 6
Dawn Hocksprung, 47 Madeline Hsu, 6
Catherine Hubbard, 6
Chase Kowalski, 7
Jesse Lewis, 6
James Mattioli, 6
Grace McDonnell, 7
Anne Marie Murphy, 52
Emilie Parker, 6
Jack Pinto, 6 Noah Pozner, 6
Caroline Previdi, 6
Jessica Rekos, 6
Avielle Richman, 6
Lauren Russeau, 30
Mary Sherlach, 56
Victoria Soto, 27
Benjamin Wheeler, 6
Allison Wyatt, 6
o DenverChannel NEWTOWN, Conn. - In identifying the victims of the Sandy Hook school shooting, the medical examiner confirmed that all of the victims died of multiple gunshot wounds. "I believe everybody was hit more than once," said Dr. H. Wayne Carver, II, Connecticut's chief medical examiner. Twenty children and six adults were killed inside the Newtown, Connecticut school before the gunman killed himself. All six adults killed at the school were women. Of the 20 children, eight were boys and 12 were girls. All the children were ages 6 or 7. Complete list at the bottom of this page] "I just hope that everybody gets the help that they need," said Robbie Parker, father of 6-year-old victim Emilie Parker. Parker added that he wasn't mad and expressed sympathy for the shooter's family.
o Wikipedia Natalie Hammond Hochsprung may have turned on the school intercom to alert others in the building. A nine-year-old boy said he heard the shooter say: "Put your hands up!" and someone else say "Don't shoot!", people yelling and many gunshots over the intercom as he, his classmates, and teacher took refuge in a closet in the gymnasium. 26] Diane Day, a school therapist who was at the faculty meeting, heard screaming, followed by more gunshots. Natalie Hammond, lead teacher in the meeting room, pressed her body against the door to keep it closed. Lanza shot Hammond through the door, in her leg and arm. She was later treated at Danbury Hospital. 25] 27] The police reported that a second adult was wounded in the attack, but that individual has not been identified. 9] and NYTimes
• 2012 Dec BeforeItsNews Sandy Hook False Flag 2 years in the making, address of school, DHS video
• 2012 Dec 16 WMR ABC News reported on December 14, "A shooting involving two gunmen erupted at a Connecticut elementary school this morning, prompting the town of Newtown to lock down all of its schools and draw SWAT teams to the school, authorities said today. State Police confirm that one shooter is dead. A second gunman is apparently at large and multiple people have been shot, sources told ABC News. The shooting occurred at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, about 12 miles east of Danbury." video One of the parents at the school told CBS News about the man detained by police: "Parent: I saw them walk a guy earlier with handcuffs…he walked by us and said he didn’t do it. Reporter: It was a grown man? Parent: A grown man, yeah. He’s sitting in the front of the police car over there now. So, I mean… Reporter: He didn’t have a gun? Parent: No, I didn’t see any gun…just had him handcuffed and he walked by us and looked into parents’ eyes and said “I didn’t do it”. Reporter: How was he dressed? Parent: Camo pants with a dark jacket."
Oddities/Discrepancies /Questions:
o TruthSeeker ... Are we really to believe that Adam Lanza, 20-yo "autistic" 90lb weakling kid, pulled this off? Did he have the sophistication and capability to plan this out, and execute it with such precision? Apparantly, there were 26 dead and only 1 wounded, and around 200 rounds fired in around 3 minutes. How could Adam Lanza achieve such amazingly deadly accuracy, in such a short length of time? And what would be Lanza's motive?
o YouTube Victoria Soto Facebook RIP page dated Dec 10, 2012 video video, video KelliintheRaw
o ConspiracyHQ Rampage movie FEMA L-366 Planning for the Needs of Children in Disasters,
o TruthSeeker The medical examiner asserts that all wounds were caused by a rifle or other long weapon, and police/FBI say that the school was littered with .223 (rifle) casings. But Adam Lanza was found dead in the school with only handguns--a rifle was found in the trunk of his car. But then he could not possibly have been firing the rifle, and could not have committed the murders. Who did?
o TruthSeeker Why has the media and government been silent about the other possible shooting suspects? Helicopter video shows 3 men going into the woods outside of the school. On the police scanner/radio, the police describe two suspects outside the school, and one police officer yells, "they're coming at me through this wood". Eyewitnesses saw a man in a black jacket and camo pants was arrested and handcuffed outside the school.
o VeteransToday The 2000 film ‘The Sandy Hook Lingerie Party Massacre’ (Amazon) (Imdb) has the killer strike in the aftermath of a hurricane.’ By Nick Kollerstrom (with Jim Fetzer) “No-one has been able to get into the Sandy Hook elementary school to verify if there are any bullet-marks, bloodstains etc, then on January 2nd, the children were transferred to another school some miles away: we assume the old Sandy Hook Elementary School will remain sealed off, and will be demolished. Perhaps a shootout DID NOT ACTUALLY HAPPEN THERE, it was just an illusion.”–Nicholas Kollerstrom Nicholas Kollerstrom is an historian of science who has taken great risks and suffered real harms by his willingness to conduct scientific research on the Holocaust. He has also done brilliant work on 9/11. The points that he makes here are rather chilling, including that the Batman film ‘Dark Knight Rises’ alluded to Sandy Hook region of Gotham City, as a portion of the city of Gotham during a setup of one of the bad guy’s dirty deeds in that movie. Earlier promotions of the film the year before did not (Alex Jones discovered) have that Sandy Hook reference. The 2000 film ‘The Sandy Hook Lingerie Party Massacre’ has the killer strike in the aftermath of a hurricane.’ And the ritual sacrifice of 22 children is portrayed in ‘The Hunger Games’ by Suzanne Collins: she lives in Newtown, CT. As he observes, “Perhaps a shootout DID NOT ACTUALLY HAPPEN THERE, it was just an illusion.” SuzanneCollinsBooks “Whereas Katniss kills with finesse, Collins writes with raw power...The Hunger Games and Catching Fire expose children to exactly the kind of violence we usually shield them from. But that just goes to show how much adults forget about what it's like to be a child. Kids are physical creatures, and they're not stupid. They know all about violence and power and raw emotions. What's really scary is when adults pretend that such things don't exist." --Time Magazine
o 4thMedia Timeline 6:34pm ... A girl interviewed by an NBC Connecticut affiliate said she heard seven loud “booms” while in gym class. “A police officer came in and told us to run outside and so we did,” the unidentified girl said on camera. Dan Burns and Chris Kaufman, “Connecticut Gun Rampage: 28 Dead, Including 20 Children,” Reuters, December 14, 2012.
o Phelps, no tears
o Aangirfan Karen Dryer took her son Logan Dryer, 5, out of kindergarten at HollywoodLife Sandy Hook Elementary School just two weeks before HollywoodLife the deadly massacre... "Logan started kindergarten in September 2012. "He was perfectly fine in September and October, and then in November he started acting strange. "I got an email from his HollywoodLife teacher saying he was a little weepy and then I started getting phone calls that Logan was crying and wanted to go home. "Eventually it got so bad that I took him to the doctor who ran tests, saying that Logan was perfectly healthy. "I remember the principal, Dawn Hochsprung, getting on her knees and saying to Logan, ‘We love you and this is a wonderful place.’ Logan screamed back saying, ‘No, no! It’s not a safe place. I am scared.Google’" Sandy Hook Mom Says Clairvoyant Son, 5, Refused To Go To School, Saving His Life and “I remember the principal, Dawn Hochsprung, getting on her knees and saying to Logan, ‘We love you and this is a wonderful place.’ Logan screamed back saying, ‘No, no! It’s not a safe place. I am scared.’ Logan’s doctor suggested that we take him out of school for a couple of weeks and home school him. So we had a tutor come in once a day for an hour and we would visit the school once a week so he could see his friends and teachers. But whenever we visited the school, he would start shaking and trembling. He would cry and he wouldn’t open his eyes,” said Karen. “Today (Jan.2) when we went toHollywoodLife the open house, Logan was back to normal. He said he loved the new school, ‘I love it, it looks like a college.’ The teachers were amazed at what they saw because he used to be so scared of school.
o YouTube Witness says police arrived before gun shots
o IthacaIndy Sandy Hook: Ithaca Police Finish ‘Active Shooter’ Training on Day of Conn. School Massacre December 19, 2012 By Ed Sutherland 9
o YouTube Robbie Parker, looks like he's acting, ... "ok".... Emilie Parker not in school pic, but Grace McDonnell is... CNN says Emilie Parker in Soto's class... and Soto class photo YouTube .... inconsistencies Yahoo Answers Emilie Alice Parker and WSJ comment: Emilie A. Parker: Social Security Death Index (SSDI) Death Record Name: Emilie A. Parker State of Issue: Ogden, Utah Date of Birth: Friday May 12, 2006 Date of Death: Friday December 14, 2012 Est. Age at Death: 6 years, 7 months, 2 days Confirmation: Proven andFacebook Emilie Parker Fund, Criminal Records, Salt Lake Tribune Emilie Alice Parker, FindaGrave Emily Alice Parker May 12, 2006 Ogden Weber County Utah, USA ...StateRecords no results for Emily Parker Ogden Utah, no birth announcements. and Topicsobituaries, WeberMorganHealth vital records ... DeseretNews in the atrium at Ben Lomond High School, 1080 9th St. Emilie's parents, Robbie and Alissa, met and started dating at the school Emilie Parker Fund Members of Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints congregations who knew the Parkers gathered Monday to tie pink ribbons throughout the neighborhood.
o YouTube Radio traffic Published on Dec 14, 2012 12/14/12 Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting - Radio traffic from Newtown PD & FD mixed with CT State Police. Original audio tracks provided by RadioReference.com under Creative Commons license. This video is copyright Radioman911.com. and 4thMedia Sandy Hook Timeline From the outset, this scenario became an established reality through the news media’s pronounced repetition of the “lone gunman” narrative and meme. This proposed scenario significantly obscured the fact that police encountered and apprehended two additional shooting suspects on the school’s grounds within minutes of the crime.
o 4thMedia Timeline 10:14AM Hartford Courant publishes online Google map of Sandy Hook Elementary School. “Map of Sandy Hook Elementary School,” Hartford Courant, December 14, 2012. and 12:29PM Hartford Courant mysteriously publishes online Googlemap of neighborhood of Lanza residence, which is 36 Yogananda St. “Map of 46 Yogananda St. Sandy Hook, CT,” Hartford Courant, December 14, 2012. no mention of shootings ... just maps ... are they shaping the story?
o YouTube Police Find Long Gun In Trunk Of Car In Sandy Hook Parking Lot: Newtown
o Instagram Cathy Gaubert, and DailyPaul Woman claims she is mother of "Sandy Hook victim" who is alive and well. Submitted by fishyculture on Fri, 12/28/2012 - 08:54 in Current Events Here is the post allegedly from the mother of Lily Gaubert who is incorrectly identified as Allison Wyatt. Instagram If you cursor over the photo, the post from the mother appears. I find no MSM correction, and even more odd, I find no parent of Allison objecting to having the wrong photo posted of their daughter. Here is a neighbor grieving the loss a week later. It seems like she would have noticed by then that the little girl in the photos was not Allison, and that the little girl next door was not dead. CTPost I don't know if any of these claims are legit, but it seems like if this was a hoax someone would have debunked it by now. Maybe someone here can get to the bottom of this?
o YouTube Sandy Hook False Flag - "School Nurse Sally Cox" , Adam Lanza went to Sandy Hook school on the 13th and had an altercation with four other students, MSM news, ... new security measures, Lanza's mother was a kindergarten teacher, was praised, CNN
o YouTube Sandy Hook shooting Noah Pozner's mother's NO TEARS/ Gun Control ... im no golda mier"
o SGTReport YouTube CT. COP on Sandy Hook Inconsistencies: "THINGS DON'T ADD UP" ... 2nd Amendment threat via Sandy Hook not focused on, change of story about assault rifle is focus, and accomplices disappeared from news coverage. ... medical examiner says they were shot multiple times with rifle, but rifle was found in trunk ... Ben Swan ... right wing hack....
o YouTube Dec 26 Amitabha Elliott on Gene Rosen (actor) Facebook Sandy Hook "Victim" Allison Wyatt is alive and her name isn't Allison BeforeItsNews Intellius Search Turns Up Gene Rosen Worked for Screen Actors Guild Intlius Eugene Rosen - Zoominfo ProfileGoogle ... and this video and GetTheTruthOut
o Central Florida News School's alumni raise money for Sandy Hook family ... Allison Wyatt’s father, Ben was a graduate of the ’91 class.... State Representative Rich Workman was also a member of the Satellite High School class of '91.
o ProjectAvalon Major discrepancies list video WellAware1 goofy comparisons, he needs to see a shrink, Christine Taylor Green, Jennifer Sexton, Ben Swan rightwing, video debunks LIBOR to make Progressive alternative media look bad.
o Rense Radio Yoichi Shimatsu, Pedophile networks,
o The two blond-hair girls with Obama's ARE the two youngest daughters.
o YouTube KelliintheRaw Sandy Hook, HSEEP training at Sandy Hook Fire Dept 18 Riverside Dr, Sandy Hook, CT Sept 22, 2010. DHS and screen pic and Sandy Hook Volunteer Fire Dept 18-20 Riverside Dr, CT
Need to investigate actual police reports. Conspiracy
Infowars, School nurse, gunman came into her office
Sandy Hook Elementary School Calendar, empty until Sept of 2011.
YouTube Obama fake crying, no tears
YouTube Parents smiling and waiting in line to be interviewed at Sandy Hooks school ...
YouTube Megyn Kelly Interview Sandy Hook Victims Parents And She Tears up ...
Dawn Hochsprung, the school principal, and Mary Sherlach, the school psychologist, lunged at the shooter and were killed trying to stop him.
MK pics of children victims
Kaitlin Roig, Nick Phelps, the Soto family,
SciFake no grieving
more evidence, car, bullet holes, and police, glass, principal ...
No tears, actors?: Robbie Parker, Gene Rosen, parents of Jessica Rekos
Alex Jones, Obama fake crying
YouTube Robbie Parker, looks like he's acting, "Read the card?" ... "ok".... Emilie Parker not in school pic.... CNN Emilie Parker in Soto's class... and Soto class photo YouTube.... inconsistencies Gr8PaintDotCom
YouTube .... two adult survivors recovering.... police
Robbie Parker video uncut YouTube
Honda, Rodia BeforeItsNews police scanner audio of license number, suspect info
YouTube Lauren Rouseau, Quebec
above: TheBlaze Emilie Alice Parker, right, oldest sister
Church of Satan outpost in Connecticut, (AKA Church of Tiamat) or if you have questions, write to: Curtis M. LeBlanc zdervish@gnn.com] PO Box 3184 Newtown, CT 06470 morebelow SatanService
Redeemer Church of Satan, Utah ... Lord Satan, help the Christians kill each other off so that we might have a better world.
o YouTube Two Shooters, one pulled out of the woods, Three shooters video, four white men dressed in dark (black) clothing Zoklet
o Neil Heslin YouTube Neil Heslin, father of Jesse Lewis who was killed in the Sandy Hook shooting in Newtown CT talks to CNN's Piers Morgan. looks the most real.
