Council of Europe [ intel ChVaTik]

Saw an article randomly that was about " ENGIE Ineo Milestone and Axis upgraded video surveillance systems Council of Europe Strasbourg HQ France" and I had no idea this existed which led me to discover below

Intel  ChVaT

Council of Europe

Palais de l'Europe


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The Council of Europe was founded on 5 May 1949 by ten western and northern European states, with Greece joining three months later, and Iceland,Turkey and West Germany joining the next year. It now has 47 member states, with Montenegro being the latest to join.

Article 4 of the Council of Europe Statute specifies that membership is open to any European country, provided they meet specific democratic and human rights standards. Nearly all European states have acceded to the Council of Europe, with the exception of Belarus, the Vatican City, predominantly Central AsianKazakhstan, as well as some of the states with limited recognition

The new status is called "Partner for democracy" and interested states could obtain it if they commit to embrace the values of the Council of Europe such as pluralist democracy, the rule of law and respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms; to encourage a moratorium on executions and abolish the death penalty; to organize free and fair elections; to become party to the relevant CoE conventions; to utilize the expertize of the Assembly and the Venice Commission in its institutional and legislative work

The newly established "Partner for democracy" status is similar to the co-operation initiatives of other intergovernmental organizations of mostly European states such as the European Neighbourhood Policy of the EU, the partners for co-operation of OSCE, the cooperation with non-member states of NATO.

The national parliaments eligible to request a "Partner for democracy" status are from the following countries:
southern Mediterranean and Middle East participants in the Union for the Mediterranean: Mauritania, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine and maybe Libya

Central Asian participants in the OSCE: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan
other states if the Bureau of the Assembly so decides

As of 2015 the following parliaments have been accorded

"Partner for democracy"

Morocco – June 2011
Palestinian National Council – 4 October 2011
Kyrgyzstan – 8 April 2014

Council of Europe

The Statute of the Council of Europe

(also known as the Treaty of London (1949))

is a treaty that was signed on 5 May 1949, which created the Council of Europe.

The original signatories were Belgium, Denmark, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and the United Kingdom.

A state formally joins the Council of Europe by ratifying the Statute.
As of 2013, it has been ratified or acceded to by 47 European states.

All European states have ratified the Statute with the exception of Belarus and Vatican City (the Holy See).
The treaty was registered with the United Nations with treaty number I:1168, vol.87, page 103.

Its date of registration was 11 April 1951

The Council of Europe is not to be confused with the Council of the European Union (the "Council of Ministers") or the European Council.
These belong to the European Union, which is separate from the Council of Europe, although they have shared the same European flag and anthem since the 1980s since they both work for European integration.
Nor is the Council of Europe to be confused with the European Union itself.
The Council of Europe is an entirely separate body from the European Union. It is not controlled by it.

The Palace of Europe is square in shape, 106 metres on each side, with a height of 38 metres (nine stories).
Its total working area is 64,000 square metres.
It has 17 meeting rooms and a thousand offices for staff of the Council of Europe secretariat.
The exterior of the building is red, silver, and brown.
The Palace of Europe is located in the "European District" of Strasbourg, about two kilometres northeast of the Grande Île.

From the outside, the Palace of Europe resembles a fortress, since the rows of windows are arranged like arrow slits.
The Parliament chamber is covered by a giant dome and resembles an enormous shell.
The first stone of the Palace of Europe was laid on 15 May 1972 by the Swiss politician Pierre Graber.

The building, designed by architect Henry Bernard, was inaugurated on 28 January 1977.
It was built on the site of a tennis court that had been inaugurated in the 1930s and also used to serve as an ice rink in winte
The first assemblies of the Council of Europe used to take place in the stately, 1880s main building of Strasbourg University, the former Kaiser-Wilhelms-Universität.
Between 1950 and 1977, they took place in a provisory concrete building of purely functional architecture, the House of Europe (Maison de l'Europe now is the lawn leading up to the Palace of Europe.
The architect of this building was Bertrand Monne
The Committee of Ministers, normally represented by the Ministers Deputies, meets in a circular room projecting from a corner of the eastern wing of the building.
The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe uses the large debating chamber in the centre of the building, called the Hemicycle, famous for its unusual architecture.
The Congress of the Council of Europe also holds its plenary sessions in the Hemicycle.
The Palace of Europe also accommodates the part of the Council of Europe Secretariat, including the Private Office of the Secretary General of the Council of Europe.

