For reasons soon to become apparent the following DEMANDS YOUR ATTENTION
Hang on a second there spunky, if we as humans do not develop an immunity in the wild after exposure and I assume also for whatever unlikely reason we travel to a known malaria friendly region, somehow we negotiated at least 2 borders & passport control and agents all without following the usual anti-malarial protocol i.e. a week or two course of over counter tablets such as the infamous and incredibly safe hydroxychloroquine [antiviral / anti-malarial].
How's a vaccine going to create an immunity, that nature and our own immune system hasn't been able to create over Milena of human evolution.
Makes no sense makes no sense using rabies vaccine as a placebo either, because well it's not a placebo is it for a start it's a different vaccine.
Why isn't the control group given an antimalarial ?
That's the real comparison and could have been done easily.
This is great timing though and as I've archived the page I can also say thanks for posting it as it clearly documents the normal process, albeit stupid & bias that biological preparations go through prior to being given a licence for use on humans.
Something NO COVID-19 VAC can claim as a STATUS as they are NOT LICENSED for use in UK
Why ?
Because they couldn't be, as we constantly repeat. These are NEW TECHNOLOGIES no safety data exists, and they have NEVER been used on HUMANS or ANIMALS b4 now.
That's equal to a 100% experimental and unlicensed product which were given an exemption for emergency use and a number of laws were temporarily amended to facilitate this.
That's no longer going to be the scenario soon though as we open up. So we may see Pfizer Moderna AstraZeneca J&J versions replaced by a 2nd gen, who knows what flavour of bonkers is coming up next.
But it will be interesting to see the sheeple reaction to the sooner rather than later update, which must see to it all unlicensed medical biological etc INC COVID-19 vaccines get their emergency status revoked.
This studies a great example of misinformation disinformation and propaganda, the Vax industries top experts here love.
my initial reaction was
go join the army if you wanna play scooby psyop doo
Telling you both now you pull this stunt as a civilian on me without rightful authority in law .I'll fucking despatch you to hell personally cunt Understand
- This is UK Intelligence of some sort
- I don't buy volunteers I'd guess contractors
- like SCL Group or a Psy-Ops version of Executive outcomes
- it's all connected as you can see below
For a builder and psychologist this fags got a lotta free time to "volunteer"I ALSO noticed they were around in summer 2020

Anonymous Reveals Covert UK Special Ops on Hybrid Warfare in EU
Somewhere in all that there is a 'conspiracy watch' mention
guess what ?
BREAKING! The Integrity Initiative, UK Govt Funded Anti-Russia PsyOp, Was Behind The Skripals Case?
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