CNN Grace McDonnell's parents, no visible signs of grief, no tears only a few days after shootings. NewsTimes The 7-year-old's memorial mass was held that morning at St. Rose of Lima, the Catholic Church ... Grace was cherished by her parents, Christopher and Lynn Zapf McDonnell. WhitePages ... no such person as Christopher Zapf McDonnell, so far.... Hearst Newspapers photographer Joshua Trujillo contributed to this article. Casey McNerthney can be reached at 206-448-8220 or at caseymcnerthney@seattlepi.com. Follow Casey on Twitter at twitter.com/mcnerthney.
NewTown Grace Audrey McDonnell, 7, born on November 4, 2005, beloved and cherished daughter of Christopher and Lynn Zapf McDonnell of Sandy Hook, died tragically on December 14, in the Sandy Hook Elementary School. In addition to her parents, Grace is survived by her big brother Jack Sheridan McDonnell of Sandy Hook; maternal grandparents Frederick and Sheila Dunn Zapf of Stony Brook, N.Y.; paternal grandmother Mary Ann Gorbutt McDonnell of Shelton; and many loving aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends. Grace was predeceased by her paternal grandfather Lawrence P. McDonnell and her namesake, maternal great-grandmother Audrey Dunn Franz. Intelius, DelcoTimes, St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church
Grace McDonnell
Aangirfan Take a look at the bullet holes in the car belonging to Lauren Rousseau, who was reportedly killed in the Sandy Hook shootings. Google More Sandy Hook Puzzle Pieces? – Secrets of the Fed Lauren Rousseau worked at the Sandy Hook school. According to Lauren's mother, Lauren's 2004 Honda Civic - parked outside the school - was riddled with bullets when the authorities removed the vehicle. Read more: NYDailyNews Lauren Rousseau (right) Lauren's car. The official story is that Lauren's car was hit by bullets shot from inside the school. There was no record of any bullet holes in the windows of the school. USAHitman Lauren Rousseau's Car Riddled With Bullet Holes In Sandy Hook ... This photo below shows the angle at which the gun had to be fired: USAHitman "How is it possible for a bullet hole to penetrate the side of her car at the trajectory shown above?" Google Lauren Rousseau's Car Riddled With Bullet Holes In Sandy Hook ... Was Lauren killed before she reached the school? Did she fire a bullet from inside her car?
Why is the car wet? it was a sunny day, and the shadows look about right for mid morning .... and there seems to be some rust on the lower bullet hole? see alsoBeforeItsNews
o HotFile file / video 90mb... Phelps / Greenberg name issue ... People allegedly Acting saying children died (Greenbergs at end), or same video here: YouTube, Sphotos, 4.bp, Zomobo Phelps / Sexton / Greenberg??? Zomobo Christina Taylor Green, GodLikProductions
o 108morris108 YouTube Car belongs to man charged with felonies: YouTube or here it is easier to view :HotFile
o YouTube Local resident says no one on the block knows these people called Lanza
• 2012 YouTube What a crazy story! How is it possible that initially we were told the Bushmaster was used and "found next to the shooter." and ".223 rounds were found at the scene... now the story has changed to "there was no assault rifle used at all at the scene..??" Here is the latest "update" from MSNBC (revision to the story): MSNBC Now the story has completely changed- no longer was the Bushmaster used AT ALL at the scene. Even the "Medical examiner" reported that after has autopsy that all the kids were shot with an assault rifle!- and now the story has changed to "there was NO assault rifle used, and instead just hand-guns on the scene." This is a total contradiction- and there is no way these mistakes could have been made, unless this story is 100% bullshit.
• 2012 Dec First Thoughts Sandy Hook. Lieutenant J. Paul Vance said that the extensive detective work is intended to clearly establish the motive of shooter Adam Lanza, 20, of 36 Yogananda Street, who police say killed his mother, Nancy Lanza, 52, at their home, and then shot 28 people at Sandy Hook Elementary School, 26 of whom died. The deceased include 20 first graders and six school staff members. Establishing the motive for the killings is expected to take a substantial amount of time. Lt Vance said. "It is a slow process," he said. Lt Vance said the two surviving adults at the school received gunshot wounds in their "lower extremities." Those two people are expec ...
• 2012 Dec 16 Examiner Libor scandal grows as the fathers of two mass murderers were to testify ... One interesting connection to the tragedy that took place at the Sandy Hook school is that the father of Adam Lanza has a connection to the theater shootings that took place in Aurora earlier this year by James Holmes. Both fathers of the shooters were allegedly expected to testify in the Libor scandal that rocked the banking world in June. The father of Newtown Connecticut school shooter Adam Lanza is Peter Lanza who is a VP and Tax Director at GE Financial. The father of Aurora Colorado movie theater shooter James Holmes is Robert Holmes, the lead scientist for the credit score company FICO. Both men were to testify before the US Senate in the ongoing LIBOR scandal. The London Interbank Offered Rate, known as Libor, is the average interest rate at which banks can borrow from each other. 16 international banks have been implicated in this ongoing scandal, accused of rigging contracts worth trillions of dollars. HSBC has already been fined $1.9 billion and three of their low level traders arrested.
• 2012 CNN Video Adam Lanza didn't exist ... Neo's passport in the Matrix expired 9/11/01 TheIntelHub and comment: Interestingly, in another earlier scene I observed “Columbin” (sic) spelled out on a map. This scene occurred right after three board of directors placed there palms on a device to activate the reactor. It was at 1:25.25 on my counter.
• 2012 Dec ProgressiveCatholicVoice 10,000 people die from gun-related homicides each year, that's one Sandy Hook massacre a day, every day • There are nearly 90 guns for every 100 people • There are more than 51,000 licensed gunshops (and 30,000 supermarkets) • Guns that can shoot 100 rounds a minute, and are only designed to kill, are still legal • Other than auto accidents, gun violence is the leading cause of death of young people (under 20) • $20,000 a second is spent on war
• 2012 Dec 16 Scribd Death threat prompts police response to Newtown church on Sunday ... NEWTOWN, Conn.--St. Rose of Lima Roman Catholic Church was evacuated during its noon mass on Sunday due to an anonymous threat made by phone. A spokesman for the church told Yahoo News that an unidentified male called the rectory, threatening to "kill everyone.""My friend didn't finish the job," the caller said, according to the church official. The church alerted state police, who said it was a credible enough threat and ordered the church be evacuated, the spokesman said. At approximately 12:30 p.m., Monsignor Robert Weiss interrupted a younger priest, "calmly told the parishoners there was a threat," and led the evacuation of approximately 500 people, he said. Heavily-armed patrolmen and SWAT team members surrounded the church with weapons drawn ... At least 10 of the 20 children killed during Friday's massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School were parishoners at St.Rose, the church spokesman said, adding that funerals for eight of the children are scheduled to be held there ... It's the second threat in as many days for St. Rose, according the Washington Post. On Saturday, the church displayed ... posters for parishioners to express their grief. However, an unknown prankster wrote, "This is just round one," on one of them, the pastor said.By 2:30 p.m., the church had closed its doors and cancelled their evening mass.
• 2012 Dec 16 ToledoNewNow Futures for group of 1st graders never realized ... all of the children killed Friday were first graders. All six adults were women, and three of them were 30 years old or younger. ... Among them was Victoria Soto, 27, who appeared to have died trying to protect her students ... Connecticut Chief Medical Examiner H. Wayne Carver II said during a news conference that all victims appeared to have multiple wounds, and several of them were likely not shot at close range. ... All 26 victims at the school died from rifle shots, and each appeared to have multiple wounds. ... "This type of weapon, the bullets were designed in such a fashion that the energy is deposited in the tissue, and so the bullet stays in," Carver said. "This is a very devastating set of injuries." ... Police officials told the Associated Press that the suspected gunman was 20-year-old Adam Lanza, who is believed to have died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. The autopsies have been performed on everyone except for two people - the shooter and his mother, Nancy Lanza. Lanza shot his mother dead before arriving at the school. .... The Connecticut State Police confirmed during a Saturday morning news conference that the shooter forced his way inside Sandy Hook Elementary School before killing 20 students and six adults. The school had recently informed parents via letter that it was implementing new security measures that would include buzzing in visitors and monitoring them with a camera. The AP reported that a custodian ran down the hall and alerted classrooms a shooter was inside the building. Someone in the office then turned on the intercom. Eighteen of the children died on scene, and two more died at the hospital. ... Police recovered two other weapons at the scene - a Glock and a Sig-Sauer, which are handguns. CNN also reported that police are investigating the shooter's possible access to three additional guns. ... Nancy Lanza was a substitute teacher at the school, according to a parent interviewed by the AP. She was found shot dead at the home she shared with her son. He left her there and drove to the school in her car. ... The largest mass shooting at a school campus was at Virginia Tech University on April 26, 2007, when 32 people were killed and 17 more were injured. ... Sandy Hook is the second mass shooting this week after Jacob Roberts opened fire in a Portland, OR, mall, killing two and wounding one before committing suicide Tuesday, Dec. 11. According to WFSB, authorities received word of the incident at the school around 9:41 a.m. EST. When police from state and local agencies arrived on scene, they began a search of the building, going room to room. Students and faculty were evacuated to the nearby Sandy Hook Volunteer Fire Department. Sources told WFSB that Yale-New Haven Hospital activated an emergency triage unit, which responds to mass casualty incidents, in the school's parking lot. ... According to the AP, the shooter was initially reported as 24-year-old Ryan Lanza. He is the older brother of the alleged gunman. Once realizing he was being implicated through media reports, the elder brother, who was in New York City at the time of the shooting, took to his Facebook page to clear his name. "IT WASN'T ME I WAS AT WORK IT WASN'T ME," the brother said in one message. Ryan Lanza was believed to be the shooter because the younger Lanza had his identification with him. Police took Ryan Lanza in for questioning, but told the AP they do not believe he is an accomplice, and that he was "cooperative." He reportedly told law enforcement that Adam Lanza had a history of mental illness.
• 2012 Dec PressTV Israeli death squads involved in Sandy Hook bloodbath: Intelligence analyst ... ‘Culture of violence deep-rooted in US’Zionist-dominated media fuel violence' Days later, the Sandy Hook Massacre, the iconic slaughter of twenty small children, is now looking like a terrorist attack, not a “murder suicide.” Was “lone gunman” Adam Lanza a “patsy,” the same word Lee Harvey Oswald used to describe himself before being “silenced” in November 1963? Today, Michael Harris, former Republican candidate for governor of Arizona and GOP campaign finance chairman, in an internationally televised news broadcast, cited “Israeli revenge” in, what he called, “the terrorist attack in Connecticut.” Harris cited Israeli “rage” against the US and against President Barack Obama. By “Israel,” we mean “Netanyahu.” The mission was to teach America a lesson, knowing that “America would take the punishment, keep “quiet,” and let a ‘fall guy’ take the blame.” A “fall guy” is another word for “patsy.” Harris, citing the flood of inconsistencies in the “cover story,” pointed out the following, “The facts are now becoming obvious. This is another case where Israel has chosen violence and terrorism where their bullying in Washington has failed. Israel believes the US “threw them under the bus,” particularly after the recent Gaza war, allowing Israel to be humiliated in the United Nations. Their response was to stage a terror attack, targeting America in the most hideous and brutal way possible, in fact, an Israeli “signature attack,” one that butchers children, one reminiscent of the attacks that killed so many children in Gaza?”
• 2012 WMR Infowars investigative journalist Wayne Madsen said accused shooter James Holmes had a number of links to U.S. government-funded research centers, including the Defense Advance Research Projects Agency, or DARPA. James Holmes was one of six recipients of a National Institutes of Health Neuroscience Training Grant at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus in Denver, Madsen writes for the Wayne Madsen Report. “The Anschutz Medical Campus is on the recently de-commissioned site of the U.S. Army’s Fitzsimons Army Medical Center and is named after Philip Anschutz, the billionaire Christian fundamentalist oil and railroad tycoon who also owns The Examiner newspaper chain and website and the neo-conservative Weekly Standard,” Madsen explains. “The Anschutz Medical Campus was built by a $91 million grant from the Anschutz Foundation.” Holmes also worked as a research assistant intern at the Salk Institute at the University of California at San Diego in La Jolla. The Salk Institute teamed up with DARPA, Columbia University, University of California at San Francisco, University of Wisconsin at Madison, Wake Forest University, and the candy bar company Mars “to prevent fatigue in combat troops through the enhanced use of epicatechina, a blood flow-increasing and blood vessel-dilating anti-oxidant flavanol found in cocoa and, particularly, in dark chocolate,” according to Madsen’s research. The DARPA program was part of the military’s “Peak Soldier Performance Program,” which involved engineering brain-machine interfaces for battlefield use and other bionic projects. In addition, James Holmes’ father, Dr. Robert Holmes, worked for San Diego-based HNC Software, Inc., a company that worked with DARPA to develop “cortronic neural networks” that enable machines to translate aural and visual stimuli and simulate human thinking.
PatentMiner Robert Holmes Self-learning real-time prioritization of telecommunication fraud control actions Inventors: Justin Lawyer, Alex Barclay, Dirk Englund, Robert Holmes, Dimpy Pathria, Tim Roach, Scott Zoldi Company: Fair Isaac CorporationIssued Date: 2005-02-01 A predictive model system is used to detect telecommunications fraud. Call records (CDRs) provided by telephone companies are evaluated against specified rules. If one or more rules are matched, the system generates an alert. Pending alerts for a cus ...
• 2012 UniversallyAware Robert Holmes Robert Holmes Senior Lead Scientist at Fair Isaac Corporation Greater San Diego Area Financial Services Current Senior Lead Scientist at Fair Isaac Past Senior Staff Scientist at HNC Software, Inc. Education University of California, Berkeley Stanford University University of California, Los Angeles Connections 111 connections Public Profilehttp://www.linkedin.com/pub/robert-holmes/4/47b/24a Summary My educational background is in Mathematics and Statistics. My experience over the last 10 years at HNC and FICO has been in developing predictive models for financial services; credit & fraud risk models, first and third party application fraud models and internet/online banking fraud models. Management Experience: I am currently managing a team building Falcon Fraud Manager Credit card fraud models. I have also managed teams in the Telco and Identity Theft fraud areas. Specialties Experience with a variety of programming languages: Perl, SAS, JAVA, C, C++ and shell scripting languages Operating systems: UNIX, Linux and Windows
• 2012 Fabian4Liberty / YouTube (This article is highly suspect) Published on Dec 15, 2012 BREAKING NEWS: CT School Shooter Killer Link To LIBOR SCANDAL? ... The father of Newtown Connecticut school shooter Adam Lanza is Peter Lanza who is a VP and Tax Director at GE Financial. The father of Aurora Colorado movie theater shooter James Holmes is Robert Holmes, the lead scientist for the credit score company FICO. Both men were to testify before the US Sentate in the ongoing LIBOR scandal. The London Interbank Offered Rate, known as Libor, is the average interest rate at which banks can borrow from each other. 16 international banks have been implicated in this ongoing scandal, accused of rigging contracts worth trillions of dollars. HSBC has already been fined $1.9 billion and three of their low level traders arrested. and MaxKeiser says its a hoax, debunk and MaxKeiser says its a hoax, debunk STACY'S NOTE: YES, IN FACT, YOU CAN MAKE IT UP. THIS IS A BIG HOAX STORY ORIGINATING FROM SORCHA FAAL, UPDATE: Senate Banking Aide confirms that neither of these parents were ever scheduled to testify.