What IF


Helvatica do Security 
Cornerstone laid by a Swissy Politician
Seemingly of no significance

Sending to Sean <>

ENGIE Ineo Milestone and Axis upgraded video surveillance systems Council of Europe Strasbourg HQ France

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Securitas AB is a security services (security guarding and mobile patrolling), monitoring, consulting and investigation group, based in Stockholm, Sweden. The group has over 300,000 employees in 53 countries worldwide. Securitas AB is listed at Nasdaq OMX Stockholm, Large Cap segment.

Securitas AB owns and operates the Swiss security company Protectas AG in Switzerland,where there already existed a security company called Securitas AG,part of the Swiss Securitas Group.

Securitas AG Securitas AG

In 1983, Securitas was sold to the holding company Skrinet, and in 1985, it was acquired by Investment AB Latour, controlled by Gustaf Douglas.

Under the new ownership, the group focused on security, and in 1989, an international expansion began, with acquisitions in Norway, Denmark and Portugal, and establishment in Hungary.

In 1991, Securitas was listed at the Stockholm Stock Exchange. In 1994, the group distributed ASSA AB (acquired in 1988) to its shareholders.

Throughout the 1990s, foreign acquisitions were made in eleven European countries and in the United States.

In February 1999, Securitas acquired Pinkerton,and in August 2000, Burns Security, and several regional security companies in the United States.

These acquisitions made Securitas one of the largest security companies in the world. In 2001, a new organization took effect, with five business areas according to types of services offered, and Loomis Fargo & Company was acquired.

In 2003, the group's security services in the United States were integrated under the Securitas brand, and the group's cash handling services were completely divisionalized, with a joint management for U.S. and European operations.

In 2006, the divisions Securitas Systems (alarm, monitoring, and access control systems), and Securitas Direct (solutions for homes and small businesses) were distributed to the group's shareholders and listed at the Stockholm Stock Exchange.

In the same year, the divisions Mobile (small and medium-sized customers), and Alert Services (electronic surveillance of homes and businesses) were created (as of 2007 constituting the business segment Mobile and Monitoring).

Securitas Direct was later renamed to Verisure in all countries except Spain and Portugal.

In November 2007, the United Kingdom cash handling services of the division Loomis were sold to Vaultex Ltd, owned by HSBC and Barclays.

Securitas began operating in Peru in November 2007.

In 2008, the division Loomis (cash handling) was distributed to the group's shareholders and listed at Nasdaq OMX Stockholm.

In September 2010, Securitas acquired the security-services operations of Reliance Security Group in the United Kingdom.
In November 2011, Securitas acquired Chubb Security Personnel in the United Kingdom

Pinkerton  <<THIS MOB HERE >>>Pinkerton

Government Services, which provides cleared security services to governmental agencies and programs that require a

Department of Defense or Department of Energy security clearance.

This government services division of Securitas became known as Securitas Critical Infrastructure Services.

This division operates both in the United States and worldwide when cleared services are needed overseas. 

In October 2015, Securitas acquired Diebold Incorporated's (NYSE-DBD) Electronic Security business in North America.

Diebold's North American Electronic Security business, based in Green, Ohio, United States, is the third largest commercial electronic security provider in North America.

Diebold's North American Electronic Security business has approximately 1100 employees
The operation includes more than 55 000 monitored customer locations and 200 000 sites service



 European Union Flag - YouTube

The history of the flag goes back to 1955.

Originally, both European symbols, the flag as well as the anthem were created on behalf of the Council of Europe and have been its symbolic companions ever since.

Nowadays, whoever sees the flag with the twelve golden stars on the blue background automatically thinks of the European Union.

Originally, the flag was designed for the Council of Europe in 1955 and has been the organisation’s symbolic companion ever since. The blue background represents the colour of the western skies, the circle of twelve stars stands for the unanimity of Europe’s nations, symbolises the ideals of unity, harmony and perfection, and brings the twelve months of the year and the twelve astrological signs to mind.

The European Anthem

The European Anthem

In 1971, the Council of Europe asked the world-renowned conductor Herbert von Karajan to arrange an instrumental version of the “Ode to Joy” from Ludwig van Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony. The result then became the organisation’s official anthem in 1972.

In 1986, a predecessor of today’s European Union (EU) adopted the anthem upon invitation of the Council of Europe and ever since then it has been played at most of the official ceremonies held in Europe and elsewhere, emphasising European values

12 phases of zodiac PRECESIONAL CYCLE "the great year"
which is show below Templar Cross = 25,920 years

Earth's Precessional Cycle
The Sacred Geometry of Global Change
The Cycle of Earth's Precessional
Cross & the Evolutionary
Cycle of the Soul


The cross in a circle, or some minor variance of this cardinal symbol, is often depicted in ancient esoteric societies, in sacred religious orders of today, in indigenous cultures, and petroglyphs around the globe. This symbol not only represents a fundamental foundation upon which many faiths are built but is also made to remind us, especially in times of darkness, that something profound is to occur for the entire Earth and all of her people. For many, this symbol is a promise of an event leading to the spiritual evolutionary fulfillment of all life. For others it is an opportunity, a portal, to step through.

The cross in a circle is not only a spiritual symbol, but is also the astronomical symbol for our planet Earth. And, the term "Holy Cross" also means "Heavenly Cross"—referring to a cross found in the heavens. The cosmic significance of this symbol is that it marks the timing of a primary transition or turning in the natural evolutionary cycle of the Earth. Hidden within this symbol is an astronomical time-piece found in a specific geometric relationship between Earth, the solar system, and our galaxy—an astrophysical event occurring now, within Earth's ~25,000-year, precessional cycle.

section of the Lunar Planner web site presents the astrophysical geometry creating the "Cycle of Earth's Precessional Cross"; how and when the cross forms; the greater cycle in which it occurs; and the opportunity this event provides for humanity.

"Proceedings of the International Forum on New Science" (IANS), September 1995, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA.
(Erection of the Holy Cross: Astronomical Earth-Grid Spacetime Mapping, by Nick Anthony Fiorenza)

The Construction of Earth's Precessional Cross

The ecliptic plane, also referred to as the "Ecliptic of the Sun," is created by Earth's annual orbit around the Sun. Experientially verified by skywatchers throughout the ages, the ecliptic plane is the most significant in the heavens. It is used to map the relationship between astronomical events and their effects on Earth. This plane, a primary energetic field, is where occurs equinoxes, solstices, solar and lunar eclipses, and all other planetary and stellar alignments that we demonstrably experience in everyday life.

Celestial & Ecliptic Planes

Earth's north and south poles projected into the heavens, the celestial sphere, are called the north celestial pole (NCP) and the south celestial pole (SCP). Earth's equatorial plane, which is of course perpendicular to Earth's pole, projected into the celestial sphere is called the celestial equatorial plane.

Earth's pole is tilted by 23.5° relative to its orbit around the Sun. This means that Earth's pole is tilted relative to the ecliptic plane. This also means that Earth's celestial equatorial plane is also tilted relative to the ecliptic plane. These two intersecting celestial planes create what is called the vernal axis.

Galactic & Ecliptic Planes

Just as Earth nests within our solar system, so too does our solar system nest within the care of our galaxy. The ecliptic plane lies at a 60° angle in our galaxy, tilted and nesting within our galactic plane. The galactic plane is the disc of our whirling galaxy. The galactic plane provides the greater evolutionary context for the incarnating soul participating on Earth's experiential plane.

Celestial, Ecliptic, & Galactic Planes

These three intersecting astrophysical planes, the galactic plane, the ecliptic plane, and the Earth's equatorial plane, all tilted at unique angles to one another, create the geometric orientation of the two intersecting lines or cross members of Earth's Precessional Cross. Due to Earth's precession of the equinoxes, one cross member (the vernal axis) rotates around the ecliptic ring while the other cross member (the galactic equatorial axis) remains stationary—creating the ~25,000-year "Cycle of Earth's Precessional Cross." The timing of this cyclic movement determines when the moving cross member is perpendicular to the stationary one, thus creating the perfect or erect cross. Two erect crosses occur in the cycle, both create primary transition points in the cycle and our evolutionary unfoldment. One cross occurred about 12,000 years ago, the other is the astrophysical event occurring NOW (~2000 AD). The following illustration shows the movement of the vernal axis relative to the fixed galactic axis in the ecliptic ring over the last couple thousand years—the erection of our current Precessional Cross.