• 2012 Dec 17 StamfordAdvocate Peter Lanza, a vice president of taxes for GE Energy Financial Services, is the father of the alleged shooter, Adam Lanza, 20, who is also suspected of killing his mother, Nancy. Peter and Nancy Lanza divorced in 2009 due to "irreconcilable differences," according to court records in Stamford. The couple had been married for 28 years. About nine months after Nancy filed for the divorce, the two worked out an in agreement that included joint custody of their son Adam, who was 17 at the time. As part of their parental agreement, Adam was to live primarily with his mother, with Peter permitted "liberal visitation and vacations." Peter Lanza now lives on Bartina Lane in the Westover section of Stamford. Lanza has worked as a tax specialist in the financial industry and served as an adjunct professor at Northeastern University in Boston since 1995 and has taught classes on tax partnerships at Fairfield University. Read more: StamfordAdvocate
2012 Dec 17 EndFed Newtown Mass Shooting : Sandy Hook Reference In Batman “The Dark Knight Rises” Movie and Screenshot of Batman “The Dark Knight Rises” at 1 hour 58 minutes 42 seconds. The Dark Knight Rises, now have two connections to mass shootings. First with the opening night Aurora massacre done by James Holmes and now another connection relating to the tragic Sandy Hook shootings. Aurora Shooting Foretold In 1986 “Dark Knight” Comic: The horrific shooting at the screening of The Dark Knight Rises in Colorado bears eerie similarities to a scene in the 1986 comic Batman: The Dark Knight Returns. In the comic, a crazed, gun-toting loner walks into a movie theater and begins shooting it up, killing three in the process. What is strange is how prevalent this comic-type illustration predictive propaganda is with these false flag events. RobertScottBell The confirmed discovery that at 1hr:58 of the Dark Knight Rises, Commissioner Gordon is pointing to the words “Sandy Hook” on a map of the Gotham area has caused a storm of interest. As it should—since 27 people were just killed at the Sandy Hook Elementary School, and in the Dark Knight film, “Sandy Hook” is indicated as a target for attack. and DigitalJournal ... RevelationNow.net and video un-mistakenly accurate. Warner Brothers is a Jewish Zionist organization. and see NaturalIndependent, AboveTopSecret Disneyland pedophile incidents. and Infowarsupdate Sandy Hook links
• 2012 Dec 17 BeforeItsNews (This article is highly suspect) Batman Shooting Used To Silence LIBOR Expert Witness Robert Holmes Robert Holmes not only uncovered the true intent of the massive LIBOR banking fraud, but his "predictive algorithm model" Robert Holmes not only uncovered the true intent of the massive LIBOR banking fraud, but his "predictive algorithm model" also traced the trillions of "hidden"dollars to the exact bank accounts of the elite classes who stole it. In other words, Robert Holmes could NAME NAMES! Those names WOULD AWAKEN THE WORLD to the depth of government and corporate corruption which could include members of Congress, Wall Street, Federal Reserve and EU executives and could even include US Presidential candidates and the British Royal family. NFU, Bioport, NFU Austin Tichenor, Conspiracy Cafe Video YouTube
• 2012 Spire Law Suit below and Wikipedia List of Rampage Killers
• 2012 Dec 17 Daily Digest LIBOR, Sandy Hook (Newton), Gifford (Loughner), Sikh, UN, Illuminati, False Flags ... I’m going to outline for you 10 instances of recent events, that suggest some alarming connections that I am finding. They will uncover that there is a larger web, or organization at work. The horrific discovery that this suggests is that the 20 children killed in Newtown CT., is just brushing the surface of a far deeper agenda of a group of people seeking to influence world events. #1 Libor Scandal , #2 Questions # 3 Adam Lanza / Suspect in Newtown Connecticut Mass Shooting If that was not bad enough, we now find out that according to Yahoo news, the alleged shooter at the Sandy Hook Elementary School, Adam Lanza, is the son of Vice President of GE Capital, Peter Lanza. Peter Lanza is also a partner at Ernst & Young, and major accounting firm. The older brother, Ryan Lanza, is also reported to be employed at Ernst & Young. Adam’s older brother Ryan Lanza, 24, has worked at Ernst & Young for four years, apparently following in his father’s footsteps and carving out a solid niche in the tax practice. . There were also additional men found on the school grounds. Who are they, and why isn’t the media talking about them ??? #4 The Gifford’s Shooting Jared Lee Loughner Many problems with this case. Next to Congresswoman Giffords ( who was voting pro gun ) Was Chief Federal Court Judge John Roll Roll would have been deciding the Fast And Furious court case ( if he wasn’t killed ) Roll was known as being “incorruptible” and very pro gun. It is my belief, and others, that Judge Roll was the primary target of the attack. Loughner may have been under mind control, or may just be crazy, but once again he was a False Flag Patsy, who was not capable of doing everything he is being accused of. Certain things about the case to not fit. They say he fired more bullets then he did. Who do the other bullets belong to. #7: Nanny Murders and CNBC Executive #8: Proof Of 3 Shooters at Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting YouTube
• 2012 Dec 17 YouTube Adam Lanza & Mom Murdered! Sandy Hook Shooting in Newtown, CT, Bes
• 2012 Dec 17 AnonCentral Colorado Massacre Linked To Historic Bank Fraud - Killer Does Not Appear To Be James Holmes This Colorado massacre occurred within minutes of London’s Guardian News Service releasing report this past Saturday (21 July) titled “Wealth Doesn’t trickle Down – It Just Floods Offshore, Research Reveals” as Robert Holmes algorithms were said used to discover this massive fraud scheme. Equally curious to note about this massacre is that the American intelligence website TheIntelHub.Com in their 23 July article titled “Hallmarks of a False Flag: Colorado University Held Identical Drill on Same Day as Aurora Theater Mass Shooting, Mind Control, and Multiple Suspects” states that just mere hours before this shocking crime was committed the Rocky Vista University College of Osteopathic Medicine was holding an identical drill that simulated a shooter in a movie theater.
More than one gunmen, multiple shooters, the press silence on this issue
o Voltaire.net “One of the most important red flags of a staged shooting is a second gunman,” health science and investigative writer Mike Adams observes, indicating the shooting was coordinated and planned. There are often mind control elements at work in many of these shootings … James Holmes, for example, was a graduate student actually working on mind control technologies funded by the U.S. government. There were also chemical mind control elements linked to Jared Lee Loughner.
o Alex Jones J. Paul Vance, officer threat, Facebook suspends account for disputing official account. Misinfo may result in prosecution.
o YouTube Police Scanner audio of good quality, but Christian analysis is highly suspect
• 2012 Dec 18 ParanormalUtopia The confirmed discovery that at 1hr:58 of the Dark Knight Rises, Commissioner Gordon is pointing to the words “Sandy Hook” on a map of the Gotham area has caused a storm of interest. As it should—since 27 people were just killed at the Sandy Hook Elementary School, and in the Dark Knight film, “Sandy Hook” is indicated as a target for attack. Unless, of course, one wants to believe this is merely a boggling coincidence, one that accidentally ties the Batman theater massacre to the Connecticut school massacre. In that case, add to the list of coincidences the fact that Suzanne Collins, the author of The Hunger Games, in which 23 children are ritually sacrificed in arena competition, lives in Newtown/Sandy Hook, and in real life someone(s) just killed 20 children in the Sandy Hook Elementary School. This is the familiar “Joker” mode of secret societies, in which little foreshadowing clues are placed in significant places. Michael Hoffman, author of , comments on “The Methodf “…a clown-like, grinning mockery of the victim s] as a show of power and macabre arrogance…performed in a veiled manner accompanied by certain occult signs and symbolic words…They brag to us about what they’ve gotten away with…”
• 2012 Dec 18 Newtown Bee Obituary: Victoria “Vicki” Leigh Soto, 27, of Stratford, cherished daughter of Carlos and Donna (Fagan) Soto, and beloved sister of Jillian, Carlee, and Carlos Matthew Soto, died December 14, in Sandy Hook, Connecticut. Born November 4, 1985, In Bridgeport, she was a lifelong Stratford resident. Ms Soto was a graduate of Stratford High School Class of 2003, and Eastern Connecticut State University, where she graduated with high honors, earning degrees in both education and history. She was currently attending Southern Connecticut State University, to complete her master’s degree. She was in her fifth year of teaching at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown. ...... Her extended family was also a huge part of her life. In addition to her beloved parents and siblings, she is survived by her grandparents, “Pop Pop” Donald Fagan of Bridgeport, and Jose and Marta Soto of Cleveland, Tenn.; her aunt and godmother Debbie Cronk, and her husband, Uncle Robbie Cronk, and their children, Heather Rose, Brianne Elizabeth, and Wesley Fagan Cronk; her uncle and godfather Dean Fagan and his wife, Denise, and their children, Alex Gerard and her favorite buddy, Zachary Jan Fagan. “SOFACRO forever!” She is also survived by her uncle Don Fagan and his wife, Linda, and their children, Don and wife, Jennifer, Christopher and fiancée, Sarah, their children Natalie, Christopher, and Doug Fagan. She was predeceased by her maternal grandmother Janice Biebel Fagan. “Vicki was truly an amazing daughter, sister, cousin, teacher, and friend, and died protecting ‘her kids.’ We couldn't be prouder of our HERO.” Funeral services will take place Wednesday, December 19, at 10 am, DIRECTLY in Lordship Community Church, 190 Prospect Drive, Stratford CT 06615. Interment will be in Union Cemetery, Stratford. Friends may call Tuesday, December 18, from 3 to 8 pm, in the Adzima Funeral Home, 50 Paradise Green Place, Stratford. The family has requested in lieu of flowers that donations be made to the Victoria L. Soto Memorial Fund for Education, through the fFuneral home. To make an on-line condolence, please visit Adzima Funeral Home . The Newtown Bee Posted December 18, 2012 Don Fagan? YouTube Victoria Soto Facebook RIP page dated Dec 10, 2012 video
• 2012 Dec 18 Yahoo ... he (Lanza) destroyed the hard drive before leaving for the school. Before recovery efforts started on the hard drive, sources said that it "appeared to have been badly damaged with a hammer or screwdriver." On Monday, one investigator floated what may seem an obvious hypothesis, "He was eliminating investigators'] ability to figure out what websites he had gone to or who he might have been communicating with."
• 2012 Dec 18 WMR Just as with the Aurora, Colorado and Tucson, Arizona shootings that killed and wounded movie goers and attendees of a campaign function of former U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords, respectively, the second gunman report did not simply go away without additional questions being raised. In the case of gunman Jared Lee Loughner shooting Giffords and killing others, including U.S. federal judge John Roll(Fast and Furious judge), at a Tucson shopping center on January 8, 2011, a second "person of interest," a suspected accomplice who didn’t fire a shot in the massacre, was reported to be wanted for questioning by the Pima County Sherriff's Office. The suspected accomplice of Loughner was said to be an older man in his 40s or 50s. In Aurora, 9 News Denver, was told by an eyewitness at the movie theater that James Holmes didn't act alone, as alleged by Aurora chief of police and former New York Police Department intelligence chief Dan Oates. A survivor of the July 19, 2012 shooting told NBC 9 News Denver that Holmes "had someone with him, because the second can of tear gas didn't come from his side." The reference to the tear gas was that Holmes allegedly tossed in a tear gas canister inside the theater where "Batman: The Dark Knight" was premiering prior to the commencement of the shooting of the movie viewers.
• 2012 Dec NationalReviewOnline Dec 18, 2012 Michael Harris, former Republican candidate for governor of Arizona and GOP campaign finance chairman, in an internationally televised news broadcast, cited “Israeli revenge” in, what he called, “the terrorist attack in Connecticut.” Iran’s Press TV Report: more and video and YouTube full report
• 2012 Nightmare Before Christmas video YouTube: KIDNAP the SANDY CLAWS "Time, place, reason, "children of KORN Dark Knight Antichrist rises 666 Rapture apocalypse mayan 2+ gunmen Connecticut *BOOGIE-MAN* Prometheus Pandora's Box Opened
Disney Soft Porn
Well this can’t be good for a quarterly report. The Walt Disney Co., whose stock has been performing modestly over the past half decade, now has to figure out what to do about something they can’t exactly control: reports that everyone’s favorite mass murderer, Adolph Hitler, had a little hobby drawing Disney characters during World War II. That’s the claim by a Norwegian war museum after its director, William Hakvaag, found drawings of Bashful and Doc from 1937’s Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, a copy of which Hitler owned, as well as one of Pinocchio, from the 1940 film, hidden in a painting Hakvaag bought at auction. Hitler fancied himself an artist, and even tried to make a living from it, before setting his sights on taking of the world and eradicating it of any non-Aryan blood. Which doesn’t confirm these drawings are legitimately his, but even the possibility presents some bad …] Example 1: Betty Boop: from one of the most popular Disney porn sites: This Disney Girl is just a creature for sex live. stuff Example 2: Jasmine ... from one of the most popular Disney porn sites: "Jasmine - stuff Who's Afraid of Roger Rabbit
• InsideEdition video Investigates Hollywood Pedophiles Marty Weiss managed dozens of young actors, getting them roles on shows like Nickelodeon’s iCarly and Disney’s Good Luck Charlie. But 10 months ago Weiss was arrested after a young actor accused Weiss of molesting him over 30 times - starting when he was just 11 years old. Before he got starring roles in movies like The Sandlot 2, former child actors Cole Weiss and his brother Michael (no relation to Marty Weiss) were lured out to Hollywood with promises of stardom by talent manager Tommy Lowery. Case in point: Bob Villard. As a prominent Hollywood publicist and manager, Villard says he helped guide the young careers of several of today's biggest stars - including Tobey Maguire and Leonardo DiCaprio. Villard also frequently photographed the young future stars and even took photos of a young Tom Cruise. While none of those actors has ever accused Villard of abuse, Villard recently finished an eight-year sentence for molesting an aspiring young actor.
• Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc., also known as Warner Bros. Pictures or simply Warner Bros. (though the name was occasionally given in full form as Warner Brothers during the company's early years), is an American producer of film, television, and music entertainment. One of the major film studios, it is a subsidiary of Time Warner, with its headquarters in Burbank, California and New York. Warner Bros. has several subsidiary companies, including Warner Bros. Studios, Warner Bros. Pictures, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, Warner Bros. Television, Warner Bros. Animation, Warner Home Video, New Line Cinema, TheWB.com, and DC Entertainment. Warner owns half of The CW Television Network. Warner Bros. is a member of the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA). 1] Disney pedophile connections to Sandy Hook The corporate name honors the four founding Warner brothers (born Wonskolaser pron. WON Sko La' Ser] or Wonsal)—Harry Warner (born Hirsz), Albert (born Aaron), Sam (born Szmul), and Jack (Itzhak or to some sources Jacob). Harry, Albert, Sam and their Jewish parents emigrated to North America from the part of Poland that had been subjugated to the Russian Empire following the 18th-century partitions of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth near present-day Ostrołęka, Poland.
• 2012 Amfir Norwegian Scholar Connects Breivik's Attack to Mossad: Norwegian sociologist Johan Galtung connects Mossad to Breivik massacre, claims Jews control 96% of world media by Elad Benari, israelnationalnews.com. "Norwegian sociologist Johan Galtung has said that he is not ruling out the possibility that the Mossad was involved in the massacre carried out by Anders Behring Breivik last July. The comments were made by Galtung last September at a lecture entitled “Ten Theses on July 22” at the University of Oslo. July 22 was the date on which Breivik shot panicked youths at point-blank range at the Utoya island, killing 69 people. He also claimed that Breivik “belonged to the Freemasonry organization which is based on Judaism.” Galtung, who founded the Peace Research Institute Oslo in 1959, noted that the date on which the massacre took place is the same date when, in 1946, the underground Jewish movement the Irgun planted explosives at the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, the headquarters of the British Army at the time. Warnings were given by members of the Irgun to clear the hotel, but were ignored by the British.
• 2012 Dec Wikipedia Sandy Hook (No mention of 2,3 or 4 other shooters apprehended )Principal Dawn Hochsprung and school psychologist Mary Sherlach were meeting with other faculty members when they heard gunshots. Hochsprung and Sherlach immediately left the room, rushed to the source of the sounds, and encountered and confronted Lanza. He shot both women dead. 25] Natalie Hammond, lead teacher in the meeting room, pressed her body against the door to keep it closed. Lanza shot Hammond through the door, in her leg and arm. She was later treated at Danbury Hospital. 25] 27] The police reported that a second adult was wounded in the attack, but that individual has not been identified. 9] In a first-grade classroom, Lauren Rousseau, a substitute teacher, was shot in the face and killed. Fifteen of the sixteen students in her class were killed; a six-year-old girl was the sole survivor. The girl's family pastor said that she survived the mass shooting by playing dead and remaining still until the building grew quiet, and she felt it was safe to leave. She ran from the school, covered in blood, and was the first child to escape the building. When she reached her mother, she said, "Mommy, I'm okay, but all my friends are dead." The child described the shooter as a very angry man. 28] Lanza stopped shooting between 9:46 a.m. and 9:49 a.m., after firing 50 to 100 rounds. 47] He shot all of his victims multiple times, and at least one victim, six-year-old Noah Pozner, 11 times. 48] 49] He shot mostly in two first-grade classrooms, killing fourteen in one room and six in the other. The student victims were eight boys and twelve girls, between six and seven years of age, 50] and the six adults were all women who worked at the school. After realizing that he had been spotted by a police officer who had entered the building, Lanza committed suicide by shooting himself in the head. 51] 52] 53] A large quantity of unused ammunition was recovered at the school, along with three semi-automatic firearmsfound with Adam Lanza: a .223-caliber Bushmaster XM-15 rifle, a 10mm Glock 20 SF handgun and a 9mm SIG Sauer handgun. 64] 4] 5] 6] A shotgun was found in the car Lanza had driven to the school. 6] At home, Lanza had access to three more firearms: a .45 Henry repeating rifle, a .30 Enfield rifle, and a .22 Marlin rifle. 14] 65] 66]Lanza used the .22 Marlin rifle to kill his mother, but did not take that weapon to the school. 67] The weapons were legally owned by Lanza's mother, who was a gun enthusiast. 68] 69] Police said Lanza used the Bushmaster rifle against most of the victims. According to the state's chief medical examiner, H. Wayne Carver, many of the victims were shot multiple times with the same "long weapon"—the Bushmaster rifle. Police also investigated whether Lanza was the person who had been in an altercation with four staff members at Sandy Hook School the day before the massacre. It was presumed that he killed two of the four staff members involved in the altercation (the principal and the psychologist) and wounded the third (the lead teacher) in the attack; the fourth staff member was not at the school that day. 80] The state police stated that they did not know of any reports about any altercations at the school. 81]
• 2012 Dec 19 IthacaIndy Sandy Hook: Ithaca Police Finish ‘Active Shooter’ Training on Day of Conn. School Massacre December 19, 2012 By Ed Sutherland 9 Comments IPD (Photo credit: mhaithaca) ITHACA — It is one of those ironies which seem to abound. The Ithaca Police Department finished training for handling situations like a school gunman on the day 20 children and 6 adults were killed by a gunman at Sandy Hook Elementary school. Saying SWAT teams are no longer adequate to respond to time when police must encounter a gunman in a building, an IPD spokesman said officers were trained during a six-week Law Enforcement Active Shooter Response between Nov. 5 and December 14. After five officers were trained in how to respond to an active shooter, a vacant City of Ithaca building was used to train other IPD officers. Along with classroom instruction, officers were taught tactics and equipment for “force on force encounters.” Among the tactics learned: room entry, stairwell clearing, hallway movement and mental preparation. The training is in response to “the continual recent tragedies involving senseless acts of violence towards large groups of people in schools, malls and other public places,” according to the department.
• 2012 Infowars / YouTube Video Sandy Hook Dark Knight and Gather, and Gothamist Sandy Hook Labeled "Strike Zone" In Dark Knight Rises ... Some idle corners of the Internet are chattering about a number of coincidences that would appear to connectDark Knight Rises with America's two most recent horrifying gun massacres. After the mass shooting in an Aurora, Colorado movie theater during a midnight screening for the film, the word "Aurora" was spotted in bright lights atop a building in Dark Knight Rises. Now it seems the name "Sandy Hook" also has ties to the Batman flick... two, it would seem. In the movie Before the movie came out, some media outlets received a "viral package" that contained a map showing a targeted area called Sandy Hook, which was labeled "Strike Zone 1." In the movie, this is where Gotham Stadium is, and Commissioner Gordon points to it on a map (it's the only thing you can read on the map aside from the word "Gotham"). What's circulating is a theory that the Sandy Hook massacre was, on some subliminal level, brought on by the movie: "As more of these 'strange coincidences' continue to pop up, it would take a fool not to question the motive behind it all: Is this all part of an evil pre-conditioning program? This definitely begins to tread into Satanic and occult territory, the purpose of which is known to only a select few in tight-knit circles at the very top branches of various secret societies." This attempt to draw a legitimate connection between a fictional film and a devastating real-life massacre comes off as trivializing. But we've got to admit it's a pretty weird coincidence. If you're inclined to take a closer look, there's this:
YouTube: Sandy Hook Elem:TWO OR MORE SHOOTERS Newtown School Shooting Story Already Being Changed By The Media To Eliminate Eyewitness Reports Of A Second Shooter According to multiple eyewitness reports from Aurora, Colorado, including at least one caught on camera by mainstream media news reports in Colorado, James Holmes did not operate alone. There was a second shooter involved. But the media quickly eliminated any mention of a second shooter from its coverage, resorting to the typical cover story of a "lone gunman." Today, the exact same thing is happening with the Newton, CT school shooting. Eyewitness reports of a second shooter now being "scrubbed" from the news As the story of this shooting was first breaking, the news was reporting a second gunman. FoxNews reported that this second gunman was "led out of the woods by officers" and then questioned. The original source of this report was the Connecticut Post. A local CBS affiliate was also reporting the existence of a second gunman and said "Police believe there may be a second gunman and are looking for a red or maroon van with its back window blown out..." ABC News also originally reported, "A second gunman is apparently at large. Car-to-car searches are underway." A local CT CBS affiliate was also reporting, "CBS News reports that a potential second shooter is in custody and that SWAT is now investigating the home of the suspect. A witness tells WFSB-TV that a second man was taken out of the woods in handcuffs wearing a black jacket and camouflage pants and telling parents on the scene, 'I did not do it.'"
• 2012 Dec 20 VeteransToday Granted, confusion is natural when a story breaks, but some of the initial reports conflict so completely with the lone gunman narrative that I’m going to compile them here and then try to put this tragedy in a more objective context. ... (1) The Newtown Bee December 14, 2012 Sandy Hook School Principal Dawn Hochsprung told The Bee that a masked man entered the school with a rifle and started shooting multiple shots – more than she could count – that went “on and on.” How could the principal have survived to give this statement to local press describing what happened … if she was one of the first to be killed? Incidentally, The Newtown Bee‘s article was taken down on Monday December 17th. Of course, a plausible explanation is that a reporter mistook another teacher for the principal. (2) We were initially told that two handguns – a Glock and a Sig Sauer – were found next to the body of the dead shooter, while a third weapon, a .223-caliber rifle was also recovered “in the trunk of a car” later, in the school’s parking lot. All of the weapons were allegedly legally bought and registered in Nancy Lanza’s name. The car was later identified as a black Honda, also registered in her name. (3)
• Dprogram.net Video Sandy Hook Fire Department Trained By Homeland Security To Conduct Exercises ...
• 2012 Dec 20 Pete Santilli YouTube anti NWO, pro gun, pro Fox News ... Debunks LIBOR, Sorcha Faal.... ok
• 2012 Dec 20 4thMedia, Yoichi Shimatsu MK-ULTRA Links To The Sandy Hook Assault .... My long-distance interest in the Sandy Hook events is based on ongoing work with a team of anti-pedophile journalists and activists who for over a decade have tracked and exposed American pedophile rings from Southeast Asia (Indonesia, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam) to Beijing, China. In all cases so far, our team discovered that these frontline pedophiles supply children for sexual services to VIPs traveling in Asia, including diplomats from the highest levels of the White House and State Department, top executives of major corporations, and heads of universities and aid agencies. Nearly all the patrons involved in this cruel pastime have backgrounds in US intelligence ¬ the CIA, NSA or State Department intelligence. The individuals are from diverse religious backgrounds ¬ Catholic, Jewish and Orthodox - while the core facilitators are often priests with Jesuit order, and to a lesser degree Franciscans and Benedictines.
• 2012 Dec 21 Voltaire.net The Newtown School Tragedy: More than One Gunman? by Prof. James F. Tracy It is now beyond question that the assassinations of John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, and Martin Luther King Jr. all involved patsies, additional gunman and perhaps most importantly, mass media complicity to achieve their political ends. Along these lines and in a fashion now characteristic of how such public executions are framed, the observations and analyses of citizen journalists and alternative media suggest how coverage of the Newtown Connecticut school shooting was substantially altered in the several hours and days following the event. “One of the most important red flags of a staged shooting is a second gunman,” health science and investigative writer Mike Adams observes, indicating the shooting was coordinated and planned. There are often mind control elements at work in many of these shootings … James Holmes, for example, was a graduate student actually working on mind control technologies funded by the U.S. government. There were also chemical mind control elements linked to Jared Lee Loughner. 1]
• 2012 YouTube list of Fake Grievers posters: BCCMightySanta Oleem Ezheer ProConstitutioner and Fast & Furious
• 2012 Dec 23 DevilsAdvocates Adam Lanza to be Cremated in Secret? Why? ... and similarities between Aurora and Sandy Hook: Both of these young men were in their early 20′s. Both were honors students or considered bright. Both young men had father’s connected to big banking or high finance (Holme’s father being a senior analyst for FICO and Lanza’s father being a VP of GE Energy Financial Services). Both men were described as wearing full tactical gear and wearing masks to hide their identity (i.e. if either of them WERE caught on camera, no one will be able to identify the actual shooters face). Both of them used multiple pistols. Both of them allegedly used an AR-15 assault rifle and… The investigation in Aurora has strange connections to many New York City officials, including, but not limited to, the Aurora Chief of Police himself, Dan Oates who was a 20+ year New York City Police officer. Lanza lived in Hoboken New Jersey and his father works for GE Financial in New York.
• 2012 Dec video Holmes accomplice let him into the theater, witness. phone call AthensTalks and documentary Mark Howitt, Parker
• 2012 Dec 23 DevilsAdvocates ... prior to the start of the batman movie a trailer was shown for the new James Bond Film, Skyfall, in which the city of Shanghai is shown at night. In the Shanghai skyline is a very prominent building known as the Aurora Plaza and the name “Aurora” is emblazoned on the side of the building in big red letters. In the trailer, James Bond appears to be hypnotized or in a trance until his interrogator says the word “skyfall” and snaps Bond into action. Also before the movie was a trailer for the movie Gangster Squad in which a scene depicts a group of gangsters popping out from behind the movie screen and opening fire on a crowded theater with machine guns.
In the original Batman comic books by Frank Miller where a tall lanky shooter with bright orange hair and stubbled beard growth enters a theater and starts shooting people. James Holmes’ appearance that night bares a striking resemblance to the batman comic book thug who shot people in a theater. BatmanConspiracy
see comic
• 2012 Dec Facebook Woman claims her daughter's picture is being used as Sandy Hook victim. ... Cathy Gaubert
• 2012 Dec 27 Enquirer Haunted by voices ordering him to kill and convinced the world was coming to an end, the 20-year-old devil worshipper and violent video game fanatic left macabre clues to his murderous plan on Internet chat rooms, websites and a chill¬ing diary he kept on his computer, authorities say. ... it appears that Lanza hinted at his murderous inten¬tions on a popular hacker website two nights before his rampage. The message, obtained by The ENQUIRER, was posted by a user named “iKTatjYX,” whom authorities suspect was Lanza, and stated: “I’m going to kill myself on Friday and it will make the news, be watching at 9am.” When a respondent asked “iKTatjYX” where he was based, the reply was: “I live in Connecticut, that’s as much as I’ll say.”
MK Ultra and Ritual Murder of Children, Sandy Hook
WTF? Where are the tears?