Precession of the vernal axis in Earth time to create Earth's Precessional Cross

Spheres of Consciousness

There are three equatorial planes of three rotating astronomical spherical systems responsible for Earth's Precessional Cross. As mentioned, Earth's celestial equatorial plane spins around and is perpendicular to Earth's pole. Similarly, the "ecliptic plane" and the "galactic plane" are also perpendicular to their respective poles. Thus one spherical system (along with their poles and equatorial planes) nests within another system. The Earth's spherical system nests within the solar (ecliptical) system, and the solar system nests within the galactic spherical system. When we recognize these are spherical aspects of one unified cosmic order (intelligence), and that harmonic resonance occurs through the geometric relationship of these spherical systems, we can come to understand how the ever-changing geometric relationship of these spherical systems reveals an evolutionary process occurring in this greater intelligence or consciousness to which we belong.

As Earth's equatorial plane reorients itself relative to the galactic plane during the precessional cycle, so does Earth's pole reorient its angular relationship to the galactic plane. Observing the angular orientation of Earth's pole relative to the galactic plane provides key insight into the nature of Earth's Precessional Cycle and that of the "Evolutionary Cycle of the Soul" collective on Earth.

Earth's Precessional Cycle - Now

Currently, Earth's pole lies over the same ecliptical longitude as the "Gate of Man" (the anti-GEN at 5° sidereal Gemini), which is one of the two nodes of the galactic equatorial axis. Note that the ecliptical longitude of the polar axis is always 90° in ecliptic longitude to the equatorial nodes (vernal axis). Thus, when Earth's North Celestial Pole (NCP) resides at 5° sidereal Gemini, the Vernal Point resides at 5° sidereal Pisces.

Earth's Precessional Cycle Priimodial Origin

If we continue another 90° in the precessional cycle, Earth's NCP moves to 5° sidereal Pisces and the Vernal Point moves to 5° sidereal Sagittarius. Several key things occur at this precessional position. Earth's polar axis lies nearly parallel with the galactic plane. This is significant because Earth's polar axis is submersed in or imbued with the light of the galactic plane. Additionally, Earth's vernal axis becomes one with the galactic equatorial axis in the ecliptic plane; and the Vernal Point nests upon the Gate of God (at 5°sidereal Sag), the primary galactic equatorial node (which is also closest to Galactic Center). Thus, this is the most unified and illumined position for Earth's pole and Earth's magnetic field in the precessional cycle. Earth backbone is at one with the galactic plane (galactic consciousness). It is for this reason that I consider this to be the alpha-omega point (the starting point) in the precessional cycle—with the NCP lying at its Primordial Origin, the primary fiducial in Earth's "Evolutionary Cycle of the Soul."

From here, as we continue in the precessional cycle, Earth's pole lifts itself from its slumber in the plane of galactic light and the vernal axis begins its separation from the galactic equatorial axis—and the cycle of Earth's Precessional Cross begins.

Earth's Precessional Cycle The Fall

As we move another 90° in the precessional cycle, Earth's polar axis aligns with the galactic equatorial axis, with Earth's NCP aligning with the GEN (Gate of God at 5° sidereal Sag), and with the vernal point at 5° sidereal Virgo. Here, the vernal axis lies perpendicular to the galactic equatorial axis creating the "first" erect (90°) cross in Earth's Precessional Cycle. Note also that Earth's polar axis begins to lean away from the galactic plane of light (marking "The Fall" from Unified Awareness), and which begins a 180° (~12,000-year) period of temporal darkness. Thus, "The Fall" occurred about 12000 years ago.

Earth's Precessional Cycle Total Darkness

As we move another 90° in the cycle, as the NCP moves to 5° sidereal Virgo, Earth's polar axis tilts furthest away from the plane of galactic light—the furthest point of separation from Source / unified awareness.

The cross members (vernal axis and galactic equatorial axis) reverse and collapse at this point, with the vernal point on the Gate of Man. Here we are a the midpoint in the 180° period of temporal darkness, which started at the first (90°) cross and which ends at the second (270°) cross. This occurred about 6000 years ago (circa 4000 BC).

Earth's Precessional Cycle and Current Cross

Moving another 90°, we return to the spherical geometry occurring now in precessional cycle, with Earth's pole lying over the "Gate of Man" (the anti-GEN) and the vernal point at the 5°sidereal Pisces, creating the "second" (270°) erect cross in Earth's Precessional Cycle. Notice also that at this point, Earth's pole beings to lean back toward the plane of galactic light—beginning our re-illumination in consciousness—our return to the galactic field of unified awareness.

Thus we are now leaving the last 12,000-year period of temporal darkness and entering a period of re-unification, where we begin to awaken to galactic or unified awareness.