EndTimeAlerts SANDY HOOK PART VIII BAD ACTING . . . I have lost a child. It wasn't expected such as a long illness would be. He was murdered, just like the children were at Sandy Hook. My son was a little older then the children at Sandy Hook. He was 14 years old when he was shot and killed. He was lured out of our home by one of his "friends" who shot him in the back of the head, execution style, and left on the side of the road to die. I know the shock and horror of having a child shot down and murdered. And I can tell you without a doubt, these parents do not know that experience. As one announcer says in the videos below, "These are actors reading a script. Their hair is perfect, perfect make-up, nicely dressed, and they do not look like they've gone through restless nights or are in mourning." I know the restless nights he's referring too. I didn't sleep very well for months afterwards because I was consumed by nightmares. I was in shock for at least one year. Yes, you heard me, one year. I was in denial. They say there is a process to grieving, and part of that process is denial. These people are smiling, no red, puffy eyes, and taking in their "fifteen minutes of fame" it looks like to me. And I believe I can qualify as an expert on this that they have not lost anybody. Judge for yourselves . . .
Gene Rosen fake grief, acting, no tears, YouTube
ConspiracyHQ Rampage movie FEMA L-366 Planning for the Needs of Children in Disasters, Gene Rosen, MSM camera shot hides that his residence is right next to fire house. Rodia is resident of Newtown. YEO
YouTube Bohemian Grove, witness to ritual murder of children, Shurter, Collins
• 2013 Jan 5 AmericanLiveWire Sandy Hook Conspiracy Theorists Link Shooting To Dark Knight Rises ... According to Deadline Live, the Connecticut mystery man in the woods has officially been identified as Chris Manfredonia, who was found by police in the woods next to Sandy Hook Elementary School after Adam Lanza took the lives of 27 people. This story has been proved wrong.
• 2013 Jan 6, Newstimes Police deny that Lanza first visited high school ... A State Police spokesman said Thursday there is "no truth" to reports that Adam Lanza was seen in the Newtown High School parking lot on the morning of Dec. 14 shortly before he went to Sandy Hook Elementary School and murdered 20 children and six adults. ... "It's a rumor," said Connecticut state police spokesman Lt. J. Paul Vance. "There's no truth to it whatsoever that we have been made aware of." Newtown Police Chief Michael Kehoe also said he'd heard nothing about the report during previous meetings with investigators. Lanza attended the high school, but did not graduate from it. The school is directly between the Yogananda Street residence he shared with his mother and the elementary school on Dickinson Drive.
• 2013 Jan 6 Reuters White House mulls broader gun control: Washington Post ... The White House is weighing a far broader approach to curbing U.S. gun violence than just reinstating a ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, theWashington Post reported on Sunday. A working group led by Vice President Joseph Biden is seriously considering measures that would require universal background checks for gun buyers and track the movement and sale of weapons through a national database, the newspaper said. ... The White House has been in contact with advisers to New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, a gun control advocate who could emerge as a surrogate for the administration's agenda
• 2013 Jan 6 VeteransToday Sandy Hook: Analogies with the London 7/7 Bombings ... By Nick Kollerstrom (with Jim Fetzer) “No-one has been able to get into the Sandy Hook elementary school to verify if there are any bullet-marks, bloodstains etc, then on January 2nd, the children were transferred to another school some miles away: we assume the old Sandy Hook Elementary School will remain sealed off, and will be demolished. Perhaps a shootout DID NOT ACTUALLY HAPPEN THERE, it was just an illusion.”–Nicholas Kollerstrom Nicholas Kollerstrom is an historian of science who has taken great risks and suffered real harms by his willingness to conduct scientific research on the Holocaust. He has also done brilliant work on 9/11. The points that he makes here are rather chilling, including that the Batman film ‘Dark Knight Rises’ alluded to Sandy Hook region of Gotham City, as a portion of the city of Gotham during a setup of one of the bad guy’s dirty deeds in that movie. Earlier promotions of the film the year before did not (Alex Jones discovered) have that Sandy Hook reference. The 2000 film ‘The Sandy Hook Lingerie Party Massacre’ has the killer strike in the aftermath of a hurricane.’ And the ritual sacrifice of 22 children is portrayed in ‘The Hunger Games’ by Suzanne Collins: she lives in Sandy Hook. As he observes, “Perhaps a shootout DID NOT ACTUALLY HAPPEN THERE, it was just an illusion.” Sandy Hook: Analogies with the London 7/7 Bombings
• 2013 Jan 9
WMR Sandy Hook massacre's hooks into another tragedy (BBC, Jimmie Savile)
December 21-23, 2012 -- Sandy Hook massacre's hooks into another tragedy WMR has followed up on leads that Adam Lanza, the suspected killer of 26 people, including twenty 6- and 7-year old children at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, may have been victimized at a young age by pedophile abusers. St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church in Newtown, where the Lanzas attended church and where Adam Lanza attended parochial school as a young boy, employed Father John Castaldo as a priest between 1998 and 2000. Castaldo, who was one of the five priests at the church, ministered to the St. Rose congregation while Adam Lanza was enrolled in the church's school. Lanza, born in 1992, would have been between 6 and 8-years old when Castaldo was at the church-school. In 2001, Castaldo was arrested for engaging in sexually explicit Internet communications with a police detective who Castaldo had believed was a 14-year old boy. Castaldo asked the "boy" to meet at a motel for sex. Castaldo pleaded guilty and was sentenced to a weekend in jail. The following year, Castaldo was arrested again for molesting a young boy. In 2009, a lawsuit was filed that named the Bridgeport Catholic diocese, of which St. Rose is a part, and two former diocesan bishops, retired New York Cardinal Edward Egan and the estate of the late Bridgeport Bishop Walter W. Curtis, as defendants. Castaldo had previously been at St. Theresa's Church in Trumbull, Connecticut. The suit against the Bridgeport diocese contended that Castaldo molested between 1989 and 1992, Brooks Thopsey, who was age 10 in 1992. The suit contends that Castaldo, using threats and intimidation, forced Thopsey to perform oral sex on him. The suit also charged that Egan, the senior prelate for the diocese, knew about Castaldo's conduct and not only failed to take action but promoted him. Thopsey's older brother, Ryan, also sued the diocese for abuse, later settled for an undisclosed sum. A Connecticut Superior Court judge issued a judgement against the diocese in 2010. After St. Theresa's, Castaldo served at St, Mark's in Stratford from 1992 to 1994; St. Edward the Confessor in New Fairfield from 1994 to 1998; St. Rose of Lima in Newtown from 1998 to 2000; St. Maurice's in Stamford from 2000 to 2001. It was while he was serving as Spiritual Director at Trinity Catholic High School in Stamford that Castaldo was first arrested for the sexual communications with the police detective posing as a minor. Castaldo was subsequently defrocked by Egan's successor, Bishop William Lori. Was Adam Lanza abused between 1998 and 2000 by St. Rose of Lima priest John Castaldo? Lanza would have been 6 years old in 1998, the same age as many of his young victims. WMR spoke to a mental health official for the state of New York, who also has experience dealing with mental health issues in Connecticut, that it is highly possible that Lanza was abused as a child. The fact that Lanza may have suffered from autism would have made him a particularly attractive abuse target for pedophile priests. Castaldo must have had a charmed existence at St. Rose. While he served the church as the head of the youth group, he was also the chaplain for Connecticut State Police Troop A in Southbury and Troop G in Bridgeport. Castaldo was also involved in the prison ministry upon graduating from seminary. The Connecticut State Police have had the lead in the investigation of the Sandy Hook massacre and have leaked erroneous information to the media. Adam's mother, Nancy Lanza, who is accused of shooting four times in the head while she was in bed, took her son out of Sandy Hook Elementary School after he attended it for only a brief time and enrolled him in school at St. Rose. There have been reports that Adam had problems at Sandy Hook and there were contentious issues between Nancy Lanza at the Newtown school board when Adam attended Newtown High School. Eventually, Adam was pulled out of the high school and home schooled whereupon he earned a GED. There are other reports that Nancy Lanza had been a teacher's aide at Sandy Hook, one of her classes being the kindergarten class that many of her son's victims had attended the year before. Nancy Lanza was also reportedly friendly with Sandy Hook principal Dawn Hochsprung and school psychologist Mary Sherlach. Hochsprung and Sherlach, along with Nancy Lanza, were all reportedly killed execution style by Adam Lanza. During mass on Sunday, December 16, St. Rose received a bomb threat and was evacuated. During the evening of December 20, federal agents raided the Riverview Sales gun store in East Windsor, Connecticut. It was discovered that a 26-year old man with a history of mental illness named Jordan Marsh (oddly, the name of a New England department store chain) had stolen an AR-15 with a scope -- the same type of weapon Adam Lanza was said to have used in the massacre at Sandy Hook -- from the East Windsor gun shop where Nancy Lanza had purchased one of the guns her son used in the school massacre. Marsh, arrested at the Hartford Hilton Hotel, where he was checked in, was reportedly planning to carry out a Sandy Hook-type massacre. --- The pedophile angle to the Newtown massacre will be studiously avoided by the corporate media. The primary reason is that The New York Times, the flagship for so many pack journalists, especially those in the television news business who fail to conduct their own in-depth investigations and piggyback off a few major papers and magazines, has a problem in its new corporate president, former British Broadcasting Corporation Director-General Mark Thompson. In December 2011, Thompson, who had served as director of the BBC for eight years, claimed he knew nothing about the decision by the BBC to kill a "Newsnight" segment exposing the pedophile activities of longtime BBC celebrity TV host Jimmy Savile. The pedophile ring extended to other BBC celebrities, as well as into government and royal circles. Thompson claimed he knew nothing about the decision to spike the investigation of Savile and in September 2012 threatened to sue The Sunday Times for planning to report that Thompson was involved in the decision to kill the "Newsnight" segment. With Thompson, who has been mired in a controversy about his own cover-up of a major pedophile scandal in Britain, at The New York Times, the paper will have to take major steps to convince its readership that it is not putting the reins on its Connecticut suburban reporters and New York-based investigative staff and limiting the reporting on the pedophile connections to the Sandy Hook massacre.
MindWar and the tragedy in Newtown By John Phillips
MindWar and the tragedy in Newtown By John Phillips "At the close of the invective against the religious leaders (Matthew 23) he again outlined this historical process, in which the ruling class of the past had always silenced the living voice of God, but managed to utilize them posthumously among the decorative elements and authorities of religion. He Warns his own generation that they were on the point of repeating this sin by persecuting the new prophets whom he would send. Thereby they would prove that they were "sons of them that slew the prophets"; they would "fill up the measure of their fathers"; and would bring upon themselves "all the righteous blood shed on earth." You reap what you sew, and the Newtown tragedy is another in a line of national tragedies that are a direct result of the poor quality of information that is available to individuals and the public at large. While it is with good hearts we hear a desperate cry for gun control, we as a Nation still fail to ask the difficult questions? In the 1950’s and 1960’s access to firearms was significantly easier than it is today, and there was not an epidemic of school violence. What changed in the minds of individuals that mass homicide became an acceptable means of ending one’s own psychological despair? In his 1950 book, The Human Use of Human Beings, Nobert Weiner, an MIT scientist laid the foundation for the “Age of Information”. Weiner believed that the future of the human race was dependent on the quality of information available to society. Weiner found communications to be at the heart of man’s inner life, and that Human Beings only through proper information (education) were guided to distinguish the difference between right and wrong. Understanding how the universe functions and progresses, is therefore a battle between information and disinformation. Information in this scientific model is the key to salvation. The Truth Shall Set Us Free. Weiner went on to discuss the scientist’s role in mankind’s battle against disorganization. The scientist is always working to discover the order and organization of the universe, and thus is playing a game against the arch enemy, disorganization. Is this devil Manichaean or Augustinian? Is it a contrary force opposed to order or is it the very absence of order itself? Weiner concludes that the world is not inherently evil, and scientists can find solutions to our common problems as human beings, but only through correct information. He believed that to fight and abolish disorganization and disinformation, one had to understand the true nature of the beast, we were all struggling to defeat. “The difference between these two sorts of demons will make itself apparent in the tactics to be used against them. The Manichaean devil is an opponent like any other opponent, who is determined on victory and will use any trick of craftiness or dissimulation to obtain victory. In particular, he will keep his policy of confusion secret, and if we show any signs of beginning to discover his policy, he will change it in order to keep us in the dark. On the other hand, the Augustinian devil, which is not a power of itself, but the measure of our own weakness, may require our full resources to uncover, but when we have uncovered it, we have a certain sense exorcised it and it will nor alter its policy on a matter already decided with mere intention of confounding us further.” The Augustinian Devil could be understood in accordance with Newtown’s 2cd law of thermodynamic which stated that things in nature tend to decay, as the world is in a state of entropy. Weiner however felt that with science’s help, we could win the war against disorganization and entropy setting the stage for mankind’s entry in the era of perpetual peace. Weiner saw the greater battle ahead with the Manichaean Devil who would use any means to achieve victory in battle, his main weapon confusion and dis-information. As to the nature of the universe, “Weiner cites the Einstein's aphorism, "The Lord is subtle, but he isn't simply mean." “The scientist who looks for a positive force determined to confuse us in the universe which he is investigating is wasting his time. Nature offers resistance to decoding, but it does not show ingenuity in its finding new and undecipherable methods for jamming our communications with the outer world.” Weiner’s view of two distinct types of evil is important because he recognized as early as 1950 that scientists were winning the battle against the Augustinian Devil, but was still unable to confront the real threat to society the Manichaean Devil. In 1980 as Ronald Reagan ushered in the era of greed is good, Major Michael Aquino wrote under the direction of Paul Valley, Army commander of the 7th Psychological Operation Group in San Francisco, a paper called “From PSYOP to Mind War: The Psychology of Victory”. Michael Aquino proposes that the concepts of Psychological Operation (PSYOP) are outdated, and that we need a new way to explain how the military can use psychological warfare to achieve their goals. Aquino states: “So let us begin with the simple name change. We shall rid ourselves of the self-conscious, almost “embarrassed” concept of “psychological operations”. In its place we shall createMindWar. The term is harsh and fear inspiring, so it should be: It is a term of attack and victory- not one of the rationalizations and coaxing and conciliation. The enemy may be offended by it: that is quite right as long as he is defeated by it. A definition is offered: MindWar is the deliberate, aggressive convincing of all participants in a war that we will win that war.” I would like to suggest that the tragedy in Newtown is a direct result of the psychological operations that were put in place by military planners, to change American culture to accept the idea that War, any War supported by our military, benefits our country and to condition the American public that violence with a purpose in not only necessary put the preferred way to create peace. In 1976 during the Church Committee Congressional investigation into abuses within the military and intelligence community, the public discovered that a CIA project originally called Bluebird sought to learn how to control both individual behavior and to influence culture as a whole. The creation of a Manchurian Candidate whose behavior could be controlled was the ultimate goal of this research. Scientists associated with the project have admitted that they succeeded in their goals by the mid 1950’s. All government agencies were ordered to stop research on individuals who had sometimes become unwitting victims, in a research program the violated all the provisions for human research laid out at the Nuremburg Trials. CIA Director William Colby had ordered the destruction of many of the documents related to this research, and unfortunately the Church Committee really only got a small glimpse of the program that victimized 1000’s of individuals under the cover of “scientific research.” More importantly the Church Committee failed, because it chose not to reveal to the public any information concerning the CIA agencies attempt to influence “American Culture.” To control the public discourse the CIA felt it needed to control and manipulate culture so they could accomplish their goals. While all the agencies involved in violating the Nuremburg Treaty told the Congressional Committee that all research in this area had been stopped, there is irrefutable evidence that both the program to control individuals behavior and culture at large have continued. At the heart of this research lays the Devil, and until we as a society decide to seize the power of communication away from the Devil, these tragedies will not only continue but intensify. How did individual behavior change in desperate young adults? Because their education taught them that mass killing was OK, justifiable, a good way out of distress. The MindWar was alive and well, the military was succeeding in their objectives. One of the first goals of the Reagan Administration was to introduce nation wide drug education called the Dare program. Dare to resist drugs. Police officers were brought into the schools to educate young people about the dangers of illegal drugs, and students were taught to stay away from and keep in “Isolation” any individuals associated with “Drug Culture”. As one would suspect as this program evolved, isolated groups of individuals did evolve in many of our schools, this eventually became known as the “Goth Movement.” The trench coat mafias as they came to be known have been involved in countless school shootings. While the Goth movement took on a life of its own as more and more individuals felt isolated from their classmates and society at large, its philosophical origins can be traced to the Thule Society in Germany that taught that self-indulgence was the key to enlightenment, and that the Devil or the King of Darkness was the path to salvation. This philosophy slowly made its way to the Untied States in the early 1900 through the writing of Aleister Crowley who stated “That religion they call Christianity; the devil they honor they call God. I accept these definitions, as a poet must do, if he is to be at all intelligible to his age, and it is their God and their religion that I hate and will destroy” (Crowley, The World’s Tragedy, p. xxx). Crowley who worked for MI-5 the British Intelligence Agency, and claimed to have been a consultant for Adolph Hitler who was obessed with “Thule Philosophy” that theorized that “White Men” were the lost tribe of Israel, and destined to rule the world. As the “New Age” movement sprang into popular culture in California in the early 1960’s, Crowley’s work was promoted by Anton LeVey who was the founder of the “Church of Satan” in 1966. Michael Aquino, the author of MindWar, was an active disciple of the Church of Satan and later went on to found his own cult called “The Temple of Set.” If you want to know if MindWar is still alive and well, at the recent MTV music awards the MC encouraged all those in the audience to give and the sign of the devil and worship Satan to which he got an enthusiast response. If Norbert Weiner were alive today, he would surely tell us that society was losing its battle with the Manichean Devil. So if I could be so bold, let us as a nation set the table for the Manichean Devil for a last supper. While the DARE education program claims to have started in the early 1980’s, the first DARE program began in Laguna Beach California in the mid 1960’s during an era when the military dominated the field of psychological research. A major goal of the program was to teach children how important they were as individuals and to focus on their individual being”. This was the first step into a culture that focused on self indulgence: the same philosophy of the Crowley/LeVey/Aquino Legacy. Self Indulgenent people are model citizens for a consumer oriented society, useless eaters as Henry Kissinger was fond of calling them. As I said at the onset, you reap what you have sewn and until we as a nation have the fortitude and strength to address the issue of information, and how and why it is provided for our children, we will continue our plunge into the abyss. Isolation was a key goal of the program to create a Manchurian Candidate, and as the media fanned the flames of anti-drug hysteria, a significant number of young people sought comfort in Goth Culture whose philosophy was being pushed by the the liberal wing of the Military Industrial Complex, Hollywood. When the US Army was questioned about Aquino’s involvement in Satanic Worship, they stated that this was an issue of “Religious Freedom”. In retrospect it looks like a deliberate attempt to influence culture. At what cost and to whose benefit? While the Reagan administration attempted to re-educate an entire generation about the dangers of illegal drugs, it lifted the ban on advertising for pharmaceutical drugs. While our children were being told at school that drugs were bad, a wave of advertising swept America telling them that taking pills was the answer for anything that ailed them. Drug use for Mental Health related issues reached epidemic proportion, as an increasing numbers of young adults were diagnosised with mental illness, and given drugs to cure their dis-ease. It is estimated that 25% of the children in the United States are now on psychiatric medication. As profits from psychiatric drugs soared, standards for scientific research diminished as Corporate Scientists took over the Food and Drug administration that turned a blind eye to a long history of abuse by the pharmaceutical industry relating to the sale and distribution of drugs: Profits before People: Medicine with no soul. Since President Clinton took office in 1992, there have been 68 school related homicides and mass killings. All the shooters shared one disturbing fact in common; they were all taking Psychiatric Drugs. While the media hides behind the veil of Doctor patient confidentiality, regarding our most recent shootings at the movie theatre in Aurora Colorado, and in Newtown Connecticut, we can rest assured that over use of pharmaceutical drugs by an industry out of control is one of the major changes that has taken place in the last 32 years. Let’s face it, drugging are children is more cost effective than comprehensive treatment, or education for that matter. In summer of 2010, Dr. Yolande Lucire, an Australian bio-psychiatrist, published a startling research paper about the cause of pharmaceutical drug induced violence. Dr. Lucire had been working as a prison psychiatrist and began to recognize that many of the inmates with histories of violence that she was treating had been on the same types of medications. Dr. Lucire began to wonder if a genetic malfunction that prevented individuals from being able to metabolize drugs was responsible for their violent behavior. What Lucire discovered is that a significant number of her patients with a history of violence had a genetic defect that did not allow them to metabolize psychiatric drugs. If a person can not metabolize a drug with each dose, the amount of drug in a person’s system builds up until it drives them crazy. It is believed that as much as 10% of the US population may have this particular genetic flaw. This research implies that the pharmaceutical industry is partly responsible for the growing problem of mass homicide. The fact that the US pharmaceutical industry has failed to warn Doctors and the public at large about this discovery has both Civil and Criminal implications for all deaths caused by individuals who were taking psychiatric drugs since the publication of this research. It is time for us to closely examine how we educate our children, and the role that the abundance of information available to our youth through the corporately controlled media has on their perceptions of reality. One does not have to look too closely at American Culture to realize that our children have been robbed of their childhoods, by a media machine that insists on putting profits before children. While controlling the number of guns on our streets may have a minimal impact on the safety of our children, until we address the impact of the military industrial complex on the minds and soul of our children, we will live in a country that worships the Manichean Devil. Many believe that eliminating prayer in our public schools has led to the moral corruption of our youth, without first asking how the United States Army division of Psychological Warfare became actively involved in promoting Satan Worship among our youth? You reap what you sewn, when you condition a certain subset of children to worship the devil, train them in the video arcade to kill without remorse, and then drug them because they have abnormal behavior, you set the stage for National Tragedy.
Sandy Hook Pedophilia Connections top
• Aangirfan
• • PressTV Gordon Duff
• Snopes LIBOR connection is mistaken
• SuspiciousDeaths Colby, Marley, cancer, toe • TheAtlanticWire
Sandy Hook Disinformation -- LIBOR, more top
• Aangirfan
• • Examiner LIBOR story remains as of Dec 17, 2012
• Inquisitr Rumors (LIBOR) like this may seem harmless, but in actuality, can cause very real anguish for the families of those involved in the Newtown shootings but also have Infowars video 2nd, 3rd shooters, handcuffed, on the ground (Inforwars)
• PressTV Gordon Duff
• Snopes LIBOR connection is mistaken
• Storify Libor Jany Twitter coverage • ShortLittleRebel One Christian's Conservative Take on Politics I believe this was a PLANNED event- specifically to get the UN Small Arms Treaty signed. and has not retracted LIBOR testify statements.
• TheAtlanticWire
• Business Insider no LIBOR info
WMR Another institution engulfed in pedophilia scandal: BBC Jimmy Savile
October 24-25, 2012 -- Update 1x. Another institution engulfed in pedophilia scandal First it was the Catholic Church, then Penn State, followed by the Boy Scouts that were swamped in major pedophilia scandals. Now, it is the venerable British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) -- the Beeb -- that finds itself at the center of a major pedophile scandal involving the late children's and teen show star Jimmy Savile. Savile, who entertained children and teens as the host of the BBC teen music program "Top of the Pops" and the children's "make a wish come true" program, "Jim'll Fix It," is believed by police to have sexually abused some 200 male and female underage children and teens. After the BBC's rival, ITV, recently ran an expose on Savile's sexual abuse activities at the BBC, it emerged that last year the BBC spiked a similar documentary that was to run on its Newsnight program due to pressure from senior BBC officials. The interference of senior network officials in spiking stories on pedophilia involving the network or its parent company is nothing new. In 1998, ABC killed a 20/20 story about pedophiles employed by Disney World because of pressure exerted by Michael Eisner, the CEO of Disney Corporation, which owned and continues to own ABC. The U.S. news media has been strangely quiet on the unfolding BBC pedophilia story. However, the connections between the BBC scandal and the U.S. media are only beginning to emerge. Mark Thompson, who was the Director General of the BBC when the Newsnight story was spiked, is slated to become the CEO of The New York Times Company next month. Thompson is already dodging questions about his role in spiking the Newsnight story. Another BBC director general, Greg Dyke, said mistakes were made in handling the Savile case.The involvement of The New York Times in the emerging scandal may be one reason why the U.S. corporate media has been downplaying the Savile story. U.S. coverage of the BBC scandal is disproportionately less than the coverage the British media gave to the Jerry Sandusky/Penn State pedophile story. BBC Director General George Entwistle has asked Newsnight editor Peter Rippon to step aside as the investigation of the spiking incident takes place. Tory MP Ann Main has tabled a motion before the House of Commons that would have the Leveson Inquiry, which is investigating the phone hacking scandal involving Rupert Murdoch's Newscorp news entities being extended to the BBC. If the soft ball questions lobbed by Lord Leveson to Prime Minister David Cameron, and former Prime Minister Tony Blair and Gordon Brown are any indication, Leveson will sure to avoid anything that could be embarrassing to former Tory Prime Minsters like Heath and Thatcher. There is also emerging evidence that Savile could not have gotten away with his serial predatory activities had he not had the assistance of others, including senior BBC personnel, as well as senior government officials, in perpetrating his crimes for such a long period of time. Savile had not only been knighted by the Queen but he was closely linked politically to a number of Tory political leaders, including Prime Ministers Ted Heath and Margaret Thatcher. It is being alleged that a former British Prime Minister set the ground for child pornography from abroad to be smuggled into Britain for the use of a powerful pedophile ring of which the Prime Minister, Savile, Glitter, and others were members. Lord Patten, the former chairman of the Conservative Party, as well as the last Governor of Hong Kong and the one-time EU Commissioner for External Relations, is the chairman of the BBC. Patten is already coming under fire for having a major conflict-of-interest in covering up the possible involvement of a former Tory Prime Minister, said to be Heath, in a major pedophile ring. Savile's BBC programs ran on the network from 1959 through the 1980s and some of the sexual abuse reportedly took place at BBC studios and corporate offices. Savile, who was knighted by the Queen for his charitable work for children, openly sympathized with British rock star Gary Glitter, aka Paul Gadd, who was convicted in Britain in 1999 for possession of child pornography and convicted and jailed in Vietnam in 2006 for engaging in sexual acts with minors. It has now been alleged by a former pupil of a boarding school for emotionally-distressed children in Surrey, where Savile is said to have procured young girls for sex, that Savile sexually molested a 14-year old girl in his BBC dressing room while Glitter raped a 13-year old girl. A third well-known BBC celebrity was said to have been present during the activity. In 2007, Savile was interviewed "under caution" by police who were involving a 1970s sexual assault of a minor at the Duncroft Approved School for Girls in Surrey, which is now closed. The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) said there was insufficient evidence in the case and no charges against Savile or anyone else were brought. Savile is said to have preyed on children, particularly boys, at the Haut de La Garenne orphanage on the island of Jersey and at the children's wards of Mandeville Hospital near Aylesbury, Broadmoor Hospital in Berkshire, and Leeds General Infirmary in Leeds. Police are following more than 400 leads in their multi-jurisdictional investigation of Savile that has already identified over 200 witnesses, many of them abused children who are now adults. However, there are also a belief that the British police and other law enforcement agencies cannot be fully trusted to investigate the growing pedophile scandal that is said to reach into the upper echelons of the Conservative Party, the media, and even Buckingham Palace. U.S. journalist Leah McGrath Goodman was recently barred from entering the United Kingdom and Jersey because of her investigation of sexual abuse at the Haut de La Garenne children's home in Jersey. Jersey official barred Goodman because she did not possess a valid "writer's visa." However, such visas do not even exist in Jersey. BBC Jersey took part in the cover-up of the pedophile scandal on the island that was said to involve sex tourists like Savile and high-level government officials on the island. In 2008, the States of Jersey Police dropped an investigation of an indecent sexual assault by Savile at the Jersey home in the 1970s due to "lack of evidence." In 2009, the CPS dropped another investigation against Savile. Victims of Savile are now stating that the BBC pedophile was very organized. Demands that Savile be stripped of his Order of the British Empire (OBE) knighthood have fell on deaf ears at Buckingham Palace, which maintains that upon death, a knighthood merely ceases to exist and no formal stripping of the honors is necessary. Update 1x. The Independent reported on October 24, 2012, that Savile's pedophilia also extended into pedo-necrophilia. Paul Gambaccini, who worked with Savile as a DJ on BBC Radio 1 in 1983, alleges that Savile had sex with the corpses of deceased minors. Gambaccini termed the corpses "underaged subnormals.” The mere fact that The New York Times would hire as its CEO someone who may have covered up such grotesque behavior by the BBC calls into question the judgment of the newspaper and its qualifications to honestly and independently report on the news.
and BBC The BBC's Tim Reid said police have confirmed they "have today arrested a man in his 60s in connection with the investigation" Continue reading the main story Related Stories Patten seeks Savile probe 'truth' Savile's Glencoe home vandalised Former pop star Gary Glitter has been arrested on suspicion of sex offences by police investigating Jimmy Savile abuse claims. He has been taken from his home into custody at a London police station. Glitter, 68, whose real name is Paul Gadd, was jailed in Vietnam in 2006 for child sex offences. Police are investigating allegations the late TV presenter Savile sexually abused some 300 young people over a 40-year period. Met Police confirmed officers from Operation Yewtree had "arrested a man in his 60s in connection with the investigation". "The man, from London, was arrested at approximately 0715 on suspicion of sexual offences. The individual falls under the strand of the investigation we have termed 'Savile and others'." Scotland Yard has said it is following about 400 lines of inquiry as part of the operation - which is looking into claims Savile, who died last year aged 84, abused hundreds of young girls and some boys. Police described former BBC DJ Savile as a "predatory sex offender". Karin Ward - a former pupil at Duncroft approved school for girls in Surrey - told the BBC she had once seen singer Glitter having sex with a schoolgirl in Savile's dressing room at the BBC. Glitter has denied the allegations.