See the Star Chart of the Heavens to see the galactic equator, ecliptic, celestial equator, their poles, and the Primordial Origin as they reside against the stars in the heavens.

See Earth's Precessional Cross Movies for an animation of the above. Videos are available in a variety of sizes. Stereographic videos are also available for an unprecedented 3-d experience. Earth's Precessional Cross Movies were created and graciously provided by Marius Giurgi.

Revelation of Earth's Precessional Cross

The revelation of Earth's Precessional Cross transcends the past and the future, uniting the esoteric teachings of ancient secret religious orders and the quantum science of today's world. Why this cycle, and the erect cross occurring now within it, is of such importance to us all, is found in the quantum principle that matter, energy, and consciousness are aspects of One Unified Creative Intelligence. Cosmic energy is, in fact, "Evolutionary Intelligence" that is responsible for the unfoldment of this Universal Consciousness of which we are intimate parts. Subtle cosmic energy translates from one astronomical system to another through geometric resonance occurring in interacting spherical rotational systems. For this reason, and additional reasons elucidated in this work, it becomes clear that the Earth's Precessional Cross is a primary catalyst for a tremendous acceleration of change on Earth.

As we delve into a deeper exploration of the entire Cycle of Earth's Precessional Cross, we come to see how primary geophysical events are governed by specific transition points, or phase changes, occurring in this Great World Cycle. The Great Flood is but one example. The Great Flood is said to have occurred around the last, but reversed, precessional cross, circa 12,000 years ago, at the time of the end of the last glacial period and transition into our current interglacial period. In this exploration, we can see how this cycle defines the tides of human experience—those that destroy civilizations, as well as those that create cultural renaissance and rebirthings in consciousness. The more we examine this dynamic astrophysical geometry, the easier it becomes to acknowledge it is the underlying timepiece governing our Earthian experience. The phase transitions occurring within the Great World Cycle create an intelligently ordered progression of evolutionary unfoldment in consciousness—an evolutionary spiral supporting the maturing and spiritual fulfillment of incarnating souls. This evolutionary spiral occurs in the relationship of the astrophysical and gravitational vectors that determine our temporal experience as durative and evolving souls participating in the spiritual unfoldment of Divine Intelligence.

About 14,500 years ago (circa 12,500 BCE), Earth's climate began to shift from the cold glacial period to the warmer interglacial (Holocene) period. During this transition, a period called the "Younger Dryas" occurred (named after the flower Dryas Octopetala, which grows in cold conditions). The Younger Dryas demarcates an abrupt pulse where near-glacial temperatures returned, about 13,000 to 11,500 B.P. (circa 11,000 BCE to 9500 BCE). The Younger Dryas was originally hypothesized to have been the result of a temperature phase reversal occurring between the northern and southern hemispheres caused by freshwater pouring into the Arctic and Atlantic oceans as the North American (Laurentide) ice sheet was melting. Ref: NOAA: The Younger Dryas. More recent research suggests this transition was caused by a meteoric impact based on findings that the platinum concentration in the Greenland Ice Sheet increased by about 100 times at time of the Younger Dryas boundary, and that the platinum/iridium and platinum/aluminum ratios were very high, indicating that the platinum probably did not have a terrestrial source. Ref: New evidence that cosmic impact caused Younger Dryas extinctions, 2013. The glacial to interglacial transition and the Younger Dryas correspond to the time of Earth's last Precessional Cross (circa 12,000 years ago (circa 10,000 BCE).

Phase transitions occuring in Earth's Precessional Cycle

Lloyd Pye (1946 – 2013) was a researcher, author, and lecturer, known for his entertaining speaking style and amusing “Southernisms.” His subject areas include Intervention Theory, Hominoids , and human origins.

His most famous book,”Everything You Know Is Wrong”, delves into the incredible array of obscured, forgotten, and even deliberately hidden facts that prove life arrived on Earth from elsewhere…

And the even more incredible story of what happened once it landed here.

Intervention theorists believe that beings [ aka Gods / Pharaoh ./ Anunaki etc ] intervened on Earth, terraforming everything from the planet’s environment to human beings.

lloyd arrived at that radical assumption by analyzing evidence across a wide range of disciplines, trying to scientifically explain the origin of life on Earth.


Lloyd Pye passed away in 2013


Lloyd Pye | Everything You Know Is Wrong



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