WMR The corporate media and the global pedophile ring cover-up The New York Times and The Washington Post
October 26-28, 2012 -- The corporate media and the global pedophile ring cover-up The New York Times and The Washington Post carried a double-barrel blast against China this past week. The Times's report, based on documents handed over to the paper, castigates the immense wealth built up by the family of Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao, including his 90-year old mother, Yang Zhiyun, a retired school teacher. The Post's report was centered around a complaint from the family of purged Chinese Communist Party leader and his wife, Gu Kailai, convicted of murdering a British businessman, that Bo's family found it difficult to put together a defense team for the ousted leader. Bo, whose business contacts with the GeorgeSoros/Rothschild family and Paul Desmarais clique, had raised hopes among the Western vulture capitalist class that Bo was another Mikhail Gorbachev who would bring about an end to the Chinese Communist Party, is awaiting trial on a series of as yet unknown criminal charges. One of the sons of Bo and Gu is under the virtual protection of the United States government in the Boston area. There is another reason for the Times's and Post's seemingly coordinated attack on China's leadership. China's government has let it be known that it is aware that a number of foreign journalists who were pulled out of Southeast Asia by either their corporations or Central Intelligence Agency interlocutors because of pressure being brought to bear by the governments of Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam on expatriate foreigners that are known to be pedophiles, have re-settled in Beijing. Cambodia gave the boot to a well-known journalist who once worked for Newsweek, Fortune, and UPI and who pedophile activities in Cambodia earned him the enmity of Queen Mother Monineath, the wife of the late King Norodom Sihanouk. The CIA used known pedophiles to run CIA-funded newspapers in Thailand, Cambodia, and Burma. WMR has, in the past, reported extensively on the activities of U.S. diplomat pedophiles in Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Indonesia, Brunei, Philippines, Singapore, and Bangladesh. China is not a friendly terrain for pedophiles for a number of reasons, including a zero tolerance policy of the Chinese government and the fact that China's "one-child" policy means that parents keep a watchful eye on their son or daughter. While in Beijing, WMR learned that pedophile foreign journalists hold positions with a number of Western media outlets and non-governmental organizations connected to George Soros in Beijing and Shanghai. The Times and Post obviously want to shift the scandal involving former BBC children's and teen show star Jimmy Savile and a ring of pedophiles connected to a past Prime Minister, as well as member of the royal family, to China, which is known to be hostile to international pedophiles. By "killing two birds with one stone," the papers want to drive the BBC story off the front pages and turn up the heat on China at the same time. The Post has never recovered from its ignoring the infamous late 1980s call boy scandal involving midnight tours of the White House for underage congressional pages arranged by pedophile official of the Reagan and Bush I administrations. The scandal (Franklin Scandal Omaha) was carried on the front page, above the fold of The Washington Times. It later emerged that the page scandal involved a number of well-known Washington journalists, the main one being former ABC News reporter Craig Spence, who was expelled by the South Vietnamese government ostensibly for black market currency transactions. WMR learned that the Washington Post ignored the scandal because it involved Post employees. A related 1980s pedophile case involving senior military officers and which reached into the Reagan White House was similarly covered up by corporate media owners. Two papers, the Register Guard of Eugene, Oregon and Navy Times, were forced to spike stories in 1984 on a major pedophile ring due to pressure from publishers. When it comes to pedophile rings that involve important people, the corporate media has not shown itself trustworthy to fully cover the stories. Years of evidence against convicted Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky was ignored at the early, mid, and even late stages by the media in Pittsburgh, Harrisburg, and Philadelphia. Incoming New York Times Company president Mark Thompson, who was director general of BBC last December when the BBC program Newsnight spiked an investigative piece on Savile's pedophile escapades while at the BBC, has denied he knew anything about the reasons for canceling the exposé. Thompson claims it was because of a lack of evidence in the case against Savile. It has now been reported that up to 300 underage teens may have been sexually molested by Savile and that the disgraced entertainer, who died last year, was not the only BBC celebrity to engage in such conduct. There have also been charges that Savile molested the corpses of dead children at hospitals where he raised charitable donations. The Times's ombudsman, Margaret Sullivan, asked the following question about her incoming boss in a column this week: "How likely is it that he knew nothing? A director general of a giant media company is something like a newspaper's publisher. Would a publisher be very likely to know if an investigation of one of its own people on sexual abuse charges had been killed?" Times officials, including chairman of the board Arthur "Pinch" Sulzberger, Jr. have rallied to Thompson's defense, which has left the Times' reporting on the BBC scandal lacking in both professionalism and veracity. However, the Times and Post have both found it newsworthy to jump on the China bashing bandwagon whose current band leader is GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney. We'll see whether either paper ever reports on the pedophile ring that has relocated from Southeast Asia to China. Our guess is no because some of the perpetrators' names may have also been found in by-lines from Asia carried by the two newspapers.
Spire Law Group $43 Trillion Bankster LawSuit
PRNewswire NEW YORK, Oct. 25, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Spire Law Group, LLP's national home owners' lawsuit, pending in the venue where the "Banksters" control their $43 trillion racketeering scheme (New York) – known as the largest money laundering and racketeering lawsuit in United States History and identifying $43 trillion ($43,000,000,000,000.00) of laundered money by the "Banksters" and their U.S. racketeering partners and joint venturers – now pinpoints the identities of the key racketeering partners of the "Banksters" located in the highest offices of government and acting for their own self-interests. In connection with the federal lawsuit now impending in the United States District Court in Brooklyn, New York (Case No. 12-cv-04269-JBW-RML) – involving, among other things, a request that the District Court enjoin all mortgage foreclosures by the Banksters nationwide, unless and until the entire $43 trillion is repaid to a court-appointed receiver – Plaintiffs now establish the location of the $43 trillion ($43,000,000,000,000.00) of laundered money in a racketeering enterprise participated in by the following individuals (without limitation): Attorney General Holder acting in his individual capacity, Assistant Attorney General Tony West, the brother in law of Defendant California Attorney General Kamala Harris (both acting in their individual capacities), Jon Corzine (former New Jersey Governor), Robert Rubin (former Treasury Secretary and Bankster), Timothy Geithner, Treasury Secretary (acting in his individual capacity), Vikram Pandit (recently resigned and disgraced Chairman of the Board of Citigroup), Valerie Jarrett (a Senior White House Advisor), Anita Dunn (a former "communications director" for the Obama Administration), Robert Bauer (husband of Anita Dunn and Chief Legal Counsel for the Obama Re-election Campaign), as well as the "Banksters" themselves, and their affiliates and conduits. The lawsuit alleges serial violations of the United States Patriot Act, the Policy of Embargo Against Iran and Countries Hostile to the Foreign Policy of the United States, and the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (commonly known as the RICO statute) and other State and Federal laws. In the District Court lawsuit, Spire Law Group, LLP -- on behalf of home owner across the Country and New York taxpayers, as well as under other taxpayer recompense laws -- has expanded its mass tort action into federal court in Brooklyn, New York, seeking to halt all foreclosures nationwide pending the return of the $43 trillion ($43,000,000,000.00) by the "Banksters" and their co-conspirators, seeking an audit of the Fed and audits of all the "bailout programs" by an independent receiver such as Neil Barofsky, former Inspector General of the TARP program who has stated that none of the TARP money and other "bailout money" advanced from the Treasury has ever been repaid despite protestations to the contrary by the Defendants as well as similar protestations by President Obama and the Obama Administration both publicly on national television and more privately to the United States Congress. Because the Obama Administration has failed to pursue any of the "Banksters" criminally, and indeed is actively borrowing monies for Mr. Obama's campaign from these same "Banksters" to finance its political aspirations, the national group of plaintiff home owners has been forced to now expand its lawsuit to include racketeering, money laundering and intentional violations of the Iranian Nations Sanctions and Embargo Act by the national banks included among the "Bankster" Defendants. The complaint – which has now been fully served on thousands of the "Banksters and their Co-Conspirators" – makes it irrefutable that the epicenter of this laundering and racketeering enterprise has been and continues to be Wall Street and continues to involve the very "Banksters" located there who have repeatedly asked in the past to be "bailed out" and to be "bailed out" in the future. The Havens for the money laundering schemes – and certain of the names and places of these entities – are located in such venues as Switzerland, the Isle of Man, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Cypress and entities controlled by governments adverse to the interests of the United States Sanctions and Embargo Act against Iran, and are also identified in both the United Nations and the U.S. Senate's recent reports on international money laundering. Many of these entities have already been personally served with summons and process of the complaint during the last six months. It is now beyond dispute that, while the Obama Administration was publicly encouraging loan modifications for home owners by "Banksters", it was privately ratifying the formation of these shell companies in violation of the United States Patriot Act, and State and Federal law. The case further alleges that through these obscure foreign companies, Bank of America, J.P. Morgan, Wells Fargo Bank, Citibank, Citigroup, One West Bank, and numerous other federally chartered banks stole trillions of dollars of home owners' and taxpayers' money during the last decade and then laundered it through offshore companies. This District Court Complaint – maintained by Spire Law Group, LLP -- is the only lawsuit in the world listing as Defendants the Banksters, let alone serving all of such Banksters with legal process and therefore forcing them to finally answer the charges in court. Neither the Securities and Exchange Commission, nor the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, nor the Office of the Attorney General, nor any State Attorney General has sued the Banksters and thereby legally chased them worldwide to recover-back the $43 trillion ($43,000,000,000,000.00) and other lawful damages, injunctive relief and other legal remedies. James N. Fiedler, Managing Partner of Spire Law Group, LLP, stated: "It is hard for me to believe as a 47-year lawyer that our nation's guardians have been unwilling to stop this theft. Spire Law Group, LLP stands for the elimination of corruption and implementation of lawful strategies, and that is what we're doing here. Spire Law Group, LLP's charter is to not allow such corruption to go unanswered." Comments were requested from the Attorney Generals' offices in NY, CA, NV, NH , OH, MA and the White House, but no comment was provided. PR Newswire (http://s.tt/1r0wJ)
Lucia & Leo Krim and NannyMarketWatch Major Banks, Governmental Officials and Their Comrade Capitalists Targets of Spire Law Group, LLP's Racketeering and Money Laundering Lawsuit Seeking Return of $43 Trillion to the United States Treasury ... NEW YORK, Oct. 25, 2012 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Spire Law Group, LLP's national home owners' lawsuit, pending in the venue where the "Banksters" control their $43 trillion racketeering scheme (New York) - known as the largest money laundering and racketeering lawsuit in United States History and identifying $43 trillion ($43,000,000,000,000.00) of laundered money by the "Banksters" and their U.S. racketeering partners and joint venturers - now pinpoints the identities of the key racketeering partners of the "Banksters" located in the highest offices of government and acting for their own self-interests. In connection with the federal lawsuit now impending in the United States District Court in Brooklyn, New York (Case No. 12-cv-04269-JBW-RML) - involving, among other things, a request that the District Court enjoin all mortgage foreclosures by the Banksters nationwide, unless and until the entire $43 trillion is repaid to a court-appointed receiver more and IntelHub CNBC Exec’s Children Murdered, 1 Day After CNBC Reports $43 Trillion Bankster Lawsuit ... and Intelhub and DissidentVoice Who Killed Lucia and Leo Krim? by Moti Nissani / October 2012 and Examiner Money laundering lawsuit against Fed could be tied to Obama staff shakeup ... On Nov. 8, Craig B. Hulet, a well known and highly respected analyst on government policy, terrorism, and international relations, spoke on Coast to Coast AM regarding the growing scandal involving a lawsuit against the Federal Reserve, major banks, and many members of the Bush and Obama administrations. During his one hour interview, Hulet offered the assessment that many members of the Obama cabinet, including Hillary Clinton, Timothy Geithner, and Eric Holder, were resigning their offices due to their potential roles in the TARP money laundering lawsuit. Yet, the whole story on this massive lawsuit is much more complex than what is being reported on the surface. Just hours after the Wall Street Journal issued a press release on the suit, the children of a CNBC producer were found murdered in his home, along with a nanny who reportedly tried to commit suicide. This horrific event took place just hours before or after, CNBC posted the Wall Street Journal story on their website, and interestingly, the story was quickly removed three hours later. However, even the evidence of a murder suicide by the nanny is highly questionable, as the knife wounds inflicted on her were of extreme force, enough to break her neck, and not coinciding with those of a self-inflicted slashing.
NewsFollowUp.com guests: August 2006 Amer Israel Public Affairs Com Chinanet Jiangsu Province Network) Jiangsu, Jiangsu, China, fwbg2bibae01-vlan3501.woo (Wanadoo-portails-bagnolet) France Uninet S.a. De C.v) Distrito Federal, Mexico, Mexico Arabian Advanced Systems) Makkah, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia ip-89-102-144-234.karneval.cz (Karneval Media Brno 3 - Public) Czech Republic Ministerio De Defensa) Spain CBL217-132-82-214.bb.netvision.net.il (Bb-hfa) Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv, Israel Chinanet Shanghai Province Network) Shanghai, Shanghai, China The John D & Catherine T. Macarthur Foundation) Illinois, Chicago mrc210324.mtroyal.ca (Mount Royal College) Alberta, Calgary, Canada gwanc00.legis.state.ak.us (State Of Alaska) Alaska, Anchorage asoc11.soc.mil (Dod Network Information Center) North Carolina, Fayetteville Boehringer Mannheim Gmbh Mannheim) Germany no-dns-yet.demon.co.uk (Midlothian Council) England, London 89-138-110-210.bb.netvision.net.il (Netvision) Israel Camara Oficial De Comercio E Industria Y Navegacion De Valencia) Puerto Plata, Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic China United Telecommunications Corporation) China Continental Teves Ag & Co.ohg) Germany Adamsmith College Fife) United Kingdom biolantro.unipv.it (Universita' Degli Studi Di Pavia) Lombardia, Pavia, Italy Salomon Inc) New York, New York Salomon Inc) Booz Allen And Hamilton) Virginia, Oakton September 2006 Cncgroup Tianjin Province Network) Guangdong, Tianjin, China 82-168-108-209.dsl.ip.tiscali.nl (Tiscali-tdsln) Zuid-holland, The Hague, Netherlands mail.buecherhallen.de (Stiftung Hamburger Oeffentliche Buecherhallen) Hamburg (The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints) Iowa, Ames mm525.acad.cai.cam.ac.uk (University Of Cambridge) England, London sa82d3a79.dhs.state.tx.us (State Of Texas General Services Commission) Texas, gw.reyrey.net (Reynolds And Reynolds)Ohio, Dayton Beijing Language And Culture University) Beijing, Beijing, China Lan Of Rockwell) Zuid-holland, The Hague, Netherlands U.s. Immigration And Naturalization Service) District Of Columbia, Washington Chinanet Jilin Province Network) Jilin, Jilin, China Oriental Cable Network Co. Ltd) Jiangsu, Nanjing, China prm1.azg.nl (Academisch Ziekenhuis Groningen) Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands res00.cip.uni-regensburg.de (Universitaet Regensburg; Rechenzentrum) Bayern, Regensburg, Germany museum10.biol.ucl.ac.uk (University College London) England, London auab-n.auab.aorcentaf.af.mil (Uscentaf/scm) South Carolina, Shaw A F B Amdocs Inc) California, El Dorado Hills cits-bc2.region1.ang.af.mil (Norton Air Force Base) Maryland, Andrews Arlington County Government) Virginia, Falls Church warlock.dstl.gov.uk (Royal Signals And Radar Establishment)England, London sherman.state.gov (U.s. Department Of State) District Of Columbia, Washington unknown (Preston Gates Ellis Llp) Washington, Seattle Ny St. Div. Of Criminal Justice Services) New York, Albany SG800-1830-2.polk.army.mil (Commander Army Information Systems Command) Louisiana, Ft. Polk godzilla.hood.army.mil (1114th Signal Battalion) Texas, Killeen ip12-156-194-3.ita.doc.gov (Doc-international Trade Admin) District Of Columbia, Washington cits-pr.nellis.af.mil (99th Communications Squadron) proxy8.monmouth.army.mil (Usaisc-cecom) New Jersey, Lakewood sgzero.llnl.gov (Lawrence Livermore Laboratory) California, San Francisco citspr.tyndall.af.mil (325cs/scsn) Pennsylvania, West Mifflin Red Del Ministerio De Fomento) Spain legion.dera.gov.uk (Uk Defence Science And Technology Laboratory) United Kingdom net2.dss.mil (Dod Network Information Center) United States techtrack.gov (Gray Hawk Systems/doj-fbi) Virginia, Arlington, web-proxy.beale.af.mil (9th Communications Squadron) California, Beale; U.s. Senate Sergeant At Arms, District of Columbia; pr2.charleston.af.mil (437 Cs/sc) New York, Glen Cove; October 2006: ce.ansbach.army.mil (Hq 5th Signal Command), lak-proxy-02.lackland.af.mil (Air Force Logistics Command), contentengine.eustis.army.mil (Directorate Of Information Management), Rothschild-et-cie-banque Ile-de-france, Paris, asab-n.salem.af.mil (Uscentaf/scm South Carolina, Shaw AFB June - Aug 2007: altaec233.nbcuni.com (Nbc Universal) New York, New York, sc215019.robins.af.mil (78 Cs/scsc), dma-cs-proxy.dm.af.mil(355th Communications Squadron,pomproxy.monterey.army.mil (Presidio Of Monterey, wdcsun17.usdoj.gov (Us Dept Of Justice), gao-ng.gao.gov (U.s. General Accounting Office) Maryland, Upper Marlboro, Maryland, Potomac, cheetah.usafa.hpc.mil (Dod Network Information Center)Ohio, Columbus, wdcsun24.usdoj.gov (Us Dept Of Justice) Maryland, Potomac, The Washington Post- Kaplan Inc) ip68-13-155-193.om.om.cox.net (Cox Communications Inc) Nebraska, Boys Town pc24-27.apg.army.mil (Headquarters Usaaisc) Maryland, Aberdeen hqvf.centcom.mil (U.s. Central Command (uscentcom)) Nebraska, Lincoln, paddy.fnni.net (First National Bank Of Omaha) Nebraska, Omaha, browser.nfib.org (National Federation Of Independence) Tennessee, Brentwood, camac.ci.omaha.ne.us (City Of Omaha - Mis Division) Nebraska, Omaha, wgtroy.hdp.com (Harness Dickey & Pierce P.l.c) Michigan, Troy, wp1.mountainhome.af.mil (366 Cs/scbb), Al Faisaliah Internet Services & Technology) Saudi Arabia Idaho, Gidromachine.Moscow.Access.Comstar.ru (Comstar United Telesystems) Russian Federation, 82-171-171-183.dsl.ip.tiscali.nl(Wol) Zuid-holland, The Hague, Netherlands, Pu-er-si-ma-te-xue-qing-lu) Beijing, Beijing, China, New York, relay1.ucia.gov (Central Intelligence Agency) District of Columbia, esseop02.eop.gov (Fema) Brooklyn, New York, blv-proxy-08.boeing.com (The Boeing Company) Seattle, Washington, eagle1.mcrc.usmc.mil (Usmc Network Operations Center) Georgia, Warner Robins, United States, tiger.usafa.hpc.mil (Dod Network Information Center) Ohio, Columbus, Neda Gostar Saba Data Transfer Company Private Joint Stock) Iran, Islamic Republic of, gate23-quantico.nmci.usmc.mil (Nctc), Viacom Inc, New York, (Carlyle Group) District of Columbia, Radian Group Inc. Kfx Inc Denver Colorado, wakko.whs.mil (The Pentagon) Maryland, Oxon Hill, jacob-ext.edwards.af.mil (Air Force Flight Test Center)
follow up, the act of following up. 2. an action or thing that serves to increase the effectiveness of a previous one, as a second or subsequent letter, phone call, or visit. 3. Also called follow. Journalism. a. a news story providing additional information on a story or article previously published. b. Also called sidebar, supplementary story. a minor news story used to supplement a related story of major importance. Compare feature story (def. 1), human-interest story, shirttail. –adjective 4. designed or serving to follow up, esp. to increase the effectiveness of a previous action: a follow-up interview; a follow-up offer. 5. of or pertaining to action that follows an initial treatment, course of study, etc.: follow-up care for mental patients; a follow-up survey. fol·low –verb (used with object) 1. to come after in sequence, order of time, etc.: The speech follows the dinner. 2. to go or come after; move behind in the same direction: Drive ahead, and I'll follow you. 3. to accept as a guide or leader; accept the authority of or give allegiance to: Many Germans followed Hitler. 4. to conform to, comply with, or act in accordance with; obey: to follow orders; to follow advice. 5. to imitate or copy; use as an exemplar: They follow the latest fads. 6. to move forward along (a road, path, etc.): Follow this road for a mile. 7. to come after as a result or consequence; result from: Reprisals often follow victory. 8. to go after or along with (a person) as companion. 9. to go in pursuit of: to follow an enemy. 10. to try for or attain to: to follow an ideal. 11. to engage in or be concerned with as a pursuit: He followed the sea as his true calling. 12. to watch the movements, progress, or course of: to follow a bird in flight. 13. to watch the development of or keep up with: to follow the news. 14. to keep up with and understand (an argument, story, etc.): Do you follow me? –verb (used without object) 15. to come next after something else in sequence, order of time, etc. 16. to happen or occur after something else; come next as an event: After the defeat great disorder followed. 17. to attend or serve. 18. to go or come after a person or thing in motion. 19. to result as an effect; occur as a consequence: It follows then that he must be innocent. –noun 20. the act of following. 21. Billiards, Pool. follow shot (def. 2). 22. follow-up (def. 3). —Verb phrases23. follow out, to carry to a conclusion; execute: They followed out their orders to the letter. 24. follow through, a. to carry out fully, as a stroke of a club in golf, a racket in tennis, etc. b. to continue an effort, plan, proposal, policy, etc., to its completion. 25. follow up, a. to pursue closely and tenaciously. b. to increase the effectiveness of by further action or repetition. c. to pursue to a solution or conclusion. —Idiom26. follow suit. suit (def. 13). fol·low·a·ble, adjective —Synonyms 3. obey. 4. heed, observe. 8. accompany, attend. 9. pursue, chase; trail, track, trace. 19. arise, proceed. Follow, ensue, result, succeed imply coming after something else, in a natural sequence. Follow is the general word: We must wait to see what follows. A detailed account follows. Ensue implies a logical sequence, what might be expected normally to come after a given act, cause, etc.: When the power lines were cut, a paralysis of transportation ensued. Result emphasizes the connection between a cause or event and its effect, consequence, or outcome: The accident resulted in injuries to those involved. Succeed implies coming after in time, particularly coming into a title, office, etc.: Formerly the oldest son succeeded to his father's title. —Antonyms 1. precede. 2, 3. lead. 4. disregard. 9. flee.
Homeland Security Exercise Evaluation Program (HSEEP) – Newtown CT, 9/22, 9/29, & 10/6/2010 and DProgram Just before Hurricane Sandy, Obama signed executive order merging Homeland Security with private sector to create virtual dictatorship
The HSEEP Training Course
Exercise Evaluation Guides (EEGs)
Sep 22, 2010
Homeland Security Exercise Evaluation Program (HSEEP) – Newtown CT, 9/22, 9/29, & 10/6/2010
The HSEEP Training Course
The HSEEP Training Course incorporates exercise guidance and best practices from the HSEEP Volumes. Throughout the course, participants will learn about exercise-related topics including program management, design and development, conduct, evaluation, and improvement planning.
The HSEEP Training Course is an interactive course that allows participants to share personal lessons learned and best practices while gaining practical experience. In addition to the instructor-led course presentations, the course includes small group activities, videos, and group discussions. The course also provides overviews of HSEEP-related initiatives such as technology (e.g., the HSEEP Toolkit) and capabilities-based planning (e.g., Target Capabilities List TCL]). This blended approach will give participants hands-on experience that readily translates to real-world exercise skills. Activities include creating exercise documentation, conducting exercise planning conferences and briefings, and practicing exercise evaluation.
The course has been developed by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) using input from Federal partners, subject matter experts (SMEs), and State and local representatives. HSEEP is a capabilities-based exercise program that includes a cycle, mix, and range of exercise activities of varying degrees of complexity and interaction. The purpose of HSEEP is to build self-sustaining exercise programs and provide a standardized methodology for designing, developing, conducting, and evaluating all exercises.
Participant Preparation
Participants need a basic knowledge of exercise design and HSEEP terminology. Therefore, participants are required to complete Independent Study (IS)-120.A, An Introduction to Exercises, before attending the HSEEP Training Course. The IS course takes approximately 3 to 5 hours to complete. To complete this requirement, follow these steps: Go to training.fema.gov/EMIWeb/IS/IS120A.asp and select “Interactive Web-based Course”. After completing the modules, select “Take Final Exam”. Obtain proof of completion of the course.
Additionally, the HSEEP Training Course will briefly cover other DHS initiatives. As such, it is recommended that participants complete the following IS courses: IS-130, Exercise Evaluation and Improvement Planning IS-139, Exercise Design IS-700, NIMS, An Introduction IS-800.B, National Response Framework, An Introduction
The course will be held at the Sandy Hook Fire Department, address below.
Location: 18 Riverside Road, Sandy Hook CT
This event is 37 miles from you (06106).
Business Insider Police Audio Raises The Possibility There Were Multiple Shooters In The 'Dark Knight' Massacre
Police Audio Raises The Possibility There Were Multiple Shooters In The 'Dark Knight' Massacre Michael Kelley | Aug. 7, 2012, 5:51 PM AP At a July 20 press conference Aurora police Chief Dan Oates said investigators were confident that James Holmes acted alone in the largest mass shooting in U.S. history by casualties and that authorities were "not looking for any other suspects." But doubters are citing official evidence to question that Holmes was the only shooter, or a shooter at all. The argument of the skeptics can be split into three categories: the discovery of Holmes, the real-time testimony on police radio transmissions and the extra evidence at the scene. The discovery of Holmes During the press conference, Oates said that Holmes was "apprehended outside his White Hyundai parked in the back of the theater" and that he "surrendered without any significant incident." According to police radio transmissions (at 6:15), an officer found "a suspect in a gas mask" and another officer asked "Is that the dude in the white car you're by?" After a few transmissions, an officer asks (at 6:49) "That white car in the rear of the lot – is that a suspect?" The response is "Yes! We've got rifles, gas mask, he's detained right now, I've got an open door going into the theater." Skeptics cite this exchange as evidence that Holmes was found in his locked car with a gas mask on and heavily drugged – not outside the car as Oates said – which would have forced first responders to break the passenger side window and get a white stretcher board in preparation to transport him. The police radio transmissions We've reported on the eye witness report from Corbin Dates, who said that it looked as if someone in the theater took a phone call by the emergency door and pried it open while "looking for somebody to come his way." Another witness told a reporter: "From what we saw he wasn't alone ... because the second can of tear gas didn't come from his side." Skeptics highlight that police radio transmissions seem to corroborate those accounts: Three minutes after Holmes was supposedly detained in/by his car, an officer says (at 9:58): "One of the shooters might be wearing a white and blue plaid shirt" and the dispatcher responds "Copy, outstanding shooter possibly wearing a white and blue plaid shirt." An officer says (at 11:43): "The suspect is saying that he's the only one but I'm getting conflicting suspect descriptions from the witnesses out here." Then, the dispatcher receives several updates (at 24:42) and says: "Copy, all units ... male with a red backpack and another one possibly in black clothing headed toward Alameda" Avenue. Subsequently an officer says (at 25:00): "Suspect is going to be male, unknown race, black camo-type outfit, believed to be wearing a vest, gas mask and multiple long guns." That update is reiterated by another officer at 31:15. Even after 45 more minutes pass – making it more than an hour after Holmes was detained – the officers still mention other potential shooters:1:16:16: Officer: "Talking to people making statements, sounds like we have possibly 2 shooters, one that was in Theater 8 seated, another one that came in from the outside into Theater 9. Sounds like it was a coordinated attack." 1:16:55: Dispatch: "Every unit, possible 2nd shooter still at large... Keep the media away from them." 1:31:27: Dispatch: Again, no witnesses are to be released, even if they've been spoken to." Getty The trail of blood leading toward (as opposed to away from) the emergency exit of Theater 9 is currently unexplained. The extra evidence outside the theater There has not yet been an official explanation of the orange duffel bag, gas can and ballistic gear found at a different part of the parking lot than the ballistic gear found near Holmes' car. And although authorities say they found a 100-round, drum-style ammo clip in the rifle used by Holmes, skeptics note that the rifle found outside of the Theater 9 emergency exit appears to have a normal clip. Another puzzling piece of evidence if Holmes was the only shooter is the second gas mask found at the far end of the parking lot, hundreds of feet from Theater 9's emergency exit and Holmes' car. (Holmes was found wearing a different gas mask.) On July 20 Oates said police "immediately arrested the suspect at the back of the theater" 90 seconds after the first 911 call was made, which would make it difficult for Holmes to account for all of the items. All that being said, the Arapahoe County Court judge has granted a request to seal the case against Holmes after the prosecutors argued that disclosing the court records would be "contrary to public interest" and "could jeopardize the ongoing investigation." So we won't be able to compare the skeptical line of thinking with the search warrants, affidavits, orders and case file anytime soon. Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/james-holmes-conspiracy-theories-2012-8#ixzz2HVvtcK91
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